The Farmer’s Daughter- She finds her first time with a stranger.

Beautiful was the sky today. The sun was shining brightly over the plowed field. The smell of freshly cut wheat lingered in the air, and a soft breeze carried forgotten pieces across the field.

She stood there for awhile, looking over the vast horizon, wondering if she would ever leave this place. Ridiculous, she thought, no one would ever come for her.

She found a deserted spot in the field, not far from the forest laying to the west of her, and lay her blanket down on the soft ground. This was her time. Her father always let her lay in the open field when he was done plowing it. She looked high above her, and winced at the bright sun and sighed. A perfect finish to a hard day’s work.

She sat down on the blanket, and removed her faded jean overalls, revealing her blue one-piece bathing suit she had been anxiously wearing underneath. She wasn’t what most men would call a beauty, as she still had some of her baby fat, which she had hoped to get rid of by at least her 28th birthday. Unfortunately, that day had come and gone two years ago. So she struggled with her weight everyday, wishing she could look like the supermodels she saw in the magazines they sold in the city.

Her mother constantly told her that she was very beautiful, but she could only accept that from her mother for so long. Here she was, 25 years old and never been kissed. She wasn’t unattractive, far from it. Her red hair, which flowed just below her shoulders, attracted a few stares from the men of the community, but living in he country, there weren’t many men her age. And those who were gave her one look and walked away, without giving her a second look.

Her heart sank each and every time this happened, but not today, she was not going to let this get her down while it was such a beautiful day. She adjusted her bathing suit, and gave herself a quick look, making sure everything was carefully covered. Her breasts securely concealed with the suit did not strain the soft fabric as much as she had wished. This, again, brought more sad thoughts to her mind.

Why couldn’t she have had developed like her mother? Her mother had an ample bosom, but here she was with a much smaller chest. Maybe this was the reason no one admired her, she thought. No, no thinking about that. She lay herself back on the blanket and turned on her radio. Soft country music filled the afternoon air, and she silently hummed along with the songs. Without realizing it, her hands softly caressed her warming skin.

They started on her arms, feeling the warmth the sun had brought to her skin. They made their way to her stomach, touching the smoothness of her suit. As they approached her thighs, she could hear rustling in the nearby forest.

Her attention distracted, she looked up from her resting-place, but saw nothing. She could still hear movement, but it seemed to be moving away from her, deeper into the forest. She settled her heartbeat, and tried to follow the noise. Curiosity got a hold of her, so abandoning her blanket, she decided to investigate the source of the noises in the bushes.

She crossed the field to the line of trees, entered the forest cautiously and found her way to the secluded lake that lay just beyond their property. As she got closer, she found several articles of clothing hanging on the limb of a nearby tree. Should she go closer? She thought to herself. Looking around, she saw no one, so she made her way to the edge of the water, eyeing the trees behind her. She paused near the edge, but no one seemed to be here.

Suddenly, and without warning, a lone male figure emerged from the water in front of her.She screamed, he screamed, his nude body glistening with the cool water of the lake. He tried desperately to cover himself, but it was too late. Or was it? She had already retreated into the trees, as he submerged himself back into the shallow lake.

She stayed hidden in the safety of the trees, but kept a close eye on the lake. Did she see what she thought? She must have, after all didn’t he scream too? A smile crept across her face.

He reemerged from the water, this time ever so slowly. First his head, and after carefully looking around him, he allowed himself to stay up. The water was deep enough for him to stand up and not expose himself again, but she secretly wished it wasn’t. She hadn’t really gotten a good look, but she did know he was naked.

Watching him continue to bathe was exciting, but yet, also very frightening for her. Who was this man? She had never seen him before, and he wasn’t too bad to look at either. Granted, he wasn’t anything spectacular, but he did have some charm to him. He couldn’t have been more than 5’8″ and maybe around 145 lbs., if that. He was a plain looking man, no overly attractive features, but she felt a shudder inside her as she watched nonetheless.

She coughed within the confines of the trees, which startled him again. She giggled as she watched him try to cover himself up again as she came into his view. He stood there motionless, his face bright red, as she approached the water’s edge. She tentatively traced her toes across the lake’s surface, and felt a slight chill down her spine.

Was she brave enough? Would he accept her advances? Or would he simply laugh at her and run away like all the other boys in her tiny town? There was only one way to find out. She slowly walked nearer to him, feeling the cool water rise on her bare legs. He watched her approach and forgot all about trying to hide himself. He met her gaze and moved closer to her. She knew now that he was indeed interested, but would he stop her?

When they were no more than two feet away from each other, he opened his mouth to speak, but she pressed two fingers to his lips, signaling no words were needed. He kissed her fingertips, sending more intense shivers throughout her body. He pulled her sensitively toward him, kissing his way up her arm.

The little butterfly kisses he provided her warmed her body and for the first time, she felt wanted, needed, loved. Her pleasure also found it’s way to her breasts, which heaved with each of those kisses. Her excitement grew on many levels as he neared her shoulders, and she could feel her knees weaken as he caressed her neck and cheeks.

Their bodies now firmly pressed together; she could feel his excitement also growing against her thigh. He wasn’t much taller than her, but when he picked her up in his strong arms, she was now level with his soft blue eyes. She stayed fixated with his stare, as he looked deeply into her eyes. No words were exchanged, but the non-verbal exchange was mutual. They both wanted to be together on this day. Right here, right now.

He let her slip back into the water, and she attempted to remove the straps to her bathing suit. He stopped her and she looked both puzzled and disappointed. He reassured her by running his fingers under the straps and slowly massaging her shoulders as he removed the thin material.

She now stood before him topless, and feeling a little shy and embarrassed, she tried to cover herself as he had done earlier. He let out a small laugh and proceeded to kiss her deeply as her pulled her close to him once more. Her nipples pressed tightly against his bare chest made her head spin, but not as much as the sensation she received when his mouth covered her neck in wet kisses. She thought for a moment her knees would give out once he started to nibble on her earlobes, but managed to somehow muster the strength to stay upright. [read more](
