[FM] Things STILL escalating with my [F21] bf’s brother [M25]… (Part 2)

OK, so where did I leave off? Here’s [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4xvu8/fm_things_keep_escalating_with_my_f21_boyfriends/) if you need to catch up.

So Friday night… after what happened, we were just laying there (now fully clothed again) and I blurted out, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen… there’s things i want to do with you, but we both know we can’t…. right? “ I was trying to see if he felt the same way… does he want me too, but afraid to act on it? Or is he satisfied now that he’s seen my tits and came all over them? We haven’t laid a finger on each other at this point.

He said “Yeah… I hate that we’re in this situation. We did this to ourselves…” That honestly made me feel so much better to know that we were both on the same page.

He said, “Should we set up some ground rules or something?”

Me: “Like what?”

Him: “I dunno, well definitely you can’t be masturbating out loud in your room because… well… ” He gave me a look and I knew exactly what he meant.

Honestly I don’t know what came over me (OK maybe I do. I could still feel my clit throbbing, I was still soooo super horny.) I figured since he came already, he’s less likely to have a boner now, right? Maybe I could just get myself off while grinding on him?? I don’t know, but I followed my intuition. I got up and went on top of him, straddling him between my legs. I was wrong… his dick was hard under his shorts and I could feel it. By instinct, I started to rock back and forth and I could feel it between my pussy lips (even with our clothes on!!!) Struggling to catch my breath and seem normal…

“So… is this not allowed then?”

His mouth opened in surprise, but he didn’t stop me. He didn’t push me off. He gripped my waist with his hands and ran them up my sides/ribs… he was careful not to grab my tits and his effort to be respectful during a time like this.. Wow it was such a fucking turn on. I could tell he was holding back. It took a lot out of me not to just kiss him right there and ride him till he came inside me… He touched me everywhere expect for my tits, ass or pussy. He felt my arms, shoulders… he even held my throat and my face… All the while, I was rocking back and forth on him… I could feel my orgasm building. I started to panic… I knew myself. If I cum before we even fuck, there’s no way i’m going to last the night without fucking him.

Without warning, I got off him and laid beside him. I went under the covers… I didn’t want to make eye contact with him. The fucking sexual tension was so intense… I was afraid to make eye contact because I felt like I’d want to kiss him if we did. I told him this and he agreed…. I could feel him shifting to tough his shorts where I just rode him… it was wet. I felt him start to breathe heavier… then without warning, he actually got up and out of his room. He said he was going to give me a few minutes…. And the look on his face before he left the room… we both knew we couldn’t do what we wanted. So I touched myself on his bed, under his covers… I kept my panties on and played with my clit. It didn’t take long for me to get there… I came a lot. My cum was dripping down my thighs and it started to make a little spot on his bed. Ooops.

Nothing else happened that night. But I decided to tell Ken what’s been going on. We had our usual bedtime/night time facetime and I told him I needed to talk to him about something important. Not word-for-word, but it went something like this: “Something happened the other night… your brother and I kind of masturbated in the same room… we didn’t touch each other. But… he definitely saw me touching myself and I saw him jerk himself off.” He was surprisingly… not that surprised. He was mad, sure… but it was like he expected it. When I asked him why, he said… “Well you’re both my best friends and you’re both perverts… so I’m not totally surprised….” He was a bit jealous(?) that I saw his brother jerk off (he knows it’s a kink of mine) and asked me many times if I was 100% sure his brother didn’t see or touch my pussy. I didn’t have to lie, because that part was true. I also told him about masturbating in Tom’s room when he left. I was just so horny and we both didn’t want to cheat, so that was what ended up happening. I told him I was sorry, but also I was so horny… I felt bad because I’m such a natural slut, I can’t help it. I asked him if he was going to talk to his brother or anything and he just said we should all talk when he’s back (on Thursday). Remember this was Friday night! I went to bed that night wondering how the hell we’re going to survive almost a week of living together without fucking.

Saturday morning, I wake up to a quiet house. Tom is spending the whole day on Saturday with one of his friends who lives in the boonies. He ends up texting me that he’s going to stay with his friend for a couple of days and he’d be back Monday. Whew, honestly it was a sigh of relief. Because I didn’t want to spend my whole weekend either cheating on my boyfriend with his brother, or pretending I didn’t want to.

But now it’s Tuesday and he’s still not back. I’m starting to miss him? I text him to make sure he’s okay and he doesn’t text me back. I figured OK, whatever. He’s an adult and he will come home when he wants. But I see he’s on Snapchat, so what the fuck. OK, I am being ridiculous. Clearly he’s safe and it’s none of my business. That’s what I tell myself.

On Wednesday morning, I wake up to the sounds of him in the kitchen and the smell of coffee… weird. He never makes the coffee. I go to the kitchen in my PJ’s (trying really hard not to look sexy or anything) and who do I see? A random girl in our kitchen wearing his t-shirt. They clearly hooked up last night while I was sleeping!! I was surprised… a little hurt? But also kind of relieved that maybe our sexual tension and connection isn’t as strong as I thought. Maybe I just really really miss my bf and I’m not that attracted to his brother after all?? It was very confusion for me.

In that moment, as I’m introducing myself to this girl, he walks out of the bathroom without a shirt on. What the fuck, suddenly I’m wondering if he is doing all of this to make me jealous? Is that stupid for me to think that? I was starting to feel really anxious just standing there, so I told them I’m going for a run. I change and I get the fuck out of there to clear my mind and process everything that’s happened. I come back from my run about an hour later and they’re nowhere to be found, so I go about my day.

I decided to be OK about it all and focus my attention back to my relationship. Ken comes back tomorrow (Thursday). I’m more confident than ever that I’m actually gonna be okay. I’m not gonna fuck his brother before he comes back. I started celebrating my victory…. maybe a little too early.


Sorry, I have to break this up in multiple parts. A lot’s happened and I really needed to take a mental break to process it all. Writing’s actually helping, so I might post the next one soon. Thanks for the encouragement to keep writing!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kb7kof/fm_things_still_escalating_with_my_f21_bfs

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