Finally seduced a delivery guy (m/m)

I have been trying to seduce a delivery guy or service guy for years and today it finally happened.

A Time Warner guy came to my apartment to fix my internet. I was expecting a middle-aged average dude but I was pleasantly surprised to see a young blond haired trim guy walk up. I immediately changed into running shorts, freeballin of course, and no shirt.

I let him in, he does his business, and finishes (internet works now woohoo!)

As he is packing up, I ask him if there was anything I could do for him. He says to give him 10's on his work survey for his office. As he is walking out my door, I say that "I'll even give you 11's". He turns around and looks at me and then walks back in my apartment.

I was so fucking nervous and excited at this point! We walk into my room and he immediately proceeds to start sucking my dick. He then turns around and opens his hole for me to fuck him.

We both cum, me from him riding me, and him from me stroking his cock as he rode me. He packs up and before he leaves says "you cannot tell anyone about this, even brag to anyone". So naturally, I am sharing this with reddit ha.

My sunday just got exponentially better.



  1. Question from a straight guy. What does "riding" mean if you can stroke his cock while he rides you? Like, riding on your back?

  2. If a girl were riding your dick, she could touch her pussy. If I guy were riding your dick, he could jerk off.

  3. Ah – that makes sense. Like cowgirl style. I was thinking you were on all fours. Carry on, then. Cheers.

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