[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 1

****Note: this story is a slow burn that focuses on the building of the sexual tension rather than the actual action.**

Her name is Louise, though she usually just introduces herself as Lou. We’ve been working together for about two years. The attraction grew slowly and gradually. She is a rather unassuming woman but one of the nicest persons I know. About a month after we started working together, we took up a mini-project. It was supposed to be a 5-persons project done by all three new members of the dept but our coworkers were taken by another project and we worked on it just the two of us.

By all means, I flirt a lot and during our project, I was no different. She didn’t seem to mind. In my defense, I am still rather respectful in my flirtings with her. To be clear, I wasn’t trying to sleep with her, it was just something I’d do with a coworker I find attractive. Half the time she flirted back, the rest she seemed flattered. Over time, however, the sexual tension rose. Well, to be honest, I deliberately built it.

It started when she wanted to read my computer screen. I move aside, but my left hand was still on the keyboard because I needed to operate it. She leaned forward and her boobs pressed firmly against my arm. It stayed that way the whole time, which lasted about five minutes even when my arm moved a bit. I moved my hand in such a way that would make my arm rubbed against her boob in a subtle but firm way. She kind of flinched but didn’t move away.

I was so hot I went back to my flat during lunch, kissed and groped my GF without saying anything, and did her on the floor without taking anything off save for her panties. My GF loved it so much that I ended up spending the whole afternoon fucking her. Needless to say, I was fantasising about Lou with every stroke.

After that, I tried to gradually up the ante. I still wasn’t trying to sleep with Lou, I was just curious how far I can build sexual tension between us. I tried to be with her as often as possible, which is not really difficult since we share most teams we are in.

I started to touch her a lot. We were already touchy before, but nothing sexual. I grew increasingly bold. At first, I touch her elbow whenever I had the chance. Then, her arm and shoulder. Then, light touches on her back which grew into resting my hand on it which moved lower and lower in position, I tried to touch her as low as possible on her back without actually touching her ass. About six months after I began to seduce her, my hand always landed comfortably on the small of her back whenever we talk. It turns me on a lot.

I wasn’t sure at the time, but I think she loved the attention. She also tried to touch me more. She love putting her hand on my thigh whenever she tried to get my attention. We also become closer emotionally. We can talk for one or two hours in the pantry after everyone left. We just kind of hit it off easily.

Then we started to talk about sex. I found out she was really green in sex. I tried to take it easy but she was so incredibly comfortable talking about it that I soon found out that she just lose her virginity to her 8-months boyfriend. I was actually surprised, I don’t remember knowing a virgin in their 20s. If there was an intention to sleep with her, it disappeared at that point. I honestly didn’t think she’d cheated on her BF if it took her to feel comfy enough to have sex. She asked me about my sex life, past, and current. I told her in great detail because I still wanted to build the sexual tension. She was rather embarrassed but enjoyed it nevertheless as she also told the details of her sexual history. She was so open with me that I found these details that evening:

a. She never kissed with a tongue. She knew about french-kissing but she never actually done it. Weird really. I gave her a general explanation of how it works and proceeded to show a video of my GF and I kissing passionately.
b. Her BF loves to play with her boobs. I didn’t ask her this. She told me after she asked me whether all men love playing with boobs.
c. She knew I sometimes took a peek at her cleavage and downblouse but didn’t actually mind.

All in all, it was a sexually charged evening. I had a boner and she was blushing the whole time. Several times I considered just lean in for a kiss and just fuck her but I honestly didn’t know how she’d responded. Was it another girl, I would have, but she was different. She was green and she told me–several times actually–that she feels comfortable talking about these things with her because I wasn’t trying to sleep with her; not obviously at least. Another reason was the fact that I grew so fond of her as a friend and coworker. She was not only nice but also very organized and diligent. I didn’t want to lose that. (I asked her about this after we got “closer” and yeah, she would’ve freaked out if I made a move then and there, if only for not knowing what to do).

The most sexual thing happened when she complained that it was a bit hot because the central air conditioner was off and the control is on the other side of the dept. I suggested that she took her blazer off and when she said “okay” I responded with “lemme help” and started unbuttoning her blazer and took it off her. She gave a silly smile during the whole process.

“Why don’t we unbutton your blouse a bit also”, I said after putting her blazer on the coathanger.

“Eh?”, she was kinda surprised.

“Two or three?”, I asked as I moved closer to her.


“Do you want me to open two or three buttons”

“Oh, just two”, she said with a silly smile.

I opened two buttons on her blouse. I did it slowly, eye contact and smiling the whole time. She was blushing even more and breathing heavily but didn’t look away.

The second button opened (technically the third) was a tad above her bra front strap (whatever it’s called). I can see her peach bra. It was the first time I actually look at her boobs closely. We were so close, probably inches. I could even see the vein in her boobs. It took everything in me to resist the urge not to slide my hand down, grab her boobs, and kissed her. My right hand had actually moved toward her exposed left boob, I could feel the warm softness slightly pushed against the top of my right hand. It stays there for about 10 seconds as I’m weighing my move but decided to move away and offered to make her coffee.
(I later asked her about this and she was actually really horny at that moment that she would have let me fucked her. But she also said she would’ve felt bad about it afterward and would also probably freak out)

We continue chatting for about two hours sitting on the pantry couch. It was a great evening. When we were on our way home, I actually forgot about my key and went back to retrieve it. She was waiting in the lobby. After I’ve picked my key I went back to the lobby, she was just standing there. I said “Let’s go” and put my hand on her lower back. I slide down my hand until my pinky can subtly feel the initial curvature of her ass. My hand usually stops there. But that night, it moved down just a couple of centimeters more.

“Let’s go”, she answered with the cheerful smile she always shows around me.

**Continue to Part 2**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kk8zng/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work


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