The Unfortunate Secret of my Wife Part 2 [Cuckolding] [Cheating]

It’s been a few days now since I’ve made the unfortunate discovery of my wife’s infidelity, it was shocking definetly where its more so when during our whole relationship she’s shown me that she’s been nothing but loyal & loving. So I cant help but have a million different thoughts go through my head on just what could have gone wrong? We have a good life, live in a good place and our sexual life has been good as well. So it just seemed preposterous to me the entire notion that Bell could be sleeping around behind my back, yet the truth and evidence couldn’t be denied especially when its 3 XL sized magnum condoms filled with semen.

I tried then to keep track of her actions, mannerism and to see if she’d be using her phone more than usual maybe to text or what not. Yet there wasn’t anything suspicious at all that she was doing, all I could see infront of me was my beautiful loving wife. Still my suspicions continue to haunt me, as well as my own brain now that keeps making me imagine this other man that was bedding my woman while I was away from my home. Who was it that had managed to seduce and corrupt Bell that she’d be guiding him into our bedroom to share her bed with him. I was going crazy especially as it caused me to be distracted at work at the office, to which people had taken notice and had inquired if I was fine. Well I couldn’t exactly come out and tell them that ‘I suspect my wife’s having an affair.’. This was especially true in our company where something like this would destroy my reputation in an instant as the man who cant even protect his own woman.

Eventually I knew that I had to take some steps to see where she was going during the day. So to my shame I went ahead and bought one of those GPS locators from Amazon with same day delivery to a P.O. box that I have so that it wouldn’t show up at home. Picked it up and when I knew Bell was in the shower I went on ahead in the darkness of Friday night and hid the locator under one of the front seats before I headed back into our warm home. Thinking to myself I was being overly paranoid and that after doing this I would prove myself wrong. So it was Saturday once more and a week had gone by since I was back, I was just having breakfast downstairs as Bell came down in her usual Yoga attire the tight fitting top and yoga pants. God seeing that sexy toned mid riff of hers always got my blood going. “Hey babe heading for class?” As she came to the dining table and leaned over as we shared a quick kiss.

“Yes! You know I have to keep myself looking great so that my man can show me off.” She said with a wink before she sauntered off to grab her other yoga things from the corner of the living room. “After that I’ll be spending some time with the girls just to hang out for the day alright? Probably will be home by evening or at night.” It wasn’t uncommon as I had met the girls at the yoga place a few times already and they had been going out to spend time together in the afternoon for a while now.

“Sure baby have a good time ok?” Again after grabbing all her things she came back over and another quick kiss before she headed for the front door “You know I will!” And she was gone as I looked on as she got into her car and drove off. While I then picked my phone up as I thumbed on the GPS locator app for the things I had bought, seeing the app come onto screen and then the sign of a car and the general map of the area that I recognize as ours. So the app was working properly then, sighing a relief as I then set it down to continue eating breakfast after seeing her car turning off a road and heading in the general direction of where the Yoga place was.

The rest of the morning was pretty normal and I hadn’t checked the app since then, doing my own things reading my articles for work and enjoying a movie on Netflix as time passed and finally it was about 1PM in the afternoon. Bell’s Yoga session should have ended about an hour ago already, as then I found I couldn’t help myself wanting to see just where she was then. Getting my phone from my side I thumbed the app again, expecting to see her car maybe at a mall or at some shop lots where there was probably a café and all nearby. Yet when it came onto screen, the reality of the situation made my stomach churn and did a flip.

Her car wasn’t located at either of those kinds of places, where instead the GPS locator was showing my wife’s car at another part of town. More so this part of town was pretty well known as the slums that a lot of Mexicans, South American’s and Negro’s were living in that as well had a lot of gangs in there as well judging from the news. Looking down further to see the GPS co-ordinates together with a time stamp, as the app when the locator doesn’t move for 10 minutes it logs the location & time. My hand was shaking as the last time stamp was since this morning. Bell hadn’t gone to Yoga class at all but instead here she was her car parked infront of someone’s house since morning till now. She hadn’t send any text messages at all or replied the ones he had sent asking her how Yoga was. My eyes couldn’t leave the app on the screen at all, as I just kept looking at the screen on the icon of her car. Seconds, minutes and hours ticked pass as afternoon slowly turned to night and the glow of my phone’s screen illuminated my face as the only source of light in that darkness filled room. It was already 9PM as finally as I noticed as well that my phone’s battery was less than 10% and now I watched as the icon of her car started to move, she had been at this other person’s home for nearly 12 hours.

I knew then as I found myself finally able to move and get up off from the chair I was on, my brain switched off as I moved about turning on all the lights in the house as my stomach growled in severe hunger. I had to know more.


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