Goddess, Meet Cute

I started writing what I’m calling my “goddess” series of short stories. They’re about gentle femdom. I have two written but I’m only posting the one for now. Just want to test the waters and see if people enjoy my writing.

It was as a quiet winter day as she began her daily stroll through the park. Her foot steps made light
crunches in the white snow that had fallen the previous night. Being up early for a walk had its
advantages. There were never people around as the city sat silent in the cold. The cool morning air left
droplets of water clinging to her scarf from her warm breath. “There he is again” she muttered to
herself. A fellow she had never met frequented the same bench every morning for the last week.
Whenever she made her approach along the path he always looked up and smiled. His balaclava
covered his mouth, but his eyes were always so calm and kind. As soon as she made eye contact, he
would turn away swiftly, pretending to receive a text from someone seemingly important.

“Maybe I should say something to him today, he is rather cute.” Speaking to herself has made her scarf
even more damp with her own moisture. As she encroached on him, she decided to pull down her scarf.
Just enough so that her lips were free from the now clingy fabric. Once again as before, he looked up
from the sound of her steps and made the same warm smile he had every morning that week. They had
never spoken a word to one another and the woman’s excitement grew in her anticipation to speak with
him. As she made eye contact, he again averted his gaze. This time pretending to take interest in
something on the ground.

She cleared the snow at the end of the bench and took a seat. Resting her left hand on the bench and
holding her scarf down with her right she exclaimed; “Good morning! How are you today?!?” The
gentleman seemed somewhat thrown off for a second as he whipped his head up from the ground. “Oh,
I’m doing just fine today miss! How are you?” As he whipped his head up his balaclava had pulled down
from his chin. This was the first time she had seen his clean-shaven face. She had already seen his blue
eyes as she walked past. Never the lower half of his face. He had a rather endearing and friendly
disposition with the balaclava down around his neck. It looked less like a face covering and more like a
tight collar keeping his throat warm.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you had such a lovely smile all these days, that silly thing has been hiding you all this
time.” She was gazing at him with a rather affectionate grin. Not just because she enjoyed looking at his
face. She could see as she began to compliment him that his face flushed and he squirmed in his seat. It
always brought her joy to see a shy boy made uneasy. His blue eyes watered from the nip of the cold air
as he was left speechless, uncertain of how to approach such a conversation.

“Thank you miss, you have a lovely smile yourself.” His remark was somewhat muddled as he began to
pull his face covering back on. He had his hand behind his head and it was obvious he wasn’t
comfortable paying compliment to someone so attractive. Her hair was long and brown with hints of red
in the dazzling light that had just began to peak between the city high rises. She had tan fair skin and
light brown, hazel like eyes. She was clearly shorter than him, his feet firmly planted on the ground as he
sat back on the bench. Her feet were just touching the surface of the frost-bitten ground. “she is really
cute; I’ve never had someone randomly compliment me like that before.” He thought to himself with a
bit of glee rushing over his body like a warm breeze.

“I hope you don’t mind my saying so, I like your scarf, it looks cute on you.” The gusto in his voice began
to fade at the trailing of his sentence. The clearly visible grin on her face had faded into a slightly
perturbed sneer. The white scarf she had pulled down from her face was now being unraveled and
taken from her neck. All this while maintaining a look that would petrify a small child, aimed directly to
his face. She got up from her side of the bench with scarf in tow and made her way closer to the young
man foot by foot.

As she made her swift approach the man couldn’t help but stumble in his seat. Her reaction was so
unexpected that it startled him to the point of nearly falling off the bench. His butt was cold and wet and
he feared soon his face would be red and sore from a furious slap. “Why did I say that, I shouldn’t have
said that. I always make stupid mistakes when I talk with a woman so attractive.” By this point he could
feel his face was flushed and he turned in his seat to hide his embarrassment. Just as he was about to sit
up, he noticed something white come down over his face. It soon wrapped around his neck and pulled
him back into his seat with a strong tug back towards the bench.

As his butt hit the bench his backside slipped on the ice that had formed from his body heat. He had not
thought well enough to clear the bench of snow before sitting. He had only planned to be there a few
minutes as every other morning. His backside slipped forward and his back went backwards towards the
woman with scarf still clung around his neck. His head landed onto her soft chest and a wonderful
aroma penetrated his nose. His eyes were closed and his face flushed red as he thumped into her chest
and let out a small gasp in fear. The scarf grew tighter and he dare not open his eyes. For a reason he
didn’t understand, he suddenly felt warm and excited.

“Open your eyes!” The woman had a commanding voice that fell silent over the frozen park. The man
slowly opened his eyes and looked up through his welling tears at the beautiful woman. Her angry sneer
had gone and was replaced by a smile he had never seen before. Her eyes were fierce but somehow
filled with slight affection. “That’s good, you can listen. So, listen well. When a man tells me I’m cute, I
can’t help but get annoyed. When I’m annoyed, I’ll teach you a lesson!” At this point the man thought to
himself “Wow, she smells really good. I’ve never had a woman act this way to me before.” He felt
arousal over come him and he pulled his jacket down over his pants.

“I’m sorry miss!” He hissed under the grip of her scarf. “I didn’t mean to upset you; I just think you’re
very beautiful!” Her grip eased a bit and she felt herself flush a little. She looked down as the color
began to return to his face. She felt something. Usually, she didn’t think much of men. This one seemed
to be different. He wasn’t resisting the snare of her scarf or flailing from her body. His head was resting
on her chest and his breathing was labored with a clear blush across his face. He smelled good, his body
felt firm and warm. Her gaze fixed upon his full lips visibly wet against the crisp morning air.

She noticed she had been holding the part of her scarf, damp from her mouth. Just as she could see his
mouth begin to open to utter some words an idea dashed across her mind. She swiftly and forcefully
stuffed the damp part of her scarf into his mouth. A flush of heat overwhelmed her with joy from head,
to loin, to toes as she watched her prey suck on her scarf. She pulled the ends tighter and stared into his
eyes as he began to choke. Oddly enough, there still wasn’t a twitch of protest from his body. His body
lay motionless leaning against her chest as he accepted his fate. He placed his hand on one of her arms
and gently squeezed as he let out a weak groan.

She let out a heavy sigh of satisfaction and loosened the threads from his throat. She placed a hand
under his chin and held him up while gazing into his watered-out eyes. She leaned over and their lips
touched, warm, wet and soft. She let go of the scarf and placed the other hand in his hair. It was short
but curly and his head felt warm from her body heat. Uncertain of what had just happened the man lay
still. He placed one hand onto her cheek and the other on her hot thigh. He leaned up to her, clearly
desiring to taste her again. She placed her soft hand firmly over his mouth, leaned down and whispered;
“I want to make you my pet.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kjtmyk/goddess_meet_cute