Belle Sujette – The Second week [Mf, service, cleaning, Maid, light Ds, plot-heavy, romance, no-sex]

The doorbell rang at seven past five again. A happy Mara hinted her little curtsy, presented her soles for the mud check, and came inside rushingly. Today she was wearing tight blue jeans and a wide black pullover. And how sweet she was, she has brought a little bell with a red ribbon. „Use it any time you want.“ I was so happy and smiling, so I attached the ribbon onto her chest which made her salute me exclamatory.

Without any instructions from my side, she headed off into the kitchen, cleaning up the new chaos, and started humming with her new to-do list. When I inspected her work, she was in full swing but she instantly took her waiting position and asked me how she could be of service.

A tonic would be nice.

„Why didn’t you use the bell?“ She pouted sadly. „Please use the bell.“


Shortly after, she stood there with the tablet, offering the tonic with ice and lemon, clearly peeved.

Around half an hour later I rang the bell. She was quick to appear at the edge of my carpet, albeit a bit sweaty. „How did you progress with your list?“ – „I cleaned the oven thoroughly, as you told me… and thank you for checking in on me.“ – „It‘s good when the oven is clean now you’re good on time.“ – „I‘m almost finished.“ – „How much time will you need to finish?“ – „Five minutes.“ – „Ok, come here again when you finished.“ Five minutes later she appeared at my carpet, now clearly sweating. „Sir, I‘m finished now.“ – „That’s good Mara-belle. But I see you’re sweaty.“ – „I‘m sorry, Sir.“ – „It’s ok, it shows that you work hard today.“ – „But Sir, what should I do? Should I not work so hard?!“ She asked me innocently. „No you should work hard… just make sure that your skin gets some air.“ She looked at me, processing what I just said. „Do you mean I should… dress more lightly?“ – „Yes.“ – „But… I don’t have another dress with me.“ – “The pullover you wear seems to be quite warm.” – “Should I take it off?” – “Yes.” – “But I don’t have anything under.” She said shily. “You have the apron.” – “Ok”, she mumbled and turned around to leave. “Where are you going?” – “To change.” – “Do it here.” She became red in her face and wanted to turn around again to hide her front. “Turn to me.” She turned to me and hid her face in her hands. “Go on.” She startlingly removed her shoulder straps and lowered her apron to the belly, slowly raising her pullover over her head, struggling on the last centimeters when the pullover stretched on her head, opening the view on the two enormous breasts in the cup which I estimated as an E or G size. I oozed the view, her bra was black with a thin cloth, garments playing around, covering her buds, making me wonder if I could see her areolas. She dropped her arms in front of her, covering her chest with the pullover, and complained “I really don’t like my tits, they’re way too large.” – “Noo. Take your arms up again for a moment, they are very beautiful.” I went a bit closer to have a better view, her areolas shined through at the sides, the bra lifting her enormous boobs. I looked further and saw droplets of sweat on her slightly reddened chest and moisture under her armpits. ”Ok, drop your arms and turn around.” She turned around slowly, looking at me from the side. Her back was also wet, with sparkling moisture from her shoulder, to the white skin of her slim waist, down to the hips, wetting the top of her blue trousers. “Where else are you sweating?” I asked her. “Between my legs.” She covered her face in the pullover, with her arms still trapped inside, permitting view on her enormous breasts. “Go to the bathroom, undress the trouser and dry yourself with a towel. Then you come back to me.” – “Thank you, Sir”.

She took half an age but when she came back she had undressed her trousers and remade her hair and make-up. She was gorgeous in the pink apron which she fixed tightly around her body, leaving free the arms and her long legs from the thighs. I loved her compliance but I was dying to see her backside. “Ready Sir!” She proclaimed when she arrived at my carpet. “Good, do you feel better now?” – “Yes Sir, thank you. I just feel a little bit exposed.” – “Next week you can bring a better-suited dress.” – “Thank you, Sir.” – “Please get me a pencil sharpener. It must be on the board over there“. I enjoyed the view of the crack between the apron sided at her back, which she wasn’t able to close even though she tightened it as much as possible. Especially when she bent down, I shamelessly enjoyed the view of her buttocks. She stepped front again, presenting her find. „Hold it“, so she held it in her hand, looking down gracefully. I put my pencil into the sharpener and started turning. Just before some of the dust fell out, she put her other hand below to catch it. „Was that everything?“ – „That’s all for the moment, thank you.“

Slightly past half-past seven, she knocked at my door to report that she finished the kitchen. She has done a good job and when I came for inspection, there was not much to complain about. The oven was clean and Mara looked quite exhausted and sweated like a pig. I told her that she cleaned enough for the day, which is obvious from her sweating.
For the debriefing, this time she made the tea. „Are you satisfied with my work today?“ I was indeed satisfied and she smiled all over her face. „How do you feel about working for me?“ – „I very much like to work for you. You’re so calm and gentle. Also, I like the clear expectations and commands.“ She blushed a little bit and threw her fingers through her hair. She told me that I would own her for twenty more minutes… My full body exploded with fireworks, and I told her to close her eyes to win time. She willingly closed her eyes with a little smile. Her dimples were really cute.

Let’s write down some rules for when you’re here. She nodded shyly: “Yes, so that I know how to behave”. – “I really liked that you started to call me Sir, we should keep it that way.” – “Yes Sir, I will write it down.” Also I liked that you don’t fall short of expressing your gratefulness. How can you express your gratitude even more?” – “I can make a bow or a curtsy or… if I may… I could kiss you on the cheek to say thank you.” – “Oh yes, I would like that.” – “Thank you for letting me serve you.” she bent down and gave me a light kiss on the cheeks, her lips pressing gently onto my skin. “I don’t want to hear anymore how bad you are or how you don’t like this or that on your body.” – “Ahhh, please, I just say what I think…” – “No, this has to stop, it weighs down on the atmosphere which is otherwise very nice.” So she wrote down

– Saying Sir
– Kiss on the cheeks for gratitude
– No denigration to myself

I was quite satisfied with the rules which were concise and covering the most important aspects. We haven’t spoken about what happens when she breaks the rules but I’m planning on spanking her thoroughly. It was already some minutes over our time, at last, she asked me about the dress she should wear. “Take a black dress which suits you well and a little white little apron for the front. But the dress should be maximum length shortly below the buttocks.” – “Until where exactly?” I took a sharpie and requested her: “Step forward and lift your apron a little bit“ so I marked a line on her front thighs, closely below the end of her buttocks. When turning around so that also her backside is marked, she made a swift movement and the sharpie slipped down, leaving a decimeter downward mark. I slapped her on her ass which she acknowledged with a short „ouch!“ but she remained calm in position. I began anew and marked around her leg – this time on the other leg there were no problems.

In the end, she got dressed in the bathroom and after I brought her to the door she made a big curtsy to thank me for the valuable lessons and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheeks, leaving me deeply affected.
