The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapter 19 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

Previous Chapters:

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 5.5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 6.5](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10 part 1](

[Chapter 10 Part 2](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

[Chapter 13](

[Chapter 14](

[Chapter 15](

[Chapter 16](

[Chapter 17](

[Chapter 18 Part 1](

[Chapter 18 Part 2](

“Wow, Mom. I missed your tits so much.” Daniel looked down at Julie from the edge of his bed where he sat. His puppy dog eyes were filled with adoration.

“Gosh, Danny.” Julie pressed her breasts firmly together around her son’s penis and moved them up and down with steady rhythm. “First, don’t call them tits, okay?”

“You just said … tits, Mom.” Daniel smiled. “That’s … ugh … so hot.”

“And secondly, we did it this morning. How can you miss me so much already?” Julie smiled back at her overeager son. It really was flattering how much he loved her attention.

“I’ll tell you about that … later. Right now … I’m about to cum.” Daniel leaned back. This was heaven.

“Okay, go ahead, pumpkin.” Julie released her tits and lowered her mouth to his dick.

“No … I wanna cum … all over you.”

Julie spit him out with a plop. “Really?” She took his long penis in both hands and stroked up and down. “I don’t know about the mess, Danny.” Her lips parted as she looked down at that bloated, purplish head. She was so used to taking his seed in one of her three holes, he hadn’t sprayed her in a while.

“Please … Mom?” Daniel was close. He’d loved every orgasm he’d had with Erin, but there was no substitute for a mother’s love.

“Well, okay. If you really want it that badly, mister. Give me your sperm.” Julie worked him with her hands faster, his thing slick with her saliva.

“Tell me … to give you … my cum.”

Julie paused. She’d said tits, even though it was accidental. She’d started saying pussy. And now she was about to say cum. She was talking like a crude teenager. But Daniel seemed to like it. She took a deep breath. “Give me your cum, Danny. Cover me in your hot stuff.”

“Yeeesssss … Moooommmmmmm.” Daniel grunted and let go. His thick cum launched up onto Julie’s face, into her hair, and landed on her boobs. It also splattered on the floor all around her.

“Oh, my.” Julie closed her eyes and let Daniel’s eighteen-year-old penis do its thing. She was a canvas as Daniel perfected his masterpiece. When he finished, Julie wiped the cum from her eyes and looked up at him. “There now, I should probably shower off and get back to your father. He’s working on that same leaky valve down in the basement.”

“That … same … valve?” Daniel let his dreamy smile widen. “Dad is such … a dummy.” Daniel looked down at the wedding ring on his mom’s finger. Her hands still held his hard cock. Cum dripped down over the diamonds. “The house … is messing with him. He’s a sucker, Mom.”

“Be respectful of your father, Daniel.” Julie tried to sound stern, but she squeaked a little as the penis lurched in her hands. Despite herself, she pumped him again slowly.

“But he is a dummy, Mom.” Daniel pulled her onto his lap. “He’s the one who wanted to buy this house, right?”

“Yes.” She willingly straddled him, her heavy, cum-soaked tits jiggling as she moved. Without thinking, she guided him into her pussy. “Oh, gosh.” Her body quivered as he hit some hidden place deep inside her.

“He even saw my dick, Mom. The whole family saw how big it was, but he didn’t protect you from it.” He gripped the soft flesh around her hips and bounced her on his dick. “He’s either stupid, or he wanted me to have you. He should have known. You said the seller even warned you guys about the house, right?”

“Yes. A … warning. Oh, gosh.” Julie wondered what her womanly body looked like shaking on top of her young man. She’d have to ask him to make another video sometime. “But … it’s not … your father’s fault.”

“He’s a dummy, Mom.” Daniel was emboldened by his time with Erin. He’d seen how willing she’d been to literally throw her wedding ring away. “I mean, I like my dad. But he’s oblivious. How many times have you slept next to him with my cum inside you?”

“Many … many times.” Julie’s orgasm built inside her.

“His wife’s sleeping with his son right under his nose.” Daniel slapped playfully at one of her hanging boobs. There was a wet, smacking sound as he hit some of the dripping cum. “Say he’s a dummy, Mom.”

“Oh, gosh … gosh … gosh … your father … is a … dummy … Danny. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.” Her hips rocked wildly, and she came all over her son’s mighty penis. She dug her fingers into his meager chest.

“Wow, Mom. You’re amazing.” Daniel looked up into her twisted, pretty face. Cum dripped down her left cheek and her chin. Was this the same woman who’d raised him for eighteen years? The same woman that read him bedtime stories all so long ago? And kissed him when he scraped a knee?

Julie came three more times riding her son before he finally unloaded inside of her. “Wow, sweetie. It seems like you really needed me today.” She lay on top of him, her boobs pressing into his skinny frame, and her head beside his on the pillow. The smell of his cum filled the room with an earthy vitality. His penis flexed inside her when she said that, and she gave a little gasp.

“Yeah.” He reached down and gently slapped her full butt cheek. “You’re the best mom in the world. Thank you so much for saying those things.”

“Well, don’t get used to it.” She sat up and looked down at him. Julie was well aware that she looked like a wreck at the moment, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. “And you’re welcome.” Some sperm dribbled into her mouth. She licked at it with her tongue and swallowed. “Now, I better go get dinner ready. Let’s hope your father isn’t finished with that valve yet.”

“My dumb father?”

Julie sighed. “Let’s hope your dumb father isn’t finished yet.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Daniel reached up and squeezed her nipple. A little warm milk spilled out onto his fingers. “I have a feeling he’s still hard at work.”

“There’s something else I wanted to talk about.” Julie pulled off Daniel with a sloppy plop and stood up. She waddled to her clothes as cum ran down the inside of her thighs. She picked up her shirt and mopped up some of her son’s stuff that covered her. “Mrs. Samatar will be staying here a couple days as she recovers from her fright. It didn’t seem right to send her back to an empty house.”

“Oh?” That sounded interesting to Daniel.

“She’s in a fragile state.” Julie looked back at her son. He looked so handsome leaning back on the bed. His enormous thing still hard as ever. Julie wiped some cum from her eyebrow. “Please don’t … you know … um … have sex with her.”


Julie tried to make eye contact with Daniel, but he looked away. She pulled on her skirt. “Well, if something does happen with you two, I mean, it shouldn’t, but you’re a young man and you seem to just go and go, so …” Julie bit her bottom lip. “If something does happen, please use the condoms I bought you.”

“Sure, Mom.” Daniel looked back into his mother’s brown eyes and smiled. “Thanks.”


That night, the Anderson dinner table was lively. Brittney had a friend over. Madison Granger was in the twin’s senior class and had struck up a friendship with Brittney recently when Brittney helped her with some math homework. Madison told jokes, and seemed a good-natured dinner companion. Throughout the evening, she kept pushing her blue hair back behind her left ear, so she could steal furtive glances of Daniel.

Brad was also there, although his wife had vacated her place at the table. He tried to match Madison’s humor, but of course he took it too far. “Hey Danny,” Brad laughed. “The only difference between your momma and a washing machine is that every time I dump a load in the washing machine, it doesn’t follow me around for a week. Oooohhhhhhhh.”

“She’s your mom too, doofus,” Brittney stared daggers at Brad.

“George?” Julie frowned. “Control your son.”

“What?” George never liked to get involved with such things, but that comment was over the line. “Now, Bradly. None of that talk about your mother. It’s unseemly.”

“It’s only a joke.” Brad pressed his lips together.

“They say more snow is coming.” Khadra also sat at the dinner table. She was not used to such bawdy language. She wanted desperately to change the subject. When no one took her up on her weather conversation, she tried another tack. “Where is your wife, Bradly?”

“Her mom just called. She’s somewhere in the house on the phone.” Brad shrugged.

“Oh, well –” Khadra was about to compliment the meal, when Brad’s tall, blonde wife walked into the dining room.

“I have to go.” Penelope sat down next to Brad in a daze. She placed her phone neatly next to her untouched plate of food.

“What’s wrong?” Julie suddenly worried that something had happened to Daniel’s baby growing inside her daughter-in-law.

“My mom fell on some ice. She’s in the hospital.” Penelope’s ashen face was very still. “I have to go see her.” She looked around the walls for a clock, but there was none in the dining room. Only the tick tock of that ponderous clock somewhere in the house.

“That’s a long drive. I’ll go with you, sweetie.” Julie stood. “George, you don’t mind holding down the fort here for a few days?”

“No problem,” George grumbled. He could use her help with the house, but now that the valve was tiptop, he could at least get to work on the spare bedroom.

“But, Moooommmmmmm,” both twins chorused and then looked at each other suspiciously.

“What, I’m not good enough?” George eyed the twins.

“Little Danny’s a momma’s boy.” Brad curled his lip in a mocking smile.

“Stop that.” Penelope hit Brad’s shoulder with some force. “Leave Danny alone.”

“What?” Brad rubbed his shoulder. “I’m the one that should be complaining. It’s my wife that’s leaving me.”

“It sounds like you are complaining.” Penelope scowled at him. “And you need to focus, Bradly. My mom is in the hospital.”

“Sorry.” Brad wasn’t used to receiving a scolding from his wife.

Madison watched the theatrics with a smirk on her face. She so loved to see other families in dysfunction. Her smile widened when she noticed Daniel looking at her. She brushed her blue hair behind her ear again, and looked down at her plate.

“I’ll go, too.” Khadra spoke up. The small dark woman looked over at Penelope. “I mean, if you think it would be helpful. With Maxamed … um … not here … I’d like to help.”

Penelope looked over at Julie and Julie nodded. “Thank you, Khadra. I’m sure it would be helpful to have you along.”

“I want to go, too.” Daniel looked with pleading eyes at his mother.

“You’ve got school.” George reached over and ruffled his hair. “But I’m happy to see that you want to help family in a time of need.”

“It’s almost winter break. I can miss a few days.” Daniel tried to sound manly about his request, but he wasn’t sure he succeeded.

“Your father’s right. I still don’t know why Mrs. Haskins stopped by yesterday only to run back out.” Julie looked carefully at her son. “I wouldn’t want you to get into any sort of trouble at school.” She also didn’t want him sharing a trip with Penelope. Julie wanted Penelope to focus on being a good wife to Brad.

“Um … who is this lady, and why is she going on a road trip with my wife?” Brad nodded at the woman in the hijab and looked at his mother.

“Don’t be rude, sweetie.” Julie furrowed her brow at her oldest. “She’s a friend of the family.” She turned to Khadra. “We needed to pick up some of your things anyway. Shall we stop by your house on the way and pack a suitcase?”

“Yes, thank you.” Khadra nodded. How strange to find a sense of belonging here among this white family, in a house formerly possessed by demons. She smiled, looked at Daniel, and quickly looked away. And in a house where she’d met a virile teenager that she’d somehow let between her legs more than once. But that part of it was now behind her.


Daniel watched the women get into Julie’s minivan and slowly drive away. Thankfully, Brad left at the same time, his pickup truck roaring ahead of the minivan. Daniel sighed, closed the front door, and turned to find Eloise standing behind him wearing one of her long, flowing dresses.

“How felicitous.” Eloise’s pretty, freckled face beamed at Daniel. “You made it back. And now the good Mrs. Haskins is hooked like a walleye. You just need to keep reeling, Daniel.”

“Were you the reason I spent all that time in the cabin?” Daniel frowned at her as he carefully gazed up into her green eyes.

“That was my partner, dearie.” Eloise tilted her head and gave him a look like he might have been an ungrateful child who’d just spilled his milk. “And I don’t know about ‘all that time.’ You were only gone for a couple minutes.”

“I didn’t like it.” Daniel walked past her toward the stairs and she fell in next to him, holding her big, round belly. Daniel tried not to be comforted by her presence. “Well, maybe I liked it a little. I didn’t like being trapped there.”

“That was a bit … unexpected.” Eloise nodded her head thoughtfully. “But that’s what happens when you have a partner that likes to break rules. No?”

“A partner?” Daniel climbed the stairs and glanced over at her flowing red hair. “I don’t have a partner.”

“You offered Mrs. Haskins the deal. Did you not?” Eloise walked carefully up the last few stairs, as if to protect her unborn baby from an accidental fall. “You and he … and me …” A warm, friendly smile parted her lips. “… are confederates now.” She put an icy hand on his shoulder and they stopped in the second-floor hall. “I know your companions departed for a time. It can’t be easy watching your mother go after you only just returned. Let me comfort you.” She kissed him on his warm cheek. “Take comfort in Mrs. Haskins arms when you are at the schoolhouse.” She kissed him on the other cheek. “And maybe you will find another.” She kissed him gently on the lips.

“I don’t want another.”

“Life may surprise you.” She kissed him again and explored his young mouth with her tongue. They broke the kiss, and she led him to his room, closing the door after them. “But as I said, let me comfort you, Daniel.” She stepped out of her dress, completely naked underneath.

“Wow. I … um …” Daniel looked her up and down. Her freckles spilled from her face down her shoulders and onto her chest, dappling the pale skin on her large breasts. Her hips, boobs, and belly were all so full. Eloise embodied promise and fertility. “I forgot how beautiful you are,” Daniel murmured.

“There now, I knew you’d like what’s underneath.” She leaned her naked body up against him. His warmth spread through his clothes into her. “What’s mine is yours.” She nibbled on his ear. “I’m so proud of you, dearie. You learned a lot in your time away. Look at what you made your mom admit to you.” She pulled down his trousers and undergarments. His swelling penis pushed back at her fingers as it readied itself for what was to come.

“You mean about Dad being a dummy?” Daniel smiled. “It felt good to say that stuff. And even better to hear Mom say that stuff.”

“What a good lad you are.” Eloise dropped to her knees. “Let me tend to you in your mother’s absence.” She opened her mouth wide and sucked him in.

“Ohhhh … Mrs. Palmer … your cold mouth … feels so good.” Daniel intertwined his fingers in her hair and leaned his head back.

Later, as Eloise rode Daniel hard, Daniel looked up at her wobbling body. It hadn’t been that long ago that he’d been a sexless teenager. Why was he pouting about his mom leaving to help family? That was stupid. Here he was getting ridden like a horse by this goddess. He listened to the low, guttural sounds she made. He stared at her boobs, bouncing off her belly over and over, and her thin arms, flexing as she held her pregnant tummy. And he had Erin to look forward to as well. “I’m gonna cum … again … Mrs. Palmer.”

“Yeeesssssssss,” Eloise hissed. “Fill me with your … heat.”

“Oh … you feel … so tight.” Daniel knew he’d be just fine while his mom, Penelope, and Khadra were away.


“So, is Daniel dating anyone?” Madison sat on the couch in the basement and looked away from the boring space movie that played on the television.

“No.” Brittney sat, engrossed in the action. The alien escaped from containment, and she just knew it was going to do something icky to the scientist lady that stood there gaping at it.

“Really? I just assumed, since he’s … well … you know.” Madison was usually pretty upfront about things, but for some reason the Andersons made her a little nervous.

“No, I don’t know.” Brittney turned her eyes away from the movie to her new friend. “Tell me.”

“Well, me and some of the other girls at school have noticed that he … um …” Madison fidgeted with her bracelet. “He’s been really cute lately. I don’t know, there’s something about him. And … well … we’ve noticed that he has a pretty big lump in his pants.”

“Gross, Madison.” Brittney twisted up her face in a sour expression.

“Well, he’s your twin. Have you …?” Madison twisted her bracelet faster. “Have you seen it?”

“Eeewwww.” Brittney took a pillow off the couch and threw it at Madison with a laugh. “You’re a perv, Madison.”

Madison caught the pillow and hugged it to her chest. “Well, have you seen it?”

“I can’t believe you’re asking me about my brother’s dick. Jeez, Madison.” Brittney rolled her eyes. “Well, if you must know. My parents thought there was something wrong with it, and the whole family got a good look while they were debating whether to take him to a doctor.”

“Something wrong with it? Like an STD?” Madison whispered.

“Nothing like that.” Brittney shook her head. “It was just so big. And I think it was bothering him. We talk about a lot of stuff, but Danny and I never talked about it.”

“So how big was it?” Madison’s eyes went wide.

“It hung really low.” Brittney felt heat in her belly as she thought back on that day. “Don’t tell the other girls at school I saw his dick, okay? They’d think I was a perv.”


“I would say it was maybe seven or eight inches long?” Brittney definitely felt butterflies in her stomach. With everything that had happened with her mother, she thought for sure she was a lesbian. But now she wasn’t so sure.

“You saw him hard?” Madison’s mouth dropped open in shock.

“No, that was soft.”

“Oh … my … God.” Madison felt her panties flood. “That’s too big. Your brother is some sort of animal.” Madison threw the pillow back at Brittney.

“Shut up.” Brittney caught the pillow, laughed, and put it on her lap.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll shut up.” Madison climbed over to her friend, and put her head on the pillow and watched the rest of the dumb movie. They didn’t talk any more about Daniel, but Madison had the strangest feelings moving through her body as she thought about what Brittney had described.

Brittney put her fingers in her friend’s blue hair and played with it as the movie moved to its climax. She lost interest in the alien, instead thinking about her friend’s warm body next to hers. And her brother’s impossible dick.


The Anderson house was certainly drafty. Madison tiptoed out of Brittney’s room and took the stairs out of the tower. Her pajamas barely kept her warm in the freezing hall. She didn’t know what time it was, but she had to pee like a racehorse. Or that’s what her mom would have said. Madison remembered that the bathroom was on the right, across from Daniel’s room. Earlier, she’d brushed her teeth with Brittney in another bathroom on the other side of the second floor. But this one was closer.

The bathroom door was closed. The cold knob didn’t turn in her hand. She listened at the door and heard the shower running. And then it turned off. Oh shit. Daniel Anderson was on the other side of that door. Naked. Madison wasn’t one for crushes, usually. But there was something about the contrast of that skinny, gentle boy with that manly bulge he could never quite hide.

Faint humming carried through the door. He was humming the theme to Star Wars. What a nerd. What an adorable nerd. And suddenly the door opened and there stood Daniel, naked, his blond hair still wet, and a surprised look on his face.

“Madison,” was all that came out of Daniel’s mouth.

“I need to pee.” Madison’s brain twisted itself in knots. She hadn’t meant to say that. Her eyes traveled down his scrawny frame and stopped when they reached his dangling dick. “Holy shit.” Brittney had been telling the truth. It was immense. It looked like it belonged on a pachyderm, not cute, little Daniel Anderson. “I have to pee,” she said again. And she scooted by Daniel, and pushed him in the back so he stumbled into the hall. Madison turned toward him with her hand on the door. As he halfway turned toward her with startled eyes, Madison leaned forward. “Sorry about pushing you.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek. What was she doing? She was behaving like someone much younger than her eighteen years. “But I gotta pee.” She closed the door. “Wow, that was weird,” Madison whispered to herself.

Daniel scratched his head. He liked Madison, but she was an odd girl. Shivering in the cold hallway, Daniel turned and entered his room. He got into his pajamas and turned out the light. What had Eloise said about someone new? Maybe she was talking about Madison. Daniel felt manly when he thought about the petite, blue-haired girl with her naked body pressed up against him. That wouldn’t be so bad.


Erin Haskins sat numbly in front of her computer. She wore a large formless sweater to hide her new boobs and burgeoning belly. She also wore a long loose skirt, because her suit skirts didn’t fit her anymore. If anyone had noticed she’d changed her normal attire, no one said anything.

The cursor on the monitor blinked at her, stopped on the same word for more than ten minutes. She couldn’t focus. It was so strange to be back. But, to the world, she never really left.

“Mrs. Haskins?” The intercom buzzed at her.

Woken from her stupor, she hit the intercom button. “Yes?”

“Daniel Anderson is here to see you. He says he has an appointment.”

“Okay, send him in.” Suddenly, Erin’s pulse thundered in her ears. Was she really this student’s girlfriend? She stared down at her wedding ring. She looked up when Daniel opened the door, walked in, and then closed it after him.

“You think the secretary noticed my dick?” Daniel had a big smile on his face. He’d grown very fond of his principal.

“Shh.” Erin stood, glancing at his pants. His erection was obvious, and she thought the secretary probably did notice. That complicated things. She needed to arouse no suspicions. “They might hear you,” she whispered. “We can’t talk in here.” She walked briskly to the office’s back door, opened it, scanned the hall, and then walked down to the conference room. It was a windowless room, with a door that locked. They usually used it for questioning students. “In here.” She flipped the in-use sign around, so other faculty with a key wouldn’t interrupt them. “Quickly, Daniel.” She ushered him in, and closed and locked the door. She turned to face him and she matched his smile with her own.

“Can we talk now?” Daniel stepped closer to her.

“I didn’t know if you’d want to … to see me. After we got back … um … You have your sister-in-law and … I’m really happy you came here … but we can’t really talk at school.” She stammered like a schoolgirl, blushing profusely.

“I missed you.” Danny stepped up to her and put his hands on her wide hips.

“You did?” She looked down into his blue eyes and blinked at the surreal moment.

“Yeah.” Daniel leaned up and kissed her on the lips. He could feel the tension in her body melt as he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

“Mmmpphhhhhh.” Erin wanted to tell him they couldn’t do this at school, but she couldn’t bring herself to part lips with him. She felt her breasts push into his chest as his hands moved around to her butt and he pressed her into him. His penis poked into her belly. He was so big.

A half-hour later, she was suspended in the air, bouncing on that long cock. She clenched her panties between her teeth, trying to stifle her cries. The conference room wasn’t totally soundproof. Her skirt bunched around her waist, and her high-heel clad feet bobbed helplessly out in space as he violently hit bottom over and over again. Stars flashed before her eyes and the world swam around her. She was in the middle of betraying her sweet, boring husband. Not to mention her children. And she was doing it in a place where she was respected, and depended on by so many. But all she could think about was how good it would feel to have Daniel’s hot stuff inside her again. And how much she needed that next orgasm. With Daniel, another mind-numbing orgasm was always right around the corner.

“I’m gonna … cum … in you, Mrs. Haskins.” Daniel squeezed those soft butt cheeks harder and pulled her down onto his cock with more force.

Erin wanted to tell him to keep it down, but even if her panties hadn’t been in her mouth, she doubted she’d be able to say much of anything. Her eyelids fluttered as she heard his soft groans, and felt that familiar splash of heat inside her. They orgasmed together.

When they had calmed some, Daniel pulled his dick out of her and put her down on her feet. “You sure you don’t want to do this at school?” He reached for his underwear and grabbed them from the tabletop.

“I … I don’t think so, dear.” Erin wasn’t sure about anything anymore. Her panties were soaked with saliva and her own juices, but she needed something to slow the cum that was already leaking out of her. She bent down and stepped into them.

“Will my house work?” Daniel found his pants and pulled them on. His dick started to deflate.

“I couldn’t possibly. People would see.” Erin pulled on her panties and looked at him with worry.

“Will your house work?”

“God, no.” Erin shook her hips and her skirt fell back down past her knees.

“Well, then it’ll have to be school.” Daniel stepped closer to her and placed his hand on her sweater above her belly. “Did you tell your husband yet about the baby?”

“Oh, my gosh, Daniel.” How did this eighteen-year-old have such sway over her? “He hasn’t noticed yet. I don’t think he looks at me much anymore.”

“What an idiot.” Daniel smacked her butt gently through her skirt.

“Remember, it’s his baby. Officially.” Erin didn’t correct Daniel about her husband being an idiot. He certainly wasn’t the man she thought he was not long ago. “I’ll tell him soon. I won’t be able to hide it much longer.”

“So, it’s settled then. We’ll keep doing this at school?” Daniel kissed her cheek.

It wasn’t settled at all. “Yes, I’ll think of something.” Erin absentmindedly wiped the kiss off her cheek with her hand. “Now, I need to clean up in the bathroom. You head down the hall to the left. It’ll take you out to a supply room, which leads back to the main hall. If anyone is outside, we were discussing …” She couldn’t think of a plausible excuse.

“I am in trouble for missing too much class, remember?”

“Yeah, that.” Erin took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She was an accomplished woman. She could manage this situation. She put her hand on the knob and opened the door. Thankfully, no one was around. The lovers split up with one last glance. Daniel headed back to class. Erin went off to try and erase the evidence of her infidelity.


The twins walked up their driveway as the school bus drove away. The temperature was in the upper thirties, and snow slowly melted, turning the front walk a little muddy. Usually, Brittney raced to get inside before Daniel, but today they walked side by side.

“I think my friend has a crush on you.” Brittney said this as nonchalantly as possible.

“I think so, too.” Daniel smiled and glanced at his sister. “I ran into her last night and she kissed me on the cheek. Oh, and she kept telling me she had to pee.”

Brittney laughed. “She didn’t tell me that. Well, Madison is a little forward. But she’s cute, don’t you think?”

“Yeah.” Daniel nodded.

“Do you think you would want to date her?” Brittney didn’t usually meddle in Daniel’s love life.

“I don’t know.” Daniel climbed the front steps and opened the front door. He held the door open for Brittney.

“Is it because …?” Brittney stepped into the front entry room, dropped her backpack, and took off her boots. She looked around for their father, but she saw no sign of him. He was probably off fixing something in some far corner of the house. “Is it because you’re worried about the size of your you-know-what? Are you worried the girls won’t like it?” The butterflies in her stomach flapped again. Why had Madison said those things? Brittney needed to get this out of her mind so she could go back to seeing her twin as she always had. Her lovable, nerdy, brother.

“What?” Daniel closed the door and slung his backpack to the floor. He hadn’t expected the conversation to go this way.

“It’s just, we all saw it that one day. And Brad made fun of you about it. And you haven’t been dating. So …” Brittney shrugged and didn’t make eye contact with him.

“Well …” Daniel slowly took off his boots and placed them on the mat by the door. “If I did want to date Madison, I think it might be a problem.”

“I think she likes it, Danny. I think she’s curious.” Brittney took off her jacket and hung it in the closet. “Maybe …” She took Daniel’s jacket off him and hung it up too. “Maybe if you showed it to me again, I could tell you … um … whether it was too big or what. Just, you know, as an impartial sister and all.” God, what had that conversation with Madison done to her? Brittney could feel how damp her panties were. Was she just horny because her mom was gone?

“You … want to …” Daniel lowered his voice in case his clueless father walked by. “… see my dick?”

“Just to help you with Madison,” Brittney said quickly. She grabbed his hand. “Don’t be a dummy, not many sisters would do this for their brother.” She pulled him down the west hallway, into the library, and closed and locked the door behind them. She then turned to Daniel and folded her arms over her sweater, easily covering her small breasts. “Go on. Drop your pants, doofus.” Her heart hammered in her chest.

“Really?” Daniel could argue with her, but he knew how Brittney got when she fixated on something in her head. “Okay.” Anyway, he wanted to see the look in her bright, blue eyes when she gazed at his cock again. He pulled down his pants and underwear and let his dick free. It hung in the air, semi-torpid.

“It’s beautiful, Danny.” Brittney stared at the improbable length and girth. “I mean, it’s sort of horrific. But also, beautiful.” Her eyes darted as she catalogued every vein along the shaft. She could even see blue veins in the hood of his foreskin. “Is it …? Is it getting bigger?”

“I can’t help it.”

“I guess I understand.” Her eyes flicked up to her brother’s face, saw the hunger in his eyes, and then fell right back down as the thing filled steadily with each pump of her brother’s heart. It almost looked like a creature waking. Every time she was sure it couldn’t possibly grow any larger, it did. Eventually, it stopped. It stood out a long way from her brother’s body. Brittney’s chest rose and fell with erratic breaths, and she hugged herself with her arms. “How long is it?”

“Thirteen inches.”

“Can I … touch it?” Her voice was barely audible in the room.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Brit.” Daniel could smell the combined cum from his load earlier in the day, and their school principal’s wet pussy. He didn’t want to gross Brittney out. He pulled up his pants and underwear, and tucked his dick into his waistband.

“What?” Brittney frowned. Her brother must really be sensitive about his penis. “Oh, I just meant I wanted to touch it to see if, you know, Madison would like it.”

“Maybe another time.” Daniel playfully nudged her on the shoulder with his fist. “Okay, gotta go.” Daniel stepped around her and opened the door. He headed straight for the shower. He badly needed to fap.

Brittney watched her brother go with disbelief. Was he really such a prude? Maybe she could coax him out of his shell a little. If only to help her friend.

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*


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