The Intruder- FORCED


One blackened eye puffy from struggle, I am bound in only my briefs to the chair. He, my wife splayed to the 4 corners, only her bra and panties remain, climbs so he is astride her. He leans close to her face, there are words I can not hear. She hesitatingly nods to him, yes. He turns her head so she is facing me, her eyes plead to mine. I felt a sick acidic hole in my stomach.

He spoke to me-she has agreed to submit to me. She will submit to me in order that I won’t further hurt you. with that, he began to remove, unrushed, his clothes. He stood naked, his penis hard, between the bed and the chair, between my wife and me.

His weight on the mattress made a sound, using both of his hands on her waist, he pulled her panties slowly slowly down. One hand on her right, the other on her left hip, gently slowly slid her panties down to below her pubic hair. In an instant, I couldn’t tell if he forcibly jerked them, or if she aided by raising her hips, I couldn’t see, they were removed. Her bushy sex exposed. I felt a sensation, looked down and saw, to my horror, my erect penis had leaked a very visible spot onto my shorts.

He knelt on the bed, his back to me, facing my wife. One hand, toying on her stomach, just above her pubic mound, the other, wrapped around her breasts, still sheathed in her bra. Now sliding under the bra fabric, the other hand, sliding closer to her pussy. I couldn’t see him touching her. I wasn’t sure how close his hand was to her actual sex. My penis pulsated as I watched, bound, his hands move closer to my wife’s little chinese pussy. She shuddered, a sharp inhale, he had…..

his body between my wife and the chair he had tied me to, I couldn’t see what he was doing, but, I could tell he was violating her. Her body jerked, writhed- he withdrew- he turned to me

Tell her- he said looking directly at me, tell her not to resist. Tell her she must submit to me completely, without resistance, or you will be punished. He moved on the bed, closer to my chair, suddenly, I felt a hand on my erection, a firm squeeze, then firmer still, he grasped the base of my shaft, his hand sliding, slowly towards the head as he increased the pressure. He inserted 2 fingers into my mouth- I knew instantly, he had violated her with those same fingers. Don’t resist, he said to me, as he rubbed the inside of my mouth, my lips and tongue with his fingers. Her returned to her side

Your husband kissed my hand, he licked my fingers, look how wet he made them, holding out his hand for her to see. His hand immediately returned to her sex, she pulsed, involuntarily, his fingers were inside her. Remind her, submit, don’t resist or you will be punished, he raised his voice addressing me. Honey- I started, honey please try not to resist, and try to be submissive to him. Like I showed you before. He turned to face me….

He looked at me for a good long minute, his eyes staring at me. He then turned away, turning his hips away from me, kneeling on the bed, his penis certainly pointing directly towards my wife’s mouth. He turned his attention to the bed. I couldn’t see him, couldn’t see between where his hips blocked my view of her, but I could see his hips flexing, pushing his groin forward in slow, short rhythmic thrusts. He was in her mouth. He continued this steady pace, he turned and spoke to me.

You showed her before?, was all he said to me. I didn’t know how to respond or react. His implied assault on her mouth continued, each time he thrust forward, my wife made a noise, a combination of what sounded like a wince, and a gurgle. Tell me what you showed her before? We were just playing around a little, just fun I nervously replied. He responded by sharply thrusting his hips forward, forcefully, and held them forward, held them for what seemed too long, I realised, he was deep in her throat. For my birthday, I began to explain, and
I saw as I began my explanation he eased his hips back some, I assumed allowing her some air, I heard her inhale, I continued speaking, eager to keep him from another hard thrust into my wife’s airway- on my birthday, I asked her to be submissive for me I explained. He resumed his previous leisurely pace, his hips easing his penis into what had to be my wife’s mouth, I felt I’d better continue. I added- she is submissive, but I wanted her to- suddenly I realised my mistake, his pace hastened slightly, his thrusts, deeper. Rhythmic. My wife’s sounds too, her breathing and the little gurgle she made on each impale too, took on a rhythm, this continued. He again sharply thrust, deep.

He unshackled her legs, turned, facing me sitting on the side of our bed. You have a boner he said aloud. In my shame, I said nothing. It was true, my penis was rock solid, straining against my shorts, the visible spot now unmistakably signalling the conflicting emotions. Look at his erection, he commanded my wife, shifting slightly to give her a clear view. I couldn’t hide it, she saw. My wife saw my full erection, my shame at becoming aroused from watching her be molested.

Without warning his fingers were in my mouth. That’s right, he said, I will have what I came to take. See little lady, see how he just submits to my fingers, fucking his mouth? He looked at me, do you taste her? A flash, his fingers now in her mouth- did you taste her on my fingers? Tell her. I hesitated, he thrust 2 fingers deep into her throat, held them there. Yes. I replied, his fingers eased out of her throat. Tell her- he demanded of me. Honey- I tasted you I hurried to reply to appease him. Speak in full sentences he demanded -again probing her throat dangerously deep with his fingers. without thinking-honey, I tasted your pussy on his fingers. When he put them in my mouth I could taste they had been inside you. I looked at him, yes much better.

He turned, he stuffed fingers from his other hand in my mouth. Still probing my wife’s mouth with his other hand. He thrust into my mouth, rubbed my tongue, my gums rhythmically fucked my mouth with his fingers. I could see the same treatment being applied to my wife. And then, the fingers removed. He turned to face me, his hand on my penis, the wetness of my briefs felt a relief against the stiffness of my need, it felt good, I slightly and involuntarily arched my hips against his hand. But The relief was short lived, his fingers found their way, back into my mouth. He fucked my mouth, my wife watching, my penis throbbing. Get those fingers good and wet- tell him little lady- He looked at her, clearly expecting an answer. My stomach dropped. Nothing. Little lady- he jammed fingers into my throat, I could feel my gag reflex begin. Tell him to make them wet. He jammed them deeper, choking me- wet. Her scared little cat voice lost in the space of the room. Almost completely inaudible, but, she said- wet. Those were the first words she spoke that night, she had been silent, except for a nod and some gurgling. Wet, he stared at her, incredulous- his fingers half jammed down my throat.

He moved back towards her-leaving me sitting bound to my chair, throbbing, leaking, and my hips thrusting up at the air. Now I could see very clearly as the fingers that were just in my mouth were now buried in my wife’s pussy. He bent down close to her face, there were words, I could not hear. More words than last time. I couldn’t hear what he said to her. He returned his hand to under my nose, my wife’s scent on his fingers. Tell him-

At that, my wife, in the faintest of voice, not even a whisper, air- she mouthed, she said- you have to make them wet. You have to make them wet. My wife told me looking at me and barely audible she said the words you have to make them wet. Go on, he said- she continued-you have to make his fingers even more very wet, juicy. Tell him why-he’s going to put his fingers in me- she quivered- a raspy whisper- …. back there. Those aren’t the right words, he corrected-in my butt, please make his fingers very wet honey he’s going to put them in my butt.

He was watching me, he was watching for my reaction. I don’t know if I felt the break of my heart, or the Rev of my excitement more plainly at that moment. -Have you? he asked me. Dejectedly, my head down, no I answered. -Why?, he asked. I told him the truth. I gave him an honest answer. The truth too was uncomfortable. -she won’t,….. his fingers jammed in my mouth, my answer jumbled, silenced, he works his fingers in my mouth. Tell him again, tell him. -Honey, she said, please really do make his fingers so wet for me. Please, wet. He removed his hand. -what? She won’t what? Ashamed I answered him, Again staring down, -she won’t let me.

Since she won’t let you- he said to me, placing her so that she was kneeling facing me, he manoeuvred behind her,
You have never been inside this beautiful ass? Well that is indeed a waste, let me tell you what it’s like. He put a finger inside her little butt and she let out a wince. -Jeezus that’s a tight little asshole, I’m using my pinky first, just to open her up a little, he said, looking directly at me. He took some lotion from the table by the bed, -we are gonna need to really oil up this little hole to get inside it. He poured the oil on his 4 fingers, and then, now staring right into my eyes, he deliberately and slowly oiled up his thumb.

-I have the first half of my thumb up her ass, he told me. She started to cry. I could feel my heart racing, I could feel my cock throbbing, in that moment, in my shame-the only thing I was thinking? I needed to cum. She cried, tears ran down her cheek, Her breathing, laboured. Her face was tight with strain. I actually heard his remaining digit enter her rectum, I heard the noise of her folds yielding to the full length of his thumb. -She’s got my whole thumb now, Don’t ya little lady? He asked

Sensing the need to speak when spoken to, my wife answered, Through her tears-it hurts, it’s too big. -too big? He asked.-Here try this, my pinky. Is it better? He asked her, as he raped my wife’s ass. Still crying she sniffed-yes sniff, much better. With a raised eyebrow – you like it don’t you? no! I don’t like it. His reply–you will learn to like it.

If my pinky is much better, then you can definitely accommodate my thumb, and with that he replaced his smaller digit and begin rhythmically entering my wife’s virgin asshole. She continued to cry, tears running down her cheeks, but in the silence of the room I could hear a rhythm being established by the force of her knees pushing back against his thumb. Within moments she was noticeably keeping up her end of the rhythm, allowing the intruder to enter her anus deeper and deeper. You like it, He queried? No, no she cried, stop. Would you like to feel what your husband’s thumb is like back there? Instantly my hard on raged further. No, please, stop! but he didn’t, his thumb continued rhythmically probing her, her hips, unconsciously pushing back, ever deeper. Would you like to feel your husband’s thumb? (-oh god, oh god I need to cum) her crying intensified, its dirty and it hurts, stop!….. crying, tears, the smell of fear and of sex… The rhythm of the bedsprings.

Untied, he asked me to come over where I could see more clearly. Look at how hard he is watching you, I’m going to let him. And with that, he took my hand, and guided my thumb to her opening. I could see her hairy black sex, I could see her vulva and pubic area smeared with glistening, was it cream, was it her natural lubrications? It was a wet mess. My thumb made contact. I looked away, not able to look at her, but not able to stop myself, my hard on raging, I entered her with my thumb. It popped in with little resistance, I could feel she was completely lubricated, the folds of her anus squeezing my thumb as I fucked her hole, unable to stop myself. Look, look how hard he is doing this to you, the intruder said to my wife as she quietly cried tears of my betrayal.
