[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 2

[Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kk8zng/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

After the evening at the pantry, I grew bolder and hungrier. It stopped about being close to her and more about enjoying her. I should let you know that I don’t actually do this with all the women I get close to. Again, she was different. I didn’t know whether at the time I’ve already wanted to sleep with her but it didn’t matter. What I wanted was to build the tension. I don’t know why. But there’s a certain thrill to work with someone you suspect to harbor sexual feelings for you. There’s a certain excitement explaining about a project while sitting so close that you can actually smell her perfume while your hands move between her lower back, her thigh, and her finger, depending on what you were doing.

I always make it a point to tell her she looks great, and she always does. After that night, I did through a whisper, and by whisper, I mean like really close to her ear that my nose often touched her hair or ears if she moved a bit.

And we whisper to each other a lot. Not that we needed an excuse, but we had one. One of our coworkers, also a new member of the dept, was actually a bitch. She bad-mouthed Lou in front of some senior coworker and I found out. We talk about her a lot, and when we do, we whisper really close. Later, our head of dept also asked us to pick up a dea d project and we again whisper a lot lest offending a senior coworker who made the project “dead”. I tried to push just how close I could be when talking to her. My favorite is to position myself slightly behind her and whisper close to her hear. When she moved her head to respond, our face would be so close that I could feel her breath on my face. I also found excuses to just move my face close to her. My favourite is to “smell her perfume” and move my face really close to the base of her neck. I love how she blushed and her breath turn heavy every time I get close to her. If she didn’t know I wanted her sexually, She does know.

It went on for a few months before the pandemic hit. My country went to an 8 months lockdown. During the lockdown she got married and pregnant. When we meet next, she was married and 4 months pregnant. We’ve had our “pantry session” the first day we meet. Nothing changed. I knew nothing would have changed. For reasons that are obvious if you live in my country, there’s no way for us to turn our relationship into something serious. We both know it and we enjoy each other’s company as a thrill that spice up our working relationship. Not as an affair that replaces our actual relationship; at least that’s how I saw it.

I missed her and she missed me too. The time apart made us grew hungry for each other; there were a lot of firsts that night. I moved behind her when she was making coffee and undid her blazer’s button while my body was firmly press against her back; never did that before. She put her hand on my hand and gently rub it while leaning back, looking back, and smile; she never did that before. I move my face really close to her ear and whispered, “I miss you”; it was so close that my lips actually brushed off against her ear. She let out an ever so soft moan, so subtle that I wasn’t sure if it was actually a moan. “I miss this”, she replied with a cheerful smile.

“Lie down, you must be tired”, I said as a reposition a couch pillow on the couch’s arm. I was genuinely concerned, seing the bump on her belly and all.

She lie down half upright on the couch with her knees bend on the couch. I sat on the other end of the couch and repositioned her legs so they’re on my laps. I put my hand firmly on her left thigh. Her position made her skirt pulled upward and she was showing more skin than usual. I didn’t put my hand on her skirt, I put it on her exposed thigh with some of my hand actually under her skirt. She giggled when I did that, it was another first.

We talk for about half an hour or so when I realised that her third blouse button was visibly stretch. Her pregnant boobs really put a strain on her blouse and I pointed it out.

“That button is clinging for dear life”

She laughed. “I haven’t got the chance to shop.”

“Let me put it out of its misery”, I said as I leaned forward and undid that button. She giggled again. “They do get visibly bigger, your husband must be happy to have a new set of toys”

She giggled but quickly added, “Well yes..”


“I’ve had a bit of a dry spell actually”, She answered with an exxagerated pouty face.


Apparently her pregnancy didn’t come along smoothly. After several bouts of high blood pressure and a couple of near fainting experiences, her husband decided not to have sex with her during the pregnancy for safety reasons. Her doctor said it’s okay as long as he was gentle but He wanted to play it safe.

“You know you can have fun in bed without actually having sex, don’t you?”, I said.

“Yes, we do that”

I enquire for details and what she meant was they still make out but that’s it.

“I mean eating you out down there, that can end in orgasm”, I said with a little laugh.

Apparently, she never received oral sex before. Not surprising really, considering her first BJ was less than a couple of years away at the time. She was curious tho, so I explain to her–deliberately in details–how a guy would eat out a woman. I also use first and second person pronouns the whole time. I wanted her to fantasise about me when I explained it to her. She listened closely as her face turned red and breathing heavy. Prolly helped by the fact that my hand inched deeper inside her skirt during my explanation which she responded–prolly subconciously–by actually spreading her legs a bit more.

“I’d be happy to do it for you”, I said after she didn’t say anything.

She giggled, she thought I was just kidding.

“But only if you’re comfortable with it”, I added, simply to let her know I was serious.

“Wait you’re serious?”, she said with a perplexed look. The smile faded away from her faced, replaced by a mix look between lust and hesitation.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle; but I’ll make sure you have at least one orgasm”

She looked at me dead in the eye. Her breathing was audibly heavy. She bit her lower lips. She still showed that hesitant look on her face. I’ve never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my life.

My hand was further down her thigh and pulled up her skirt along with my inching. I could clearly see her panties.

“You’re wet down there aren’t you”, I said to her.

She nodded but didn’t say anything. I reached out and stroked her cheek with the back of my hand. She leaned towards my hand.

“I’ll do it for a bit okay, we can always stop whenever you want”

Another nod, very subtle this time, she still didn’t say anyting.

I positioned herself on the couch slouched comfortably. I planned to do it with her skirt still on but it was deceivingly narrow and I decided to just take it off. I unhooked her skirt with one hand while giving her another stroke on cheek; she loved it.

I started with simply kissing her inner thigh before taking off her undies. I worked really slowly, gauging her reaction with every step. But she was very eager the whole time. I warm her up with gentle but unrelenting lick on her labia before working on the opening. I pulled her labia apart and lick upward, hoping to catch the clit. Hers was a bit hard to find despite the fact that it was already fully erect. I touched it gently with the tip of my finger just to see her reaction. She enjoyed it. I stopped for a bit, sit a bit more upright and touch her cheek asing if she was good. She nodded but didn’t say anything. Seeing that she was comfortable with all that, I continued to work on the clit with my lips and tongue. My favorite thing to do is to lick it from various angles and see it she has a preferred angle. Didn’t seem to be the case at the time. I eventually got my finger inside her, working hand in hand with my lips and tongue on her clit. She was audibly moaning, but stiffled by the pillow she put on her face. It wasn’t long before I realise her pussy getting tighter, she let out a stiffle groaning as her whole body seemed to tense up. I stopped to give her time to breath. I positioned her to lay down on the couch, I honestly was a bit concerned about the baby. She was red all over, redder than any woman I’ve ever been. I stroke her hair and she gave me a smile. Her brunette hair was all messy and her peach blouse was soaking with sweat.

“I’ll get you something to drink”, I said as I walked to the fridge and get her a glass of water.

“I’m spent”, she said with a weak smile. I told her that she could lie down for a while and that I’ll take her home. I unbutoon her blouse all the way down and let her lie there while I enjoy watching every bit of her.

I’ve never wanted a woman more.

Continue in Part 3

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kkrzfj/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work


  1. You describe your slow, measured seduction so well. This is the hottest thing I’ve read in a long time. Like you said in Part 1. A slow burn. Damn.

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