Lunchtime Stroll Pt.1 [ffm] [Massage] [Timid]

During my lunch hour I like to go for a walk round the small town where I work to stretch my legs, get some fresh air and this story is about an encounter I had a few weeks ago.

It was a lovely warm sunny day and everyone was out enjoying the sun. Whilst walking through the park my attention was drawn to two young women near to the exit where I was headed. They were in their early twenties, and wore tight athletic wear which showed off their slim figures. One had a cropped top and 3/4 length leggings, whilst the other also had a cropped top but with a pair of shorts instead.

It was mesmerising to watch them stretch/warm-up, so much so I almost stumbled into an old lady walking her dog and the commotion caused the girls looked over. I recovered, quickly walked past them and out the park.

Later on I heard rapid footsteps behind me and the girls jogged past chatting and giggling. What a sight from behind, their tight leggings/shorts showing their perfect small perk asses and leaving little to the imagination. I almost starting to jog behind them to enjoy the view longer before they disappeared down a side road. The following few days I made sure to visit the park at the same time to see them again, even working up the courage to wave as I past. Every time they would catch me up and come jogging past.

One day I was later than usual, just as I entered the park they started their run and disappeared out the exit. I left the park disappointed, later on in my walk as turned to go up the street I could see the girls. The tallest one was sitting on the floor, looking uncomfortable and hold her leg whilst the other was trying to comfort her. As I walked closer I worked up the courage to speak to them.

“A…Are you alright?”

“Does it look like I’m alright?” The girl on the floor replied in frustration at being asked a stupid question.

“Sorry… I mean … Is there anything I can do to help.”

“Don’t listen to her, Alina is always grumpy if she injures herself,” replied the other girl.

“Nadia!” Alina snapped in response then let out a long sigh, “It’s my leg, I got severe cramp and it gave way”.

“Could you help me get her up?” Nadia asked.


“Ok get her right arm, I’ll get the left.

“1…2…3 go”

Nadia and I lifted Alina on her feet then she tried putting pressure on her right leg.

“How does it feel?”

“Not great I don’t think I can walk on it”

“Our house is not far do you think can you help Alina get home?”

“No worries,” I said quickly.

“Great thanks, put an arm around us both Al and we’ll get going”

Alina followed Nadia’s instructions, sharing her weight between us she could hobble forward and we slowly made our way to their house. The front door was thrown open, we awkwardly made our way into the lounge over to the large sofa and Alina collapsed onto it.

“Thanks for your help, it would have been much more difficult carrying her on my own,” said Nadia.

“Oi! I’m not that heavy,” Alina remarked.

“We didn’t even ask your name?”

“J..Jay… and your welcome. I’ll leave you to it,” I said nervously whilst walking towards the door.

“Wait! You can’t leave,” Nadia said with a startle. “It would be rude of us not to repay you for your help.”

Being so shy and already feeling awkward I tried to argue that it wasn’t necessary but they were not having any of it.

“Nadia is right, it would be unfair of us. Oh I know we have the cake that I baked yesterday, the least we could do is offer you a slice and a drink. You must be thirsty?”

Reluctantly I agreed, Alina moved her legs and I sat down at the opposite end of the sofa. To my surprise she moved them back placing them on lap.

“Tea, coffee, Cold-drink?” asked Nadia.

“Tea please, black, one sugar”

“I’ll put a pot on for us all then and get the cake”.

Nadia returned with three pieces of cake and mugs of tea. They chatted to me whilst I ate the most delicious cake. It turns out they are childhood friends from Poland and are studying at the local University. Alina is studying sports science whilst Nadia Sports and nutrition.

Alina was still showing signs of discomfort with her leg and after we finished our cake, Nadia stood up, picked up the plates then started to walk towards the kitchen but stopped as she got to Alina.

“Still hurting hun?”

“Yeah,” Alina replied dejectedly.

Nadia turned to me “, Jay looks like he has strong hands, get him to massage it while he is sitting down there.” She then turned and continued to walk into the kitchen.

Alina and I sat there for a second staring blankly at one another, seemingly waiting for the other to do something. Suddenly Alina turned over on her stomach and moved down the sofa towards me till her knees rested between my legs.

I didn’t know what to do with myself. Alina’s long slim legs and perfect butt were right in front of me, her leggings clinging so tight to her body. I was almost blushing, unable to move and just sat staring at her.

“It’s mainly my right thigh, closest to you.” Alina said breaking the silence.

Tentatively I placed one hand on her thigh, I was almost shaking, and squeezed gently a few times.

“Use two hands,” she sharply replied.

I placed a hand either side of her thigh and used my thumbs to apply pressure.

“Ah, god dammit”

I suddenly stopped thinking I was hurting her.

“Don’t stop it was working but you need to press much harder, and work all the muscle,” Alina instructed.

I started again from just above her knee, pressing my thumbs and sliding them up her thigh but not venturing too close to her butt although her leggings kept getting in the way.

Nadia walked back in, and watched my feeble attempt at a massage.

“Alina take off your leggings, it will make it much easier.”

“Hang on a minute…” Alina protested at Nadia’s suggestion.

“You’ve got underwear on and it’s clean, what’s the problem?”

Before Alina could protest any more Nadia had already grabbed her arms and was lifting her awkwardly up off the sofa till she was stood up in front me, facing away. She was still finding it difficult to stand on both legs so bent over forward to lean on Nadia and steady herself.

Nadia was peering at me over Alina’s shoulders with a devious smile on her face. She appeared to step back slightly causing Alina to bend over more before her hands came round and down to the waist of her friend. I don’t know if it was just me but Nadia seemed to take her time slowly sliding Alina’s leggings down over her butt, revealing a set of pink Brazilian briefs whilst intently staring at me. I didn’t quite know where to look, and felt more uncomfortable, was Nadia really enjoying this?

Eventually she crotched down and pulling down the leggings causing Alina to bend over further which allowed to look without being watched. However just as I was taking in this sublime sight, Nadia was having difficulty unhooking one leg, and she was starting to wobble. Nadia pulled hard and the leggings flew off causing her to fall backwards. This jolt was too much for Alina and she lost her balance.

I placed my hands up to try to grab her but she still came crashing into me, her butt straight into my face. For a moment there was silence, I couldn’t believe I was face planted in Alina’s butt then she collapsed on the sofa next to me. Both girls burst into hysterics which got worse when they saw how bright red my face was, it seemed an endless nightmare but eventually they calmed down.

“Poor Jay,” Nadia said wiping away a tear of joy in her eye, then picked herself up off the floor and patted me on the shoulder.

“At least it’s helped cheered Alina up,” she said walking off then came back with a tube of deep heat muscle cream.

“Here use some of this, it will help.”

I was hoping that they would let me go but Nadia was determined. I took the tube of cream and Alina assumed her previous position albeit now without her leggings. If it was distracting before now, it was ten times worse and very hard not to stare at her pink panties that barely covered her perky butt.

I did as best I could to concentrate on the task in hand and think of anything but the sexy sight in front of me as things were stirring down below. I finished applying the cream and worked my hands as hard as I could to relieve the tension in Alina’s thigh till it started to relax.

“Thanks that feels much better now. Do you mind working the other one as it’s a bit stiff after supporting all my weight?” Alina said asked softly.

I nodded and started to work my hands on her other thigh, it certainly was not as tight as the other but still seemed tense. Nadia was still sat opposite as she had earlier, I couldn’t quite make out but it looked like she was sipping her drink in one hand, whilst the other was seemed to be placed on her thigh. Maybe she seemed tense too but was casually talking on and off with Alina in what I assumed was their native language.

“How’s he doing, does it feel good?” Nadia said suddenly in English.

“It was a slow start but he got better and feeling much better now.”

“We’ll make a physio out of you yet Jay,” Nadia chuckled as she finished her drink then started walking over to the sofa.

“Right time to find out myself as I’m starting to ache from carrying and helping Alina undress.”

Nadia took Alina’s arms and helped her to her feet. This time she was able to put more weight on her leg, I couldn’t help but watch her cute ass as she limped over to the chair opposite and fall into it, not bothering to put her leggings or anything else back on.

Nadia was stood in front of me facing my direction, the jewelled stud piercing in her belly perfectly complimenting her flat stomach. Again I didn’t know exactly where to look but she was so close I didn’t have much choice. As casually as anything she placed her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and slid them down right in front of me revealing her blue Brazilian briefs underneath. Leaning forward she put an arm on my shoulder to steady herself then stepped out of them then stood up. She seemed quite at ease with her body and wasn’t at all bothered. So much in fact she turned her head towards Alina and started chatting whilst her crotch was inches from my face.

I didn’t know whether she was just a free and easy going person or whether it was deliberate make me feel uncomfortable. My head was almost swirling with another beautiful girl in her underwear right in front of me. I couldn’t help but the notice the intricate designs on her panties, these seemed fancier to the plain pink of Alina’s and almost inviting you to sneak glimpses of her pussy through the lace.

I was suddenly snapped out of it when she dived on the sofa in front of me. It was uncomfortable as she wiggled around till she settled on the same position Alina lay in, facing down and knees resting between my legs on my lap. Nadia’s ass also seemed perfect and perky but maybe a little fuller than Alina’s.

I started on Nadia’s right thigh while she continued chatting to Alina, kneading the muscle with my hands and applying a lot of pressure. Unlike Alina she seemed to fidget allot, causing some friction in my shorts. I was already trying my best to not get aroused but this was making it allot more difficult.

I quickly moved to her other leg to see if it would reduce her fidgeting but unfortunately it made no difference. Her leg brushed my cock which was already becoming aroused and as it got harder, the more Nadia’s fidgeting seemed to find it. I was starting to panic, trying to think of anything else and trying to move position to make it more comfortable. All the while she seemed totally oblivious to my strife and the rocket starting to take off in my shorts. Just as I was getting totally flustered, I heard Nadia’s voice.

“You’re actually pretty good but it’s my lower back which needs attention”

“I’ll move down a bit make it easier.”

Nadia lifted her ass up to move down the sofa further and I immediately adjusted my body. My cock snapped flat against my abdomen, making it less obvious and more comfortable to my relief. I was expecting Nadia to move so her stomach was over my lap instead she only moved only slightly and lay with her crotch in my lap. It was a good job I adjusted myself otherwise I would be poking her inappropriately and couldn’t imagine the shame of it all.

It was still awkward for me, now having Nadia’s crotch in my lap as I started to massage her back. I did hope having moved position she would fidget less but as applied pressure with my hands either side of her lower back, and started to slide them up she arched her back.

“Ahhh…yep…that’s the knot…ahhh…just there,” Nadia blurted out interrupting her conversation with Alina.

This of course had the effect of pushing her hips forward, increasing pressure in my lap and causing friction again in my shorts. As I relaxed my hands, she relaxed her body but every time I started again so she arched her back almost grinding my lap. Was she totally obvious to this or didn’t she care?

It was impossible to concentrate, my heart and mind racing, filled with all kinds of thoughts knowing what was rubbing against my legs, the near naked girl in front of me and the occasion sounds she made. I tried just staring at my hands each time would be drawn to Nadia’s ass. There was a strange outline of something under her panties coming from between her butt. Was there something there or just a strange trick of the light? Had it always been there or was this placed there while she was out the room? The thought was increasing my arousal again which I was trying desperately to reduce.

“No it’s just in your head, you’re not thinking straight anymore,” I thought.

I looked away to the wall opposite to try to calm down but then caught Alina out the side of my eye. She sat with one leg crossed under the other whilst the other remained straight and due to the angle of the chair, it gave me a view of the front of her panties. I looked up at her face to check if she had caught me looking and she was looking towards me. At first I thought she must be looking right at me but she seemed to switch between looking at Nadia’s face when they were making the odd comment to themselves then moved to my lap. She certainly didn’t seem to notice I was glancing over at her.

I couldn’t resist and glanced back down to her legs. She was slowly rubbing the inside of her thigh, I guess it may have still been slightly uncomfortable but it seemed almost in time with my own hands and went a little higher than I dared. I quickly dismissed it following her arm was it went up her thigh then was drawn to her pink panties. Having slumped slightly in the chair it had pulled them tighter to her body and could clearly see the outline of her pussy. I traced it with my eyes from top to bottom then noticed a slight dark spot right at the base. Was this just a crease or did my massage slightly arouse her?

It was becoming more and more difficult to continue, my mind was ablaze with erotic thoughts and wherever I looked caused more intrigue and arousal. Just the view alone would have made my cock hard but with Nadia fidgeting causing friction in my shorts she may as well been giving me a hand job. Whilst I was starting to lose it, both girls seemed so casual and relaxed which made me feel more anxious.

If things couldn’t get any worse, Nadia’s fidgeting now started pulling at my shorts. With my cock so hard it was in danger of it making an appearance or my pre-cum would start to soak through and I began to worry Alina would spot it. My blind panic was mixed with arousal and even without this latest development it was only a matter of time before I would cum and hard. I could not let this happen and the shame of it would be unbearable.

“F**k is that the time,” I suddenly said out loud, stopping what I was doing.

“I…I need to get back to work, sorry”

“But you’ve not even finished your drink,” Nadia said looking back up at me.

I quickly grabbed the cup and down the contents in one then quickly slid sideways from underneath Nadia.

“But wait a sec…” Alina said with a bemused look.

“Sorry, sorry I’ve got to go, I…I’ll see you to around… I’ll see myself out, don’t get up.”

I quickly backed out the room, opened the door and marched quickly away till I was out there road and round the corner.

I sat on a wall, my face was flushed, my heart, racing and breathing heavy. I could scarcely believe what just happened, was I just getting aroused or were the girls starting to enjoy themselves too. There was no way I could risk it, and as shy as I am I couldn’t just admit anything or try attempt to make a move.

I stayed there for 5 minutes till I calmed down and started to recover. I couldn’t help feel I left badly but hopefully they would have forgiven me and believed my feeble excuse. I resumed my walk, and eventually got back to my office but I would relive those scenes in my mind that night.




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