Making friends at a new swinger’s club with my [F] husband [M]

The first time going to a new swinger’s club is always a little unnerving. Because of the nature of their existence, it’s not easy to find information before you first arrive, like, is there parking and are the bathrooms clean. You typically have to send an email to God only knows who, and they will look at your pictures and let you know if you’re good to buy a membership. It’s less about attractiveness, and more about screening out single guys, although I’m sure being sexy does help.

We arrived in our uber at a corner of the city that looked very uninviting. Storefronts were dark, and I couldn’t see anyone outside at all. Our driver hesitated, “Are you sure this is the right address?” I had checked a thousand times, but I checked again.

“Yes, this is it,” I said with feigned confidence as I scanned my eyes along the dark sidewalks. We thanked our driver and stepped out into the chilly night air. I felt goosebumps prickle along my thighs, and we stood on the sidewalk for only a moment before a man stepped out and said, “Club Mystery? Right this way.” *All names have been changed, including the club*

We were ushered into a small, dimly lit foyer. I could hear music playing on the other side of the doors, and a woman behind a counter greeted us. She gave the best explanation she could of where different areas were located, and we stepped inside.

The main room was a rush of perfume, booze, and the smell of sex. There were couches scattered around the dance floor and couples flirted over the pool table. Women tossed their hair and shifted their weight to set off their hips while the men checked them out without feeling the need to hide it. The room was full of beautiful people ready to have a good time. It was hard to look around the room without catching someone’s eye.

I spotted a couple by the bar; she was wearing a short black dress with one of those skirts that flares with every movement. Her thighs and ass were gorgeous, and I watched as they headed to the pool tables. I realized I was blushing, so I suggested we get drinks and explore.

Off the main dance floor, a set of stairs led up to another dimly lit foyer with tables of towels and condoms. (A side note to any club owners reading this: please, please, please consider adding more lights. Your customers are hot, it would be nice to see more of them.) To the right, there was an area for semi-private play with booths lining the wall, not unlike a restaurant, where people could play with an audience in front of them. To the left, there were rooms with doors for more private play. Straight ahead, there was another large room with a platform bed large enough for a dozen or more people. There were couches around the walls with space for people to watch.

Even though it was around midnight, which isn’t particularly late at a swinger’s club, the large room upstairs was surprisingly full. We opened the door to an indiscernible pile of bodies all licking, sucking, touching, and fucking each other on a large platform bed.

We stepped outside for a moment. “Ok,” I said, “I think this was a good night to come.”

My husband nodded, his eyes wide. We had finished our drinks, so we went back downstairs for another round. I made a trip to the bathroom, which was actually quite clean, and when I came out, I saw my husband chatting with the couple we had seen at the bar earlier. As I approached, my husband gave me a flash of his, “Holy shit, this is really happening” face.

“Hi, I’m Danny,” the guy half of the couple said, “and this is my wife Jordan. We saw you two earlier, and we knew we had to introduce ourselves.” Although Jordan’s ass was hard to look away from, her smile was wide and disarming. She was about my height, although I was in heels and she was in flats, and she had shoulder length brown hair. Danny was tall and athletic in that way that makes you want to see them without their shirt on.

We exchanged enough small talk for us all to feel the chemistry, and Jordan stepped in closer and asked, “Sooo, what do you do?” I told her we wanted to start with some same-room but I would love to also play with her. She grabbed my hand and said, “That sounds great.”

We made our way upstairs to one of the semi private booths. I was about to unzip my dress when Jordan came up behind me and whispered in my ear, “I’ll give you a hand” She pulled the zipper down and let my dress fall away; I turned around and she pounced me, kissing me hard and pulling me close to her. She and I fell into the booth. She grabbed my ass and pressed her breasts against mine while she kissed me.

Danny laughed and asked if there was room for the guys. He and my husband slid in with us. Danny had pulled his cock out, and Jordan reached over and stroked him while we continued to make out. My husband was stroking himself while watching us.

Jordan looked at Danny and said, “I want to suck your cock *right now*,” and she was telling the truth. I joined my husband in watching while she gave Danny the most enthusiastic blow job I have ever seen in my life.

Feeling inspired, I turned and wrapped my hands around my husband’s cock. He was rock hard and dripping with precum, and I closed my lips around him and licked my tongue around the tip of his dick. Jordan and I proceeded to suck our respective date’s cocks with enough enthusiasm that we attracted a bit of an audience.

My husband could see the people gathering behind me and Jordan, so he stood up and Danny joined him. The four of us put on a blow job, face fucking semi-private clinic for the spectators. At some point, we all needed a water break. I also wanted to get some air for a moment, and Jordan and Danny agreed we would try to find each other again later.

My husband and I found a quiet corner outside to check in with each other. “I just had a lot of fun,” he said, “how are you doing?” I could feel my pussy leaving a wet spot inside my dress.

“Yeah. I’m great. Really good.” When we could form proper sentences again, we agreed to head back in, get another drink, and see if we could find Jordan and Danny again. But when we got inside, we didn’t see them anywhere. A little sad, but also still very turned on, we headed upstairs to see what kind of action was happening in the big room.

There was more space on the large platform bed this time, so we grabbed a towel and some space a couple feet away from a woman giving her date a blowjob and another couple having a missionary marathon.

There is an unadvertised feature of swinger’s and sex clubs: you will get to see people demonstrating every different sort of sex act. Have you ever wondered how fisting works? I know I have, but now I know because I’ve seen it. And while people can get quite kinky, there is also plenty of more pedestrian sex which is still quite hot.

I bent over next to the woman getting gently but consistently plowed, and my husband pulled down my soaking thong. I was enjoying the feeling of being so wet and aroused, surrounded by the moans of the people nearby, so I didn’t even notice that my husband had pulled his dick out.

I did feel it though, when he rubbed the head of his dick against my pussy lips. We’d been wanting to fuck each other for hours, and he didn’t hesitate as he pressed himself into my pussy. He wrapped my dress around my waist and pulled me close until he could feel my wetness on his balls.

“I want you to fuck me hard.”

He grabbed my waist and obliged, fucking me hard and deep until I could feel my pussy get even tighter around his dick. I reached my hand down to play with my clit, which was wet and swollen. I barely brushed it and I could feel myself starting to cum. Moaning, I ground my ass into my husband’s dick until I came, releasing a wave of wetness on his cock and spasms of pleasure throughout my body.

A little lightheaded, I turned around and laid down. I hadn’t noticed that there were several more couples in the room with us, both watching and fucking. As I laid back, I noticed that Jordan and Danny were beside us.

Jordan smiled and said, “Hey, I’m glad we found you again. Now we’d like to show off some for you.” I laid back and my husband kept fucking me while Jordan again gave her husband the most enthusiastic blow job ever. I seriously wondered how she had the energy, but I also felt my hand reaching back for my clit.

Jordan’s ass was up in the air near my husband’s face. He said to her, “I would love to eat your ass, is that ok with you?”

She paused for a moment to think, and then wiggled her ass in his direction. “Fuck yes, that would feel great.”

While continuing to fuck me near to senseless, my husband bent over and buried his face in Jordan’s ass. Her blowjob became even more enthusiastic and she moaned and giggled with her husband’s dick deep in her throat.

There was another couple that I hadn’t noticed directly behind me on the bed. The guy who was facing my husband and watching all of us said, “Wait a minute…is he fucking you *and* eating her ass?!”

“Yeah,” I said, a bit breathlessly. “I’m with that guy.”

An hour or so later, at a nearby IHOP, we giggled quietly to ourselves over plates of pancakes and bacon. During normal hours, I’m sure my smeared makeup, mussed up hair, and wrinkled dress would have raised eyebrows, but 3am, I blended right in with a crowd of other late night partiers. Glowing, and not because of the fluorescent lights, we both agreed this was something we should do again.


1 comment

  1. /u/PussyPowerBallad, I have found an error in your post:

    > “explanation she could~~of~~ [**’ve**] where different”

    I suppose PussyPowerBallad could say “explanation she could~~of~~ [**’ve**] where different” instead. ‘Of’ is not a verb like ‘have’ is.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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