A Prom Story – Long and sickeningly sweet

The cool, fresh night air was a relief as Will finally escaped the swelteringly hot gym of Lakeland High School. He took a moment to savor the feeling of the cool air on his skin, and reflect on the absurdity of trying to hold Prom in the school gymnasium. Sure, the original venue had discovered asbestos only a week before, but no one should be asked to endure this disaster as their senior prom.

Will looked around; the area was deserted apart from two members of the school staff. He caught the eye of a wrestling coach whose name he did not know. The coach gave a polite nod, which Will returned. Not prepared for the sauna back in the gym, but wanting to avoid making idle small-talk with a wrestling coach he knew only on sight, Will resolved to take a walk. He set off in the direction of the football field, in hopes of at least avoiding any unwanted entanglements.

The football field and the bleachers appeared completely deserted. “Just a quick break,” Will told himself, planning to briefly sit and prepare for another journey into the kiln. As he approached the bleachers, he detected the distinct smell of cannabis wafting from somewhere nearby. Will’s interest piqued, and he quickly abandoned his plan of sitting quietly by the empty football field.

Will took a few minutes to snoop around, hoping to discover the source of the inviting aroma, and crossing his fingers that they would be willing to share. His curiosity was quickly rewarded as he found his friend Becca enjoying a bowl barely concealed by the stands. She was wearing a deep blue dress and her short, dark hair was pinned elegantly to her head. Will noticed her dress also showed off her large breasts spectacularly. He cared for Becca, and valued her friendship, but he had always loved her tits.

A moment after he spotted Becca, she saw him,“Will!” she exclaimed; her eyes lit up at the sight of her friend, and she quickly motioned for him to join her. Will needed no further convincing, and stooped under the bleachers to join Becca, who immediately passed him her pipe. Will accepted gratefully, and took a long draw from the glass piece. The pot tasted excellent; Becca had always been reliable on that front.

“What are you doing out here?” she inquired as he passed the pipe back to her.

“Needed some air,” Will offered as an explanation. “Prom in the fucking gym,” he added ruefully.

“Right?” Becca agreed. “It’s fucking gross in there. I’d take the asbestos any day.” She rolled her eyes as she took another hit.

Will only nodded in response, before a more important question came to him: “wait, what are you doing out here all by yourself? What happened to your big date?” Becca had been attending prom with Sean McGrath, an enormous Linebacker from the football team with a scholarship to play at some shitty division three school. Everyone at Lakeland knew Sean, but nearly everyone also knew he was a jackass.

Becca rolled her eyes again, even more obviously this time, “that dumb fuck decided to pregame. He chugged a half a bottle of vodka, puked his guts out in the parking lot, and passed out in the back of his truck”

Will did his best to stifle a laugh. He felt bad for his friend, but it was hard not to laugh a bit at her misfortune. He had been so surprised, and more than a little disappointed when he heard about her choice of prom date.

“What the hell did you see in him anyway?” Will finally asked.

“Nothing. Believe me. Absolutely. Fucking. Nothing.” Becca replied insistently, adding emphasis to each word, so as to remove any doubt.

“Then what was all this about?” Will’s confusion only deepened, but he was relieved to discover his friend had at least not completely lost her mind.

Becca took another long hit from the pipe and exhaled before speaking from a thick cloud of smoke, “look, I know he’s a douche, but he’s a really hot douche, and I knew it would really piss off Claire.”

There it was. Suddenly this all made sense. Becca and Claire had been close friends before a spectacular and very public falling out a year ago. Will had never been brave enough to ask Becca for details. Claire and Sean had dated for most of the year, and then split up just weeks ago.

“Wooooow,” Will began. “Becca, I get it, but damn I never thought you’d go that far.”

“Me either,” Becca replied tonelessly, now speaking more to the ground than him. “My plan was just to do prom, hook up once, and then ditch him.”

“You were going to fuck that guy!?” Will blurted out. Being petty was one thing, but this…

“Hey, slut shaming isn’t cool!” Becca replied defensively.

“I’m not slut shaming,” Will replied hurriedly, eager to clarify his disgust in her plans. “I never said a word about Luis, Brian, or Ty. Because they’re good guys. Sean is not. You can’t honestly even tell me you like him”

Becca nodded sullenly. “I know. I let it get out of hand for sure. It’s for the best he’s laying in the back of his truck covered in vomit.”

Will got the sense Becca was even more glad than he was that her plan had not come to fruition. Once again, he felt for his friend. The pair sat in silence for a moment, each taking a deep drag from the pipe, which was finally finished.

“So why are you here alone? Plenty of girls would have come with you.” Becca asked him as she cleaned out the glass pipe and stored it in her purse. Will could tell she was changing the subject, but felt she more than deserved the reprieve.

“Kinda got my heart set on a girl, and someone else beat me to it,” Will replied, trying to avoid unnecessary details.

“Duuuude, I’m so sorry,” Becca replied. Her face showed genuine sympathy, and she reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. “assholes ruined senior prom for both of us,” she added in an upbeat tone. Will appreciated her humor; he knew she was trying to cheer him up.

It was Becca’s positivity that compelled him to speak, “same asshole, actually,” he said. His heart pounded as he watched her expression move from one of confusion to a look of understanding. He held his breath and waited for her response.

“What!?” Becca asked weakly. “You wanted to ask me?” Will nodded in response, struggling to look her in the eye.

He felt her hand touch his cheek, and found the courage to look back at his friend. She was looking at him with a look he had never seen before.

“I wish you had,” she said in the same weak voice. “we’d both be having a lot more fun tonight.’

The pair shared a silent moment, sitting together under the bleachers. Will felt a disorienting mixture of elation and disappointment. The notion that Becca wished he had asked her in time filled him with white-hot joy. The knowledge that prom night had arrived felt like a bucket of ice water.

Becca pulled out her phone, and glanced at it briefly. She placed it back in her purse and looked back to Will, “it’s only 8:30, wanna be my prom date?”

Will could scarcely believe his ears. “What?” He managed to say. Certain he had heard her wrong.

Becca stood up, and leaned down, extending a hand to Will, “the night is young, let’s go to prom together. Let’s make tonight everything it was supposed to be,” Will heard her words, but found himself unable to focus on her extended hand; her bending over afforded him an incredible view down her dress. The tits he had lusted over for years were right in front of his face. Becca immediately noticed his stare, and laughed, “yeah, yeah, enjoy the tits too,” she said. Will was relieved his momentary loss of judgment was amusing rather than creepy. He took Becca’s outstretched hand, and she pulled him up to stand in front of her.

Becca looked up at him. She was close enough that Will could count every freckle on her nose. She was smiling and biting her lower lip. “Ready?” She asked. Will could tell her excitement was as genuine as his own, and he gladly took her hand and the pair began to walk back towards the school. Will exchanged the same perfunctory nod with the unnamed wrestling coach as they re-entered the crowded gym.

The heat had only become more overbearing in the short time since Will had left, but he was now determined to endure. The beautiful girl holding his right hand tightly made him feel impervious to the heat and the powerful smell of sweat.

“So if we’re making tonight everything we wanted…” Will started.

“That’s the plan,” Becca replied happily, giving his hand a squeeze.

“Does that mean I’m getting laid tonight?” Will could scarcely believe the words as they left his mouth, but once again, Becca gave no sign she objected to his query.

“You’re a cocky bastard tonight,” she said, still smiling broadly.

“Yeah, I think it’s that weed you gave me,” Will said smiling back at her.

“No promises,” she whispered to him, so close to him that her lips brushed his ear, “but if you’re as good of a prom date as I think you will be, a little of this pussy might be in your future.”

Will felt his tuxedo pants tighten at Becca’s reply, and his head spun as she placed a warm kiss on his cheek.

“Now come dance with me,” She demanded as she pulled him to the dance floor. As they found an open spot to dance the relentless, pounding bass ended, and was promptly replaced with a slow song. Couples came together and singles seemed to evaporate from the floor.

“Come here,” Will said, pulling Becca close to him. She seemed pleasantly surprised, and rested her head on his chest, as Will took her waist in one hand, and her hand in the other. Will was unsure what else to do, and began to sway gently back and forth, his body pressed against hers.

“How long have you wanted this?” Becca asked quietly.

“I’m not sure,” Will replied truthfully. “but when I started to think about prom, the only one I wanted to go with was you.”

Becca did not reply. Instead, she looked up and kissed him deeply. Will was taken aback, but quickly parted his lips to allow her soft tongue to meet his. His head spun, and his hand moved to her waist just above her ass.

The pair swayed in silence for the rest of the song, pausing only to share another kiss. As the slow song faded, Will became aware that his hand was dangerously close to his friend’s ass. He looked down, and found her smiling up at him mischievously.

“You going to grab my ass or not?” she teased him.

Will didn’t hesitate, and slid his hand down the curve of her ass. He squeezed her soft flesh through the fabric of her dress, eliciting a moan from Becca.

“Mmmm,” she moaned appreciatively, as he kneaded her ass. Will felt his pants tighten again, and knew she must feel his erection pressing into her. Becca released his hand and used both hands to pull Will into a passionate kiss. His other hand found her shapely ass, and he squeezed as the two kissed shamelessly surrounded by classmates.

The pounding beat of dance music returned and Becca broke their kiss. She turned around and pressed her ass against him, beginning to rub her body against his. Will wrapped his arms around her, and became aware of his fully erect cock pressing into the perfect butt his hands had been squeezing only seconds earlier.

Becca leaned back to whisper in his ear, “already getting hard for me?” She teased. Will’s mouth was dry, and words failed him. He held her tight, and allowed himself to look down at her body. The tops of her breasts were glistening with sweat. Instinct took over as he slid both hands up her body to cup her perfect tits.

Becca moaned breathlessly. Encouraged by her reaction, Will squeezed the heavy orbs of flesh while she rubbed against him. He felt his cock spasm against her ass. He stared at her tits as he groped her, transfixed by the sight of her beauty, and the sounds of pleasure she made as they rubbed together.

Will slipped his thumb into the cup of her dress, and pulled the fabric gently away from her skin, finally allowing himself a view of her strawberry red nipple standing out brightly against her milky skin. Will worried he might cum as he stared at the nipple he had thought of so many times.

After a moment, Becca pulled his thumb out of her top, “you’ll see them later, let’s not get kicked out.”

As if on cue, the clear, stern voice of a teacher called out, “hey knock it off over there.”

Becca and Will laughed together, and he held her close to him. “Later? He asked. He could scarcely believe the wondrous turn his night had taken.

Becca giggled in response, “I think there’s a really good chance of that.” Will’s cock again twitched against her ass. “But for now let’s try to behave. I don’t want to get thrown out tonight.”

Will knew she was right, and removed his hands from her tits. The two danced the night away pressed tightly together. Will could not get enough of her. As the night wore on the pair became drenched in sweat from both heat and arousal. Becca’s neck was salty with sweat as he kissed and sucked at her throat.

The final song of the night was another slow number. Will was sad that the dance was coming to an end, but eager to finally be alone with Becca. As the slow song began, she carefully turned around to face him without breaking the contact between their two bodies.

“Gotta keep that hidden,” she said with a giggle.

“I’ve been hard for you all night.” He whispered back.

“I know. You’ve been pressed against my ass for most of it,” she teased him. Will felt himself flush. “It’s ok. My pussy is so wet I soaked through my underwear hours ago.”

Will’s head went numb as she spoke, and he felt his cock flex against her yet again.

Becca smiled at his reaction to her words, then laid her head gently on his chest again, as the pair swayed in place together for the final song.

“I like this, too. Just so you know…” Will’s voice trailed off as he couldn’t seem to find the words. “I know I’ve been all over you tonight, but this is nice.”

His dance partner gave a small smile, “me too,” she replied softly.

Will held her closely as the song ended. Hoping desperately she had an idea of how he was feeling, but eagerly anticipating what he hoped was coming next.

When the last tune finally ended, Becca kissed him passionately, and then pulled him down close to her, so she could whisper, “we can talk about the emotional stuff tomorrow, still want a piece of this ass?”

Will responded by once again sliding his hand over the curve of her ass, and squeezing firmly.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “Let’s go then.” Becca took his hand and the two walked together out of the gymnasium, out of the school, and to Will’s car.

“Adam’s Park?” He asked her. Wishing he had a better solution. The nearby park was densely wooded, and offered plenty of spots they could find privacy.

“Let’s go,” Becca replied with a devilish grin. Will’s heart was pounding as he pulled his SUV out of the parking spot, and began the short journey to their destination. Will was amazed he managed to keep the car between the lines the entire journey; he kept looking at Becca, appreciating her beauty, and the smile she flashed at him every time she caught his eye.

“Is this your first time?” Becca’s question came gently as Will pulled them into a spot on a dirt road surrounded by dense trees.

Will nodded nervously. He knew this was not news to Becca, but had hoped to avoid the subject until afterwards.

“That’s fine,” she said encouragingly. “Just have fun. I know I will.” She then leaned across the center console and kissed Will softly. “Let’s get out, this dress isn’t coming off sitting down.” Becca’s words once again made Will’s head spin. He stared at her as she climbed out of the car, unable to process what he should be doing. “Come on, I’m not getting naked out here alone,” she teased, before closing the door behind her.

Will hurriedly got out of the car, and practically sprinted to the passenger side where Becca was standing. She smiled at him, and then shrugged her gown off one shoulder and then the next. Her dress fell gracefully down her body to gather in a pile at her feet, leaving her standing in nothing but a pair of lacy, black panties.

Will felt paralyzed as he drank in the sight of her. Every inch of her milky white skin was perfect. Her huge, perfectly shaped tits were capped by strawberry red nipples.

“Your turn!” Becca’s voice broke him out of his reverie. He started to rapidly undress himself, quickly realizing that removing a tuxedo was a lengthy process. After a frantic moment of undressing, he finally stood as naked as Becca, wearing only a pair of boxers that his erection threatened to spring out of.

“Those too,” she said, indicating his boxers. “Show me the cock you’ve had pressed against me all night.”

Will nervously followed her instruction, pulled his boxers down and kicked them off, as he stood up, his erect cock pointed straight at Becca. She smiled and approached Will slowly, then kissed him hard on the mouth, as her fingers gently wrapped around his cock.

Will allowed his hands to explore her body, reveling in the feeling of her bare skin against his. He moved both hands to squeeze her incredible tits, causing her to moan with approval. Emboldened by her response, he broke their kiss and bent down to suck on her nipple. Becca moaned as he rolled the little bud of flesh around his tongue.

“I’m so wet for you,” she breathed to him. “I need that tongue in my pussy.”

As soon as the words left her lips, Will wanted nothing more than to taste her. Thinking quickly he said, “the back seat folds flat, and I have blankets we can lay on.”

“Sounds good to me,” she replied. Will reluctantly pulled his hands off her nearly naked body, and quickly set about making the best imitation of a bed. He laid the back seats of his SUV down, and laid the blankets down in hopes of providing comfort. Becca provided a distraction by playing with her tits, and sliding her hand into her lacy black thong.

“Ready,” Will said eagerly. Becca crawled into the makeshift bed, and laid on her back. Will laid next to her, and kissed her urgently, his hands quickly found her tits.

He ended their kiss and moved his lips to her neck, and then her collar bone. He paused for a moment to suckle her nipples again, and then continued down her body, leaving a trail of kisses as he went. Becca moaned as his tongue gently dragged around her belly button.

His heart felt as though it might burst out of his chest as he slowly pulled her panties down her thighs. Becca eagerly lifted her butt off the blanket to make his task easier. With her panties removed, Becca spread her legs, and Will lay between them, leaving his face only inches from her pussy.

He took a moment to enjoy the beautiful sight of her glistening cunt. She was perfectly smooth. Dark pink inner lips were surrounded by her pale, plump outer lips. Her scent was intoxicating.

“I got a wax yesterday, seemed like a shame to waste it,” he heard Becca say playfully.

Will nervously slipped his tongue between her folds. “Fuuuuuck yes,” Becca said softly. Will engulfed her pussy with his mouth, and licked desperately at her clit, certain he would never get enough of her delicious pussy.

Becca’s moans grew louder as Will’s tongue slid through her silky folds. The taste of her pussy, and the breathy moans coming from her mouth were driving him wild. Becca weaved her fingers into his hair and pulled him tightly against her cunt.

“Finger me!” Becca called out between moans. Will managed to slip a finger into her tight pussy while continuing to suck at her clit. Becca’s moans became so loud he was certain someone would hear them.

Will pumped his finger inside of Becca, unsure of himself, but loving the feeling of her warm pussy around it. His finger brushed a soft spot inside her pussy and Becca gave a high pitched yelp.

“Right fucking there,” she said. Will eagerly searched for the spot again, and began to stroke her, while sucking and licking at her clit.

Becca’s moans were breathy and high pitched; Will could feel the wetness from her pussy start to run down his chin. Her cunt began to squeeze and expand around his finger.

“I’m cumming,” she managed to squeak out. Will continued to stroke and suckle her as Becca’s orgasm finally exploded within her. Her legs closed tightly around his head, and her pussy squeezed his finger tightly. He felt one last gush burst from within her, soaking him as he finally slowed his frantic licking at her clit.

“That’s enough,” she said breathlessly, pushing his face away from her pussy. “Now get up here and fuck me.”

Will happily crawled on top of her, kissing her deeply again. “I taste nice,” she said with a giggle.

“You taste fucking delicious,” Will replied seriously.

“God your face is soaked,” Becca said, still catching her breath from her orgasm. “First time eating pussy, and you made me squirt all over you. I’m always a bit of a squirter, but fuck. You’re a natural or something.”

Becca surprised him by licking around his mouth and kissing him again. “I am delicious,” she quipped. She then reached between them and gently wrapped her hand around his throbbing, desperate cock, and positioned him at her entrance. “You ready?” she asked, Will could feel the tip of his cock resting against the wet flesh of her cunt.

“I have condoms in the front seat…” Will began, momentarily coming to his senses. Becca however cut him off by shaking her head and giving him a knowing smile.

“I’m on the pill. I trust you. This way it’s my first time for something too,”

Will stared down at her in disbelief. Blank shock took over his brain, as he processed what she had said. “Put your cock inside me already,” Becca whispered to him. His stupor broken, Will finally slid his desperate erection inside of her. The two moaned in unison as he entered her easily. Will paused for a moment, steadying himself. Becca’s pussy was heavenly, tight, wet and impossibly, perfectly warm.

Will began to thrust in and out of her, tentatively at first, but quickly gaining in speed and urgency. Becca moaned deeply as he penetrated her more and more deeply. “You feel so fucking good,” she breathed to him between thrusts.

“You too,” Will replied breathlessly. He felt the orgasm he had needed all night begin to build in his cock, aching to fill Becca’s dripping wet pussy with his cum. He buried his face in Becca’s neck, kissing her sweaty throat and fighting off the orgasm threatening to explode from within him.

Becca’s moans grew louder, and she slipped a hand between them to frantically rub her clit. “Almost there,” she cried out. Will felt her cunt begin to grip his cock as it had his finger only moments before, and felt her gushing wetness soak him.

Becca’s tightening pussy proved too much for Will, and he felt his powerful orgasm at last wash over him, and felt his cock at last erupt, filling Becca with his warm, sticky cum.

Becca rubbed urgently for a few more seconds, before her orgasm took her as well. Her pussy soaked will and an animalistic moan escaped her throat as she came hard again.

The pair laid quietly for a moment, the only sounds came from the intensity of their breath. Will pulled his soft cock out of her, and at last rolled off of Becca who wasted no time in draping a bare leg across him, and resting her head on his heaving chest.

“How was your first time?” She finally asked, breaking the silence between them.

“Incredible,” Will responded. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“You’ve got me,” Becca replied happily, “for the rest of the night, and longer if you’ll have me.”

*To be Continued?*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kdz439/a_prom_story_long_and_sickeningly_sweet


  1. Nice. Thank you for a wonderful tale of teen longing and desire. Are Will and Becca going to have more adventures? I look forward to more.

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