
“Are you ever going to tell me where we’re going?” I bite down on my lip trying to hide the smile that’s begging to come out. My head turns to her quickly and I watch quickly glance at her shaking leg and her fidgeting hands. “Babe- Ana calm down. It’s okay, I’m not about to kill you, just relax.”

I reach over to grab her hand but she smacks mine and I yelp in pain. “What the-“

I turned my head to my right and I watched as she turned her body completely to face me and she started yelling at me. “Shut up, we’ve been driving for so long. I’m tired babe, I want to get out of the car.” She turns away from me and leans her head on the window and now I’m starting to feel bad.

I mean I have a plan. I have an entire weekend planned out for us and I feel so bad that I’m putting her through this. My hand sneaks its way to her thigh and I softly squeeze it. “Hey, Ana- baby I’m sorry. I have a surprise for you and I’m trying hard not to tell you, okay? I promise I’m not trying to be mean to you on purpose. You know I love you right?”

A few minutes pass and I sigh and I start to pull my hand away. As soon as my last finger starts to slip off of her thigh she quickly grabs my hand. She pulls it back towards her thigh and rests her hand on top of mine.

I know she’s impatient but I want this to be special. I love how she started this argument with me and we’re five minutes away from the place.

I pull my hand away from her lap and she protests and tries to grab my hand. “Babe, stop. Look, we’re here.” Her hand stops clawing at mine and her head slowly tilts up. I slow down as we start to drive through the courtyard of the hotel. “Holy shit- baby where are we?” I just laughed at her excitement and I put the car in park. “Come on, get out.”

I quickly get out and I rush to her side, opening the door for her, and I hold my hand. I watch as she slowly steps out, one leg at a time each foot slowly falls to the ground. She steps out and quickly envelops me into a hug.

“I missed you.” She softly whispers into my ear. I chuckle and squeeze her tighter. “We were in the same car love, how could you miss me?” She pulls away from the hug and keeps her arms wrapped around my neck.

“I missed doing this…” she gets up on her tiptoes and softly places her lips on mine. I inhale deeply and pull her closer to me and we both hum into the kiss. “I missed you too.” I pull her arms from around my neck and I start to drag her inside the hotel. I tell her to wait in the lobby while I go talk to the reception desk.

While the receptionist is finding our key I start to wrack my brain to make sure I’m not forgetting anything. “Sir? Here are your keys.” I turn back around and I smile softly, grabbing the keys from her hand. “Thank you so much.”

As I’m putting the keys in my pocket she asks me “Is there anything else we can do for you, sir?” I stop fidgeting around and I try to think. “Um yeah, yeah can you send up… a list of these things… to the room.” I quickly grab a pen and paper and I start to scribble a bunch of things on the paper. I pulled out my wallet and I clipped two hundred dollar bills and folded the note.

“Please…” I looked at the receptionist as multiple emotions and expressions made their way across her face. “Sir-“ I quickly turn around and I see Ana staring at me and she smiles. I smile back and I turn back to the woman in front of me. “Please, I’m trying to do something really special for my girlfriend. I haven’t told her what we’re doing here and she’s pissed at me for keeping her in the dark about everything.”

My eyes frantically scan her face for any kind of response and she just opens and closes her mouth. “I-I… okay. Okay, w-what time do you need it there?” I grin at her and I clap my hands in excitement. “Okay! Yes! Great, Um let’s see how about 11 pm?” She writes that on the paper and slips it in her pocket.

I clasp my hands together and I whisper at her “Thank you so much.” I back away and I walk towards Ana. “Hey, you ready?” She spins back around to me and nods her head.

We walk to the elevator and we just stand there. She turns to look at me and she starts staring at me. “What?” I glance over at her. “Nothing. Just like staring at you.”

I bark out a laugh and she starts to giggle. The ding of the elevator breaks us out of our laughing frenzy. I held the door open for her and I let her walk in first. “Thank you.” She says softly and I just not my head. I walk in behind her and I reach over and press PH. I slide over and I stand next to her and I put my hands behind my back. “Penthouse? I-“

I snort at her reaction and she shoves me slightly. “What? Stop beating me up Ana, oh my god.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just tell me something.” I shake my head no and just before she could say anything the elevator dings. We both watched as the doors opened and our eyes were graced with an open floor.

We walk into the penthouse and we have a complete view of the beach. I look over at Ana and she’s completely mesmerized. She walks around in complete awe of what she’s seeing. I glance at my watch and my eyes widen at the time. “Hey, baby we have a dinner reservation at 8. It’s 7:15 we have to get ready now if you want to make it on time.” I walk over towards her and I grab her hand.

“Ana, come on.” She trails behind me slowly and we end up in the bathroom. We walk up to the counter and she grabs my hand. “Did you do all of this for me?” She looks up at me and I just nod my head. “Yeah, baby.”

Her eyes scan my face and she leans up and kisses me. “Thank you.” Her forehead slowly begins to lean on mine and she rubs her thumb on the side of my cheek.

“All right, now leave. I have to get ready.” She playfully pushes me away and before I leave I grab her hand. “Meet me downstairs at the restaurant okay? I’ll be waiting down there for you, so make yourself look, gorgeous baby girl.” I quickly pecked her lips before running out of the room.

I walk to our room and I start to grab the rest of the things for the night. I hop in the shower, fix my hair, and do all my shit and get ready. After I throw on my clothes I grab my stuff. I run back to the bathroom and I knock on the door. “Hey, ana! I’ll be waiting downstairs for you, I’m gonna go take care of some stuff. I love you.”

As I’m walking away from the door a faint I love you makes its way to my ears and I smile. I race down to the restaurant and I check-in. I explain what’s happening and they let me run to the back of the restaurant. I run through the kitchen and I burst through the back door.

As soon as I get through the door I see a ginormous tree and right in front of it is a small lake. I smile and I run towards it. I walk a little further past the tree and I see a small gazebo. I walk up to the gazebo and I start to lay everything out.

As soon as I finished putting the stuff out I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around and laugh at who I see. “Yo man, what’s up?” I walk up to my friend that I haven’t seen in years and I hug him. “Nothing, I’m just trying to do something special for Ana. And thank you so much again, you know, for letting me do this. It means a lot.” He pats my back and says “no problem man, anything for you.” He pats my back again before he disappears back into the kitchen.

I hope she likes this. I’m shitting my pants right now. I’m so nervous. I walk back into the restaurant and I go stand by the podium in the front. I stand there for a few minutes fidgeting with my hands before I see a pair of feet come into view. “Hi.” My head snaps up and follows the voice and Ana, she’s right in front of me. Looking so beautiful.

My mouth opens and closes a couple of times. All I manage to get out is “wow.” My eyes roam over her entire body as I grab her hand and walk her to our table. I pull out her chair and let her sit first before taking my seat.

“You look beautiful.” I can’t help but stare at her, she’s so gorgeous. She grins at me and drops her head a little. A waiter comes up to our table and takes our order. As soon as he leaves I start to pour the wine. “So…” she crosses her arms and leans back against her chair. “So…” she responds to me.

I chuckle a little and rub the back of my neck “sooo…” my eyes stay fixated on her face when I watch a smoke creep up onto her face. She bites her lip but not before saying “are you nervous?” She plays with her thumbs as she awaits my answer and I clear my throat before answering. “Um, y-yeah a little. I don’t want to fuck anything up.”

She reaches over the table and grabs my hand “you’re doing amazing. I’m having a great time.” When she lets go, I look over and watch as the waiter walks towards us. He places our food in front of us and says “Bon appétit.”

About five minutes into us eating, something slaps my forehead. I stop mid-chew and I look up across the table. Ana stares at me with an innocent look on her face and says nothing. I look back down and I keep chewing and just as I take another bite, a pea lands on my plate.

A green pea.

I look up and I put my fork down. “Ana… what are you doing?” She bites down on her lip and shrugs her shoulders. “I’m eating. What are you doing?” I give her a look before I go and take another bite but not before a pea hits my cheek. My head snaps up and I watch as Ana slaps her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

And as she’s saying sorry a wave of laughter and chuckles are escaping her mouth. “Oh my- I’m so sorry.” She keeps laughing and laughing and I simply just drop my fork on the table. I look around the restaurant and I say “you wanna get out of here?” She immediately stops laughing and simply says “yes.”

I fold my napkin and drop it on the table and get up. I stand in front of Ana and I stick my hand. “M’lady, if you don’t mind I’d like to take you somewhere.” She gracefully places her hand into mine and says “take me anywhere you like.”

A smile falls onto my face and I whisper “you ready to run?” Her eyebrows furrow and she says “run?” Just as we’re about to leave I hear someone say “Sir! You can’t leave! You didn’t pay! Sir- Ma’am!” My head snaps from the waiter to Ana and her eyes widen. “Oh shit.” I look down at her and I say “we gotta fucking go. Now.” She stands up and I pull her through the restaurant as we run to the door leading to the kitchen. “Sir! Where are you going?! You have to pay!” We ran through the restaurant and into the Kitchen. We ran through the kitchen, past the waiters, past my friend, and out into the open.

When we bust through the back door we keep running out past the tree and we stop right in front of the lake. We both stop and stand there panting and breathing heavy. “Oh my… oh my god. Did we just do that?! Did we just dine and d-dash? Oh fuck-“ I burst out into laughter at her words as I fall onto the ground. “Holy fuck, we just did that.”

She falls next to me and all I can hear is our heavy breathing. “So what’s next?” My head snaps over to Ana and I grin at her. “You ready for the rest of the surprise?” She nods her head frantically at me and I jump up grabbing her hand. I walk us across the boardwalk until we reach the gazebo. Before we step in I turn around. “Hey close your eyes.” She looks at me for a second before closing them slowly. “Okay.”

I walk behind her and I place my hands on her shoulders. “Come on babe, almost there.” We walk up into the gazebo and I take my hands off her shoulders. “Open when I say, okay?” I stand in front of her and I hold a remote for the lights. “Open.” As soon as she opens her eyes I turn the lights on.

White and orange lights surround us as we stand in the middle of the river. I watch her as her mouth drops open and she looks around. Her head snaps back to mine and she says “you did this for me? All of this?” She points at the makeshift bed I disgustingly tried to make. She looks around at the lights and sees that I clipped pictures onto them. “Oh, this… this is beautiful.” She races towards me and grabs my face in her hands and kisses me. “Oh fuck I’m so lucky to have you.” She leaves millions of kisses all over my lips.

“How can I even thank you for all of this?” Her eyes search my face for an answer and all I say “you don’t have to thank me. I wanted to do it.” I grab her hand and I pull us down towards the floor. I grab a blanket and I wrap it around us. All that I can hear is the wind and the sound of crickets. I look over at her and I say “I know you’ve been busy this entire semester and I noticed even more so these last weeks. You haven’t gotten any sleep and don’t think I haven’t noticed but baby, you’re not eating properly.” My eyes search hers and I keep speaking. “I love you to the moon and back baby and I’m always here to make you feel better. I always want you to be happy. I always want you to feel good about yourself. Always. You’re my baby girl, I’d hate to see you sad.”

She turns her body more towards me and she looks at me. Her hand slowly making its way up to my cheek. “I love you, you know that? I’m so lucky to have you.”

I open my mouth to say something but she shushes me. “Shut up.” She places her lips on top of mine and kisses me slowly. My eyes close and I lean into the warmth coming from her hand.

My hand snakes around to her waist and I pull her on top of me. I grab the blanket and I wrap it tighter around us. My hand inches up slowly to the zipper on her dress. My fingers grip onto the zipper as I slowly pull it down, my fingers lightly grazing the skin on her back. The straps from her dress slowly fall down her shoulders as I unzip the rest of her dress. “Is this okay?” I whisper to her. She nods her head and whispers a small “yes” to me.

Her hands lift towards the blanket and she starts to pull it off of her along with the dress. “Close your eyes. I have a little surprise for you.” I close my eyes and I hear rustling. “Okay, you can open them now.” I slowly open my eyes and I look down at her body. Black knee-high fishnets connected with a black garter belt.

My eyes move up from her legs to her hips. Then they slowly scan up her body to her waist and it’s just her skin. I reach out to touch but she backs away. “You can look but you can’t touch baby.” I chew my lip biting back a smile and I just nod my head dropping my hands. My eyes keep shamelessly roaming her body as they keep making their way up. I stand up so I can have a better look.

I walk towards where she’s standing and my eyes can’t help but look at her breasts. She’s so fucking sexy, so fucking gorgeous. I grab her hand and I pull her towards me. I look down at her as she looks up and I put my finger under her chin. “You look so gorgeous, baby.” I lift her head and I kiss her.

Her hands grip my tie as she tries to pull me closer. One hand stays under her chin while the other softly runs through her hair. “Mmm, I love you. Come here.” I walk us backward to the benches on the gazebo and her legs make their way to either side of my lap. She starts to pull off my jacket as the mood energy around us starts to change. Her kisses start to get needier and my hands start to trail dangerously low to her ass.

My jacket somehow comes off and she grips my shirt, ripping it open. As I listen to the buttons pop off and land every and anywhere I watch as the brown color slowly disappears from her eyes and turns to a darker brown. The second I see that it’s like something switched inside of her.

I felt her hips move against mine for the first time since we started and she lost it. Her hands find a home in my hair as she pulls on it, tugging my head back making me groan. Our kisses get more heated and heated and my hand dips in between us.

My finger swipes once through her slit making her completely stop her movements. A shaky moan falling from her mouth into mine. My eyes search her face as I watch her eyebrows furrow and her mouth drop open. “Oh my god…”

I drag my finger slowly up and down feeling all the ridges and dips that I know so well. The walls I’ve come to know so well. I grip onto her hair softly pulling it. Her head tugs back and I whisper to her “Slow down baby. We have all night, no need to rush. It’s okay.”

I let go of her hair as I brought her face closer to mine. My eyes can’t help but go back and forth between her eyes and her lips. “I’m all yours, my love. Only for you.” Her eyes frantically go back and forth between mine as a stuttered nod becomes her response.

My hand drops from her hair as she brings her lips to mine again. This time she kisses me lightly. Soft pecks is what she leaves on my lips. Light breaths fanning across my face from her mouth. “Is this better?” She kisses me softly again and I nod. “Yeah baby, take it slow this time.”

I push the hair away from the side of her neck as I move to leave small kisses up her neck. My finger slowly pushes in as I bite down on her earlobe. Her arms wrap around my neck and her hands sit in my hair. Her mouth is right next to my ear and as I push in again a small whine falls from her mouth. “Oh… oh fuck, baby.”

Her hips begin moving as I watch her ride my hand. Her hips start to move faster and everything’s starting to become more and more frantic. “Hey, hey slow down, here. Let me help.” I push the hair out of her face as our eyes lock on each other. My eyes quickly shift down as I see her lift her hips up and down slowly.

I smile and I look back up at her. “Yeah, that’s it. Nice and slow princess.” Small whimpers and pants fall from her mouth as her eyes close and I watch her. She slowly lifts her hips and slams down hard. Each time a small scream came from her mouth.

I pull her head closer to mine and I whisper in her ear. “I wish you could see yourself, my pretty girl. my lovely girl fucking herself on my fingers. Yeah come on princess, come on cum.”

Her mouth drops open and she’s completely silent. Her hips slowly lifting and down as I whisper sweet nothings in her ear. “come on ana, god I love you so much, baby.” Her eyebrows furrow and she scrambles to pull me closer to her as she screams in my ear.

Her entire body shaking as I feel my fingers get wetter and wetter with every second that passes. “Oh, it’s so good. Oh god- babe… s-so fucking good. Oh…” she keeps moaning out into my ear and slowly fuck her with my fingers, riding her through her orgasm.

“Ana? Babe, you’re okay?” I feel her nod her head. “Okay, I’m gonna lift you and lay you down okay? Can I do that?” Once again she just nods her head. Her breaths just now starting to slow down and her body just stopped jerking.

I laid her down on the “bed” I made and still, with that fucked-out look she can still look so gorgeous to me. I lay down next to her and I look down at her face. Her eyes slowly start to open and she gives me a lazy smile. “Hi.” She whispers at me while grinning at me.

My hand pushes away a piece of hair from her face and I put it behind her ear. “So pretty.” She puts her hands over her face and starts to cower away. “Baby, don’t hide please,” I say while I pull her hands away from her face.

She refuses to move her hands so I crawl on top of her and I pull her hands away. “Ana, look at me.” She opens her eyes a little and then starts to open up her eyes more.

I lean down and I kiss her forehead. A hum coming from her mouth. I start to kiss down the rest of her face. I start at her Temple and then I kiss down to her cheek. “Don’t ever hide from me.” I move my head to the other side of her face and I kiss her cheek again.

My hand starts to roam around her waist and her hips as I move my face down from her face to her left nipple. I look up at her and she looks down at me. I slowly open my mouth and stick my tongue out. I flick the tip of my tongue on her nipple and my lips quickly wrap around it.

I hum as I lick and lightly nibble on her nipple before moving to the right one. The entire time I’ve kept my eyes locked with hers. I bite her nipple one last time watching her jump as I do it.

I lick in between her breasts and I leave a few small kisses. I continue my exploration further down until I reach her stomach. I kiss down until I reach her bellybutton. I lean back away from her so I can see her face. “Baby, you doing okay? Am I going too fast?”

I look at her face and just wait for her answer. I hope she’s okay.

Her eyes flutter and she nods her head quickly. “Y-yeah…” my hands drop from her waist and I move back up so our faces are leveled. “I’m going too fast?”

Her eyes snap open and they widen and she shakes her head no. “No, no, no you’re okay and I’m okay. Oh my god, please… keep going.” I smile and I softly say okay. I lean back down towards her stomach and I move further down. My fingers rub along the band of her underwear and I watch as she inhales a shaky breath.

I take my finger and I slip it under the waistband of her panties and I snap it. I watch her mouth drop open and a whimper falls from her mouth. I take both of my hands and I grip the corners of her underwear. I slowly pull it down and watch as her body jerks.

“Mmm, did you purposely wear this for me?” My eyes look at her face for an answer but I don’t get one. I bite my lip and I grunt. I quickly pull the rest of her panties down and she lets out a whimper.

I sit up and pull them down her legs and I drop them on the floor. My eyes slowly move back down and roam her legs. The kegs covered in those fucking fishnet stockings, oh my god. I grab her legs and I push them up, bending them at the knee and I spread them.

She leans her body up on her elbows so she can see me better and I crawl up in between her legs. My fingers trail the inside of her thighs, along her skin, along with all her scars and marks. I place a kiss on her inner thigh; A soft kiss.

Her legs shake as she gasps. Her thighs shook too. I place kisses all along the insides of both her thighs and when I stop. My eyes fall and what I’ve been wanting all night.

I crawl up further and I lean down. I put my fingers on the outside of her lips and spread them wide open. My mouth drops open when I see how wet she is. My bead snaps up to her face and I say “did I make you this wet? Hmm?”

She nods her head, yes and I hum to myself. I inch closer to her and I spread her folds open again. My tongue slowly fucks into her pussy. I watched as she clawed at the pillows surrounding her and I licked her clit again.

I held her hips down with my hands and I buried my face in her. Moans and whines falling from her mouth. “Oh shit, please. Oh god, oh God…” I can feel her juices dripping down my chin. I pull my mouth off of her and I move and whisper in her ear. “Are you ready?” I ask Ana.

She looks at me and nods her head “yeah, I’m ready. Go ahead.” I unzip my pants and I pull them down along with my boxers. I crawl so I’m hovering over ana.

I grab my dick and I start to drag the head along her slit. Fuck she’s so wet, oh my god. “Okay baby.” I grab her hand and I intertwine our fingers while holding her cheek with my other hand.

I push in and I almost double over. “Oh my God Ana… I- oh shit. Oh, oh.” I lift my head to look at Ana’s face and her eyes are closed as she takes in shaky deep breaths. I move the hair out of her face when I tell her to open her eyes. “Look at me, while I fuck you ana. Look at me, while I make love to you. Come on baby.”

My hips start to move and I choke out a couple of moans. “Oh shit, you feel so fucking good ana.” My hips start moving faster as I lay my forehead on top of hers.

She wraps her arms around my neck as I keep her wrapped up in my arms. My hips move quicker and harder as I close my eyes chasing my orgasm. “Hey, baby, slow… oh god, slow down, oh fuck, oh fuck. Mhm… just like that baby, just like that oh-“ She pulls me closer to her body as I look into her eyes.

She puts one hand on my cheek as I put one hand on her hips. “I’m so close, ana. Please, I-I have to cum.” I say to her and she nods. She caresses my face with her hand and wraps her arms around my neck and she says to me “so, make yourself cum baby boy. Give it to me… please baby, I want it.”

Something snaps on me and I start to move my hips again. This time I keep a slow steady pace as I fuck her deep and hard. “Like this ana? Is this what you want?” My eyebrows furrow as I feel my orgasm building up in the pit of my stomach. “Oh god, I’m about to cum.”

She whisper-yells it in my ear and I can’t help but move my hand down to her clit and start rubbing. “Come on baby, cum for me.”

She nods her head as she opens her mouth to say “oh fuck I’m coming. I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum-“her eyes shut closed as her eyebrows furrow. She drops her mouth open. I feel her squeeze herself around my dick and that sends me over the edge. She’s squeezing me so hard I start to cum as I continue fucking her.

“Fuck ana, I’m coming. Oh, fuck- shit oh god…” pull her closer as I fuck her slowly through both of our orgasms. “Are you okay? I didn’t do too much?” I pull out of her and I lay down next to her. I cover us up with a blanket and she leans on my chest. “No, it was perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better night baby.”


1 comment

  1. This was beautiful! It was so cute and felt so real! Lovely writing, lovely dynamic.

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