At 19 [M] lost my V card to my neighbors friend 25[F]

I hope I’m posting this correctly. I normally just enjoy reading the stories but figured it’s right time to contribute a story of my own.

I was 19 at the time. Growing up in the south, I was very quiet and conservative. Never really had a girlfriend or went out on dates, was always too scared to talk to women.

Well I moved to Las Vegas at 18 years old and then I realized all the stuff I was missing by staying at home and playing video games. I made some friends and most were old enough to by alcohol and I would spend my weekends from work going to their house and drink and play video games haha.

The apartment they lived in was upstairs to what I saw as one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. Let’s call her Lisa…She was 25 years old and absolutely stunning in my opinion. Had beautiful eyes, soft lips, and thick in all the right places. She even a little southern accent to help make this ole country boy feel at home.

It all started when her and her husband would come upstairs and hang out with us and have a few drinks. We would just sit and chat about work or random things and sometimes something sexual would come up, and because I was super inexperienced, I wouldn’t have much input. I would just enjoy my drink and listen. Well eventually, it was found out that I was a virgin and of course I was made of fun, but good clean fun. They all would make comments like, “hey we are in Vegas, we need to get you laid”. Or “dude…with all the pussy in this town why aren’t you trying”? I really had no answer. But I’m my own mind, I was scared to death. I was always worried I would be that guys who’s first time would suck or she would end up pregnant…always scared. I’ve been to second and even third base sometimes but never could cross that plate.

This all went on for a little less than a year. My birthday had just past and we all had a little bbq. And of course, “getting me laid” was brought up in conversation. Well Lisa showed up and we all got to talking and she made a comment like, “I’ve always wanted to take someone’s virginity”. And of course, everyone else was trying to get me to approach her and do the deed. But I was always raised not to cheat. Even though I knew it was wrong, I secretly wanted it.

As the night went on the drinks flowed and the conversation got deeper. Lisa’s husband…gave me his blessing to lose my virginity to his wife. My jaw dropped. I was very embarrassed only because I didn’t make a big ordeal about me being a virgin, but everyone had the goal of me not becoming one. I think it was more fear based embarrassment. We didn’t do anything that night, I eventually passed out from being drunk and went home the next morning.

The following weekend, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Lisa standing there. She was wearing this sundress thingy…I was tongue tied. No clue what to say. I invited her in. She sat on the couch and we just chatted. Now mind you, this was way before Netflix and chill days so she mentioned a movie, and I popped in a DVD. We watched the movie together and she asked to use the bathroom. Well as she got up, I could clearly see she forgot to wear anything underneath. (Or so I thought, I was a naive 19 year old, did she do it on purpose? No idea) Well I started to get erect and grabbed a pillow off the couch to hide it. When she returned, she noticed the pillow and asked me why I’m covering it up. I told her what I saw and she sat down back next to me. As she was sitting she grabbed my hand and buried it in her mound. I’m pretty sure I came in my pants. I leaked through my jeans and she told me to take them off. My boxers were even more soaked. Really embarrassed at this point, she told me to relax and she reached my cock through my boxer whole and licked all the precum and cum that was there. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I informed her I was scared not only because I was a virgin but she was also married. She told me that her husband gave her permission to come make me a man.

Once she had me hard again, she lifted up her dress and slowly slide me inside her. At this point I was nervous and had trouble concentrating. We didn’t wear a rubber and I was worried about STDs, pregnancy, etc…but after that passed, I didn’t care. It felt amazing.

Of course I didn’t last very long. I informed her I was about to cum and she jerked me off on to her tits. I never came so hard in my life. I asked if she wanted a towel, she said no and just rubbed all my jizz all over her until she was glistening. I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless.

She sat back on the couch for a few minutes while I got up to change my boxers and she told me she needed to go. I walked her out and we hugged and she drove off.

The following weekend, her husband came up to me and asked how was it…I didn’t know what to say. He just said, “Happy Birthday” and we never discussed it further.



  1. Happy birthday dude :). Did you manage to gather more experience afterwards? Did this encounter open you or did you continue to act the way you did before?

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