My swinger girlfriend agreed to pretend to be my friends girlfriend for the weekend [MF] (part2)

Hello all! Thanks for all the questions about what happened after the end of the last story. For those that wanted to read, here’s a link: [](
TLDR: My girlfriend and I are swingers, and she and a single friend of ours hooked up on the first night of a vacation with all of of our friends.

Now on to the story!

The sounds and smells of breakfast coming from the kitchen awoke me the next morning. I opened my eyes, it was already very bright outside, Ally still laid in front of me. I looked forward to see if Jake was still sleeping on the air mattress on the floor, he wasn’t. Ally began to stir soon after, and rolled to look towards me, squinting her eyes hard.

“I figured you’d be tired after last night” I quietly jeered, giving her a sly smile. She lightly slapped my arm. We hadn’t talked much about last night and our main rule was that even if we didn’t think we needed to talk about it, we did. We talked long and hard about what all happened to lead up to the sex, how we both felt about it all, and made a plan moving forward.

“I thought it was all crazy hot” I started “If you want to keep the fun going, I’m not going to stop you”. A smile crept across Ally’s face.

“So you enjoyed watching that much eh…?”

“Hell yeah I did” I could feel my cock growing as an idea came across my mind. “How would you feel about giving him the full ‘Ally’ experience for the rest of the weekend?”

“What do you mean by that…?” She questioned, I could tell she knew what I meant though, she just wanted to hear me say it.

“Ya know… You could treat him the same way you would treat me. All the sex, all the fun, so long as you can both be SUPER secretive”.

And with that, we had an agreement. Over breakfast, I could tell Jake was uneasy. He wouldn’t make eye contact with either Ally or me, it was nearly impossible to get him into the same room alone, but we finally did. The three of us sat down and had a quick chat about what we were thinking. Of course he happily accepted our offer. Who wouldn’t lol it was pretty much a dream situation. By this point the rest of the group had all disbanded, some were outside on the beach, others were still recovering in their beds, and one couple had gone to make a run to the store. Things were very clear in the house. Knowing that, the fun started almost immediately. Ally stood up from the couch and reached into her bag to grab some clothes and her bathroom goods, taking an extra second to grab her lube. She turned with her things and left to go to the bathroom, looking back at Jake and I one last time before turning the corner. I looked at Jake at the same time he looked at me. “I think that’s your cue to go” I said slyly. “I’ll go into the other shower so if anyone comes inside they’ll just think I’m in there with Ally”. And with that, the plan was in motion.

I turned the shower on and stripped down, my cock was as hard as it could be knowing that Ally was currently stripping down with another man. Just then my phone buzzed with a text message. Ally’s name crossed the screen. My cock jumped with excitement. I opened the text, it was a picture of her neck down standing in the mirror. Her tan lines ran across her chest just barely leaving any room between her pink nipples and where the fabric of her bikini had sat. Jake stood behind her, holding her tits from behind. Her toned stomach guided my eyes down to her pussy that was just out of camera view. God I wanted to see her body so bad. I texted back to no response. I figured their fun had started. Anyways, I finally had some privacy to have some fun of my own, and I had a lot of “material” to use for my fun.

By the time I had finished showering, I got out and texted Ally to make sure we could exit the bathrooms without anyone realizing what was happening. After some time she responded. “One minute” the text read with an emoji smiley face. A second later another picture came through. Ally’s ass was pressed up against the glass shower door. Her legs spread just far enough apart that her pussy was visible to the camera. I admired the photo for as long as I could before finally another text came through. “Okay we’re good” I cautiously opened the door, and lightly jogged to the living room, at the same time I heard them do the same. Ally had a big smile on her face, so did Jake. Jake grabbed the rest of his clothes and exited the room leaving me with Ally. She walked up and reached her arms up around my shoulders pulling herself up to my lips. We met halfway as we shared an incredibly passionate kiss. She pulled away, “You know that’s cheating right?” I stared questioningly. “I just cheated on my boyfriend with you, I kissed another man and even sent you pics of my naked body”. I finally understood she was engaging in the role play, embracing Jake as her boyfriend for the weekend, and me as “another man”. I had just cum in the shower, but I could have cum again right then and there.

The weekend was about way more than sex though, Ally already wearing her smallest black bikini left to go out to the beach. I soon followed behind. It had to have been one of the hottest days of the year. We did all of the typical beach activities, swam, played volleyball. At around noon, the guys went out on the boat to do some fishing and drinking. The girls all stayed behind to relax and get their tan on. Out on the boat, all of us guys did basically anything but fish, fishing was more or less an excuse to drink heavily and screw around doing dumb stuff. Every once in a while I would catch Jake sitting on his phone for a long period of time, before he would put it down and continue, it was a constant cycle all afternoon of him checking his phone and smirking. I had a feeling that was confirmed when he saw me staring and showed me the name on the screen. “Girlfriend”. Ally must have done that as a joke.

When we finally arrived back at the house, Jake almost immediately announced that his work needed him to call in to a meeting. I thought it was suspicious, and the wink Ally gave me confirmed my suspicion when she asked me to come help her get a drink. I followed her up from the beach, watching her black bikini ride up her ass as she took the steps up to the house. Each step her big firm ass bounced up and down. Unable to contian myself I reached forward and squeezed. Her hand playfully slapped back. As soon as she walked in the doors, she skipped her way to the living room. With a fluid motion, and nearly no time for me to react, she had slipped her bikini top off, and covered her breasts with her free arm. “Not for your eyes” she giggled, while dropping her bikini bottoms as well. She picked them up and turned to stare at me. “He wanted me to be ready as soon as I came in” she said gleefully before bounding down the hall into an empty bedroom. I couldn’t contain myself. Watching her get so excited to take someone’s cock had me so horny. I kept checking my phone hoping for more pictures, only this time they didn’t come. I think my mind tricked me into “hearing” moaning once or twice, but I think they were generally pretty quiet as to not get caught. In any case I kept guard. Maybe 10 minutes or so later, I heard movement coming the bedroom. The door opened and soon after Ally walked into the kitchen, her face was pink and flustered as she reorganized her pony tail. She walked up to me “I thought we were making drinks?!” We both laughed. I tried to pry, she was keeping her secrets about what happened in the bedroom this time. I scanned her body, her chest was definitely red, whenever she came hard, it would take around 10 minutes for the normal color to return. As she turned away from me, I got a look at her ass, which on the other hand was a different shade of red. It was clear he had been enjoying her butt a little too much. As I told her this she scoffed and pulled her bikini bottom to cover more of her body. A clear handprint poked out from behind the black material. It was good enough I guess.

Ally and I came back outside in a pair, a couple of people made jokes about what we had been doing in there. Little did they know. Ally and I took them in stride. Several minutes later Jake emerged from the house as well holding his phone. “Work might need me a few more times today” He said with a straight face. It was evident Ally fully understood what he meant as she bit her lip while staring at him.

As the afternoon went on, Jake had to take one more work call, he promised the group this one would be quick. Like clockwork a few minutes after Jake was inside, Ally slipped away into the house as well. This time the two emerged much more quickly.
A friend looked at Ally and asked “I think you got a little cum on yourself”. My heart stopped for a moment and my stomach dropped. I looked at Ally’s top, which had a clear white stain streaked across the upper half, almost oozing down. Ally looked down grabbing her boob with one hand and examining the fabric. She reached down and scooped it up and licked it off her finger. What the fuck was going on I thought. Ally looked back at our friend who made the comment who was now laughing. Ally pointed towards me “If his cum tasted like this chip dip, I’d be in trouble” Everyone laughed and I slowly released the breath I had been holding in. Sometime after Jake emerged, I quietly pulled Ally off to the side and warned her that was too close. She laughed, but agreed at the same time. For the time being they would chill.

Day turned to night, and nothing much more had happened worthwhile. We had a very chill evening, playing some board games, having some drinks. As it got later and later we decided to have a bonfire out on the beach. It was a perfect Saturday night, and the last night we would all be up there so everyone was taking advantage of it. As the night got later, two of the couples retreated into the house to go to bed, leaving just Ally, Jake and one other couple. After a while Ally and I decided to head inside as well, after the day we had I wanted to touch base and make sure we were both still happy. I know I for sure was. We had a quick discussion and determined we were good to keep going.

From inside we watched as Jake opened up the hot tub, the final couple still awake walked inside, “Hey we’re gonna go chill in the hot tub for a bit, you guys going to bed?” I looked at Ally, “Oh yeah for sure!” she responded quickly. Ally specifically waiting for Jake to come inside before making sure the coast was clear and stripping down out of her clothes and back into her bathing suit.

We all chilled in the hot tub for quite some time, laughing, talking, drinking. It was very late by the time the remaining couple decided to call it for the night and once they retreated into the house it left just the three of us once again. I scooted to the other side of the hot tub assuming we would hang out and talk for a bit. Ally leaned over to Jake’s ear and began whispering something. He grinned and nodded. And just like that she pulled his face towards hers and began making out with her. Instantly my cock grew hard. The two continued for a few moments before I decided that I should give them some privacy. “Don’t stay up too late” I joked as I stood up, my erect cock pushing at my bathing suit. I turned my head, and took a step out of the tub, suddenly feeling a wet slap against my back. Ally’s top fell to the ground behind me. I turned, she was leaned over the side of the tub, her tits pressed firmly against the plastic out of view. “Hey I left my phone on the couch, maybe you should do some reading while you try to fall asleep…” Her grin was insatiable, it felt like I was walking into a trap. I must have looked confused because before I could even respond, she held her hand up and waved goodbye to me with a giant grin on her face and a giggle. I turned and continued inside.

I could feel my heart racing as I quickly dried off and stripped out of my wet clothes and into a pair of gym shorts. Ally’s phone was right where she had claimed it was, I turned off the lights and picked it up. My cock was ready to burst out of my shorts. I opened the texts between Ally and Jake and was immediately greeted with the plan that was currently unfolding. The first text on the screen read, “Scroll up to the top and read from the beginning, thanks for a great weekend, Ally and I figured you would enjoy! – Jake”.

My cock twitched as I quickly scrolled past picture after picture with dozens of texts between each. I knew they had been sexting all afternoon but I had no idea they had planned on me reading it. I finally got to the beginning, I was greeted with the pics that Ally had sent me from her phone earlier in the day, only there was an extra video here now. I clicked play. Ally stood in the center of the camera her face not visible, she held a towel at her chest that was wrapped around her body. The camera was a little shaky as it panned up for a brief moment. Her provocative lips pursed together just barely before breaking into a smile. One hand ran down her toweled body before she released her grip with her other hand. Slowly the towel opened up being held for a brief moment by her breasts. She jiggled her body back and forth letting the towel fall entirely. Her tits swayed back and forth as the towel fell before coming to a rest. The light shined from her back casting shadows across her petite frame. Her hand caressed her flat stomach moving upwards slowly before finally gripping her right boob from underneath and firmly pressing it against her body. The camera panned down to her left hand which had moved across to Jake’s body. He lifted the camera up and in front of him. It was evident why Ally found him attractive, her hand connected with his torso, gently brushing down his muscled frame. She moved so sensually as she worked her way down to his erect cock. It was my first time seeing it in the daylight. Her fingers slid along his shaft. Teasing him. She reached his tip and wrapped her small hands around him and gently stroked him back and forth. The camera repositioned itself on Ally’s chest only now Jake’s large hand was positioned across her chest, he moved back and forth between her boobs, letting them lightly bounce and sway.

Jake began moving his hand further up to her neck. Ally obliged letting her head fall back. Jake took a step closer his cock rubbed against her body, as she held it in place against her stomach with both hands. Jake’s hand continued up and out of camera view. Ally gasped as her chin shot up to the ceiling. He had grabbed ahold of her hair and tugged it downward playfully. Ally’s giggle was cut short by Jake spinning her around. Her hands connected with the wall as he pressed her up against it. The camera again panned down. He removed his left hand from Allys shoulder and placed it underneath her arched out pussy, he moved his hand around for a moment before reaching to grab the lube Ally had brought with her. He generously squeezed some onto his cock and began rubbing it in. “Fuck me” ally whispered her face still firm against the wall where Jake had left her. He pulled her ass out just a bit more and positioned his cock at her pussy and began inserting it. From this point of view I could see why they needed so much lube. The first inch or two Jake took very slowly, making sure to not hurt Ally. After a few moments Ally began pushing back against him. Jake moved the camera into a few different positions as the two picked up momentum. I couldn’t get over how sexy it was to see the two of them fucking for me to watch later. Knowing I’d be getting off to every moan and movement. Ally put her hand against his torso to pause him for a moment. He slowly inched his cock out from her pussy while holding the camera pointed close up against his cock. Streaks of white cum from Ally stuck to his shiny lubed up cock. Her pussy stretched around him quickly tightened back up as he pulled out. She moved to the counter top where she leaned over, the camera catching her flushed face for just a moment before she buried it into her arms and leaned her entire body over. Jake immediately pushed back into her, gripping her ass tightly. She handled him much better today as his body connected with her ass.

The camera continued to change between views of his cock and balls fucking her and views from the mirror of their bodies. Ally whimpered quiet moans into her arms as Jake began to rhythmically fuck her. His speed was signaled by her sharp breaths, which were muffled by the running shower beside them. Allys legs began to shake as her breathing turned slow and deep. Her right hand shot back to grip Jake’s arm as she pulled her head up now visible to the mirror. Her eyes were tightly closed as her was held open in a silent scream. Her hand shot over her mouth as she broke the silence with a squeal. Her eyes opened staring back at Jake and the camera, and for a brief moment just stared breathing heavy. Her face was beat red from holding in her screams. She removed her hand, her lips now together as she let our small moans with each thrust. She looked at the camera and sheepishly smiled before hiding her face once again. Jake slowed down to a stop. Ally, taking his signal, began bouncing her ass up and down. She worked the tip of his cock in and out of her, every once in a while taking him deep inside her. Without any warning, Jake suddenly gripped her hips and held her in place, while letting out a deep grunt. The camera panned down underneath her pussy showing a view I hadn’t seen yet. His large cock pressed against her soaking wet pussy, the base of his cock pulsing, as his tight balls pressed into her clit. For a moment there was no movement until Jake began pulling his cock out. As he pulled out of her soaked pussy, a stream of cum dripped out as well running down her left leg. He pulled the camera back up as her hand moved underneath her holding his thick load inside of her. Ally took a deep breath as Jake pulled the camera back out admiring her naked body bent over the counter. Her big round ass sat high up still. Jakes hand rubbed it gently getting one final squeeze in before the video abruptly came to an end.

I sat breathing heavy. My cock in my hands was ready to burst as I moved my hands to my balls to keep from cumming just yet. No matter how much I knew every inch of her body it never ceased to amaze me how sexy she was. I continued scrolling through picture after picture, reading every sexy word they said to each other. Soon after we got outside that morning Ally had sent Jake a text of her black bikini bottoms, a small pool of white cum streaked across to where her clit sat “You feel so good leaking out of me”. She wrote after. She had even snuck a few topless pics and ass pics while the girls stayed back tanning. Showing off her toned oiled up body. I scrolled reading texts and watching videos for what felt like an hour before I heard the hot tub jets stop and soon after a naked Ally came walking in confident as ever. Behind her Jake followed sheepishly covering his bare cock with his towel. It was a little funny to see him act shy now after all that I had just seen. He clearly wasn’t used to how open Ally and I were, but he was making an effort! We briefly talked about everything knowing that there might not be a good opportunity to talk tomorrow before leaving.

Ally sat cross legged on the floor between the couch and Jakes air mattress, the room barely illuminated. She had wrapped her towel around herself, still naked underneath, but covered. Jake sat covered only by his towel as well, every once in a while adjusting himself from presumably getting a boner remembering today’s actions. I reminded him he still had a gf until we packed up the car tomorrow. Ally took my hint and crawled over to Jake, letting her towel fall in the process. On her hands and knees her boobs hung down beneath her as both Jake and I sat mesmerized. She positioned herself behind him and with both hands began massaging his chest as he sat upwards. The room was silent outside of the sounds of her hands rubbing against his skin. “Close your eyes” she whispered into his ear. She made eye contact with me. Slowly her hands moved down to his cock beneath the towel. She lifted pulling it out letting the towel fall away. Her fingers gripped around his large cock as she made small circles along the bottom of his head. Her other hand gently massaged his balls. Every once in a while she looked up at me making sure I was still watching. As her pace quickened his head began to tilt back. Ally knew what this meant and crawled around Jake positioning her ass just a few feet in front of me. Her shaved pussy looked beautiful as she bobbed her head up and down on his cock. I resisted every urge to reach forward and spread apart her lips, now glistening slightly as she got wetter and wetter. Her big round ass jiggled along with every movement of her head. It wasn’t long before Jake picked up his breathing and gripped Ally’s head. She stopped sucking momentarily, but her hand still continued to massage his shaft. Jake took a handful of her hair with one hand, pushing her head up and down at the pace he wanted. Within seconds Jakes body twitched as he moved his pelvis forward, forcing himself further into her mouth. Allys hand never stopped rubbing his now tight balls as he began filling her mouth. As he released his grip she pulled her head back. He sat breathing heavy for a moment as Ally wiped her face from the spit. She leaned forward kissing him on the cheek. “Goodnight” she whispered.

Ally crawled over and grabbed her loosest tank top that never seemed to cover her tits all the way and a pair of panties and quietly slipped them on before cuddling up in front of me. My hands explored her body, running up and down her curves. I couldn’t get over just how sexy she was. But it was late and everyone was exhausted. My hand rested across her chest tucked in between her tits as I started drifting off to sleep for the night.



  1. There was so much content in the text messages, I think I could write forever just on those lol.

  2. Fantastic follow up! Would love to hear more if it continued? What a dream scenario, thank you! :)

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