Step Sister Corruption Part 51 – Day 9 A Mistress Has Been Named (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

God do I need a man right now. I need Gabe dammit.

And my main squeeze is currently off with his trollop otherwise known as Jessica.

I feel like I picked the wrong person to have fun with.

But then again I had been having fun for an awesome 2 day fun fest that I’ll never forget.

That was the only reason why I agreed to continue letting Gabe near me was because he had out performed more than any man I had ever bedded had ever done.

And that’s no easy feat to beat.  At least not until Gabe.

God I wish he was here right now.  I needed another taste of him inside my stomach and inside my intimate areas.

And here I am now in a different girls room doing the same thing I did to my best friend Kelly.

Focus Summer focus.

A few nights ago I agreed to help Gabe and his sister Kelly do an exhibition event at our local adult plaza otherwise known as the Arcade.

Everything was going swimmingly until we ran into the one person I honestly didn’t expect….Morgan Drespor.  Morgan, in high school, was your stereotypical good girl and all that associates with that claim.  She was a model student, dressed moderately as not to gain attention, and always acted proper.

Honestly in high school I alway thought that girl had a broom handle shoved up her and thought her nose was a little too high.

But color me surprised when I found out at the Arcade that she was as much of a deviant as the rest of us.

And she was wanting to explore her sexuality but too afraid.

That’s where I decided to act as a guide and help teach her what I knew and what I had done for Kelly so far.

And that’s exactly what I was doing now.

I had Morgan strapped down to her bed with her door locked.  Though Morgan’s parents weren’t home I still needed privacy and didn’t want to be interrupted.

I actually had Morgan go shopping to get everything that I needed in order to help Morgan with today’s lesson.

I wasn’t going to spend money on anything that was going to be used on someone else.  I’m not made of money.  And I had obligations at the gym where I worked.

And Morgan agreed to my terms to help her.

So here I stood over a scrumptious looking specimen.  Though not as sweet as a certain hard bodied Kelly, Morgan did make up for it in other areas.

Am I slowly becoming a sappho?

I shook my head, I reminded myself I enjoyed that gooey protein rich center of a man’s phallic object too much and was a slave to what it did to me.

God I needed Gabe right now next to me but I need to remain focused.

I promised my latest prize that I would help awaken her sexuality and that’s what I planned on doing.  Too bad for Morgan she was satisfying another aspect of myself I was just beginning to realize.

So here I stood in my undies refraining from leaning in and tasting my latest victim so I could satisfy a current itch but it wouldn’t cure my desire for long.  I needed a man.

I looked over Morgan in all her glory.

I had this poor girl gagged, blinded, and tied to her bed.  All with a wand strapped to the inside of her thigh that was currently set on pulse aimed at her most intimate spot.

Morgan in turn tried to wiggle and turn her body to get away from the object that was currently driving her mad with desire.  The poor girl never had a chance as soon as I strapped everything in place.

I had been standing over my latest conquest wondering if I should just do what she asked or bend her to my will.

Is this something a dominatrix does?  Bend their opponents to their will?

Is that what I was doing to Kelly and Gabe?

No that was more give and take.  It was exploration for all our parts.

Yet I wasn’t exploring with Morgan.  I was satisfying my need to dominate a girl.

And it was turning me on.

Morgan was currently strapped on and every ten minutes I would turn off the wand and ungag her to ask her how it felt.

Each time I got different answers.

I was approaching my 7th interval of turning off the wand and removing the gag from my splendid object to ask her what she felt.

Was I loving this?

I reached down and lightly petted myself to find myself slick in my own juices.

Yep I was turned on by this.

I slightly wondered if this was something I should do to Kelly.  

Na, she had already undergone a similar treatment when I edged Gabe to teach him a lesson for not telling me about his side piece.

And Kelly needed to continue her current teasing treatment so she could be comfortable around other guys when the next time she decides to bed a different guy.

I wonder how she was doing with that?

Maybe I should call her.


I was coming up on minute 70.

I reached down and turned off the wand which Morgan instantly relaxed feeling the vibration against her intimate spot had stopped.  

I looked down and Morgan’s lips were completely glistening and was probably sopping at the moment.

I smiled as I pulled off Morgan’s gag.  “So how was it this time my pet?”

Morgan gasped after her gag was removed and throatily rasped, “I need release please.”

I lightly slapped her body with my riding crop that I had Morgan get just for this session, “You need what?”

Morgan yelped at the sudden smack against her not so flat stomach but throatily moaned as she whispered, “Mistress.  I need release Mistress.”

I smiled.  Good Morgan was ready for the next step.

This entire time I had been getting Morgan to call me Mistress but up until now she had refused to do so begging me by my name. If she wanted to release she needed to accept me as her mistress.

She had been broken and was ready.

At first she pleaded to make this stop. I reminded her that the only way this was going to stop was by naming me as her mistress. Yet she refused calling me by my name.

A few whips and back on the wand she went.

Then the second time she cried wanting a man and admitted this was probably a mistake.

The third time she whined asking me why I was doing this to her. I lightly whipped her tits with my riding crop telling her the only way this was going to end was if she named me.

The fourth time she whined begging me to stop. This time I lightly whipped her pussy.

The fifth time she had accepted this begging me to not stop yet she still hadn’t named me but by my name.

The sixth time she was begging for a man begging Summer to get her a man.

This time she had given to her desires and that was what she was focusing on now.

And I finally got her to address me as mistress.  HER mistress.

God hearing that gave me such a rush. More than I thought it would.

Is this the feeling that doms get off on?

It has to be because even though I didn’t have a man in me I still felt like I was cloud 9.

And I was beginning to love this experience.

I looked at the time and realized I had an hour before I needed to be at work.

I took off Morgan’s blindfold and even I saw in her eyes a haze like she hadn’t come out of her euphoric stupor yet.  

Morgan looked up at me, “What’s next Mistress?”

I smiled at my prey, “Next time we will test your endurance.  But for now I need to get to work.”

Morgan lightly spoke with tears beginning to form in her eyes, “Please don’t leave me Mistress.”

I lightly petted Morgan’s face, “Until next time I need you to remain strong and remain celibate.”

Morgan’s eyes widened at hearing that last statement, “But why Mistress?”

I laughed, “Because my pet.  Promise me you will remain celibate?”

Morgan nodded but I could tell I needed a guarantee, “If you disobey me my pet I will have to punish you.  And trust me you won’t like your punishment.”

Morgan shook her head, “No Mistress I will not disobey you.”

I smiled, “Good my pet.”

I unstrapped her wrists and walked off to get dressed for work.

I needed release myself.

Maybe I should find another squeeze.

No, the only one that had pushed me this far is Gabe and I needed that extra push.  And right now it felt like anyone that could satisfy my need right now was the one person who was away.

I sighed at realizing that Gabe had affected me more than I cared to admit to.  And yet I was excited knowing I effected him in the same way.

Gabe when you get home I plan on making you mine.

I shook my head and focused on my duties.

I got dressed and resided to letting my juices stain my leggings.  Let those other girls at the gym have a peak at my goodness.


Damn you Gabe for doing this to me.

Damn you and damn you for convincing me to help your sister or I would have never found this inside me.

Yet as I walked out of Morgan’s house I had a shit eating grin on my face excited for what was to come.



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