Am i racist. [FMM]

Let me make this short and simple. Met with two of my black friends for some fun time (i have been sex deprived for a while) and well.. we had fun.

Over the period of an entire day and two nights i think i got around 20 or so loads in my pussy multiple on my face, tits, ass, back, even inside my butthole. Needless to say i had fun. A lot of fun.

Here’s the racist part now. After the first night they told me they wanted to try something. They wanted me to insult them using racist slurs so they fuck me harder. Honestly i think they just wanted to be humiliated or something but i agreed. I support BLM but when theres two sexy black dudes asking me to be racist for their satisfaction… i gotta listen to them.

So i did it. I called them the N word the C word, i called them slaves, monkeys. I was straight up racist. They loved it all and at the moment i felt uncomfortable but the sex quickly made me forget. I used slurs multiple times throughout the day and i felt nothing. It wasn’t until today, two days later, i think about it. Am i racist? Or is it ok since its in the bedroom and consented.


1 comment

  1. If they asked you to do it then it should be fine. Just don’t make it a habit to say those slurs to other people. Maybe to even out the feeling, you should ask them to verbally degrade you during sex too so it becomes sort of like ‘hate’ sex that’s mutually consented

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