[FF] But I’m Married – The 2nd aftermath Pt1

So that evening I couldn’t wait to tell Steve all about it but his reaction wasn’t quite as expected, he was quite distant and he was initially upset my the way I described the orgasm I had from the anal dildo and the amazing night we’d had, I was definitely confused, he was happy for me to experiment but not enjoy myself too much??? I asked him about his night and he just said it was a normal Xbox night with Dave his best mate, he’s been single for about 10yrs so they play a lot of Xbox, golf and go to football when they can, he said that Dave was planning on going home but they went in the hot tub and after a beer it went to his head so he didn’t want to drive, I asked him if he had told Dave about Eve and he said no, blokes just didn’t talk about that stuff!!

When we went to bed he was though interested in the strapless strap on and how that worked so I explained about how I’d used it on Eve so he went on Lovehoney to have a look at it, he was fascinated,
“Can I ask you something a little strange” he asked
“Go on”
“I mean this is really strange” he added
“Errr go on”
“Can I buy one of these?” He asked
“Yes if you want, but Eve’s got one” I explained
“No, I’d like you to use it on me” he explained
“Errr yeah ok” I didn’t really know what to say, I didn’t see that coming
“If you don’t want to then we won’t” he added
“No, it sounds like fun”
“I mean we’ve used plugs on me and I’ve enjoyed it so I’d like to try this”
“Yes of course” I said

He then placed the order online, that’s some fun we could look forward to, in the meanwhile I started to get a little amorous with Steve but I don’t know what the problem was, he just wasn’t interested tonight, he just said he was tired and had to get up early forgol, it was the first time the day after I’d had an adventure that we hadn’t had sex, if he was tired then he was tired, I couldn’t do anymore

I put my head on the pillow and started to thing about things when my phone buzzed, I reached over and checked it
“You still awake” it was Eve
“Yes” I replied
“Getting some action ??” she returned
“I wish, Steve was tired and wanted to sleep ?”

There was a delay
“Horny?” She sent
“When have you known me not to be” I replied
“Want some remote fun?”
“Go on” I said
“Put your Lush in”

I went and got the remote vibrator from the drawer, it was the first time I used it since the training day (for those on Reddit I didn’t publish that story)

I squirt of lube and I slipped it up inside my pussy, unfortunately as I wasn’t wearing any underwear the antenna part wouldn’t stick near my clit but I knew it would still be fun

“Ok, it’s in and switched on” I sent

I opened the app and could see that her permissions were still in place

I don’t get a reply to my text but moments later I felt the first minor rumble, I could feel it very low power but deep inside me, it was nice and low, felt warm if that makes sense, I then felt the rumble increase in intensity, oooh that felt nice

“Are you on manual?” I text her

I didn’t get a reply but the intensity increased suddenly, I was sitting on the bed next to my sleeping husband, I gripped the bedsheets, oh fuck! I think even my leg started to shake, the intensity dropped, I think that was Eve’s way of saying yes, she then must have put it on pulse mode as it went up then down then up then down, I gripped the sheets again, oh god!

“This feels great” I text

“Do you want to cum quickly?” She text back
“Yes I responded”

BANG! She want full power and then pulsed again, it felt amazing, I was reaching down and moving the antenna onto my clit, it felt wow! It was pulsing up and down, I could feel the orgasm building and then she dropped it down to low power and then back up again, she was really playing with me, back up to full power, it was amazing, back into pulse mode and I was getting closer to cumming, I hope she wasn’t going to stop and she didn’t disappoint as my body tightened, my leg started to twitch and an orgasm ripped through my body, I muffled a scream in order not to wake up Steve

“I’ve cum, that was amazing, thank you” I sent to her
“And me, I was wearing one on the same settings” she responded

Wow! This girl really knew how to party! I removed to from my pussy, took it in the bathroom and cleaned it, when I came back I had a text from Eve

“I know I shouldn’t say this and I know it’s a complicated situation but I have a connection with you I don’t think I’ve ever had with another woman, I know I shouldn’t say this but I do think I love you, I can’t get you off my mind”

I read it about 5 times before I responded

“I know, I don’t know what I’m feeling, if it’s infatuation or love but I feel something special for you and I don’t know how to deal with it”

There was a delay

“I know, we don’t have to figure it out yet, let’s just have fun xXx” she responded
“And I don’t want you you leave your husband ??” she added moments later

I curled up and went to sleep

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kce64a/ff_but_im_married_the_2nd_aftermath_pt1


  1. I think you are starting to play with fire. With the ‘L’ word being mentioned and the passionate love making. The fun has ended and shit is getting real.

    Time to call it off and go your separate ways before people get hurt.

    Divorce or separation is soul destroying.

  2. This would be a very nontraditional courtship to start using the L word this early in the relationship. The intensity of the sex is extraordinary, but the other elements of courtship don’t seem to be present. It would be very unusual for a woman to be comfortable (would she run for the hills?) if a man were to tell this woman the L word this soon in the relationship.

    Could the lust be clouding everyone’s senses and judgment? I guess we’ll see how this all plays out in the next installment. Nikki has cautioned us to be patient. I hope, like others, our patience is rewarded. I do think it is significant that Eve says she doesn’t want Nikki to leave her husband.

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