19[F]irst time getting to fuck without having to 18[M]anage not getting caught ~ Lewis

Hi! My name is Lewis and my partner’s name is Lucy! Little bit of an intro here but you can skip to the **** to get to the sexy bit. This is one of our favorite subreddits and are greatly inspired by the one and only u/adventuresofaTBD and were so happy to see their new post after their hiatus that we have finally decided to take the plunge and share some stories as well as some more pictures soon hopefully!

To give a rough background I am now 24 years old, 6′ 1″ and 190 pounds with a muscular frame and to quote her, “A dump truck of an ass for a man”. I am happy with my cock though it certainly isn’t shattering records, it’s a healthy 6 inches and is neither thick nor getting towards pencil status. Lucy is 25 and is 5′ 3″ and 120 pounds with perky C-cup breasts that look much bigger on her small frame and an absolutely lovely ass; very full and firm but with the right amount of bounce, especially when it counts.

Anyways, growing up, my parents were exceedingly strict, to the degree that I had essentially no freedom and in the last year of high school (**both 18 at the time and in any of this story**) we spent most of the time hooking up in the backseat of her tiny sedan behind home improvement stores, sketchy local parks and the like. Her parents weren’t necessarily strict we just couldn’t really ever find time alone.

When she went off to college it was a really rough year as I wasn’t allowed to go visit *(too far to drive myself my ass)* and we dropped the high-school escapades for shitty virtual facetime sex. That was the longest year of my life (I didn’t know 2020 was gonna be a thing then) but I made it through it and finally graduated high school. Afterwards I made plans to attend the same university as her for obvious reasons, although they did have a degree program I was very excited about and was fortunate they had otherwise I probably couldn’t have gone.

I slogged through my shitty summer job waiting tables anxiously awaiting freedom from my parents, independence, and most of all the ability to blow my load without fear of some homeless guy knocking on the window of the car or my mom figuring out what I was up to (story for another time I suppose). August finally arrived and I made it to school.

I had been moving in all morning (Summer in Georgia is fun) and I was drenched in sweat, four flights of stairs and no elevators in the nearly decrepit dorm built in the 1960s would do it. Lucy came by right as my roommate and I had finished getting all of our stuff in and we were crashed on the floor trying to cool off. Now, at this point I was physically exhausted and sex was not really the first thing on my mind but some guys from down the hall came and collected my roommate since they knew each other in high school or something. Lucy and I made eye contact and all of a sudden it was on.


Reader, I tell you I was near instantaneously hard as a diamond and she hadn’t even gotten her fricking belt off. I nervously and anxiously ripped at my own clothes and then looked up to see her naked figure and piercing green eyes giving me a look over. She asked me,

“So… I guess we’re finally alone?”

and before the last syllable had left her mouth I was attacking her more or less. Hands grabbing anything I could, tits, ass, legs anything. My lips attached to closest patch of bare skin and proceeded like a puppy attacking a food bowl for the first time till she finally pried me away. She gave me a soft push back onto my bed and got on her knees at the edge to begin teasing my cock with her tongue.

Hormones are a helluva drug because I smelled like shit and fortunately for me she didn’t care. I watched as she slowly took more and more of my cock while massaging my balls until she upped the ante and and engaged the twist and suck technique (is there a technical term for that move?)

It was fantastic to just relax and enjoy the blowjob and relish the sight of her working my cock without a care in the world but I was already about to cum and before I could even warn her blasted a load into her mouth and graciously moaned her name as she swallowed as much as she could while the rest dripped off her chin.

It was her turn and I got up and told her to get on the bed although it probably sounded more like I growled. She laid on her back and spread her legs for me to reveal her beautiful pussy.

I dove my head in and tried to channel every tip I ever read in some shitty Cosmo article although it probably just ended melding into something resembling dog chugging water (more dog comparisons I’m sorry I promise I’m not a furry). What I lacked in technique I made up for with enthusiasm and soon had her moaning and grabbing the sheets till she gave a soft cry and came all over my face.

I would like to tell you in that moment I was a gentlemen and went to cuddle her and tell her that I loved her while we basked in that first relaxing moment but I was 18 and alone with her in a bed for the first time and hastily threw her legs back and slipped my cock into her, much less gently than I probably should have.

She reacted quickly with a moan but shot me a teasing glare and then sighed and said;

“Well I guess you’ve waited this long, go ahead”

And get to it, I did. I began pounding her tight pussy. Our skin clung together for brief moments as my hips met hips met hers, creating a distinct slapping sound and I hastened my pace going balls deep with every thrust. She tapped out for a moment and proceeded to get on top and gently rode me while kissing me taking the opportunity to get a couple deep breaths in before getting up on her feet and began essentially squat-fucking the shit out of me (not sure if this position specifically has a name) and within a matter of thirty seconds or so she whimpered while I grunted and tried my best not to blow my load too soon.

In a quick moment of spasms and exhaustion she collapsed as we came together, my cock spasming as it filled her up.

Lucy plopped down next to me cum still dribbling out as she rested her head on my chest and gave me a soft looked of approval and said

“Man, I really love you and damn do I love sex with you”.

I kissed her forehead and reaffirmed my love for her and then laid my head back down on the crappy college provided mattress about as happy as could be despite being covered in sweat and bodily fluids knowing plenty more of what had just occurred was in my future.


If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much I really appreciate the time you took to read this as I spent a decent amount of time on it. If you have any feedback, advice, or just a comment we’d really appreciate it ~ Lewis

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kc3z2w/19first_time_getting_to_fuck_without_having_to

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