[F4F] How An Industry Reshaped Society (role-play, romance, story driven, detailed, lactation, breastfeeding)

Hi all. I confess this is all an idea for the setting. When trying to write the list of possibilities for potential characters, specific story lines, etc the post was nearly doubling in size. So, for now as for the actual story and characters I am completely open to hearing your ideas. This is listed as F4F but if you really want I am open to playing as a male character. Likewise, gentlemen, if you really want to be a part of this I am open to you BUT ONLY IF you are willing to play a female character(s). Sorry for the bold emphasis but you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to overlook that bit.

**TL/DR**: This is all an idea for a RP setting. It is still our modern world but due to some issue (genetic, disease, etc, it doesn’t matter) the only source of milk left open to humanity is women’s breastmilk. At first it was just he diary industry itself that changed but gradually this permitted the rest of society/culture. This is NOT a standard ‘hucow’ story in the sense of women being owned, controlled, treated like cattle (no judgements if that’s your thing but it’s not what I’m interested in). On the contrary this is all completely consensual and more often than not a woman’s status can even be elevated because of it.

**A Changed World**

Debate still rages over how it all came to pass. Whether it was a change to the global human genome, a pandemic disease, an allergy, or even more far out ideas. The simple fact remains though that while the origin is a mystery more than a century ago all sources of milk became intolerable to people except for human breast milk. The global dairy industry – and thus a huge portion of the food industry as a whole – was thrown into utter chaos. That was, however, until the discovery of *Ambrosia.* Ambrosia is a drug that can quickly and harmlessly induce lactation in any woman. At first it was exclusively for those women who chose to partake in this new dairy industry – and industry, it should be emphasized, which is completely consensual – Ambrosia is now freely available to all women who choose to take it, and it comes in three varieties:

CASUAL: The everyday maintenance dose. This would be what most women, those who aren’t actively working in the industry would take. It allows her to lactate but only at need. Just walking around in day to day life she wouldn’t be continually producing and need to pump but once that need is there – from a machine or a mouth – the milk begins to flow. This would be accompanied by the slight growth of 1 to 2 cup sizes, the standard for any pregnant/lactating woman.
FREELANCE: The next dose up, which is exactly what it sounds like. This dose significantly increases a woman’s production yet still keeps it fairly manageable. She would produce enough milk that she can sell it fairly regularly but still be able to have other pursuits in life. Of course this increase in milk production would come with an equal growth in size. Say 3 to 4 cups. (3 to 4 above natural I mean, not on top of the Casual dose. So if a woman was naturally a D she’d be around an H on this.)
PROFESSIONAL: The highest dose available. This is for women whose full time career is milk production. She would produce the largest amount and need to be milked regularly. And again this would come with commiserate growth.

A woman would be able to change and taper up or down her dosage at any time if she chose, but if she is on a higher dose for a year or more then when she goes back down the growth she experienced is likely permanent. This is something something which some women view as a negative side effect while others may even do it intentionally. With all of the cultural changes this industry has caused a woman’s breasts, particularly larger ones, would be viewed with an almost reverential social significance. Women who are a part of this industry – and thus the most well endowed – are looked up to in the same way that doctors or firefighters are in our world.

Larger breasts in and of themselves have become a status symbol with all manner of social and cultural implications across the entire spectrum. From the charitable: imagine things like a poster for a humanitarian organizations that shows a Professional woman sitting in a poor village, one breast hooked up to a milking machine, and an impoverished village woman suckling directly from the other. To the vain: consider a wealthy celebrity who hires a Professional woman full time to exclusively breastfeed her alone.

I could keep going but this is long enough as it is. Lol So, I’ve come up with this world and would love to hear your ideas for whom our characters could be within it and what sort of story you’d like to see play out. Please not I’d prefer this to have a much heavier story basis rather than smut.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kkzg9k/f4f_how_an_industry_reshaped_society_roleplay

1 comment

  1. Can I dm you a story idea I sent to someone but they said it was too much for them.

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