My [M][19] best friend [F][19] taught me how to make a girl cum, when she came to sleepover at my house. (PART 2)

****PART 1 is on this sub, find it in my profile****

**Living in the present:**

I would’ve never expected this day at the beach to turn into, what then became, my first sexual experience. By the time she turned me down, my mind was set on forgetting her as a potential romantic partner. During these past months, the passage of time was not on my side and I still felt a huge affection towards her, despite believing my chances to be null. But *au contraire!* As it turns out, we’d been crushing on each other for most of our platonic relationship. They say you miss every shot you don’t take, so after I took my first shot and missed, she found the courage within herself to give it a try, and, with no predictable expectation in her mind, she opened herself to me and confessed her true feelings.

We’d been laying next to each other silently for about a minute now, but on her body were still the vestiges of my orgasm, which she still had to clean. She got up from the bed to wipe herself up with some tissues she had in her bag and asked me if she could use the bathroom before putting my t-shirt back on. I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of her wearing nothing but a t-shirt. I gazed at her, as she was walking out of the bedroom with the underside of her cute butt still peeking out.

**Setting up for the future:**

Once she came back, we both laid in bed again.

“I noticed your neck was very sensitive when I kissed you.”, I told her.

“You’re right, honestly I think I’m just very sensitive all around. But you were also doing a great job of like, teasing me. I was really losing my mind when you were kissing me around my boobs without touching my nipples, and by the time you actually did, my whole body was trembling in ecstasy.”

As she was telling me this, her nipples were noticeably starting to poke through the t-shirt again. Once she finished her last sentence, I approached her and stared her in the eyes as no words were being spoken. She was embarrassed to let me know, but there were enough signs for me to know that she wasn’t done. She wanted more. I sat on my knees and laid on top her once again to kiss her, but this time I was keeping in mind the new information she provided. With our lips and tongue entangled, I reached under her t-shirt and gently pressed my index and middle finger on each side of her areola.

“Fuck, that feels amazing!”, she whispered in between her moans.

I softly moved my fingers in circular motion before pressing my thumb and middle finger together to delicately pinch her nipple, as my index finger lightly rubbed the tip. While moving my lips down to her neck, I could feel her body contracting with every cycle of my finger touching her nipple. Her moans became more prominent and she was struggling to withhold them. In an event my inexperienced mind could never foresee, she arched her back and moaned as she climaxed.

“Did you just… cum?”, I asked in disbelief.

“I… I guess I did, didn’t I? I don’t know, I’ve never had orgasm like this before, but it was really intense!”

As she was telling me this, I was getting off her and I noticed her pussy still contracting. It was leaking a clear fluid that ran through her butthole and made a small wet spot on the sheets. I laid my hand on her pussy as to feel how wet she’d gotten.

“Please be careful! I’m very sensitive right now.”.

I was very eager to taste her wetness so I asked her,

“Can you… teach me how to do oral sex?”

She told me to simply set my lips around her clit and create a light suction, while rubbing my tongue on her clitoris and progressively increasing the intensity. So, I grabbed her legs over my shoulders and dragged her to edge of the bed. I positioned my head right between her legs while still holding them, and I did exactly as she told me. My mind was rushing in that moment as I got to experience her wetness so intimately. She began slowly moving her hips up and down to pleasure herself while I gently played with her clitoris. It wasn’t long before she was zealously grinding to orgasm. She lifted her butt off the bed and squeezed my head between her legs as she reached the apex of her pleasure. By this point she was exhausted, given that it was her third orgasm in a short time span. She closed her eyes and turned to her side to lay in fetal position and said, “Hold me.”.

**Overcoming the past:**

The next morning, we were still in the same spooning position as when we fell asleep. She woke up first and asked me if she could shower. While she was gone, I was laying in bed, thinking back to everything that happened the day before. I got up to prepare a towel for her, given that she’d probably forgotten about it. I brushed my teeth while she showered and gave her a good morning kiss once she was done. She dried her hair with the towel, wrapped herself up and walked with me back to my bedroom. Because I slept on the floor, and to avoid any of us stepping on my round thin gold-colored glasses, I hid them beneath the bed when we first went to “sleep”. So, given how pronounced my myopia is, as soon as we entered the bedroom, I went looking for them. Unexpectedly, this got her very startled, and as if to imply that there was something wrong about looking under my bed, she asked me,

“What are you doing?!”

I looked at her completely perplexed by her question.

“What do you mean? I’m fetching my glasses.”

“Let me pick them up for you.”

She said with an assertive and authoritative tone, hoping to hide her panicked state.

I was still very confused, but obviously something was up. I smiled at her in affirmation and got up.

“Go ahead, you can pick up my glasses”.

As she walked past me, I could discern her feelings of shame and embarrassment.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really, you’re gonna think it’s dumb…”

“It’s okay to be embarrassed. And you know better than to call your feelings dumb. It seems to me, that you do want to open up about it, and I want to reassure you that, no matter what it is, it’s okay. But I’m not going to press you to talk about it, if you don’t want to.”

She was very uncomfortable, but she proceeded,

“I’m just really embarrassed by something.”

I stood in silence and held her hand.

“I hid my panties beneath your bed last night, because they got really wet.”

“I see… so you didn’t want me to notice them, is that it?”

She nodded.

“Did you suppose I’d find them disturbing or disgusting in any way?”.

“It was probably just irrational of me to do that, but the truth is, that’s exactly what my ex used to tell me.”.

*Now* it all made sense. She’d obviously been shamed in the past, which led to her present insecurities.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay if you don’t want me to see them, if that makes you uncomfortable, I won’t do it. But I must tell that your used underwear will never bother me, under any circumstances. I’ll even take some responsibility off of your shoulders and claim full responsibility for making your panties wet.”, I jokingly added.

“Wow, way to pat yourself in the back Mr.”.

She went silent again, and, in what I can only assume was an act of mutual trust she asked,

“Do you want to see them? It’s fine if you don’t want to! I mean, I just thought that maybe, if we’re gonna be more than friends, I might as well just let you see them now instead of hiding myself forever.”

“Of course, I do! My girlfriend’s wet panties? Is there anything hotter in this world?”

She picked them up, as I sat in bed.

“Here.”, she said while already trying to hold back her tears. She sat on my lap, with her head between my shoulder and neck to cry and just held me tightly.

“Thank you for being so supportive.”.

I could feel her tears running down my chest. In spite of this, I feel like it was an immense relief for her and a moment she was in great need for. She held her head back up, wiped the tears off her face to look me in the eyes.

“You mean the world to me right now; I just want us to go all the way this time. I want you to fuck me.”.

We’ll leave it there for now folks, I don’t want to prolong this post with everything that happened afterwards. Part 3, maybe? Nonetheless, thank you so so much for the support on my last post, it was the first story I’ve ever written! I was absolutely baffled by your receptiveness to it ^-^ Also, English is my third language (weird flex, I know), so feel free to let me know if any mistakes stick out.

*Post Scriptum:* Something else I haven’t told you is: she’s got the most forgetful and easily distracted mind I’ve ever seen, and I’m very forgetful myself lol. So, as it turns out, what could probably be described as her worst nightmare, actually came to be true. She forgot those panties at my house. Thankfully, I could notice that before my mom got back, and because I couldn’t ask her to wash them in the washing machine (lol), and I didn’t want them to sit there drying up for several days, I had to wash them by hand, before delivering them to her a few days later. She died a little inside.



  1. Wait so I am a little confused here, are you two currently in a relationship, just best friends, or did you two fall apart ?

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