Gameday encounter

It was 2015 and I was in graduate school. When Saturdays rolled around, that was typically my opportunity to play catch up. It was a brisk Saturday in the morning when I made my way down the stairs and stepped outside. Just a couple of blocks away, I was on my way to walk to the learning center to hole up in a room to study for the day.

This day was a little different as there was a game set to kick off this afternoon. Tailgaters were already arriving in their gear, setting up grills, tents, and team-colored plates and cutlery.

I didn’t have in my head phones like I normally do, so I heard a crack of a beer can to my left. “Can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning,” the man exclaimed.

He had on a red flannel shirt with a vest on top. Sunglasses with croakies on the end in the team’s colors. His tight Levi’s hugged his muscular posterior. He turned to the woman on the other side of their tent, and asked “Can I get you anything, sweety?” With a southern twang. She tilted her head, “Way ahead of you, dummy,” as she began to pour bloody mary mix into her glass that was already fit with the appropriate fixings. She wore a sundress that accentuated her large breasts that shook as she got the very last drop out of the bottle of bloody mary mix. I felt a slight jump in my jeans.

Something told me these two were made for each other. Both were immaculately built and dressed, and they were both already trying to out drink each other in the morning.
I looked at my watch *9:07*, and looked forward down the sidewalk as my wheels began to spin. The internal dialogue was tumultuous.
“Studying again on a Saturday?”
“I have to or things won’t ever get done.”
“Judging by the way you looked at those two people, your head may be elsewhere”
I continued to walk and enter the learning center.
There was one other person there.
I set down my backpack and began to pull out my laptop.
“Man, fuck this!” I said aloud.
I needed a break. I worked two jobs, an internship, and went to school full-time.
I shoved my laptop back in my back pack, zipped up the bag and made my way forcefully to the door.

Being so busy, I can’t even remember the last time I had sex or jerked off. I made my way past that couple again and heard a scream as I passed. “You again!”

It was the man in the vest.
I turned.

“Guess studyin’ ain’t for you?” He exclaimed.
At this point it was clear that they saw me staring earlier.
He gestured for me to come down.
I paused and reluctantly proceeded in their direction.
“You look tense,” the woman stated as she pressed the bloody mary to her lips.
I grasped my hands around the straps of my backpack.
“I suppose,” I mentioned quietly
“Well then here ya go,” the man said as he got a beer out of the cooler and gestured my way.
“I can’t.” I waved my hand in refusal.
“Well, why the fuck not?!” The woman inquired with a deep southern accent.
“Uh,” Is all I could say. I had already made up my mind about not studying, so I really didn’t have one. I could use a drink.
The man pressed the can to my chest firmly.
“Trust me, it’ll all be okay,” he whispered in a raspy voice.
The woman shot me a wink and I grabbed the can. “what the hell,” I said as I cracked the beer can open.
I drank the beer quietly as we all made small talk. I introduced myself, and they shared that they were Alumni from two years ago and had taken over the woman’s father’s tailgating spot for the day. Their names were Tim and Lily.
I realized that I had almost finished the beer in a matter of minutes—I get nervous when it comes to small talk.

I thanked them for the beer and indicated that it was nice to meet them. I even told them that I would catch them again when I needed a study beer at the next game.

The walk home was uneventful, and I got to my core and unlocked it.
I dropped my backpack at the door, and walked through the loft into the living room. I grabbed the TV remote and clicked power as I fell on the couch. Simultaneously my hand found its way down my pants. I was half thinking about how how Tim and Lily are and half trying to find something to watch on the TV.
I landed on Gameday on ESPN and continued to rub my hand on my cock. As blood rushed down, I knew that I made the right decision coming home vs. being holed up in the library all day.

“Are you jacking off again?!” My roommate cried as he approached the steps to his lofted bedroom. He had caught me multiple times.
I jumped and jerked my hand from my pants, my cock now almost completely hard.

“Dude! I didn’t know you were here!” I responded as I lurched over to cover my partial erection. “Yeah, hiding out from the old lady today, really don’t want to deal with her bullshit.” He said. “Fair enough.” His girlfriend is crazy.
But then again, I knew that from experience. I had just broken up with mine a few months ago.

We were long distance and she couldn’t understand the fact at how busy I was. She always thought I was cheating on her, but frankly I didn’t have the time to cheat.

Hours went on and my roommate and I continued to mindlessly watch Gameday and football, while playing on our phones. It wasn’t until half-time of the noon game that my roommate got up and said, “Fuck it, I’m gettin’ a beer. You want one?”

“Sure thing, man. Thanks.” I said

He returned and we cracked beers, said cheers, and went back to watching the game.
It was a blow-out, so I was just watching for the hell of it.
My phone buzzed in my hand.
“You have a new snap from Heather,” it read.
“fuck,” I said under my breath. Heather was my ex.
I reluctantly opened the snapchat to find her with her shirt lifted up, exposing her beautiful breasts. Her breasts were supple with her nipples pointed slightly upward.
They were perfect, which made the message that much harder to ignore.
“I need to get laid” I said out loud, but not directly to my roommate.
“Dude, ya you do” my roommate said in response.
“Not like I am the hook-up type or even want to go out,” I stated.
“Bullshit. Get yourself dressed-up and let’s go! You never come out with us!” he responded. “Fine.” I said as I walked away toward my loft. He made his way up to his.

I took off my clothes, and saw my Fleshlight in the drawer, so pulled it out. After the picture, I needed some kind of touch.

I put some lube on my cock, and placed the fleshlight on top of it as I fell onto the bed.
Pushing it down and pulling it up, I began to think to myself, “I would rather not cum this way.”

I sat up and wiped my cock off with a washcloth as I put my flashlight back into my drawer.
Reaching over into my closet space, I grabbed a pair of black slacks and a casual white button down shirt. As I proceeded to get dressed, I turned around to look in the mirror.
I looked damn good.

I made my way to the common room to meet my roommate. He was ready to go, so we left right away. Even though we would end up at the bar next door, we grabbed a Lyft to our friends’ place just off campus.

We arrived and they were all tanked. I wasn’t sure this was ever my scene; even tonight when I wanted to let loose a little bit.
The game was on and most of us didn’t want to go despite having tickets, so we stayed in playing drinking games.

Hours went on and people began to depart. My roommate was passed out on the couch and my other friends had gone to bed all of them with their significant others.

I received a text.
“I’m in town. What are you up to?” It was Heather. I was drunk at this point and bored and wanted to respond. My mind went back to her photo. I wanted her.

With her breasts on my phone, I paused to ask myself, “Did I want her, or just anyone.”
I decided on the latter and put my phone to sleep for a few minutes. With a beer in my hand and the game on TV, I just mindlessly watched for about an hour.

Then my phone buzzed again. I sighed as I thought it was Heather.

It wasn’t. It was from Gray. Gray and I met at a bar one night a few months ago. My friends and I were hanging out at our usual spot, and I had to leave. It really wasn’t my scene to begin with, let alone a place to linger at while intoxicated, so I went around the block to a place that appeared not to be so busy.

As I perched on a barstool, the bartender walked my way.
“Whatever IPA you have on draft,” I told him, noticing my words trailed off.
It was this drink, then I needed to go home. I felt off kilter, questioning why I didn’t go home to begin with.
A man walked up next to my barstool and put his weight on the bar.
He held up two fingers to the bartender. The bartender winked. It was obvious they new each other.
The man turned his back to the bar, leaning against it and glanced my way. I drug my hand up and down my glass with apprehension.
“Why is this dude staring at me?” I asked myself
Suddenly, he spoke. “I haven’t ever seen you here before, are you new here?” “I don’t get out a lot,” I responded and sipped a glass.
“So what has you down?” He asked.
“Uh. Not down, just need to go home probably.” I chuckled.

“Cute boy like you shouldn’t have to go home alone.” He winked and smiled in my direction. He had a chiseled jawline with dimples on his cheeks, resulting in an infectious smile.
“Is that so?” I asked. Already hoping he would say yes.
I was drawn to him.
The bartender placed a shot behind him and one in front of me. Gray turned around and slapped the bar.
“well, we doing this or what?”
His eyes looked toward the shot glass in front of me.
“i suppose.” I responded and picked up the shot glass. We said cheers and drank each one down.
“Gray, by the way.’ He said as a he let out a brief “ahhh”
He found the drink refreshing.
“I’m Gabe,” I said as I tried to prevent myself from burping up the shot.
“I will say it again, Gabe. No cute boy like you should have to go home alone. How about we take you back to my apartment. We can chat there and you can sober up, sleep, or whatever you want.”
It sounded enticing. I had always had thoughts about hooking up with guys, but only acted acted on it the night Heather and I broke up.

I panicked, “I think I will just walk home, but here is my number.”

I wrote my number on a napkin and handed it to him before I ran towards the exit. All it would have taken were one more comment and I would have gone home with him.

I briskly walked home.

Until today, I hadn’t heard from Gray, so it took me a moment to collect myself and deliver my response.

After all, he was objectively a perfect ten. He had straight brown hair that swooped down across his forehead. He was tall with a large frame. He had broad shoulders and the night we met, was wearing jeans that accentuated his lower body. His bottom appeared to be large and muscular. His jeans showcased a healthy bulge that protruded from his torso. To be honest, his pants may have been a size too small as they left little up to the imagination.
I tapped my phone, still uncertain if I should respond. I took a drink, and again said, “fuck it!”

“What’s up?” I asked.

Three dots appeared on my phone to signal he was typing.

“Just hoping to finally get in touch with you.” He replied. “Well about time,” I responded
“I understand that, but honestly I was dealing with a break up the night we met, so I was a little aggressive, so I wanted to wait to text you until I had full composure.”
“That makes sense. That night was just weeks after my break-up so I get what you mean.” “I appreciate your understanding. How about we go for a real drink?”
“It’s gameday…there’s people everywhere.” I hesitated.
“No worries, I know a place. Can I pick you up?” He asked.
“Uh. Sure. I suppose.”
“Alright, I will be right over.”
I rushed to change my clothes, borrowing some from one of my passed out friend.

I put on some deodorant and sprayed a mist of cologne in front of me. I walked through the mist and out towards the door.

My phone buzzed.
“I am outside.” Gray texted.
“Alright, I will be right down.” I ran down the steps and outside to look around.
Gray nodded from his black Audi.
We made eye contact, and then I approached.
I heard the door unlock as I neared the car. I got in.

My back hit the leather seat and he sped away as soon as I buckled my seatbelt.

“So you’re new to this?” He asked as he drove.
“Yes.” I responded.

“Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. I know a spot we can go.”

“A spot? I thought we were going to your apartment.”

“No. We can’t go there. I live with my ex. It was a
mistake, but no worries. We have a great place to go.”

I gulped. I barely knew this guy and was at his mercy. I wasn’t sure where he was going, but at this point we were on the edge of town.

He began to slow down the car and and turned into a park. We drove upon a paved trail for about a half a mile to a parking lot that could fit eight cars.
Gray put the car in park and unbuckled his seatbelt.

“Alright, cowboy. Let’s take a look.” He said with his long eyelashes flickering in my direction.

“Um, take a look at what?” I glared in his direction.

He was forward and grabbed my crotch. “At what you have under the hood, of course.”
I began to melt as blood left my brain towards my cock. I didn’t respond, but allowed Gray to slowly unzip my pants.

He pulled out my cock that began to pulse in his hand. He teased my head with his thumb while the rest of his hand was wrapped around my cock. His other hand came up to unbutton my pants.

I was now fully hard as he leaned his head over to lick around the head of my cock. He was simultaneously running his hand up and down my shaft while he pulled my balls out in the opening.

Gray began to lick my balls as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. This was just what I needed today. Release at the hands—and mouth—of a beautiful specimen. Thank goodness, I didn’t fall prey to Heather’s advances as Gray performed a fellatio unlike any I have experienced.

I was in awe of the skills that he provided. A combination of finesse and aggressiveness that warmed my cock.

Suddenly, he jumped from my crotch and up to the steering wheel. “Cover up!” He shouted.
I looked to my left and saw a police officer headed our way.

Gray wiped his mouth.

The officer tapped on the window with his flashlight.

I rolled the window down.

“You guys out here drinking tonight?” I was still half drunk, but fought the urge to comment.

“No sir,” Gray responded, “We were looking for a friend out here, but don’t think he is going to show. I suppose that we will leave here shortly.”

“Alright then, y’all be careful. You know game days bring out all the drunkards.” The officer said as he walked away.

I was still erect. For some reason, watching Gray think on his feet made me even more aroused.

“Well that’s it.” Gray said, “I guess I got to take you to my apartment then.” With all of my blood engorging my penis, I was determined to make this happen.

I nodded yes. Gray reversed the car and began to drive away, following the police officer. It was a short drive, but we ended up at his apartment. He put the car in park.

“But wait, what about your ex?” I asked as I exited the vehicle.

“Oh he won’t see us. Get in the backseat.” Gray responded.

I was a bit unsure but at this point, Gray and my cock were guiding my every move. I sat down in the backseat as Gray entered on the other side.
He immediately pulled my pants down.

“I’m not done with you yet.” He expressed with ambition.

Gray began to lick up and down the shaft of my cock, eventually starting to suck. With his other hand he had undone his pants to reveal a spectacular specimen.

His cock was about seven inches long and extremely thick. I ached to have it inside of me, but didn’t have the courage.

I reached over and grabbed his exposed ass. He had the proper amount of tone and additional trunk.

As I squeezed, I felt his throat on the head of my cock. He took all of me in his mouth and the sounds made me throb.

I took my other hand to his other cheek. I was grasping each of his ass cheeks hard. At this point he somehow went deeper down on my cock. He had one hand on my balls and the other was jerking his cock. Gray looked at me, and we made eye contact.

“I am going to cum,” I cried to give him warning.
He sucked harder and harder. I began to pulse, orgasming with Gray’s mouth on my cock. He continued to suck as I came. I heard him gulp. He had swallowed most of my cum at this point, but I continued to ejaculate filling his mouth. Gray took it in amazing fashion.
As I finished, he pulled back and kissed the tip of my cock. He opened the door and spit the rest of my cum out onto the pavement.
He looked to me. “Feels like you needed that.” I nodded.

Alright, let’s get you home. We both got dressed and I made my way into the passenger’s seat; Gray to the driver’s.

“So Gray, now that we are ‘acquainted’ what is your last name?” I asked, making smalltalk as the blood returned to my brain.

“Milledge.” He replied.
“No shit!” I said aloud. Milledge was what half of the town was named for.
He smiled and said, “but I go by Gray Wilson. You live in this town and people know the name, then they treat you differently.”
“Makes sense.” I stated as we turned towards my loft.
He put the car in park and casually said, “this is you.”
“I suppose it is.” I responded.
He leaned over and kissed me. I accepted and cracked a smile as I got out of the car and walked towards the building.

“Until next time.” He said. I couldn’t wait.

As I made my way to the callbox, Gray drove off. I waved.

Once he was out of sight, I pulled out my phone and looked on instagram. “Gray Mill—-Gray Wilson” I keyed into the search.

There he was. I clicked on his profile to find the last thing that I expected. He had multiple photos with what appeared to be his ex-boyfriend.
