How I [F24, the intern] ended up in my co-workers [M31] hotel room [FM]

This has gotten quite long… Actions starts at *, if you want to skip ahead.

Last year in summer I started a 6 month internship. This is an obligatory part of my studies at university and means that I spent a whole semester working a full time job. The internship included a lot of travelling and staying in other cities from a few days to a couple of weeks.

The following happened during my first job abroad. I was just a month into the internship and I was excited to prove myself, as it is a male-driven industry. Side note I am 5.4 tall, petite with pale skin and dark blond, long hair down to my waist.

I arrived on-site not knowing anyone in person, not even my boss, but luckily the team was cool and easy to work with. I was assigned to mostly work with two guys of the crew that were friends outside of work (let’s call them John and James) and they integrated me into their routine – which meant not only work hours, but also driving from and back to the hotel plus some after-work hours with bars and beers.

As it turned out, John had a follow-up job, so he would leave 2 days earlier than the rest of us. This left me wondering if I would then only hang out with James, just the two of us… And thinking about that made me ask myself for the first time if this could maybe lead to something exciting.

So far, I hadn’t seen James as a potential hook-up. But now I started to look at him differently: He was intriguing in his own way, charismatic, about 6ft tall, arms and legs fully covered in tattoos, black hair interwoven with quite some grey strands. I don’t really have a type, but he was different from any guy I had been with so far… It did make me curious. Plus hooking up with an older co-worker in a hotel in a foreign city had an exciting ring to it.

The shift that day ended, and John left for good. We drove back to the hotel and it turned out that it wouldn’t be just James and me for an after work beer: our team leader had invited us to join him at a bar with some friend he wanted to meet.

We went to our rooms to shower and get ready. During the day at work, I’d mostly wear loose, unspectacular work clothes, but for the nights out, I wore my regular skinny jeans and tighter tops. I kept my hair open that night. I didn’t do or wear anything out of the ordinary but compared to my work outfit this probably got close to a Cinderella transformation.

Eventually, we left for the bar just a few streets down from the hotel. It was a warm summer night and as we were almost done with the job, spirits were high. The four of us met up in a crowded, loud bar, only then realising that it was a Friday. We had quite a few drinks, beer, long drinks, shots – I don’t remember.

With the rising level of alcohol, my motivation for some action got stronger. I started to press my leg against James under the table and at some point, I casually put my hand on his thighs when we were laughing together… but it was difficult to give obvious signals. I didn’t want the others to notice and give me a reputation of being the cliché intern that is easy to have. So as it was difficult for me to send signals… it was also basically impossible to read if I got signals back.

The noise in the bar made it difficult to have a conversation without practically shouting directly into one’s ear, so as James and I kept talking, he moved closer to me. Suddenly, he withdrew, and I gave him a suprised look.

“well you know, pretty woman, hair still wet from the shower – that smell can drive someone crazy.”

Wait… what? Internally, I started grinning as I let that comment sink in: that sounded just the way I wanted things to go. So he was reacting to my low-key approaches.

The evening went on, and at around 1/ 1.30 am we left. We all had to be back at work at 8 am the next morning. By the time we left, I was debating internally: was he really interested or had I misread the signs? There was quite an age gap and I wasn’t sure if he considered me, the young intern he’d been mentoring, *that* way. And also: was *I* ready to go through with this?

I made up my mind. On the way back to the hotel it would be just the two of us, I would use that time to test the limits and if I felt like we were on the same page about this, I’d make my move in the elevator. Classic.

But we were pretty intoxicated and one of the others walked back with us more than halfway to the hotel, then suddenly we were already in the lobby, and then we were in the elevator: and I still wasn’t sure if I had read the signs correctly. What if I’d throw myself onto him and catch him completely off guard about the whole situation? How awkward would that be?

So the moment passed. The elevator doors to his floor opened. My room was further up so I stayed in it. The air was suddenly thick with awkwardness – Both of us tipsy, both of us unsure about what the other person was thinking… the moment went by without any of us making a move and the doors closed again.

I could’ve hit my head against the wall about the missed opportunity. I knew even though I was drunk I wouldn’t gather enough courage to make it back to his room now. I was so annoyed with myself that I hadn’t taken the step. Frustrated, I went to my room. One story less to tell.

And then, about 10 minutes later, a text message.

“I hope you don’t get this the wrong way or think that I am disrespectful. But such an intelligent woman can drive someone crazy. Your hair is gorgeous by the way, and that’s not the only thing”

In disbelief I stared at my phone. But I wasn’t imagining this. I started grinning and thought “Got ya”. This would be easy now.

“Haha, how can I not understand that the wrong way?” I texted back.

“I think you’re pretty hot and I feel attracted to you. But I don’t want to diminish your worth as my co-worker. Or devalue you in any kind of way, just so you know.”

Oh, a gentleman.

“So… Hypothetically. Would you get involved with the 7 years younger intern?”

I couldn’t be more straight forward than this about my intentions, this was the moment of truth.

“Well… of course. In our age numbers don’t really matter anymore”

My heart starting racing. So this would happen now, at 2.30 am in the middle of the night.

“Alright, so your room, at the risk of it being weird at first?.” I texted, somehow not sure if I could do this in my room.

I was already in sweatpants and had removed my makeup, but I didn’t care. I was pretty turned on by the whole “hooking up with a coworker in a hotel room” that it didn’t bother me what I looked like. I left my room just with my phone and room key, heading two floors down, getting super excited that this was really happening, and nervous if I was really gonna go through with this.

I think I stood outside of his room about 3 minutes, frozen and unable to knock. What had I gotten myself into?

But finally, I managed. He opened instantly, and I headed into the room, not looking at him, placing key and phone on the table.

Then I turned around.


He was still standing next to the door, looking at me slightly amused. He was shirtless, revealing that his chest was also covered in ink.

The atmosphere differed so much from the past days we had hung out together and it overwhelmed me. So before I’d head into an awkward conversation about what was going on, adrenaline took over and without overthinking it, I covered the distance between us and started kissing him.

He immediately responded, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against him. His hands quickly found their way down my back, cupping my ass and murmuring in delight when he slid into my sweatpants.

I wanted this to get going, so I leaned against him, moving us towards the bed until he could sit down on it. I pushed him back until he was lying, moving above him, all while we were making out passionately.

He turned me around on my back and started exploring my upper body, kissing my mouth, my neck, my collarbone. My hands were in his hair and caressing his torso, tracing lines up and down his skin.

I rolled over, again being on top of him, now touching his skin with my lips instead of my fingers. I kissed down his body and got rid of his pants, facing a big, hard penis which I took in my hand while still kissing his stomach. I lightly placed my lips on his tip, just caressing him while my tongue drew circles on his skin.

I slowly moved my head down, now slowly taking more and more of him in my mouth. He gasped, tensing up, murmuring “Oh fuck, this feels good” as I kept moving up and down his shaft. My hand moved to the inside of his thighs, again tracing lines with my nails before I carefully took his balls in my hand, stroking and massaging them slowly.

I enjoyed blowing him for a while, every time I varied in depth or speed he inhaled sharply, occasionally letting out an exclamation of disbelief.

At some point I moved up again and he welcomed me with a kiss. I traced the pulse on his neck with my lips as he got rid of my t-shirt.

He moved above me and now it was his turn to take his time exploring my body with his mouth and hands; my breasts, my stomach, all with calm enthusiasm. I closed my eyes, enjoying the tingling in my senses, the sensitivity that mixed with the excitement of the situation. This was feeling soo good.

Kissing his way down, he took of my pants and his tongue started circling my clit. In smooth and soft movements, he licked me, having me arching my back and breathing deeper as my desire grew.

I lightly touched his hair and said in a breathless voice.

“You should use your fingers, too, I belong to the kind that needs double stimulation outside and inside”.

Seemed fair to me, this was our first time together, how should he know?

In a swift movement that startled me a bit, he dove up from between my legs, came up to my face and kissed me eagerly. He grinned, saying : “A 24 year old that tells me what she needs… I love emancipation.” And after those words he went back to it.

He got me laughing at that, but his open enthusiasm about me telling him what I wanted also flattered me. I relaxed and let him work his magic. It needed some time until he found out what I liked and needed, but I let my body react freely to him pleasing me and so he figured out which spot he had to massage with his finger while still swirling his tongue, until I could feel my body tense up more and more. Finally, it drove me over the edge, and I moaned loudly as the waves of the orgasm rolled over me.

He grinned up at me, obviously happy with his achievement.

“You up for more?”

“Definitely” I answered, still a bit breathless.

He got up and went to the bathroom, coming back with a condom, and quickly prepared himself. He then moved back between my legs, carefully guiding his cock into my wet pussy. We both moaned, overwhelmed with the sensation. I held on tight to his shoulders, pulling him down, pressing against his warm body as he slowly kept moving in and out of me. I realised only now that his penis was impressive, actually bigger than any guy I had slept with before and I noticed that he never fully pushed all the way in, still being very slow and careful to give me time to adjust.

But the desire burned under my skin, I wanted more, needed more and I started pushing my hips against him and pulling him closer, feeling him get deeper and deeper with every movement.

We got lost in ecstasy as he moved faster, his lips found my mouth and he kissed me as I bit down on his lower lip, breathing heavily and moaning every time I could feel his thrusts. He rolled on the side and pulled my leg up, using it to pull me against him as he kept moving rhythmically, fucking me deliciously. I held on to his body, my nails leaving traces on his arms and back as I moved with him. We slowed down and I opened my eyes, looking at him.

“My turn.” I commanded and moved away so he could lie on his back, as I took my place, lowering myself on top of him. His hands held on to my hips as I started riding him and then moved down to my ass, guiding me in rhythm and pace. I leaned forward, kissing and biting into his neck and shoulders as I could feel the tension rise and fall in my core.

“Can I wish for something?” I asked him. I had gotten much more confident over the years concerning my own needs and expressing them, and the way he had treasured my body so far made it even easier to give him instructions.

“Sure”, he laughed, again taken aback but positively surprised by my direct manner.

So I moved away from and laid myself down next to him, on my stomach, ass slightly stuck up and looked in his face. He got the hint. He moved over me once again and pushed into me, this time less careful than in the beginning, and I loved it. I immediately felt the tension in my core rise again as he fucked me from behind, and his excited breathing mixed with my increased moans. I moved my hand under my clit and started massaging it to the pace of him moving into me. I could feel the orgasm building until I couldn’t hold it together anymore. My body tensed up again and I came again, hard.

He gave me some time to relax and calm down. Then he flipped me over, returning to our first position. I felt that he was now losing control himself and pushed against him. He got faster again, driving himself closer. I moaned and dug my hand into his hair, wrapping my legs around him. He groaned loader and pushed his final deep thrusts into me before he relaxed and half-collapsed, carefully laying down on me.

I couldn’t help myself and started giggling.

He looked up, incredulous and rolled over next to me, joining in with a slight, breathless and shaky laugh:

“You okay?”

“Oh yes, definitely”, I was still giggling, lightheaded from the wild ride and positively shocked by the whole thing. This had been some real good sex with a man who was basically a stranger. “Just can’t believe this is really happening. ”

It started to dawn outside. I considered going back to my own hotel room, but as there were hardly 2 hours of sleep left, I decided I could as well stay and he didn’t seem to mind.

Needless to say the next day working next to him was… much more intense and distracting than the days before.



  1. Well done! You left out the cliches and kept it how while painting a decent picture of both of them.

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