My [F]latmate Orla tells me about her [FF] experience with her [F]riend Ciara

*As opposed to my other stories, I wasn’t the protagonist in this one but the story is too hot to remain unshared with you guys. I heard this story in two parts, one as a flippant “this happened” and then again in a little more detail. I am going to take creative license here and tell it as though I heard it whole. Orla didn’t tell the story in a way to turn me on, more to inform. Therefore I will also take creative license to embellish the eroticism slightly for your benefit!*

*As with all my stories, we will set the scene first and have some intros so find these guys* *********** *to skip to the sexy bits.*

Way back in 2007 I moved in with Orla. We were friends since childhood and had recently become really good friends (never any funny business, more of a good buddy relationship). Orla was your classic ugly duckling story. Chubby kid who lost the puppy fat and turned into a stunner. Petit body, fit, this was the noughties so no big ass to speak of but big boobs for her frame. Stunning smile.

I had just recently lost a lot of weight myself and was at my most athletic at this point if my life. I had more pride in my appearance too, I think, looking back I was at my prime in 2007 at the age of 25. Not that any of this matters, this story isn’t about me!

Our friend Claire was visiting from Spain. We grew up with her too but hadn’t seen her in a few years. For what it’s worth, Claire was pretty too. Blonde, slim, lovely fit flat tummy and pert boobs.

Claire, Orla and I we’re sharing drinks in the apartment, Orla and Claire catching up on all the gossip with me chiming in with an unheard opinion here and there or a witty quip to stay relevant to the convo. Orla had moved the topic on to men – her favourite topic! Asking Claire what the Spanish men are like. “Much like Irish guys to be honest! Not that that’s a bad thing but I suppose they do have better tans!” We laughed at that one, a very fair point! “The women on the other hand though! They’re stunners! They get me more excited” – we gasped at that one! “Ha!” Orla exclaimed “They’d hardly turn ya though!”. “They did though” said Claire. If Orla had a mouthful of drink it would be all over the floor. I was just lost in a daydream thinking of Claire and a sexy Spanish Lady….

“Yep, Spain’s brought out the bi in me!” Claire Confirmed. “Oh my God are you serious??”. Orla was incredulous to the point of speechless. I filled the gap. “Sure, everyone has a little bit of bi in them. No harm in experimenting”. “Ha! Are you bi too!!?” Screamed Orla. “Don’t know really. I don’t think so but I have fooled around with guys in my teens”. Now Orla was really speechless. “Yeah, I reckon most people either have had a bi experience or have wanted a bi experience, even fleetingly, at some point in their lives. It’s totally natural” Claire chimes in. I followed with “Surely you had some thoughts or fantasies yourself Orla”. Orla was about to speak… she paused… thought… “Promise not to tell anyone…” she said. “Promise not to tell anyone I sucked a few cocks” I said. She laughed. Claire promised “your words won’t leave this room” *(until now!)*


“Ok, so you ye both know Ciara…”

**CIARA!!** *Reader, before Orla gets into this, let me introduce Ciara. Ciara is tall, 5ft 11in I reckon. She doesn’t look classic Irish at all, sallow skinned, almost bronzed but naturally. Her height coupled with a beautiful hourglass figure with flared hips, flaring into a beautiful curved ass. She had hazelnut eyes and a brilliant smile. Brown hair to compliment her colouring. I never saw her naked but I reckon she has the most perfect looking pussy you’ve ever dreamt of and her pert, petit boobs must be topped with delicious little pink chocolate nipples. She was, in short, incredible.*

“… well, ye know that Ciara was doing that beauty course and part of it is body waxing. Well, in order to study for her exam, she needed a practice model. She knew I was a fan of keeping my vagina waxed so she asked me if she could practice on me. I immediately got uptight because that would mean that my friend would have to see and touch my pussy!!!! She reassured me that it would be very professional, that her very own sister had even modelled for her before! Now, I figured, if her sister can do it, I suppose I could. So I agree’d.”

*For ease of reading, from here on, I am going to switch the narrative to Orla’s.*

So we agreed to do it at 8am on the following Thursday before I started work. We met for coffee first and shot the breeze as normal and then went to her house where she had her table set up and the wax melting, ready to go! Then she just hit me with it “OK, I’m gonna leave the room so you can get ready. Everything from your bottom half needs to go!”. I laughed nervously and replied with an equally nervous “Ha, O-oK…ahh!”. Ciara laughed too but reassured me before leaving the room. I stupidly had worn a short T-shirt that day so I was really exposed when I took everything off, all the way from my toes to my navel.

Ciara came back into the room, she was now wearing her beauticians white button-up jacket with the yoga pants she had on before. I had my legs firmly together before she told me to spread them and plant my heels on the table. I did as she asked, really exposing my pussy to her.

From here she was the ultimate professional. We got back to gossiping and I forgot that I lay prone with my bare pussy in the hands of my friend, that is until she got to the spot right next to my clit. In spreading wax in that area she just had to brush my clit. Any bit of a touch in that area for me means immediate clit engorgement and I did my best to suppress what noises wanted to come out of me. This wouldn’t be unusual to feel in a normal wax though so I didn’t stop her.

She did another pass and then another. On that third one I had let out a very quick little “Hmmff”. “Oops! Sorry” said Ciara. “Ha! Don’t worry about it! It certainly didn’t feel bad!” Don’t know where that came from!! Ciara laughed at that and said “in that case…” And then swiped my clit again! “Ooooh!!!” I screamed! Not expecting that! “I thought you were supposed to be professional!!” I said, laughing. Ciara laughed too, our nervous messing was out of our system and Ciara carried on.

10mins later and I was completely bare. If I do say so myself, when my pussy is bare, it looks damn good. Ciara held up a hand held mirror so I could see her work up close. Normal beauticians don’t do this and I found this to be a huge turn on! I had never seen my pussy like this or in the company of my best friend! Then Ciara chimed in with “Jesus Orla, I won’t lie, your pussy is glorious! If I was a lezzer I would be head first in there right now!” *I would later learn that Ciara was wet herself at this point with that thought* Just hearing that got me even more turned on but I didn’t let on, I just laughed, assuming she meant to make me laugh.

I was about to hop up but Ciara reminded me that the oil hadn’t been applied yet… Oh christ. I am so turned on by now that I think I will cum if she oils me. We are good friends so I figure the best thing to do is to be honest. “Ciara, I’m a little horny to be honest, I’m not sure if you oiling me is a good idea!”. “Ah stop!” She said laughing. “Lie down. You’re hardly going to cum! You need oil! I promise I’ll be professional” I laughed, nervously again ” yeah, fair enough” I said. I swear to God, she got a glint in her eye when I agreed.

There I lay, prone again. She dropped 5 or 6 drops on my pubic bone and let then drip down before massaging to the waxed area, starting from the outside. She was gentler and slower than any waxer I’ve had before. As she started from the outside in, she really built up a lot of pressure in my pussy. I was starting to really heat up. I moaned again “hhhmmmmfff”… I tried to silence it. She heard it. I know she did. She didn’t let on. She kept going. I looked at her and caught her eye, she looked directly into my soul and without saying a word she said that she was intent on making me cum.

She had that glint while we locked eyes, while she circled my pussy, while she got closer and closer to my clit, while my breathing shortened, while my words wouldn’t work and then we lost eye contact as I threw my head back and closed my eyes and arched my back and let out a long gutteral moan “Uuugghhhhhooogghhhhhhhhhhfffff” I lifted my head and caught her eye again *just* as she finally rubbed my clit and “OH MY GOD!!!!” I was convulsing now, edging, so close to cumming. I lifted again, I needed to see her to stare into her eyes as

“I’M” ….



We lost eye contact again as she went to town on my pussy with her fingers, elongating my cum and sending it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. CIARAAAAAAA”…. “Oh, my, God, that was good”. It honestly was one of the best cums I’ve ever had. I’ll be honest, I had had fantasies before involving a girl but always in a threesome. I had watched threesome porn and was turned on by the lesbian scenes. I really don’t think I’m bi but right then, after my best friend made me cum, all I wanted to do was kiss her. I grabbed her arm, pulled her into me and we shifted *(irish slang for passionate kissing)* the fucking face off each other.

Ciara lifted herself off me leaving me panting, sweaty and exposed. As I came to I realised how exposed I was, I realised that this was my friend and I realised that I should put some clothes on, so I did! While we were doing so I reassured Ciara that although that was “epic” we should really keep it to ourselves and maybe not let it get that far again.

After a moment of tense silence I broke the tension with “do I get to keep your thong now?” – *Ciara’s signature move for one night stands was to leave her thing to her sex partner the next morning* – we both laughed. I went to the toilet and when I came back Ciara had tidied up. We hugged and had one last pecknon the lips. I left, in a daze. I went to work and when I went to take my pass swipe from my bag, what did I find, only her sopping wet thong!!

*Back to me*

Myself and Claire sat there in a daze ourselves! Not expecting Orla to commit to such detail! It had clearly turned her on, it appeared to turn Claire in too, she was very flushed! I had a rock solid hard on of course, what man wouldn’t! “Holy shit Orla” I exclaimed. “That was fucking hot!!” “Ha!” cried Claire “Looks like we’re all a bunch of bi’s” Conversation continued on the bi topic for a while, I would have to divulge my details and Claire told a little of hers and I would go on to have a whole new impression of my hot flatmate!


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