[MF] Only time gf swallowed

I lost my virginity freshman year in college to my first girlfriend. We hooked up fairly early into the year and got busy as often as possible as you would imagine 18 year olds would. When Winter break came around we each went home for break. After my first stretch of getting laid regularly, I was naturally gong to miss it while we were apart. Our homes were several hours away by car. I thought it would be nice to break up what I believe was a 4 week break by spending a weekend together at the 2 week mark. Both of our parents were very liberal, they knew we were sleeping together, but not so liberal that sex/sleeping in the same room at one of our houses would have been acceptable. So I got permission to borrow one of my parents cars and arranged for us to spend the weekend at a bed and breakfast, relaxing, use their hot tub, do some hiking nearby. Nothing super fancy or expensive. I was temping over break and making good money. My parents thought I was stupid to waste it on that vs saving it, but as you might imagine at 18 I wanted my girl and waiting another 2 weeks to see her was a big deal to me.

Anyway on Friday evening I rushed home after work, the car was already packed with my stuff, and I drove out to pick her up. I had met her parents once before when they visited the campus, went inside for a bit and said hello then we headed out. I was so fucking horny, I hadn’t jerked off in a while. Pretty much right after we started driving I told her how badly I wanted her, and to give me a blowjob in the car right away. And that I would take care of her when we got there. She smiled at said ok, and I was hella excited and rock hard immediately. Where she lived was a suburban residential area and I pulled over in front of some wooded area not near any houses. It was around 8pm and getting a little dark. She asked me did I have any napkins or tissues or anything. Unfortunately I had nothing. I’m sure she could have directed me to some store, or back to her house to get something. Or I could have grabbed a piece of clothing like a sock lol from the trunk. Or used a water bottle to split into I guess. My GF did not swallow, she claimed she had never done it and didn’t want to. I never asked or cared. Normally I finished during sex, but the times I finished from a blowjob she stopped as I was coming and cleaned up with tissues. A few times she let me come in her mouth and spit. Anyway my solution to this situation was I told her spit it outside. Just open the door and spit it out. She was like omg like surprised and laughing at the thought at the same time, and she said ok.

So, we got down to business. I leaned my seat back a little, pulled down my jeans and boxers and she leaned across and started blowing me. This was the first time I’d ever done anything like this in a car. To be honest, turns out I’m not a huge fan of car sex, I mean I’m not complaining about a BJ and I’m the one that asked but it wasn’t really that comfortable for either of us. Regardless, after maybe 10 minutes I’m getting ready. My girl rubs my balls and sucks extra hard and I come in her mouth. Definitely did not come that hard, so it wasn’t that much jizz. I’m no Peter North to begin with. So finally I’m done, and she sits up. She looks at me with my cum in her mouth and starts making mmmmmmm! sounds. Not like yum, like she’s grossed out. Petty sexy though. I tell her go ahead spit it out but she doesn’t, she’s just sitting there, still making the sad mmmmmmm sounds. Finally……gulp she swallows it down. Her mouth opens and she lets out a loud Uuuugggggghhhhhhhj groan. “Yuck”. “Bleeeeeeech.” Shes not trying to be rude and I’m not offended, I’m laughing and also very turned on. “gross!!!!!!”” She grabs a bottle of water and takes some sips. I ask her why didn’t she spit it out. She says “I don’t know. I didn’t feel like opening the door and spitting cum on the street.” We both start to crack up, she drinks some more water. “Aaaargh. That was so disgusting”. Sorry I told her, she said it’s not your fault, it’s just gross.” I pulled my pants up and asked if she was ok, she laughed and said yeah. I asked if we should go and she said yeah. So I started to drive to the b&b we were staying at. We had some fun banter, I told her it felt really good. She like rolled her eyes at me and said oh I’m so glad.

Later that night at the B&B we had some very nice sex. When she gave me a little foreplay blowjob I teased her that I was going to come right away. She said deadpan yummy I can’t wait to swallow all of it up. Good times. She never swallowed again, I wouldn’t want her to if she doesn’t like it. But I also can’t help it, to this day the thought of her swallowing my load and being so disgusted by it turns me on so much.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kaqknw/mf_only_time_gf_swallowed