The College Reunion, Part One (of 6); The Introduction

The College Reunion

Girl time. We all need it. And with your best friends it’s even better! I was so happy that Jenna took the initiative to get us all together. Eighteen years ago, the five of us graduated college together. Aside from our weddings, we’d all been together a grand total of two times since then. Two!

Truth be told, all five of us have turned 40 years old in the last seven months. Gathering in Florida away from our husbands, kids and careers in a luxorius house with a pool and hot tub was just what the doctor ordered.

I mentioned Jenna….she planned the trip. Jenna was our planner in college, too. While most of us were content going with the flow after a busy week of classes, she needed an agenda. She arranged taxis, got our names on lists at clubs and planned our evenings. While we might have given her a hard time for it, we all truly appreciated it. She’s also still my best friend today.

Jenna married up, as they say. Her husband is a very successful attorney. After a brief career in accounting, Jenna quit her job and concentrated on raising her family. Out of all of us she’s the only one who doesn’t work, although you could say with four kids she might have the hardest job of all.

And just like back in college she’s still the most stunning. Jenna could really turn heads, but aside from flirting and dating a few boys, she was pretty innocent then. In fact, she didn’t lose her virginity until a few months into her relationship with her husband.

There’s also Teresa. She went to law school after college and met her future husband. Their jobs took them all across the country before finally settling on the west coast where they both practice lucrative law careers. Teresa was the one girl who could always disappear when out with the girls. She liked to party, and it wasn’t uncommon for her to come home the following morning after a tryst.

Maggie was wild. And while Jenna was the only girl in our group who wasn’t sexually active, Maggie was the one who experimented most and wasn’t afraid to give details. Some of her stories, thinking back on it now, still make me blush.

There was the time she had sex in a public restroom at our favorite college bar with a guy she met less than an hour prior. Or, the time she bedded two guys at the same time and gave us all the explicit details. She wasn’t afraid of experimenting with her sexuality, either. More on that later.

She married a guy much like herself. He was also a wild child. Problem is, Maggie changed with adulthood and her husband didn’t. He had a sex addiction and it pretty much ruined their relationship. After about 10 years of marriage and two kids, they divorced.

Emma was the spitfire in our group. She only stood about 5’1” and maybe 100 pounds, but she packed a punch. If you crossed one of her friends or treated her inappropriately, she let you know about it.

She came to college with a boyfriend who went to a school almost four hours away. I know I never thought it would work, but it did. They managed the long-distance thing fine and married right out of college.

Lastly, there’s me. My name is Leah. I went to school on a basketball scholarship but lost my passion for the game after two years and quit. Athletics was such a huge part of my younger years that I sort of missed out on a lot of the fun things. I was naturally shy and probably didn’t stand out as much as my four other friends, but I was hardly a prude.

I started dating my husband just before college ended and married him two years later. Today we’re happily married with two kids, successful careers and the white picket fence. The American dream, I guess you could say.

I was pretty surprised how all five of us had managed to still keep it together at age 40. And by that, I mean our bodies. We all looked great. I’m not one to brag, but I graduated college weighing 127 pounds, and here I was 18 years later post-kids and was still around 135. I get that maybe I jiggled a little more in some places, but I was very comfortable in my skin.

I have the luxury of pretty much going with the flow and not gaining weight. My husband would sometimes encourage me to step out of my shell more but I typically refrained. I felt I dressed with style, but I didn’t show off my curves much unless it was on vacation. My best feature is probably my legs. I stand about 5’9” and am often teased that most of it is in my legs.

As I said earlier, Jenna is still the stunner of the group. She is tall, blonde and has a natural beauty. Some cosmetic surgeries, a breast augmentation included, hid the fact she had birthed four children. Let’s just say she was ‘tighter’ than the rest of us and packed quite the punch in her clad bikinis.

Jenna and I, despite being best friends to this day, are different from one another. She is always dressing to impress. Designer jeans and dresses, regular hair appointments and lots of shoes/heels. And when I say lots, I mean lots.

Maggie is more curvy, but she carried more confidence than the rest of us combined. She was comfortable in her own skin just like in college, and still very sexy. If it’s on her mind Maggie will tell you about it. I don’t want to say she’s crass, but really nothing is off-limits to talk about with her. Especially sex.

Emma, who I mentioned was maybe 100 pounds, still had the tightest natural body of us all. She constantly worked out and ran. I think she’s now completed over 10 marathons and didn’t start until after her 30th birthday a decade ago. She’s the girl who makes you feel self-conscious about not working out if you watch her Instagram stories.

Teresa is the tallest and most well-endowed of the group. Her tanned skin and dark hair make her appear a tad exotic. She was the one who exuded confidence and sex. While Jenna might be the most well-rounded when it comes to natural beauty, there has always been something about the way Teresa carries herself that turns heads when she walks into the room.

By the final day of our trip things were just like old times. While 18 years seemed so long ago, something about it made it seem like yesterday.
A lot of things were discussed. Family, work, life….the regular things. But on our last day the topic somehow found its way to sex and it wouldn’t go away. Don’t get me wrong, sex was a topic at times throughout the trip. But not like this. We’re talking specifics.

At first I was a little uncomfortable but like I often do I sort of sat back not saying much.

This went on for a while when Maggie suggested a story-telling game. A sexual story-telling game.

“What even is that?” we all asked.

“Well, it’s something my ex-husband and I once played at a house party years ago,” she said. “Basically, the premise was to tell a story as a couple of the best sex you’ve ever had, or something the two of you would do to keep that sexual spark.”

Everyone was quiet.

“Sooooo?” Maggie questioned.

“I guess I’d be game,” said Teresa. “But before we can start I’m going to need a refill of my drink. Or maybe two.”

I wasn’t really sure, although the thought of it was kind of exciting. I would classify my sex life with my husband as probably a five or six on a scale of one to 10. We’re sexually active for a couple over 40 but I freely admit there’s room for growth. Plus, if I was going to tell our best sex story I knew instantly what it would be. It involved my husband and I, as well as Jenna and her husband Mark.

After just a few minutes everyone had agreed to play along. Everyone also ran inside to top off their drinks. I think all of us sensed we’d need more alcohol to get through this.

“So how do we start this?” asked Emma. “I know I don’t want to follow Maggie because I can’t imagine what kind of story she’s going to have for us,” as everyone erupted into laughter.

“Ok, if you’re worried about that, then why don’t we all just agree that I will go last?” she asked. “And to see who goes first we’ll just spin this bottle and whoever it stops on is up. Agreed?”

Seemed fair.

I was in the pool with Teresa, each of us on our own floating hammock. Jenna was sitting on the side of the pool with her toes dancing in the water. Maggie had pulled a lounge chair over to the edge of the pool, while Emma sat on the steps going into the pool.

“Here we go,” said Maggie. “Let’s see who gets to go first,” she said excitedly spinning the bottle.

I knew I didn’t want to go first, and was just praying the bottle wouldn’t be pointed at me, or Jenna for that matter.

“Teresa!” exclaimed Maggie. “You’re up!”

I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I’m not sure why because eventually I was going to have to go anyway, but it did seem fitting that Teresa would be first if it couldn’t be Maggie.

To be continued….



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