Belle Sujette – The First Week [Mf, service, cleaning, light Ds, plot-heavy, tears, no-sex]

This is the second part of the story, first part can be found here: [Belle Sujette: Prologue](

The doorbell rang at seven past five. In the last messages, we had agreed on five sharp. I was mildly unpleased, mostly because I left the office early to be on time. On my way home it was windy and wet, cold and dark as usual, with muddy leaves on the pavements. The hallway to my apartment building was uselessly impressive. With its red carpet, large mirrors, and lofty ceilings, the hallway never loses its effect on new visitors. At the latest, the steep stairs had left one or the other breathless. For belle sujette, it took another minute to climb up to my door. Our rendezvous had been almost one week ago and I had had some doubts if I overdid it with my quirky demands and her new nickname. Her winning smile and the sparkle behind her eyes made me forget my doubts. She blushed a little bit, indicated her little bow, and gasped: “Now I’m really here, I can’t believe it.”

With a wide gesture, I invited her in: „But are your shoes wet?“ She lifted her feet and presented both soles, which were both clean. Either the carpet in the hallway has done a hell of a job or she must have taken her time to dry her shoes. Good. I pointed to the wardrobe and gave her some space to undress her coat. I took the opportunity and mustered her body in greater detail. This time she wore a white blouse, stretched by her large breasts, making them look even more voluminous. When she stretched up to hang her coat, the blouse moved a bit up, exposing the decent flesh on her waist. “You move very beautifully.” She smiled and took the compliment gracefully, putting on the pink apron she carried in her bag. “And very well prepared”.

“Well prepared and ready for service!” she shouted out and made a courageous leap forward. I wanted to get to know her a little first so I offered her tea. She followed me into the little kitchen, spotted the water kettle, and started filling it up. „Peppermint tea with ginger and honey“ – she took two mugs from the cupboard, found the ginger in the vegetable board and a knife to cut. I followed her every move with my eyes and got delighted from time to time she had to turn around. I set down and inquired about her travels to my place first. „It was rather pleasant“, she apologized for the delay minutes and went on how the ceiling was a bit over the top cliché but nice. As I didn’t offer her a seat, she stood waiting. „Why are you not a model but cleaning?“ – „I had some offers but the job is not for me“ – „Why not?“ – „all the expression of something I‘m not…“ – “But you move graciously!“ – “Thank you.“ I made a gracious offer to point in her open space, she looked at me questioning and I said, „the stage is yours“. She laughed a bit: “Unbelievable that I do this“ and walked up the kitchen to the door, turned around gracefully, and came walking back to me to make a little curtsy in front of me, signaling the end of her little catwalk.

I showed her the little kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. She asked what was behind the other door, but I refused to tell, with a sly smile. She liked the stucco ceiling and the lofty walls, she said it feels a bit like home and that she would very much enjoy cleaning and serving for me and she hoped that I would take her.

To be honest, my flat was not in very good shape. That was why I ordered her in the first place. Due to long working hours and mostly laziness on my side, the dishes had piled up, even though I had a dishwasher. The oven wasn’t very clean and dust had settled in most places. I still liked my place, mostly wooden stuff, many books, and a cozy carpet in front of the sofa.

We had agreed on a rather generous 15€ per hour for cleaning, ironing, and other tasks when fit. In the messages we exchanged before, it was quite clear that these two hours were a test for both parties. Also, she confessed that for safety reasons she had told a trustful person where she was and that she would need to tell her everything is fine.

I told her to start just with the kitchen, as it is a more gentle start than with the toilet. While she inspected the cleaning gear I had prepared for her on the floor, I asked her why it is a test for her too. She reported her need to earn money for her studies and that she was unsure about the work in a man’s household. She blushed and said quietly: “But I like it here…”

I was a little bit uncomfortable with leaving her alone, feeling ashamed of my mess. But this was her duty and I needed to get some writing done in my living room.

She knocked at the door, abruptly entering, without waiting for an answer. She came to the edges of my carpet, attending insecurely. What is it, I asked her, secretly happy for her beauty, thinking I should be angry, mildly displeased for the disruption in my workflow. “Sir, I’m so stupid and so sorry, but I don’t know how to start the dishwasher…” Oh boy, that didn’t start too well… I made some jokes about how she survived until now or if at her home she cleaned the dishes by hand. „At my mother’s place, we had a different machine. And at home, I really do the dishes by hand.“ I introduced her to the machine and prepared to get back to my work.

She was very thankful and repeated how stupid she was and that she was no help at all. I felt responsible for her and couldn’t listen to this self-lowering anymore so I told her to stop saying that. She could be helpful and bring me a glass of tonic water from the fridge instead. With a voice between joking disbelief and making fun of me she said: “Aye aye Sir, do you want ice and lemon too. And should I go and buy some Gin..?!” Good idea with ice and lemon I said, ignoring her witty remark.

A few minutes later, she knocked at my door again and entered with a triumphant smile. She had found the little silver platter and arranged the lemon on the glass, with the nice ice cube sound. She came to the carpet and handed the platter to me. I took the glass with a beaming smile, leaving her stretched with the tablet, drinking smilingly. „If you need anything you can call me so you don’t have to move.“ I joked that I could ring a bell. She laughed and said that she would come instantly standing attentive for orders.

Even though I knew from her ad that she wasn’t that experienced, the results of her two hours of work were more than disappointing. Yes, the dishwasher was emptied and all the glasses were in place. The floor was clean and the chaos was removed from the tables. But the oven was still dirty, the cupboard was not wiped and the litter was still there.

I told her about my disappointment.

She cried miserably.

What a failure she is. How she disappointed me. How she has no talent.

I felt quite terrible and even if we were not familiar with each other yet, I hugged and comforted her as best as I could. She started to calm down and we loosened the hug. I noticed how I felt comfortable with her and her big breaths and didn’t want to let her go yet. She was still crying softly and apologized for her behavior. I asked her to sit down with me at the table and started to boil water to win some time.

We sipped at our tee silently, both not knowing what to say. „You are cheerful to have you around and pleasant to look at, just like the ceiling of my hallway.“ She giggled and lightened up an inch. „The results of your work are not so bad, just not very efficient.“ – „But I want to be judged by my performance, not by my looks“. She listed all that she did and where she failed, in a quick gibberish. I listened for a while and took a pen and paper to write down where she failed. When she finished, I wrote “To Do” at the top and gave it to her with a grin. She laughed out loud but questioned me about how she would not manage everything and how I told her she wasn’t good enough. Calmly I told her that she would just need more time and that I could give her that. That I trusted her that she could learn. But I could only pay her the same amount as we agreed on. She nodded quietly and I was asking myself what tasks I could ask of her fairly. She offered by herself to come not for two hours but three.

She thanked me for the opportunity and how she could learn from me. I couldn’t keep her away from it but she insisted on taking out the trash when leaving.
