Making the Good Little Christian Girl Mine [MF]

My name is Andy. I grew up in a very religious household, so I was kind of a late bloomer. It took me until college to have my first kiss, and I didn’t lose my virginity until I was twenty-one. But since then I’ve been doing my best to catch up. This is the story of the second woman I ever slept with.

In college, I was a member of a Christian outreach group for high school students called Young Life. I’m sure that plenty of people are aware of it, but essentially it’s a weekly club event where high schoolers come and play games, watch skits, sing songs, and hear a brief message about Jesus from one of the college-aged leaders. It was always a lot of fun and while I don’t currently consider myself a Christian, it was a big part of my college life.

There was this high school girl that attended every club, as well as our weekly bible studies. Her name was Rosie, and she had the greatest pair of tits I have ever seen. To this day they’re still my favorite. But she was in high school and I was in college, and there was a very strict policy against doing anything romantic with the Young Life attendees. So, like any good Christian I did the right thing and masturbated to thoughts of her constantly.

Rosie graduated high school and went to college far away from my school, so I never saw her much. We would occasionally chat on Facebook or something, but that was the extent of it. Until the night of my twenty-first birthday.

My birthday falls close to the beginning of the school year, so I was one of the first guys in my class to turn twenty-one. That meant that on my birthday I went out with some of my friends who were seniors. These dudes got me irrepressibly drunk. I came into my dorm room stumbling and decided to watch TV for a while so I didn’t get the spins. While watching a show, I thought it was the height of brilliance to get on Facebook and see what the people were doing.

One of the first pictures that popped up was of Rosie going through her freshman orientation at college. This set my drunken brain into motion, and I decided that the only logical course of action was to text Rosie apropos of nothing and ask if I could see her boobs. Y’know, like gentlemen do.

Rosie responded almost immediately. She was very polite, assumed I was drunk, and told me that she was talking to this guy and didn’t want to mess it up. Even at eighteen, this woman had more class than I will likely ever possess. I went to bed.

In the morning, I was overcome with that guilt Christians are famous for getting whenever we do something fun. I grabbed my phone and shot Rosie a very apologetic text, asking her to forgive me and saying that I was so drunk I didn’t even know what was going on. Below is a rough recollection of the way the conversation flowed from there:

Rosie: Hey! It’s okay. I’m not upset. It seemed so out-of-character for you so I assumed you were just having fun on your birthday. I do have one question though?

Andy: Yeah what is it?

Rosie: Well, did you think that would work? Like… what kind of girl do you think I am?

Andy: Now that I’m sober it’s obvious that was a stupid idea. I have a ton of respect for you and I know you’re not the kind of woman who would do something like that. I guess Drunk Andy just badly wanted to see your boobs.

Rosie: … does Sober Andy want to see them?

My heart dropped into my stomach. I probably spent twenty minutes trying to think of the best way to respond.

Andy: Look, Rosie. I’m not going to lie. I’ve had a crush on you since I first started leading Young Life. I obviously couldn’t do anything about it while you were in high school, but now that you’re in college I guess I figured I’d put it out there. So, to answer your question: yes. Sober Andy also wants to see your boobs.

It took so much effort for me to press ‘Send’ on that message. I waited for a long time, desperate for her response. I was beginning to lose hope that she’d write back at all when my phone buzzed.

Rosie: In that case, want to hang out while I’m home on Christmas Break?

Ho. Ly. Shit.

Rosie and I spent the next few days talking about how we’d both been into the other for a while, what we thought was a smart way to handle being so far apart, and of course what we wanted to do to each other. We both agreed that having sex was something we both wanted to do, and we tried to talk ourselves into thinking that it wasn’t a big deal for a Christian to do that stuff.

Since it was towards the beginning of the semester, Rosie and I kind of fell off in terms of texting and talking for a couple of months. In that time, I lost my virginity (a story for another day), and Rosie started dating that guy she had been talking to.

Around Thanksgiving Break I shot Rosie a text asking if she was still interested in getting together over her extended Christmas Break. She said she did want to see me, but since she had a boyfriend she thought it would be best for us to just grab coffee and hang out. I was crestfallen, but responded with something optimistic, encouraging, and full of shit.

Christmas Break rolled around and with it my coffee with Rosie. I met her at a local shop and we hugged awkwardly, both knowing very clearly what the other would rather be doing. Rosie was wearing a sweater with plenty of cleavage, chinos that seemed to be painted onto her ample hips, and a nice pair of leather boots. We started talking and catching up, discussing her first semester in college, my current classes, and reminiscing about old Young Life times. There were more than a few pregnant pauses where we just stared into each other’s eyes.

“So, are you sure you just want coffee?” I ask quietly, afraid to broach the subject.

Rosie stared at me, then opened her mouth to speak. She then shut her mouth and looked away.

“You know I want more,” she whispered, averting her gaze.

I took a deep breath. I had hoped she would respond this way.

“Okay, well the ball is in your court,” I said soothingly. “I’m going to go to the bathroom. If I come back and you’re totally gone, I’ll understand. But what I’d love to have happen is to come back and see the key to your car on the table.”

I flashed Rosie what I hoped was a confident smile and stood, making my way to the bathroom. I didn’t need to go, but I did need to splash water on my face and mentally prepare for either option. When I exited the bathroom, Rosie was gone. Sitting on the table next to my empty mug was her key, shining like the sun.

I quickly grabbed the key, resisted the temptation of holding it aloft like it was Excalibur, and bolted for the parking lot. I saw Rosie standing outside her car door looking so adorably nervous. When I reached her, I pulled her into a kiss before any words were spoken. My hands went to her cheeks while one of hers went around my neck and the other to my back. We stayed locked in that embrace, making out for what felt like forever.

I pulled away and smiled, then used the key to open the back seat of her SUV.

“After you,” I said with a wry smile.

We climbed into empty trunk of Rosie’s SUV and I noticed there was a blanket laid out. I looked quizzically at her.

“I… was kind of hoping this would happen…” Rosie said meekly before kissing me lightly on the lips.

“I’m not complaining,” I laughed. “I assume that’s why you wore that sweater too?”

Rosie nodded, then proceeded to reach down and pull the sweater off, exposing her enormous tits in a very nice purple bra. I pulled her in for another kiss and laid her down on the blanket.

The making out became more passionate. Rosie and I began biting each other’s lips, sucking on each other’s tongues, and moaning deeply into each other’s mouths. Our hands began to roam and soon my shirt was off. I reached behind Rosie and unclasped her bra, then slowly pulled it off to reveal what would become my favorite pair of boobs ever. They were big, oddly perky for their size, with large areolae. They sat so perfectly before me I felt like truly God was real and that he loved me. I found out later that she was an E cup, and that one cup of her bra fit completely over her face. Spectacular.

I stared in awe of Rosie for a few moments before taking one of her breasts into my mouth. I licked, sucked, and kissed one nipple while using my hand to roll her other between my thumb and forefinger. Rosie’s moans filled the car as she began unbuttoning my pants. She fished my hard cock out and began to gently stroke it while I gorged myself on her magnificent tits.

“C-condom?” Rosie asked after a few minutes of stroking me.

I reached into my pants pocket and pulled one out, then proceeded to put it on. I did not use a condom when I lost my virginity, so this was my first experience trying to figure out how it worked. Fortunately, I was a man with at least some college education so I could unlock the secrets of rolling the latex tube down onto my shaft.

I quickly pulled my pants the rest of the way off as Rosie did the same. This task was not easy as we were both tall (she is roughly 6’ while I’m 6’4”). But we managed to get naked. I took Rosie into my arms and kissed her slowly, trying to force as much of my passion and desire for her into the kiss as possible. I laid her on her back and looked deep into her eyes as I entered her.

Rosie gasped and I felt her fingernails dig sharply into my back as I began to fill her. She moaned when I had fully penetrated her and bucked her hips up against me, trying to feel every part of me inside her. Rosie and I had each slept with only one other person before this, and in retrospect it showed. My thrusts we irregular and her ability to match me wasn’t all there. We were two horny, repressed Christian kids trying to figure out how sex worked in the back of her mom’s Suburban.

Slowly we developed a rhythm. My thrusts became more pronounced as I tried to fill Rosie slowly but completely. Rosie started rocking her body against mine, creating her own force that drove us closer and closer to orgasm. We kissed each other’s necks and ears, made out, and even just stared at one another as our climaxes continued to build.

“I’m about to cum,” I moaned into Rosie’s soft neck.

“Me too. Don’t stop.” She panted back to me.

We came at the same time, our bodies erupting in pleasure and filling the car with the sounds of our passion. I came so powerfully that I almost collapsed on top of Rosie, whose body was shaking uncontrollably. I tried to catch my breath while watching her amazing breasts bounce as she came all over my cock.

When we were finished, I rolled off Rosie and brought her into another kiss. We lay together for a long time, talking and tracing the other’s body with our fingertips. We laughed at how fogged up the windows of her SUV had become. Rosie then grabbed another condom from my jeans, put it on me, and climbed on top. She rode me until we both came again, my hands massaging her tits the entire time.

Rosie ended up breaking things off with her boyfriend the next day, and we ‘got coffee’ a couple more times over her break. We hooked up a few times after that too, but when I graduated and entered the Army we decided to break things off. I continued to lead Young Life, and Rosie joined her college’s team of leaders as well. I suppose it goes to show that even the ‘good kids’ enjoy a good fuck from time to time.



  1. Aww I love this story! Can relate! Very nice hope fate brings you guys back together somehow!

  2. Very cynical take on all of the elements that make this such a sweet (while still hot) story. Forbidden fruit is always sweetest, no?

    Still, *very* well written. Sweet, some funny, and lots of high quality sexual tension.

    Good stuff.

  3. We all have that girl like Rosie that we could bang but our own mind stops us. My own worst enemy style.

  4. Well done OP, good story. It seems too relatable in recent events with my (now) ex

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