A Siren’s Song [F x Shapshifter] FANTASY

    “Ey, bring those damn deers inta the fold!” shouted the farm hand as his cigarette fell from his dry lips. He rubbed his coarse hands over his stubbled chin and through his greasy hair. “The deers, Siren! The deers!”

    “It’s deer, Simon. Deer.” Siren corrected folding her arms across her chest and frowning. 


    “The plural of deer is deer, Simon. For goodness sake- I know you have more of a brain than that!”

    “I ain’t worry about no grammar. I worrying ‘bout the damn deer that are runnin’ loose!” Simon shouted, pointing to a young star deer that had escaped over the fence. “Go git ‘im!”

    Siren nodded. “Alright, I’ll go get him. Don’t worry,” she said, taking up a rope in her hand and slinging it across her shoulder. She began to walk around the perimeter of the deer enclosure, nearing the loose star deer. “Hey there little fella,” she cooed as she approached the beautiful creature. 

    The buck raised his head, his large antlers forming a glowing crown around his head. His antlers shone so brightly that Siren stood in awe of them, staring into the galaxies that pooled and swirled. This is where the star deer get their name – you can see the galaxies in their mystical antlers. 

    The buck flicked his ear nervously and sniffed the air. He called out softly and trotted over to Siren’s side. “Hello there, Andromeda,” she said, patting the deer on his back and slinging a rope halter over his head. “Are you misbehaving yet again?”

    The deer huffed softly and pawed at the ground. 

    “Okay, I know it’s hard for a curious little thing like you to stay in the range, but I can’t ride everyday.” She jumped atop the deer with such grace, mounting the large beast with ease. Clicking her tongue and digging her heels into his sides gently, she prodded the deer onward into the forest just outside the farm. “We can go for a quick stoll!”

    Andromeda brayed happily and dashed into the woods. He seemed excited to be leaving the farm for the first time in a few weeks, afterall, he was used to Siren’s undivided attention when she was a child. He loved her as much as a creature such as himself could. 

    The woods were loud with sights, smells, and sounds of all variety. The vanity flowers were in full bloom this time of year and took up the space of most of the tree trunks as they grew horizontally. Of course, such beautiful flora attracted all nature of fawna to feast on it. Bugs and mammals alike all enjoyed the vanity flowers sweet smell and taste. Andromeda was not immune to the intoxicating lure of the flowers. 

“C’mon!” Siren yipped at him, pulling at the rope around his head. “I need you to eat grain later! No!”
Andromeda began to feast on the flowers and gave the screaming girl no attention. He was more than pleased to be devouring a star deer’s favorite snack.

“Fuck you,” she said, slidding off of his back and sighing loudly. “I bring you out here for a run and you just want to stuff your mug! Look at you!” 
Andromeda laid his ears flat and continued munching slowly. Apparently his love of vanity flowers out weighed his love for Siren. 

“Fine! Stay here!” She flung her arms up and walked away from the stubborn creature. She decided to venture to the river where the clean water still flowed. Trickling gently, the little brooke boasted of clear water and live fish, which was quite a luxury in this region. Stupid humans. Stupid wars. Damn them all. 

Siren slowly began to strip down to the nude, humming softly and removing each article of her tattered clothing carefully. “Oh I went into the city,” she sang softly to herself. “It was a dark night. When I went to the city, There was not a soul in sight.” 
Her clothes fell to the ground around her. Her bright fiery orange hair danced around her head as she walked. “I found sorrow and fear. Only death and destruction.” She walked down the river bank, her head high and proud as she began to sing louder. “I could hardly feel. I could not hear.” 

Her toes dipped into the cool water. Her eyes closed and a smile formed on her soft lips as her beautiful voice filled the woods. “Then I was awoken. This dark city filled with light.” The water began to lap against her shins, then against her knees, and finally against her thighs as she ventured into the slow river. “I heard the song of siren singing in the night.” 

She lowered her body into the water, leaning back and allowing the gentle movements of the water to possess her. With eyes closed and mind open, she lay on her back in the center of the river, still humming away. Just as soon as she had relaxed into a soothing drift, a piercing cry filled the air. She fell beneath the surface of the water and emerged just in time to see the shadowy figure of a wolf-like beast howling. 

It was a Shadow. Its blood red eyes focused on her naked body.

She struggled to rush out of the water and climb onto the bank on the opposite side of the river from the monster. It did not give chase. Instead, the Shadow presented a low howl before resuming its terrifying stare. Siren gathered her clothes. “What do you want from me!” she shouted at the creature, still shaking in fear. 

The ethereal creature only blinked and gave her a fiendish toothy grin. “The question is what can I do for you?” a low voice came from the beast. 

Suddenly, she began to cover herself, now remembering that she was naked. She lowered her head in shame, but when she looked back up to see the Shadow, it was gone. Whipping her head around to look behind her, she saw the same shadowy outline but this time it was in the shape of a man in a cloak. He stood only half a yard’s length from her. 

“Give yourself to me and you will desire no man again,” said the figure, extending its hand slowly. “I have not heard a song since the beginning of time, My Dear,” it said, his voice lower than any man that she had ever heard. It wasn’t entirely frightening. It was almost soothing. 

“W-what do you mean?” Siren questioned, slowly lowering her guard. 

“You have given me a gift that has warmed my heart. Allow me to warm yours in a way that a human can understand.” It continued to offer its hand. “Give me your trust, Sweetheart.”

Slowly, her opinion of the Shadow before her began to change. His soothing voice was enticing and almost seducing. “What if I say no?”

“Then you will never see me again. What do you say?”

Siren was at a loss for words. Some of her past boyfriends did not show this level of respect that the Shadow was offering her. An entity as old as time could know how to please a woman? She nodded, taking his hand and dropping her clothes. As soon as her hand contacted his, he was no longer made out of shadow. He became flesh and bone right before her eyes. 

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. His enormous hand engulfed hers and held it tightly. He was muscular, hairy, and rugged. He was the stuff of dreams. His full beard was dark and his enticing eyes were even darker. 

Siren’s hand slowly traced up his powerful forearms and biceps as she was pulled into him. She was intoxicated with the allure of the mystery. As she moved in closer, her arms closed around his neck. 
He did not make a move, but instead let her lead. The Shadow was careful and gentle. He smiled as she leaned in to kiss him gently on the mouth. Suddenly she frowned and looked away, as if she was ashamed. “It doesn’t feel right,” she said, burying her face in his shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, cupping her face gently and forcing her to look him in the eye. “Tell me, Sweetheart. Won’t you?”

“I d-don’t know…” her now timid voice trailed off. Her eyes drifted to staring back at the river. When she looked back at the Shadow, there was no longer a perfect man standing before her. Now there stood a woman, her jet black hair long and flowing. Her breasts and hips were just perfectly crafted on her body. Siren’s face grew red with embarrassment. 
“I can see what you really want, Sweetheart,” the Shadow spoke, now with the voice of a mature yet sultry lady. “You don’t have to pretend.” 

Siren suddenly felt her heart leaping within her chest as she once again leaned into the Shadow. Her lips were met with much softer lips this time, the sweet taste of vanity flowers still on them. Siren became the aggressor all at once, suddenly moaning softly and biting at the other’s lip. She melted as the Shadow’s hands began to trace down Siren’s body and gently brush her fingertips against her soft ass. She dragged her fingertips around Siren’s body, brushing her hips gracefully as Siren shuddered and grunted softly. 

“Fuck,” Siren whispered, her hips bucking on their own. “I- I want you.”

“My name is Ash. Don’t forget it, Sweetie,” Ash said as she sunk to her knees in front of Siren. “You sang a song for me, but I’ll make you sing an entirely different song now.” 

Siren threaded Ash’s raven hair through her fingers and spread her legs for the other woman. Ash gently traced Siren’s pubic bone with her tongue and smirked up at her, making eye contact the entire time. “Good girl,” Ash whispered softly, nipping at the skin. “You just enjoy yourself for me, alright?”
Siren nodded and closed her eyes. Once again her mind began to become one with her surroundings as it was when she was in the water. As Ash teased Siren’s thighs with her teeth and tongue, Siren felt herself losing her grip on reality itself. This was otherworldly and the real pleasure had not even begun. 

Without warning Ash delved her tongue into the warm wetness of Siren’s pussy and dragged her tongue up to her clitoris with a single motion. This, of course, sent Siren into a tizzy. She pulled Ash’s hair and forced her hips towards the eager mouth. Ash did not deny Siren and began to please her with her mouth, sucking and licking her clitoris and sliding her tongue between her lips and into her hole. Every movement was more than Siren believed that she could handle. 

Ash leaned her head to the side, flicking her tongue rapidly over Siren’s now swollen clitoris. As she did this, she slid a finger deep into Siren’s pussy and began to curl it against her walls. Siren could do nothing except clench and moan and whine at the immense amount of pleasure.

First Ash started with one finger, then two, then three. The way that Siren clenched against her fingers was absolutely delightful. Siren felt an orgasm beginning to build. She whined and panted, still gripping firmly to Ash’s hair. Siren bucked her hips and the shy girl began to face fuck Ash. “Oh fuck!”

“You’re such a good girl for me,” Ash said, still furiously fingering Siren. “I know just how to make you feel good.”

“Yeah! You do! Fuck!” Siren gasped for air and moaned before grabbing another handful of hair.

“I-I’m – “

“Cum. Now.” 

With a demand like that, there was no way that Siren could decline. Her body seemed to react on its own, shivering and moaning as she finished on Ash’s fingers and tongue. She couldn’t hold back even if she had wanted to. It was all she could do to remain standing. 

“Good girl. Easy,” Ash whispered, standing quickly and embracing Siren’s weak body in her arms. 

“I want you to fuck me,” Siren said through a breathy moan.

    “Oh do you now, Sweetheart?” Ash’s voice suddenly turned husky and warm again. Ash had transformed back into the form that he was before. “You want me to fuck you like the little whore that you are?”

She nodded and squeaked, feeling her knees grow weak. She fell into him, leaning all of her weight against his hard, muscular body. He held her up as if she weighed nothing. He then shoved her to the ground and pounced on top of her in a furry. Before she could even take another breath, he was inside her with his perfectly sized cock. It was just the perfect shape for her tight little hole. He caused her to stretch around his girth but not too much. 

With every thrust that he made, he hit directly against her G-spot. He took the very breath out of her lungs and made her dizzy with pleasure. He gathered her legs up and put her knees over his broad shoulders and continued fucking her into oblivion. Every thrust brought her closer to climax. He panted and moaned, grasping both of her wrists and pushing them above her head. 

“Fuck! Please!”

He shoved all the way in, leaned down to her ear, and said in a hoarse whisper, “Moan my name with you cum for me.” With this he moved his hips a few last times before she gave and came around his cock. The clenching of her walls naturally caused him to finish as well. 

They both lay there for a moment, panting and sweating. “Thank you,” whispered the Shadow as he stood. A robe of black began to surround him as he took a step back. “It has been good to feel the warmth of a human.”

“Wait!” Siren called out, struggling to her feet. “Don’t leave me!”

“You will see me again. Just sing again and I will be by your side.” The cloak of shadow engulfed him completely except for just one of his hands. He used this hand to cup her chin. “Just be a good girl for me until next time, Okay?”

She nodded as his hand faded to black. The Shadow became ethereal and mysterious again, his shape almost gaseous. He seemed to dissolve away into the air. Siren gathered her clothes and dressed herself. She walked back to where she had left Andromeda, who was still devouring vanity flowers.

“Hey boy, let’s go home.” 

As she cleared the forest and rode back to the farm, Siren sighed and smiled gently. She led Andromeda back into his stall where he had originally escaped from and sparked this entire adventure. As she closed the lock, Simon coughed loudly. 

“At took you long enough? Where the hell you been, girly?” Simon asked, puffing on a cigarette. 

“Oh sorry, Simon. I was busy getting laid. But that’s not something you’d know about.”

    “Ah, shove it,” he replied with a hearty laugh. “Let’s finish feedin’ these damn deers.”
“Deer, Simon. The plural- oh forget it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kh4mjx/a_sirens_song_f_x_shapshifter_fantasy

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