[FM] The time I (a repressed Indian girl) got fingered in public by a foreign stranger (Part 2)

Well since y’all liked my first story so much, I thought I’d share more :) Part 1 [HERE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kayb4c/fm_the_time_i_a_repressed_indian_girl_got/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

This is with Noah only. The incident literally after the last one (when I let him finger me in public after meeting him at a club in Berlin). Honestly this was a few years ago so I don’t remember what exactly our conversation was lol but I do remember the incident here and there so wrote it from memory + some creative leniency. Also some of you asked me in my inbox, I was 21 during this time and he was 24!

Noah and I had found our way back inside the club. My friend had already gone back to her tinder dates’ place so me and the other friend were left. She wasn’t feeling it too much with the other guy so she wanted to just go home and I agreed that I’ll go with her. She insinuated that if I wanted to stay or go with Noah I could but as I mentioned in the last story, this was not gonna happen cause apart from the thrill I felt, I was now also feeling a bit shitty (years of shame around sex will do that to you lol).

We said our goodbyes to the other boys; Noah took my number and snapchat and said if I’d be willing to meet up sometime (I said yes). My friend and I took a cab and went back to our apartment. Honestly exhausted by all the dancing, drinking, and well other things, we just passed out.

A few days went by and we just explored the city. Noah was sending me random snapchats of his work and the city. He tried to sext one day but I wasn’t really into it and he took the hint and didn’t bring it up/try to do it again which I really appreciated. But he did try to talk a few times and I never really responded lol cause I was busy and also cause I was feeling pretty awkward.

As it was the weekdays we didn’t go clubbing. Mornings were for class, and then afternoon and evenings for roaming around and going to pubs and restaurants. Then the next Friday, my friends wanted to go to some shisha bar they heard other students from our class went to and loved. My friend was gonna invite her tinder hookup and said she’ll ask him to bring his friends as well, very obviously giving me a look. I just ignored her while I got super nervous. We were going to a shisha bar – I couldn’t hide behind alcohol or loud music or just general darkness that a club affords.

Closer to the evening as we were getting ready to go to the shisha bar, I sent Noah a snap asking him if he was gonna join us at shisha bar and he just sent me a snap of him hanging out with the other guys saying he’s getting ready and is excited to meet up tonight with the winky face emoji. So all my nerves were on fire cause I didn’t know what he expected and I didn’t know what I’d even end up doing. The last time was so out of character for me that I couldn’t even figure out my own feelings – they were a mixture of excitement, shame, guilt, but also quite turned on?

Thankfully this was Berlin and my friend had bought a bunch of cheap beer from the corner store that we drank down before heading to the shisha bar. This time instead of the body suit and skirt I decided to wear leggings to be “safe” and a low-cut green top which had laces on the front (this top is always well-loved by guys and I still have it!).

The guys were already waiting for us there as I spotted my friends’ tinder hookup. They were sitting outdoors since the weather was pretty nice and had two shishas already going on. I made eye contact with Noah who was sitting on the other side. He was smoking one of the shishas and smiled at me as we saw each other. Of course my friend sat with her hookup, my other friend beside one of the other guys, and Noah nodded his head to the empty spot beside him so obediently I just went and sat there, keeping some distance between us two.

“I’m glad you came.” He said and I forgot how thick his accent was. German accents are definitely not the most attractive ones, but mix that with a nice face and hot body and there’s nothing else you need.

I was so fucking shy. I usually talk a lot and am in general a pretty confident and outgoing person but just because Noah was sitting beside me, I was so quiet and nervous. Poor guy kept trying to talk to me and I would either give one word answers or just smile. Looking back I’m embarrassed at my own behaviour but oh well. It was one of those painful moments where internally I was screaming at myself on why I am being this way and yelling at myself to stop being an idiot but literally words would just not come out of my mouth. So I decided to order vodka as it usually makes me pretty relaxed and tipsy quickly.

I ordered a drink so my friends and the guys ordered as well. One drink, turned to two, turned to three. One of my favourite things about Berlin is the hospitality and chill vibes. The owners liked us so much (they were talking with us throughout) that they brought on vodka shots for everyone on the house and even did them with us. So by that time, I was pretty tipsy and much more relaxed than what I was before.

For me tipsy is that weird stage where I know what I’m doing but I have 0 control over it. So I scooted closer to Noah until our thighs were touching (we were sitting on a long couch type seating) and just asked “How are you?”

He started laughing cause we’d been sitting here for more than an hour and I was just asking him how he was. “I’m gooooood” he said, teasingly – so aware of how tipsy I was.

I put an arm around his shoulders and just tapped it awkwardly, “Good, good.” As I said, tipsy me is just a fucking idiot.

Noah turned towards me and instinctively turned towards him. My hands were back in my lap now and he took one in his own hand, just playing with it. “I didn’t see you after last time.”

“Well ya I had class.”

“But you girls have been going all around the town. You know I can give you a tour.” I realized my friend probably has him on snapchat as well – she’s the kind who adds everyone on snapchat and instagram instantly.

I just shrugged, “Didn’t think you would be interested.” And I genuinely meant that. I thought what happened that night was probably just a one-time thing and that he would forget or move on.

“What gave you that impression from last time?”

Now not only shy but also embarrassed, I got quiet again.

Since I wasn’t answering, Noah brought his hand behind my neck and then glided it down, putting some pressure on my spine. It was the weirdest move I had ever experienced but it got my nipples hard. It was like a mini massage. He kept his hand just above my ass, slowing drawing circles.

This time I wasn’t wearing a push-up or padded bra so my nipples were SO visible. I pulled my hair in front of me to hide them and heard him laughing beside me. I ignored him after that, half out of being shy and half out of being mad that he was deliberately teasing me and then laughing at my reactions. But that just made him more adventurous cause next thing I know his hand comes to rest on my thigh, just above my knee. I look at him then and sort of give him a stare but the fucker just laughed in my face at my reaction. Half annoyed and more than half super turned on, I was also game to play. So I deliberately acted as if I had to tighten the laces of my top so I unlaced them completely, I knew my cleavage looked amazing and he was just staring at them as I then very slowly laced them again. I then put my hair back and crossed my arms, making them squeeze together.

He also emboldened now, moved his hand from the top of my thigh to my inner thigh, SO close to where I needed him most. My friends were all engrossed with each other, half drunk and smoking their shishas so they were paying no attention to us. I could feel one of his fingers slowly moving upwards until they were touching me above my leggings. At this point, I was biting my lip really hard to refrain from making any noise. Not being able to control myself, I suddenly stood up and just announced that I’ll be back. Usually girls go together to the bathroom in places like these but since my friends were so into talking to the other guys, I don’t think they even noticed I left.

Of course Noah followed me. I didn’t even look back to see if he was following me cause I just knew it – there was no way he wouldn’t. To get to the bathrooms I had to go through the bar area, then a hallway type place, to finally the his and hers bathrooms. Before I could even reach, Noah had already grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the other side, trapping me between him and the wall behind me. He wasn’t pinned to me but was standing pretty close, his arm above my head. To be fair at 5’3, most people were above me.

I remember how last time he did something similar and had then kissed me. I was expecting the same now and was prepared for it. But surprising me, he just went straight for the goods and unlaced my top. He then took a finger and slipped it inside my top and bra, going straight to circling my now hard nipples. My mouth opened up in shock and that’s when he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. He was pretty rough this time, his hands also slightly pulling my hair. Nowhere the gentleman that he was last time.

I don’t know if he was pissed that I didn’t really talk to him this week or was being so quiet all evening, but he was definitely going for it. I also tired of being so shy and honestly was pissed too that he was pissed cause I didn’t owe him shit so I did something very unlike me and grabbed him through his pants. He broke the kiss and said something in German (I think he swore?).

He took a step back and just straight up asked me, “Do you want to do this?”

I just nodded, unable to speak with how insanely turned on I was.

“My apartment is 15 minutes away.”

“Okay.” I said simply and went back outside. I grabbed my bag and told me friends Noah and I were going for a walk.

“Fix your top before you go.” My friend teased me and of course they knew what was going on cause as we were leaving they were *ooooiing* and making comments about being safe and all.

We took a cab and sat in the backseat. Unfortunately we couldn’t do much in the backseat as the driver was one of those overly friendly ones who kept asking me questions after he asked me whether I was a local or tourist. Noah’s hand was firmly between my thighs though, just resting and I could sense the heat and urgency from him. He kept looking at the roads ahead and his leg was lightly tapping. The man was so restless.

We got to his apartment on the second floor and he let me inside. I dropped my bag on his couch and suddenly got very nervous. I hadn’t slept with anyone apart from my ex-bf and friend. Even logistics like condoms were going on in my mind now. Noah was coming towards me after locking his door and I kind of instinctively took a step back. He must’ve known something was wrong cause he asked me if I was okay.

“Ya, just need to sit.” I sat down on his couch and kind of just stared at the ground. (Again, I’m so embarrassed remembering how shy and awkward I used to be lol).

“You want water or something else?” Noah asked.

I opted for water. Drinking anything else was probably not good as my stomach now felt queasy with all the anxiety. He got me a glass of water and just sat beside me, not saying or doing anything. I was so thankful for him honestly cause he understood boundaries and never tried to force or rush anything.

He broke the awkward silence and made some small talk. I don’t even remember now as we talked about random shit like the places I had been to in Berlin, the food, how my course was going, etc. But it did help cause I was getting more and more relaxed and mentally cursing at myself for being so stupid and shy. As we spoke, my anxiety calmed down a bit and now I just found myself staring at his hands as he was speaking. There’s something about mens’ hands that is so sexy. Not even any particular ones – just the fact they’re bigger and a bit more rough looking than womens…. so hot. I obviously was then also remembering what he used those hands for last time and found myself getting quite hot again. My cheeks burned up and turned red and I brought my hand up to my cheek to calm myself down. Noah just stared at me and asked me what was wrong. I was too embarrassed to answer so just took his hand and brought it up to my cheek. It was a really weird thing to do and honestly I’m amazed he was even into me.

But he was experienced and not shy like me so from my cheek he brought his hand down to my shoulder, down my arm, and to the waistband of my leggings. He told me to raise my arms and like a submissive girl, I just quietly raised them and let him take my top off. He was then also pulling my leggings down so I just raised my hips and took them off from my ankles along with my sandals. This was really different from that night outside the club as then our clothes were still completely on. I was starting to feel a bit self-conscious now but he just dragged my bra straps down and then unhooked it from behind, throwing it away and revealing my breasts. He leaned forward and took a nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking around it. I had moved up the couch now and he was sitting between my legs on the floor. As his mouth was on my nipples, his hand found his way down, rubbing me slightly over my panties. They were completely soaked through so I could feel everything as if he was touching my skin directly.

He started kissing down my body until he had forced my legs to open more and his face was just in front of my pussy. He licked me above my panties and that too a long and slow one. I was sure I would have just come right there and then. But then I remembered that he was the one who got me off last time as well and it rally would not be fair if I let him repeat that this time. So I gently pushed him away. He was confused for a second but then I stood up and told him to sit on the couch. He agreed and I then got on my knees in front of him. He was grinning stupidly as of course he knew what was coming. He helped me unbuckle his belt and drag his jeans down. He was still wearing his shoes so his jeans just pooled down on his ankles. He was wearing boxers and I could his outline through it. The man was seriously packing. I fondled him above his boxers as saw his stomach quiver which really made me feel more confident.

I dragged his boxers down as well and took him in my hand. There was already some precum on the tip and I just smeared it around. After some soft strokes, I lifted up on my knees and took him in my mouth. I licked and swirled around him while having my hand pump where my mouth couldn’t reach. My hair was still open so he was moving it out of my way and holding it up which was really hot. I could hear his really deep breaths and grunts which kept motivating me to keep on going even though my knees were now hurting. Apart from him, my own clit was literally throbbing but if I tried to touch myself, I’d have to go lower and the height difference was just not making it possible. So I kept the focus on him. I could feel him starting to twitch slightly and he did warn me that he was about to cum. I kept going and when he really started to twitch, he gently pushed me off, jerked himself a bit and grabbed one of my boobs to then cum all over my breasts. He just slumped down once he came and I stood up to sit beside him. I felt so filthy during that time but surprisingly not as guilty as I did from our last encounter. Maybe because I had fun that night and I sensed this night will also turn out to be super fun. The guy was nice and super hot, plus when else will I find myself in Berlin? So I kind of rationalized with myself that there’s no reason to feel guilty, ashamed, or even shy.

I texted the group chat that I will probably not return home and I didn’t :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kc4yoq/fm_the_time_i_a_repressed_indian_girl_got