“Casper pounded my tiny little asshole, he put his yummy doggy cock inside me and bred me”. The sentencing of Annalise H. and the travesty of Room 307 [Fiction, Beast, MF, Mind Control]

`The Right Honourable, Annalise Horton Schuster, an officer of the THIRTY-FOURTH..`

Neither honorable nor right, she blinks. She never really appreciated a sip of cold water but today, her throat couldn’t get any more dryer. The seat makes her back ache, going back to plebeian wood from fine leather would make anybody ache, she says to herself.

“On seven counts of defrauding the state, Ms. Schuster will be required to, in accordance with The Procedure on the Remedy for Malfeasance, be subject to treatment stipulated under Chapter XIII, Section 8.” She gulps.

In the Commune, the only way to become a public official is by being selected by former officials, officials who themselves were selected by their predecessors, who believed that officials that citizens trust must be representative of the Commune’s finest.

You couldn’t buy your way, fuck your way, threaten your way to have the honor of serving citizens of the Commune, you had to work for it. You were appointed based on your skill and acumen. For the fruits of your labor, you have privileges and exemptions, a lavish home and extremely generous pay, your official expenses covered by the taxpayer, and the distinct honor of being a first-class citizen, life couldn’t get better than this. No scandal, no scrutiny, all the space in the world, and a work-life balance that would make some of the wealthiest blush.

But she threw that all away the moment she accepted those wire transfers. Top of her class, she was appointed to Division 34, she was on her way to becoming the division’s top bureaucrat.

*Fuckmeat*, a term she found revolting, doesn’t seem to escape her head. As time eternally seems to slow down she remembers her first briefing, after being taken out of a seemly ordinary room, slightly drowsier than when she entered it, she is told of 307. As insurance, every official is subject to an examination where senior-most officials of Division 0, an organization that until then was a rumor, extract the worst fears out of every recruit and store it in a file.

Those files are stored in cabinets, only to be rendered to Division 0 officials when dealing with Chapter XIII violations. It was a form of punishment that she championed, despite cries from her comrades about its inhumanity, utilizing a person’s worst fears as punishment for violating the trust of the public was too extreme for the crime in question.

She slouches, knowing the contents of Dossier 43A/00/AS02. After all, it bears her name. It hits her. *Fuckslut*. The gavel bangs as she is being escorted away. She knew what was going to happen next, she was briefed about it, she saw it happen to her condemned peers and now it is her turn, after a few medical formalities, the weight of what will happen dawns over her.

A sexually reserved conservative, she finds herself on all fours, an advocate for a return to traditionalism, she is nude and collared, a champion of anthropocentrism, she is never to experience human flesh. She never liked dogs but she not only must now love them but serve them. A form of whore she remarked in an interview as being the lowest form of whore, she finds herself in no time feeling a sharp pain between her legs, then, numbness.

It is installed, her body is no longer consonant with her mind. She feels a small twinge of resistance within her but walking upright seems unnatural, she changed in that split second it took over her. She now likes the cold hard floor, she loves Casper’s thick red cock, she creates a puddle whenever somebody scratches her hair. “Good girl” and the room feels colder, her skin developing goosebumps as she is overrun with lust.

She wants to dry hump a shoe while a Division 0 officer is testing the implant. “Good little doggy”, she humps with nothing more in mind than the desire for release, what she wasn’t told was that release won’t come but she was hopeful. The officer is amused but tells her with mild annoyance, “sit” and she complies. She thought all this would be enough, no more contradictions but she prided herself in her rejection of less but now the man who holds her collar is her former boyfriend, the one she cheated on during her years at the academy.

He was offered a job by the Division, to have her as his pet for seven years, the duration of her sentence, and pay in compensation for taking the responsibility of caring for her, as a dutiful citizen he agreed. She is a pet, subservient to him, while she is still leaking out Casper’s cum a small part of her wished this was all a dream while it replays within her.

Thrusting. All she can experience is warmth and a sense of timelessness as his rocket penetrated her insides, taking her anal virginity while slightly bemused researchers in much warmer rooms take in the sights to help in their self-love session during break hours. Casper being the gentleman licked her thoroughly before having his way with her so when the mild orgasm subsided, she smelled of Casper’s seed and scent.

Spit dripping off her orifices while the room feels even colder as she is lathered and soaking. She hadn’t even been trained yet but she moved into position, realizing that her pleasure is now secondary and that Casper must have uninhibited access to her. Face against the ground, buttocks up and legs sealed, she must worship Casper for every thrust he bothers to disperse to her filthy fuckmeat.

Performing her duty, Casper keeps thrusting his doggy cock as it keeps filling up, increasing in girth as he prepares to knot. She fights the desire to unclasp her thighs but she remembers she must serve doggy cock, she must provide the perfect flower within which Casper can release his precious seed. A breeding bed, her uterus should aim to be, so despite her wishes, she tolerates the increasing size of his knot as he starts thrusting faster. She seems to have forgotten what hole he’s in, he’s not breeding you, silly!

A young researcher who worked on the implant was viewing the spectacle, wishing it was her. She starts rocking her chair but alas, she could only watch. He keeps thrusting as her formerly muted self starts whimpers, “yes!”

The officer signals Casper to stop. He stops.

“No Casper, please breed my filthy shithole, please!” “Casper, please come back” “Master, I’ve offered myself to you, please breed me!”

She has understood that an obedient pet is a vocal pet.

Casper, resume. Casper now aims for her sopping wet cunt without warning and regains rhythm.

“Yes, Casper! Breed me!”


“Casper, don’t stop. Please keep ramming your sinful doggy cock inside my filthy little cunt”

“Master, I wish to be filled with your seed. Yes, yes! Aa-”


“We’re done.” The officer signals Casper, his pet Husky to come along with him, the implant works and his work is done. Her master is handed a manual and the chain that leads to her collar, “Who is a good girl?” “I am a good girl?”, he can’t believe it, the implant works. “Did you do a no-no thing?” “Casper pounded my tiny little asshole and flower, he put his yummy doggy cock inside me and bred me”. “Did you thank Casper for the honour of serving his cock?”, she nods, signaling that she didn’t, hurriedly running towards his canine phallus to thank him.

“Let’s go to the dog park, love. Let me show you how to be a doggy’s bitch, you’ll be silly fuckmeat before you know it”

She gulps. Her final piece of resistance melted away.

As she moves through the halls of Division 0, her peers’ look through one-way mirrors as she moves outwards, her humbling in full display. You’d usually expect some off-hand remark about how hot it is to see dog semen leak out of her vagina but aside from a few wet panties and erections, nobody said a word. One misstep and they could walk down that very aisle and for some, that is exactly what they want.

*This was initially something I was working on as a prompt on DirtyPenPals but I figured, I might as well transform it into a story! Hope you enjoy it, tell me what you think, what would you like to see next?*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/klr51a/casper_pounded_my_tiny_little_asshole_he_put_his

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