[F4A (F playing M4A playing F] Secrets of the Past (taboo relationships, incest, romance)

(I am an adult seeking an adult for fantasy roleplaying. All characters are 18+. Just to clarify I am a woman but for this story I will be playing the male character. I am open to male RP partners but only those willing to play the female role.)

**TLDR version**: Alex is a young struggling model who in desperation turned to making a handful of mild porn scenes just to earn enough to make ends meet. These were preformed with an older woman whom he formed a fast bond with as they had many shared experiences, particularly that they were both separated from family. Eventually they found a DNA service that helps people reunite with lost relatives and whey trying it they discover to their utter shock that they are mother and son. The story of the RP is how they deal with that knowledge going forward.

**Secrets of the Past**

Though still relatively young Alex had been on his own for as long as he could remember. Orphaned since birth he had bounced from foster care to foster care for his entire childhood until aging out of the program, at which point he began living on his own. Though this was by no means an easy life the experiences he had to deal with left him not only with a resilient iron determination and practical self care but also taught him the deep value of empathy and gentleness. Rather than being hardened to the world by what he went through he learned kindness, never wanting anyone else to suffer the coldness and isolation that he had.

Unable to afford going to college Alex simply wandered about taking whatever job would have him so that he could earn a living. Despite taking any menial job that came his way and living largely paycheck to paycheck he never for a moment abandoned his dream of one day becoming a model. This may have seemed like an odd ambition for someone in his position but the role always held a glamor and mystique in his mind that was worlds apart from the life he lived. Although far from vain he knew he would likely have at least somewhat of an advantage if the opportunity ever came his way as he had to admit that throughout his life there had been no shortage of women who had complimented his looks. Yet it takes far more than natural beauty to achieve such a career, and outside of working as the occasional life model for an art class or two it never came to fruition.

…which is what lead him to a very different kind of modeling. It wasn’t something he actively sought out, nor even something he considered, but when the opportunity of doing more ‘adult’ modeling presented itself seeing what it paid versus all the other jobs available to him it would have been foolish to turn it down. He was not proud of accepting but had few other options. Still, even in the darkest moments of a person’s life there can be a glimmer of light. Here, for Alex, that light was [your character]. She was significantly older than Alex yet despite the gap in their ages he had to admit that she was ravishingly beautiful. They only preformed together less than half a dozen times, photo and video combined, but while it was hesitantly awkward at first the utter passion and ecstasy captured in those scenes was absolutely real. It was this (among other things; see **kink addendum**) that made these scenes, though few, quite popular in the circles of this sort of entertainment.

Outside of this ‘work’ Alex and [your character] developed a fast and very close friendship. Again, despite their difference in age they had no shortage of shared life experiences, from longing to be professional models, the struggles such an ambition entails, even the deep emotional pain of having been separated from family. It was this last bond that lead them to discovering an online DNA testing service that specifically seeks to reunite people with their long lost relatives. It was no question once finding it that they would both give submissions. What neither of them anticipated, what would shake the very foundation of their worlds and shape every moment of their lives from then onward, was when their results came back… and they discovered that they were mother and son.

This can play out in a number of vastly different ways from here. These are just a few possibilities. I’m open to any of them or others if you have even more ideas of how it could all play out.
* Alex and his mother could have moved to a new city, state, etc and are trying to just live out a normal life yet with the constant fear that someone will discover their past.
* Similarly they could be attempting to move on with having a normal life yet while it at first largely goes unspoken they both know deep down that nothing in either of their romantic lives has come close to how it felt when they were together those few times. If this path is taken I have some interesting scene ideas in mind. It would stand to reason that given what happened they’d have a fairly frank and honest relationship with one another. At one point Alex could be discussing whatever new relationship he is attempting with a woman he met with his mother. As they talk he says how things are going well enough but struggles to find a reasonable way to say that it doesn’t have the same magic that they felt when they were together. (This could also have a much more sensual/KINK angle. See **KINK ADDENDUM** below.) This could also go the other way around with the mother discussing her newest relationship. Or even both of them.
* Dropping all pretense they could actively, though in secret, continue their relationship together despite the social taboo.

((**Kinky Addendum**: There was no elegant way to work this into the story itself so I’m just tacking it on at the end. In addition to what is implied by the story itself one huge kink of mine (pun intended) is breast and genital size. I would absolutely love it if both Alex and his mother were exceptional in this regard. – Hence why their scenes gained popularity. – The exact specifics are open to discussion but just to give you a general idea of my preference I tend to lean towards just a bit unrealistic though still plausible. This isn’t an absolute necessity if you’re not into it but understand that anyone willing to include this will get priority in replying. ))

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kjuv4j/f4a_f_playing_m4a_playing_f_secrets_of_the_past