[MF] What is it about dental hygienists?! Horny, neglected milf gets her needs met….

This is long, skip to the paragraph break labeled “Begin juicy stuff” if you want the explicit sex description.

When I was a younger guy, I spent a number of years working in an office inside a high rise in a major urban center. It was a law firm, staffed by a lot of young associates, a small handful of partners, a bunch of recent college grads prepping for law school, and file clerks, essentially interns on a semester rotation from a nearby university.

The workforce skewed very young, mostly in the 18-29 year old range, and the faces rotated in and out constantly with semesters ending, people heading off to other educational or job opportunities and the like. The culture was debaucherous from the top down. The senior partners were known for their fondness for “skiing” and bringing high end escorts to firm functions. It was a haven for sexual impropriety, in the last days of a culture where the Me Too movement would soon change almost everything, the cultural equivalent of a meteor wiping out the dinosaurs. It wasn’t Wolf of Wall Street, there were no midgets or quaaludes, but the overall vibe was not dissimilar. You could almost feel the social and generational ground shifting beneath your feet during these times; it felt very much like a late stage empire on the verge of collapse.

I broke the golden “no coworkers” rule many, many times over those years, and in retrospect it’s amazing that I did so with impunity and never suffered any real blowback for it. I guess that’s primarily because I’m a guy, and that type of behavior was quietly met with tacit, unspoken approval from the partnership. Practically everyone else was doing the same, and it was a heady mix of fresh faced youth, novelty, stress/anxiety from the demanding work environment, drugs and alcohol. Especially the alcohol. Post-work drinks were a nightly occurrence for many.

On one particular late January Thursday, I had worked myself to the bone for several nights prior and really needed a break. I was a 27 year old associate still striving to make my bones and win praise from the partners, all the while enduring the abusive work experience that is often the hallmark of that time in a young lawyer’s life. I had a colleague with whom I was slightly more than friends. We were drinking buddies with the occasional drunk makeout/cuddle session. I wanted more, but she was reluctant to go there given the stakes involved with her professional reputation, and society’s imbalance when it comes to that reputation in the workplace. To put it simply, she had strong morals in a land of depravity, and that is probably what drew me to her in the first place. I’ve always liked good girls the most.

We headed out around 7pm to a trendy hotspot bar/restaurant across from our office tower, and sidled up to the bar together. We began to commiserate over Grey Goose & sodas for about an hour until a pretty older woman, mid 40s, sat at the now-crowded bar next to us, in the last remaining open seat. We both smiled at her, and I shifted my stool so that I was facing more towards my colleague with my back to the woman.

My colleague and I continued chatting for 30 minutes or so, until she had to use the ladies’ room. She was heading out to meet up with her girlfriends at another bar downtown. I planned to stay for another drink before retiring for the night, done and dusted from a tough work week, eyes bleary and strained from too many hours staring at computer monitors hammering away at draft summary judgment motions.

I turned back to the bar to flag the bartender down for a refill, and when I did, my elbow accidentally bumped the lady who had sat in the vacant seat, causing her to spill the remnants of the glass of white she was clutching by the stem. I apologized profusely and wiped up the mess as best I could with cocktail napkins. I had to ask the bartender for a towel to contain the spill, not out of concern for the lady but because I didn’t want it to drip all over the suit pants I was wearing which I had just picked up from the dry cleaner the day before. Wearing a suit every day meant my dry cleaning bill wasn’t cheap, even on a young lawyer’s salary.

As I got the mess under control, and ordered another vodka soda and a glass of whatever white I had just dumped all over the bar, the lady smiled sweetly at me. She told me she thought I had excellent taste in women based on my date, and that we made a very fetching duo. I laughed and said thank you, but we were not dating, just coworkers. She told me she found that hard to believe based on the chemistry she observed in her limited time next to us. I told her that her instincts were true, we had fooled around a bit, but it wasn’t official or serious in the least. We just shared a mutual interest in making out after too much liquor.

At that very moment, my colleague returned from the bathroom, put her coat on, grabbed her purse, said “seeya tomorrow!” and rushed off. I caught the lady’s reaction to this development in the corner of my eye, and her eyes suddenly widened as she appeared to hold back a smile, like a Cheshire cat with a mouthful of canary.

Now that it was just the two of us, I began to direct my attention to the little details. She told me her name was Anne. She was wearing a long, flowy floral print dress with a navy sweater on top. A lanyard dangled around her neck and down the front of her chest, which even under the sweater was still prominent. She looked like she probably did a fair amount of yoga, or pilates, or one of those other fitness modalities that middle aged ladies love. She was thick in all the right places, and her face was attractive, like she probably spent a fair amount of money on creams and potions to fight off the lines. Still, the corners of her lips suggested she was probably a former smoker, which didn’t bother me, as I was known to indulge in a drunken Marlboro (or twenty) from time to time.

I scanned the lanyard for details – it was from an annual trade show event for dentists that was being held at a nearby convention center. I asked her if she was an attendee, and she confirmed. She was a dental hygienist, and the dentist she worked for had a last minute scheduling conflict. He had sent her to the event in his place as a little getaway from her life in an adjacent rural state. He even paid for her very chic hotel room next door, since it was a tax deductible business/training expense.

I chuckled and told her that for as long as I could remember, I had always been scolded about my flossing by dental hygienists, and that they were almost always total babes, so it must be an unspoken job requirement. She thought this was very funny, and as she laughed she reached out and touched my shoulder.

I also couldn’t help but notice the wedding ring – she had a small band with tiny little crumb sized diamonds, but that’s all I can remember. I didn’t know much about rings then. She seemed to fidget with it, rotating it around as we chatted. I paid it no mind as I was a fairly young guy, and had only experienced girls within my relative age range.

After the usual bar stranger chit chat, she leaned in very close, looked me dead in the eyes, and told me she was at the bar tonight for one reason: cunnilingus. I almost choked on my drink, but I managed to croak out a request for her to elaborate. She told me that back home, her husband had been ignoring her for years now. Their youngest was grown and out of the house, so it was just the two of them. But every night, he came home from his job driving a delivery truck for a local supermarket chain, and sat in a recliner drinking beer until he fell asleep. He didn’t really talk to her, or seem to care about anything going on in her life, and wouldn’t avert his gaze from the tv no matter how hard she tried. All of this had left her starved for attention, she confessed, and what she missed most was the feeling of a man’s tongue on her vulva. She felt like she was in her sexual prime, and her lump of a useless husband was not remotely interested in exploring that with her.

At this point, I was thanking my lucky stars, as I was young, single, and an enthusiastic oral sex provider. My first non-solo sexual experience as a teen involved clumsily shoving my face in my girlfriend’s crotch in her bedroom while her parents were at work. And I loved it! Ever since, I had jumped at any chance to explore a woman from that perspective. I relished it. I savored it. I craved it deep within my little caveman brain. Something about providing pleasure like that, while face deep in vagina, struck a strong chord in me.

Needless to say, I told her that I was confident I could help her with this issue. Her face lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July. No sooner had I finished telling her this, she dropped a Benjamin on the bar, told the bartender to close both our tabs and keep the change, and was throwing her big down coat over her shoulders. I stood and put my overcoat on, and she practically dragged me by my tie out into the frigid air in the direction of her hotel. Thankfully it was next door, and we were soon in the elevator, on our way to her room. Maybe it was my youth or the vodka but I did not have a single reservation about this, I was fully on board with licking this stranger within an hour of meeting her.

**Begin juicy stuff:**

We entered the room, and I told her to go heat the shower up and clean up. As I heard her turn the hot water on, I put on some soft R&B music on one of the TV music channels, and took my time carefully hanging my suit jacket, then the folded pants, and finally my white dress shirt and tie in the closet. I neatly arranged my shoes and socks, keeping only my underwear, and strode into the bathroom. I saw Anne fully nude, inside the large glass shower, with her back to me as the glass steamed up. I dropped the boxer briefs and entered the shower, embracing her from behind and wrapping her tight in my arms, my semi pressing into the small of her back, just above her prodigious ass. When she turned to face me, I saw that she had an exquisitely trimmed bush, which was a big relief. I hate getting stray hairs in my mouth, or worse, my throat.

I think most would agree that shower sex is rarely worth the effort, so we spent some time with gentle foreplay, caressing and exploring each other as the hot water poured down. We soaped up and rinsed off and she put on one of the hotel’s bathrobes and headed for the bed. I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist and followed.

Once we were in the bed together, she was immediately on her back, legs in the air, with me in position. I began by gently tracing the furthest edges of her outer labia with my tongue, up and down in long, slow teasing strokes. I turned my head and tongue kissed each of her inner thighs, leaving saliva all over the creases where they met with her pelvis. She squirmed like crazy, trying to move herself into me, but I wrapped my arms up under and back around her legs, holding her firmly in place. I could feel the warm humidity emanating from her slit as I continued to tease, then I took the slightly cupped palm of my left hand and pressed down on her pubic mound with firm, steady pressure. My fingers were now millimeters from the top of her slit, and I used them to spread her lips wide open, revealing a beautiful, juicy flower. She was basically growling at me with deep, guttural groans by this point, so I moved my tongue gently to her clitoral hood, flicking it then sucking it in and holding it between my moist lips. I traced the tip of my tongue up and down her inner lips and began rhythmically flicking my tongue up and down on her clit.

I released my right hand from around her leg and slid my index finger inside her canal. She squirmed more in an effort to pull me in, and I started making the classic “come hither” upward motion to hit the G spot. I always thought that was THE move, but what came next blew my mind, and I still use it today: she told me to move my finger the opposite direction, downward, into her vaginal floor. She said it felt like getting filled and fucked and was better for her than G spot stimulation. I went with it, and shortly thereafter the bed was rocking violently as she bucked and humped my face, coming hard on my finger and tongue and screaming her lungs into a pillow she had grabbed and placed over her face.

As her orgasm subsided, I backed off a little so as not to overstimulate her. She started grabbing at my hair and tugging, and told me to come here. I pushed myself up so we were face to face, and she grabbed me with her palms on my cheeks, like a grandma would, and just stared into my eyes with pure, unadulterated lust. I leaned in and kissed her so she could taste her cum all over my lips, and she was eager to lap it up.

She asked if I had a condom, and I did, so I untangled myself from her grasp and grabbed my wallet from the closet. I wish I could say the sex itself was legendary, but it was fairly routine. I pumped away in missionary for a while, then flipped her into doggy and spread those beautiful milf ass cheeks. As I pumped away, I put my thumb on her puckered asshole, gently teasing with firm pressure but NOT entering. Just rubbing firmly on the magic naughty button while filling her from behind. This sent her into a creamy, whimpering orgasm that I could not maintain my own composure through, and I filled the condom with a massive load.

After that, we were both buzzed from the drinks, tired and deeply satisfied. I washed my face up in the bathroom then wrapped the towel around my torso again and sat at the end of the bed, rubbing her feet and watching the 11pm Sportscenter on the hotel TV. We fell asleep together, which I wasn’t expecting, and I woke up spooning her as the early morning sun rose. We had forgotten to close the shades! We were both naked and I could feel her warm wetness pressed against my semi-erect dick. I started to very subtly move my hips back and forth as I got more and more aroused. I could feel her juices transferring to the head of my dick, lubricating it so that it started to slide between her lips with ease, sending shudders up my spine. She must’ve woken up around this point, because she cooed a soft “good morning, handsome”, reached back around without facing me, and guided me into her pussy, totally bare this time. Half asleep, I thrusted away for maybe two minutes before the stimulation was overwhelming, and I pulled out just in time to shoot a couple ropes of slightly hungover cum all over her sweet ass. She laughed, wiped it off with the sheets and said “good thing I’m checking out and driving home today!”

I took a shower just to make sure I didn’t return to the office marinated in a stranger’s pussy juice, and carefully put my suit back on. She watched me dress from the bed, and when it was time for me to leave she stood up, gave me a tight squeeze of a hug, kissed me on the lips and said, “thank you again for a wonderful night, it was just what I needed!”

I headed back to the office to try to wrap up the week’s work, but truth be told I spent most of the day in a dream state remembering the sweet little middle aged dental hygienist who humped my face the night before.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kfo9du/mf_what_is_it_about_dental_hygienists_horny


  1. Very nice! As a guy, I like it when we get to be of service to a lady. Glad you got to experience her bare in the morning they way you like it

  2. Did your co-worker lady-friend notice you were wearing the same suit as the day before?

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