Jealous of my wi[f]es affair

Married for almost 20 year to a beautiful and amazing woman. She was a former professional athlete and even at age 45 looks ever bit the part still. Over the last few years I will admit I have slouched off as a husband. I have spent too much time out drinking and gambling, looking at porn and even getting caught in a couple inappropriate online chats. Ok so I have been a shitty husband. She on the other hand worked hard and moved up in the company and was elevated to a high position where she basically handles the travel of high level CEOs. She runs scheduling of pilots and other support staff.

We work not far from the base where they keep some of the aircraft and many days she will be on the clock 24 hours at a time. The company has a couple apartments for pilots and staff to stay at as rules only allow a certain amount of flight time or on the clock.

As she moved up in her job she spent more and more time away from each other. I as fucked up as I was liked it as I could sneak out more and drink and gamble and then come home and watch porn and get off on phone sex. Lame I know…

Long lead up short, she started having an affair with one of the pilots. I was so dumb I could not see the signs. I eventually found out and we went through hell and still continue in many ways. I have more than cleaned up my act. I seldom drink and I workout non-stop, recently finding a love of hot Pilates and boot camp classes.

The problem is I found an old work phone of hers and went in and while I knew some of the details I had no idea of how sexual my wife could be. You think you know someone and then you read and see some of their conversations. As jealous as it makes me I cant help but getting this crazy horny intense feeling in my stomach and I masturbate intensely to some of what I have read.

In one conversation she is in a meeting texting him how wet her pussy is getting and once it is over to meet in the room. She goes on about how much she has missed his thick cock stretching her. He mentions about how she needs to be quieter as last time she was moaning so loud a couple other pilots in next room asked him who he was in there with and were getting suspicious.

She would send him pics of her in her sexy stewardess type uniform showing she didnt have panties on so when she visited him in flight he could finger her..

I have many more if anyone is interested in this.

I fear even though they supposedly dont see each other anymore (he requested a change of base after he knew I found out) I saw all the passion she had for him and know she would not be able to stop herself..



  1. There’s a fine line between jealousy and arousal…and cheating is hot. Seeing another side of your partner is hot. It can all be confusing as fuck…but you probably will have some of the hardest orgasms of your life thinking about the two of them fucking. And personally, I’d love to hear more about the two of them, if you want to share…

  2. How are thing now? Do you want to let her go? You probably should let her go, I only say that cause it’s hard to get the passion back. After she has put someone else in her life in that spot she held for you.

  3. What’s your next move? Are you going to tell her how much it turned you on? You said you’ve shaped up. Do you think she can become that passionate with you? Was she ever?

  4. I sort of understand what you mean. My fiancee and I have a great relationship never had to worry about cheating as she is very open about things. However I did find an old phone of hers. Curious to see if it still worked I turned it on and sure enough it worked. I didn’t want to be too prying but I wanted to know how old the phone was. I checked her photo gallery and was surprised to see a few sexy photos, no nudes as she is fairly guarded but still it was a phone she had when she was single and it was interesting to look into a indifferent side of her.
    I got curious and checked her messages and found about 10 different message chains with different men at varying degrees of a relationship. It was very entertaining to see these conversations 3 out of 10 of the guys got lucky the rest got friend zoned. Reading their conversations turned me on especially when I got to their sexting and then saw they had met up and then chatted after about how the sex was. I was a little jealous but more turned on more than anything and knowing those relationships ended quite a while before I came into the picture helps. However I do sometimes picture her with other men and it does get me excited but I doubt I could go through with it nor do I think she would either.
    So I can’t understand but I’m sorry that’s happened to you tho while in the relationship. But glad that things have been going ok recently. Maybe just try not to be bitter about it but keep in mind she has shown she is capable of an affair.

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