Opening Night (FF) (Fantasy)

“Fuck’s sake, that’s a gorgeous view,” Blake murmured under her breath.

She had only just acquired the little tavern in the trade district of Grand Alarinn. She hadn’t even picked out a new name for it—right now it was the Troll’s Haven, a name that disgusted Blake and made her think of the seedier places down in the slums. She was determined not to let this become just another tavern. But she still needed a name. She pondered it as she tried to buff a shine into the bar, which was made from a single piece of rich, dark wood.

She smiled contentedly as her reflection became visible, taking a moment to study herself. She was young—some might say too young to be an innkeeper, but she scoffed at those people—only just entering her twentieth year. Most of her friends were trying to apprentice themselves to some artisan. That’s what a middle-class Alarian did, Blake was told. But she worked her ass off to start a life on her own terms, and that’s what she did. No masters, no teachers, only the patrons who rented her rooms and this gorgeous sunset view.

The sun was dropping fast toward the ridged horizon of the Alar foothills. To the north, majestic peaks rose up, breaking the grassy earth to stretch their stony fingers toward the heavens. That view she saved for her customers. From the well-lit tavern floor, with its newly-polished bar and rows of tables, anyone could come in and nurse a mug of cider while they watched the sun sink below the rolling hills.
She froze as she heard the door open to her left.

“Is this the new tavern?” a female voice asked.
“Sure is,” Blake started to say as she turned toward the visitor, preparing to tell her that the tavern was closed. As soon as she saw the woman, though, her eyes widened and any thought of dismissing her disappeared. The woman walking in was the most beautiful person Blake had ever seen. The woman stood a few inches shorter than Blake’s own gangly 5’8 frame, and every feature on her body looked soft as silk. She wore a colorful dress, a woolen cloak, and the sweetest smile ever to grace a pair of lips. Her lips… Blake shook herself slightly to clear her head.

“I’m sorry, I must’ve come before you opened. When will you be serving?” she asked politely.
“Oh, um,” Blake stammered. “I mean, I’ve got a small stock already. I can get you something if you need. It’ll be on me. The, uh… I haven’t had the safe delivered yet.” What an awful excuse, Blake thought to herself. Pull it together.
“Oh! Well, I don’t want to intrude,” she said in reply, brushing some hair back behind her pointed ear and smiling.

Oh, she’s an elf! Blake thought to herself. “Oh, you wouldn’t be intruding! I was just about to eat myself. That is, I myself was about to eat. I wasn’t going to eat myself. That would be… weird,” she trailed off. She’d half hoped that dragging that sentence out a bit more would help it find a natural conclusion that didn’t sound totally ridiculous, but alas.

“I, um, okay! Yeah, I was hoping to buy some dinner and a drink.”

“All by yourself?” Blake asked. Bad girl. Don’t ask that kind of question. That’s so ru-

“Yeah,” the girl replied before Blake had a chance to finish berating herself internally. The tiny voice inside of her shut up instantly when the elf spoke.

“What’ll you have? I mostly just have mutton, but I can make it relatively palatable with what I’ve got in stock. I think there might be a chicken around here somewhere too…” she trailed off, digging through an enchanted icebox.

“Mutton would be lovely,” the elf said with a warm smile. “However you’re having it.”

Something about the way the elf said those words gave Blake shivers of excitement. As she was preparing the mutton and boiling some potatoes, she stole glances at the stranger every once in a while for a few minutes. Once the meat finished cooking and the potatoes were boiled through, Blake took the food and started preparing it to serve, mashing the potatoes and giving everything a generous dose of salt. It was a simple fare, but the mutton was fresh and tender and the potatoes were a longstanding point of pride in Blake’s cooking.
She offered a plate to the elf, who took it gladly.

“How rude of me! I never got your name,” Blake said after a moment, remembering herself.
Before the first bite went down, the elf smiled. “It’s Liah,” she said.

“Liah… It’s a pleasure! I’m Blake.”

“Likewise, Blake. Are you an Alarian by birth?”
“Not the city, but I was born in the Alar Hills. A little hamlet just a few leagues north. We got Northern traders wandering through all the time, so I always knew I wanted to be a businessowner,” Blake said. “And you? Where are you from?”

“I grew up in the Elven quarter. It’s… not bad, necessarily, but it’s not very nice.”

“Pardon any offense, but it looks like you’ve done well for yourself,” Blake noted, looking at Liah’s nice cloak.

“Oh, do you like this? I actually made it myself.”
“You did?” She reached out instinctively, then faltered and reached back. Liah offered a corner of the garment for her to hold. Blake studied the embroidery on the cloak, the fine work of the hem and all the intricate detailing. “This is beautiful,” she said after a moment.

“Thanks! I’ve been told I should try selling, but sewing’s a hobby for me more than anything,” Liah said with a slight blush. Looking at the cloak more closely, Blake couldn’t help but admire Liah’s body. She had gentle curves in all the best places and the dress she wore accentuated her hips and bust very well. Blake’s eyes lingered a little longer than her instinct told her to, then looked up to see Liah’s eyes locked on her.
Shit, she caught me ogling her, Blake thought, but then Liah’s eyes flitted briefly over Blake’s body and she knew that she was interested. A lump caught in Blake’s throat and she tried to clear it loudly.

“Um, do you want something to drink?”
“Applewine would be fine,” Liah said.
“Are you sure? I have a beautiful red grapewine that I was saving for the night before opening. That’s tonight, I think,” Blake said, pulling out a bottle with a wax stamp on the mouth that indicated it came from the vineyards of Crested Ridge, famed for their excellent wine.

“Is that a Crested Ridge?” Liah said with wide eyes.
“It is indeed,” Blake said gleefully. “I got it off of a supplier as a tip.”
“You get a lot of tips from your suppliers?” Liah asked.

“I do when my shirt is unbuttoned down to my sternum,” Blake said with a laugh. Liah squealed in a mock-scandalized tone and laughed as Blake broke the seal on the bottle, pulled the cork, and poured two nice glasses. “It’s not that bad! They’re going to be creepy anyway.”
“Ugh, men,” Liah said in solemn solidarity.
“Might as well get something out of it, you know?”

“Do you get something in particular from strangers looking at you?”

“Apparently I get free wine,” Blake said. “Which I then get to share with beautiful women like you.”

“Oh, you see a lot of beautiful women do you?”

Shit. Shit shit shit. Don’t mess this up! Blake screamed at herself. “I—um—”

Liah cut her off before she could dangle any further. “I’m kidding with you.”


A moment of silence passed as the two enjoyed their food.

“Fuck this wine is delicious,” Liah said after a moment.

“Isn’t it great? I’m already feeling all fuzzy,” Blake said.

“Yeah, me too,” Liah said, smiling contentedly.

“Is it warm in here?” Blake asked after a moment, taking off her jacket. Underneath she wore a white blouse with a simple but fashionable cut.

“Yeah,” Liah said, after looking at her just long enough to send a message. She took off her cloak to reveal that her dress was mostly off-the-shoulder, leaving her skin bare.

“I should see about getting one of those enchanted cooling systems. This icebox is amazing, but I can’t quite squeeze into it,” Blake said, trying desperately not to stare at Liah’s collarbone.

Liah poked at what was left of her food and downed the last of her wine before looking at Blake intently.

“Penny for your thoughts,” she asked.
Blake smiled. “Maybe it’s just the wine in me, but you’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen,” she said.

“Maybe it’s the wine in me, but that’s as exciting to hear as it is dangerous,” Liah said with a mischievous smile.

Blake suddenly became acutely aware of her own body and the heat that was rapidly building between her legs. She adjusted a little in the seat and held her chin in her hand, touching her lips with her little finger. Liah’s eyes met hers and they both burned for a moment in a raw, undeniable want.

Blake blinked for a moment, then started standing up and reaching for Liah’s dishes.
“Here, let me—”

Liah was standing too, and Blake’s lips were locked with hers before she could even register what was happening. Their kiss went from sudden to explosive as the two collided. Blake’s hands rose up to Liah’s cheeks, then caressed her jaw, her neck, her shoulder—all gently, all stroking, all more excited than Blake knew how to handle. Liah’s hands went to Blake’s sides, taking her slender hips and pulling them closer. Without looking, Blake pushed the dishes over to a side and started to climb up the bar, lips still locked, and her elbow accidentally knocked her now-empty wine glass to the ground where it promptly shattered. Instinctively, Blake’s head started turning to look at it, but Liah’s hand shot up and took her by the chin, demanding all of her attention.

Blake launched into a passionate kiss and the two started exploring each other. Pulling a strap aside, Blake had full, unencumbered access to Liah’s soft shoulder, which she stroked gently as her tongue pushed past her lips and the kiss deepened further.

Liah’s hand drifted back down from Blake’s chin and rested on her chest, with her fingertips hooked in the neckline of Blake’s top. Blake felt the sensation of a button unhooking as she started fighting the laces that held Liah’s dress in place at her back.

“You need some help there?” Liah asked coyly.
Blake was unable to get out much more than an anticipatory groan, so Liah turned and gave her full access to the tangle of ribbon that held her garment together. It felt impossible to get off, until all at once it was loose.

“Shouldn’t we go somewhere a bit more private?” Liah asked, and Blake numbly nodded, captivated by the sight of her shoulderblades lifting free of the dress. Blake stood, took Liah by the hand, and led her in to one of the rooms of the inn—Blake’s own personal suite—and lit a few of the candles to give good light to see by. When she turned back, Liah was facing away from her and the dress was sliding down her body—a moment more and then it dropped to the floor, revealing Leah’s round ass. Liah turned her head to the side, coyly looking over her shoulder, and turned slowly to face Blake. She was naked and free, her large chest catching the candlelight, and she strode toward Blake with a certain gait and a look of unbridled desire in her eyes.

Blake started fighting with her shirt, awkwardly trying to get her own clothes off, and it was up around her head when she felt Liah’s slender fingers pulling at her belt, unlooping it and letting her trousers slip down, leaving her in a skimpy pair of panties that were also quickly getting pulled down. The heat she had been feeling had coalesced into a fully-fledged inferno of passion, and the sight of her wetness drew a sharp intake of breath from Liah.

When Blake finally got her shirt off, she looked down to see Liah on her knees in front of her. The curvy elf pushed against Blake’s hips, forced her to lean against the wall, and started planting kisses around her thighs.

Blake’s hand found its way into Liah’s hair and started holding her, pulling on her insistently, but Liah was immovable in her slow march forward. Feeling the gentle touch of the woman’s lips so close to her, Blake could barely keep from letting out a long, desperate moan, which was immediately drawn from her lips when Liah’s fingertips started playing around her entrance, stroking the crease of her thigh and arcing over her mound.

“Oh, fuck, Please, Liah,” Blake exclaimed, one word after another like each was a novel and a spell. Liah responded by kissing closer and closer before stopping completely and looking intently from Blake’s dripping pussy to her eyes.
“Do you want me?” she asked.

“Fuck yes I do,” Blake said, “I’m begging you,” as her glistening eyes pled.

“Okay,” Liah said, and dove in to Blake’s heat.
Her tongue was a flurry of strokes and circles, playing games and dancing on what felt like Blake’s pure, bared soul. A scream probably escaped her lips, but she was much too busy losing herself in the moment to care if anyone heard.

Her fingers were buried in Liah’s fine, thick hair, encouraging her and moving her in all the right ways.

Suddenly, Liah stopped her onslaught and stood up, catching Blake in a firm kiss. She could taste her own fluids in Liah’s mouth, but as strange as the thought was it exhilarated her even more.
Liah took Blake’s hand and pushed her onto the bed, climbing on after and mounting on top of her. Her tongue got to work again, but this time she was licking Blake’s sensitive nipples, grabbing her small chest and massaging her. Her teeth grazed one nipple gently and Blake took a sharp breath. After looking at her for a moment, Liah began sucking on a nipple while looking into Blake’s eyes.

The effect was intoxicating—Blake’s whole consciousness revolved around that moment, that image, the sensation of her lips and tongue and teeth pulling and massaging, the touch of their skin together, the feeling of her chest against Blake’s lower abdomen, it was all so much that Blake could hardly cope with it.

“Do you like that I’m in charge?” Liah asked. Blake mumbled an assent.

“I said, do you like it?” Liah asked, her hand finding Blake’s throat.
“Yes I do,” Blake choked out. Liah’s grip relaxed, but her hand stayed where it was.

“Say it.”

“I like that you’re in charge, Liah,” Blake said with an unmistakable quiver in her voice.

“Good,” Liah said, before taking her fingertips and dragging them up Blake’s thigh. “I do nice things when I’m in charge,” she whispered in Blake’s ear, eliciting a whimper as her finger drew closer to Blake’s entrance.

Blake moaned, and from the moan sprouted a half-intelligible “please,” which caused Liah to grin viciously.

“What was that?”
“Please,” Blake replied.
“Please what?”
“Please touch me,” she said, not even trying to hide the edge of desperation in her voice.
“Good girl,” Liah whispered before putting her fingers right around Blake’s clit and beginning to massage her.

Blake bucked her hips into Liah’s hand and moaned in inexorable pleasure. Liah silenced the moan with an impassioned kiss to her lips, still not slowing down her fingers’ movement.

After a minute or two of varying speeds and pressures, teasing and rubbing to coax as much noise out of Blake’s desperate body as possible, she trailed off her contact and broke off the kiss, leaving Blake practically writhing in desire.
“Oh, don’t stop,” she said loudly. “You’re so fucking good!”

“You’re going to cum for me,” Liah said.
“I—I am?” Blake looked at her with eyes the size of a planet.

“Yes. I’m going to make you cum.”
“And I can’t do anything about it?”

“Only if you tell me to stop,” Liah said.
“I really don’t think I’ll be doing that,” Blake said, still quivering and shaking with want.

Liah’s touch resumed, but this time there was something different. It was driving. Commanding. Liah looked into her eyes as she started bucking and swaying again. The moans became noiseless gasps for air as Blake felt the tension rising up inside of her, building and building toward a peak that she didn’t even know her body was capable of achieving, until suddenly—
It broke.

Like a flood, pleasure coursed through Blake’s body. Her face stretched into a mask of agonal ecstasy as waves of release pounded every fiber of her being. Mid orgasm, Liah took her into a deep kiss, holding the small of her back with the hand that wasn’t grinding against her clit.
After a long, tense shudder, Blake collapsed to the bed, her body loose and relaxed. Liah giggled and laid down next to her.

“Was that good?” she asked.
“Uhhhhhhuh?” was all that Blake could muster.

“Good, because it’s your turn soon.”
Blake smiled weakly, little sparks of ecstasy still causing her limbs to twitch now and again. This was going to be one hell of a night.
