A unicorn walks into a swingers club (Part 1) [F41 / Lots of M]

[Hi Readers – if you like a set up to a story, read this whole post. If not, and you just want a description of sex acts, scroll down]

I recently ended a relationship and decided become active again on FetLife (and no, you won't find me there using my name). I looked at some old messages between me and a couple "in the lifestyle". They had reached out to me shortly after I joined the site 8 months ago, and we'd talked about meeting but it never worked out. She's bi, and he's straight, probably a decade older than I, they always play together, and they are very well known in swingers circles. They have a reputation for being lovely people and looked like a lot of fun. I'm curious about being with a woman and a couple like them seemed like a good place to start.

After a moment of debate, I sent them a quick note. I told them I was newly single, interested in perhaps going to an event some day soon, and asked them to let me know when they were attending something local. Turned out, they were going to an event in a local sex / swingers club this past Saturday, and suggested I go as well. I had no child and no plans.

I started ruminating. Could I actually take the plunge and go to a swingers club solo? Meet a sort of random couple and potentially have sex with them? With others? I took a day to think about it. While scared out of my mind, I knew I wanted to go. Nobody was going to force me to do something I didn't want to do.

The plan came together nicely. An on-again, off-again lover named Jason contacted me on Friday and said he was back. Knowing he had played with couples before, was bi, and loved to have sex with me, I asked him if he wanted to join me at the club. I planned to meet the couple mid-afternoon. He couldn't join me then, but could later that night.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I sent them a note and said I was coming. They were excited to meet me.

And I was scared shitless.

At the club, I was lucky to not have to wander around too much by myself. I ran into the male half of the couple, Dale, as I was making my way there. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, explained that Lisa (his wife) was getting undressed but would be out in a few minutes. He was warm and welcoming. As I walked to the pool, a few of the couples there turned and smiled. There was one other solo female.

Once I had Lisa to talk to, I started to relax.

Dale helped me into the pool. It was the three of us and one other couple. Everyone else has taken a break to go eat, before the real party started. One couple left saying they were going to try out the swing in the dungeon. Advice was shared on which end to put your ass.

I was mesmerised by Lisa's breasts as they bobbed to the surface of the water. I didn't find her particularly attractive overall (and yes, I have found a few women attractive over the years) but in some ways, it helped me be more comfortable. I wasn't intimidated at all. She was, overall, rather normal.

I was constantly struck by the incongruous situation. The two naked couples were talking about their favourite camping spots, and we could have been anywhere. But given where we were, and the fact that everyone was naked (except me, with my boring black bathing suit bottom) the discussion turned to some questions on the practical challenges of being "in the lifestyle" and having sex in a camper. Because, of course, camper walls are paper thin and the whole thing moves when you are having sex. I had nothing to add to the conversation, but enjoyed the moment in all of its ridiculousness.

Then Dale, who was leaning against the edge of the pool, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to stand in front of him. He put his hands on my waist, and was slowly and gently running his hands along my sides. With his wife standing next to us, chatting away.

I kept thinking "how fucking weird is it that a guy is touching me and his wife is right there". I wasn't judging it, it was just odd. I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

Dale's touch was affectionate, not overly sexual. At some point I realized it was all one-sided, so I put my hand on his leg. I didn't take it farther than that. It was starting to get cold and I wanted another drink. I was completely sober and wasn't sure that was the best way for me to be (I remained sober most of the night).

I forget the exact order of operations, but we agreed to leave the pool, and Dale – badly sunburnt from a trip – mentioned he brought some mineral oil which he needed rubbed on the spots where he was peeling so he didn't look too strange later. It was a very smooth transition to the next stage of our adventure. They asked if I wanted to join them upstairs.

Why the heck not.

There is a private room in the whole club, and that's where we went. We spent an hour or so there, and it was bizarre. Lisa left us alone to get a drink. Dale got naked face down and I started rubbing oil into his peeling skin. While older, he has a great, firm body, and it was fun to touch. When Lisa came back, we both did that for a while…first back, then front.

They are very bonded to one another, very casual, and very funny. Their sex talk intermingled with the most mundane topics. We would go from something innocuous to him saying "I would really like to be eating one of you right now". She said "not yet, honey".

But then, things changed. She decided it was time, and sat on his face. His cock, with large metal cock ring, lined up with my face. I looked at her and said "may I?" – she smiled and said "of course".

And that's how it all began.

Like a man who has been with his wife for years, he expertly made her cum. I sucked and licked and internally made note of the fact this was the first time I'd been involved in a sex act with another woman. When she finished, he asked for me to take her place. But of course. At some point in the middle of my orgasms, Lisa said "I'm going to pop down for a drink, be back in a bit". Um, okay. Again, utterly hilarious.

Some time during our oil application, the topic of squirting had come up and I was asked if I squirted. Dale practically squealed with happiness when I said I could.

So when he finished with me on his face, he told me to lay down. He proceeded to demonstrate his divine skills – with hands and mouth – and had me squirting and cumming over and over. He likes to be an oral receiver when a woman is squirting. He was in heaven. I was feeling pretty good as well.

He said he wanted to fuck me. Absolutely.

He asked if he could fist me. I said – oh, I'm not sure I could do that, and he said "honey, I already was practically there…I had all four fingers in". Which made me giggle, naturally. But he didn't.

This repeated over and over again. Then he asked if he could cum for me. I told him I would like that and asked him where he wanted me. My head in the nook of his shoulder, him kissing me, he told me all the things they wanted to do to me later that night. All the combinations, all the variety, the things with him, and her, and Jason, and both of them…all the while asking me if those things would be something I liked.

On the agenda was a DVP with him and Jason. Either man fucking me with Lisa's mouth on my clit. He said if we could get the private room he would let Jason suck his c*ck, and maybe do the same for him. So many things to do.

It was super hot, yet at the same time I wondered if it was like that with everyone he was with. He told me how much he loved kissing me, and that he could arrange for me to be at a gangbang night and that he and Lisa could protect me. Pick men for me. Watch them fuck me. Honestly, it all sounded pretty good.

I have no idea how long we were alone for, but I do know that at one point, with him on top of me, his head buried in my pussy and mine on his cock, me in the throes of orgasms, Lisa came back. She likes to watch.

I needed a break. I needed a drink. And I needed a snack.

It wasn't even 6pm.

I knew it could be a very very good night.

Ann Ann St. Vincent

Part Two

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3982aw/a_unicorn_walks_into_a_swingers_club_part_1_f41


  1. Great story! I’ve always wanted to go to a Swinger’s Club. Thanks for describing. More please :)

  2. Thank you! I will definitely put up the second part shortly. If you are interested in other swingers club stories, I can put them up here but in the meantime you can also check them out on my blog.

  3. Should I cross link my stories there or is it more of a discussion forum?

  4. Why don’t you go over there and take a look. I think you’ll find a welcome home for your swinger club story.

  5. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: – [/r/swingers] [A unicorn walks into a swingers club (my second swingers club visit) Part 1 [F41 lots of M]](https://np.reddit.com/r/Swingers/comments/3b3oxk/a_unicorn_walks_into_a_swingers_club_my_second/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don’t vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](/r/TotesMessenger/wiki/) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose/?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)

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