I [M22] hate [F]ucked my childhood girlfriend after many years

I felt like sharing a story of an old flame of mine. This is something I’ve wanted to get off my chest for awhile. I’ve made an alt account for this as tons of friends know of my actual account so i’d rather keep this as private as I can. However there are some remedies with this which I’ll get into.

This story happened a long time ago and I feel like sharing it here. The backstory is pretty important and long but if you want the juicy stuff just skip to the line -> ___________

# –Part 1: Angel–

Starting in elementary school I had a a very close friend… For the sake of privacy: Let’s call her Angel. She was a beauty even at a young age. She had a mix of black/white skin, Long curly hair and Bright blue eyes. We were very close through many years. We shared almost everything together growing up: Stories, Games, News, and anything that happened in school. Basically we’d hang out all the time and they were great starting school memories. We knew our friendship was greater than just ‘Friends’ when one day, during a big test, Angel and I were in a back room together alone. We were both in a Special Ed type class so they had to separate us from the rest of the actual class. I remember we made a promise to stick together no matter what happens in our future lives. It was quite emotional but we were just kids back then but it was a promise I’d never forget… although looking back on it… it did not hold up today.

As middle school started I lost contact with Angel. I didn’t have a mobile phone yet so I had no way to contact her and she never was allowed outside her house as her parents were very protective. It was very depressing for me as I never saw her throughout my entire time at Middle School. I should mention that I was very shy growing up. I was the typical nerdy kid that didn’t want to talk to anyone or go to school at all. Just think of the most cliche nerdy kid in the world… There was a reason why i was so attached to Angel because she was the only friend I had back then.

Skip some time forward a few months before I’d get out of Middle School. It was a late lonely night and I was just lying down in bed. Until I started thinking about her. Even on many nights I could never stop thinking about her. I’d ask myself questions like: What does she look like now? Does she have a Boyfriend? Does she even remember me? I was imagination was running wild with these thoughts. So much so I was about to touch myself until my brother enters my room.

I ask him whats up when he says: “Someone wants to talk to you.”.

I ask who when he shows me that he’s on a video call with none other than Angel! Somehow she got my brothers number and wanted to see me. My spirits were lifted by ten-fold! I immediately jumped out of my bed and we started talking. I could only see her face as it was very dark on her end but she aged like fine-wine! She almost looked like a young version of Zoe Saldana! Anyway, we were talking and she mentions that she was out of the state due to personal reasons but the important thing was that she was moving back to where I live when high school comes around. After talking for a very long time we said our respective goodbyes. But before parting ways she said: “Hopefully I’ll see you soon ‘besty! I hope to make up for our promise.” And with that she was gone. I was so happy and I could not wait to see her again. This drove my 18yr old brain wild as I was incredibly horny by that point.

# –Part 2: High School–

The day I was waiting for… The first day of high school. By this point I was 19yrs old, had my own phone and we exchanged numbers before the meeting. We decided to meet up at lunch time and I was getting increasingly horny by every minute. I wait at the desired spot as intended and after a few minutes there she was! Now when I said she aged like fine wine I fucking meant it! Same curly hair and beautiful face I remember. But now with the most smokin’ curvy body I had ever seen. Hourglass like bodytype, D sized chest, and a sexy Tight Ass. Everything you could ever want out of a potential girlfriend.

We were chatting for quite some time and I was hanging on every word of it. She said she was sorry about leaving as it had to do with an ongoing divorce. So she moved around quite a bit. Shit sucked for her growing up and I thought I had it the worst. But I was glad to have an explanation and she didn’t run off on me or something like that. She brought up how handsome I have become these past years. I brushed it off jokingly. But she was very serious about it.

But here’s the important part: She asked me if she wanted to hang out the upcoming weekend and play some games and stuff. Of course I agreed! When wrapping our touching talk lunch was ending and we gave each other I huge hug. (So huge I could feel her firm nipples on my chest!) It was obvious she was very horny as well which got my heart racing. As I watched her leave and I could’ve swore I saw her biting her lips at me. But I digress my brain was running wild throughout the entire meeting.

Now I bet you can all guess where this is going… Well your right! When hanging out at my house that weekend it changed my life. It was perfect. My family was out of the house, We were alone and she confessed her love for me and I did to her. The sexual tension was unbelievably huge! I jumped for a kiss but soon it evolved into a full make out session for awhile till we got very tense. I said “You okay if we take it further?” She then replied with “Make me yours!”. I immediately took her to my bed and ate her Pussy out whole! It was the most memorable day of my life and it was both our first time. I’ll never forget it. …Or so I thought.

Everything was amazing for 2 years straight. Childhood girl of my dreams, Amazing Sex, Fun hangouts! All that good stuff. If it wasn’t for her I would be in a terrible place. But come one faithful night and suddenly Angel calls me around midnight and says: “We need to break up. I’m not sure how long I can do this for. But I have things I need to figure out and so do you!” I didn’t know what she meant by this and tried asking her what she’s talking about. She explained to me that she was cheating on me. Or to put more bluntly: Cheating on me with multiple people. That’s right. Apparently she was fucking with 3 other dudes while we were together. I couldn’t believe it. I was absolutely devastated that I needed a better explanation.

She told me that she was dating another guy named Robert who was twice her age and had been sleeping with her for the past 3 years we’ve been together. So basically: She was fucking 3 other dudes and is dating one of these dudes. She continued on to say that she was only attracted to me recently because I was a virgin. I was so frustrated by that point I just hung up the phone.

# —Part 3: The Hate Fuck—

Skip forward and I’m now 22yrs old. I’m a junior out of college, Made tons of friends and have moved on to other things. I was living a chill life by now and have figured out what I want to do with my life. That kinda stuff. So at this point I’m doing college work online one day and I get a call from a friend asking: “Hey are you interested in a big gaming party?” It sounds fun so I ask who’s gonna be there and my friend reply’s with “Pretty much everyone!”. At this point I was looking for a big break from school so I said I’d come.

Upon arriving to my friends house he has got almost everyone I know here. My friends family is pretty rich so it was a fairly big house. It was just meant to be a big hangout for fun. Playing video games n’ such. It wasn’t until very late into the party I notice a very tall Mexican dood smoking pot with some other people outside. I ask my friend “What’s up with those guys?” My friend then says “Oh thats Robert and his crew. They live around this neighborhood.”

I wouldn’t forget the name of someone who pretty much almost ruined my life. I started getting pissed off. Although I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, all my suspicions were confirmed when I noticed Angel there as well sitting next to him. She glanced behind her and noticed me right away. She was wearing shorty shorts and a very revealing top. She dressed nothing like how she did back when we were dating. She started talking like nothing happened these past years. I asked her if I could talk to her in private upstairs and she agreed.


We were now alone Upstairs in my friends bedroom. Immediately I slammed the door behind me and shouted “What the fuck are you doing?!” She proceeded to give off lame ass excuses like nothing happened all this time. But saying to me that: “Looks like you haven’t changed for the better.” “I could say the same about you!” I replied. We kept going back and forth until she mentioned: “Bet you haven’t gotten any good pussy lately haven’t you? Probably why you are all worked up.”

She was staring at me with such confidence. I could see her breasts barely breaking out from her tank top. I was getting hard just looking at them. I wanted to hit her so badly for everything she had done. She looked like she was about to do the same. But what happened next would come from sheer anger and horny-ness combined. She was still asking about the pussy statement when I suddenly jumped at her and forcefully kissed her.

We started making out. Unsurprisingly, She didn’t even try to pull away, she was so far gone from the person I once knew. I knew by this point she was so sex addicted that she’d take any kind of pleasure she could get. I proceeded to grind up on her really hard. I could feel her whole body quivering as she felt my hard cock grind against her pussy through her clothes. I even copped a few feels off her sexy ass I was always a fan of. She couldn’t even say a word, all I heard was constant heavy breathing and slight moans from her. When I just got sick of the grinding I proceeded to rip off her cheap tank top clean off to find those plump breasts again.

We pushed each other into the nearest wall As I began to work my way down to her tits. Just as horny as I remember, I could tell she was hard before we even started going at it. I went as far as to bite her firm tits. Which followed was a big Moan from Angel. “Is this what has been building up these past few years?” She said. I ignored her. Only further biting and really playing with her chest. Her body was really going crazy. All the noises, all the moaning she was making was enough motivation for body to keep going. So much so that I threw her onto the bed. At this point all the hormones were in control as I was standing at the edge of the bed and whipped my cock out in front of her.

I grabbed the back of her head and forced her to suck me off. She stared at me with her blue eyes. I started looking at her and noticed she was touching herself. Almost begging for my dick inside of her again. I never realized how big of a slut she had become. But I didn’t want this to over to quickly as I got on top of her on the bed, Ripped off her shorts and started eating her out. She was incredibly wet. So much so I could feel the blankets getting super soaked as time went on. She started moaning very loudly. All I could hear anymore was her lovely moans that I missed hearing all these years. But afraid of it being too loud I covered her mouth.

She started licking my hand while I was down n’ dirty with her pussy. We were both so far gone we didn’t even speak anymore. I remember the room being very hot and steamy as well as only feeling constant pleasure everywhere. This went on for awhile until I wanted to get my cock involved. I was readying my dick in hand when I notice her reveling in excitement and pleasure. I took a quick glace and she gave me a keen look off ‘Do it you coward!” while biting her lips. She didn’t care whether or not I had a condom. (Which I didn’t.) I couldn’t remember if it was just me being horny or angry but I just decided… Fuck this!

I immediately rammed my dick inside her! Thrusting as hard as I could! She was as tight as ever- this was the most horny I think the both of us had ever been. She wouldn’t stop moaning. All I could hear was her screaming of pleasure in my ears as I was still really thrusting in her. I pulled her towards me at one point to really grab that tight ass I always would stare at. I could only see this face lost in pleasure as I was really going in on her.

Soon enough I was about to cum. She looked about to be the same. So I really started going as fast as I could with her. She was ready for it too. She started saying: “Make me cum you fucker!” Again, I wasn’t listening. Upon further thrusting I could feel my orgasm building. I quickly took my cock out and shoved it in her mouth. Caught off guard, She started stroking my dick like crazy. She had gone mad. Her body overwhelmed with so much stimulation, Her hand back in her pussy, And my cock in her mouth.

Eventually I did the deed in her mouth as she cummed as well. Tired out, I was almost out of breath doing all of that in one go. I lied still for a moment to take a glance at her and saw she swallowed what I did to her. Coming back to reality I couldn’t believe what I’ve done. I very quickly got up and left the room soon after. I didn’t look back at what I just did as I felt if I stayed in that room any longer I’d regret it. I returned home around 2am and went straight to bed soon after that.

The following day I’d see a text from my friend asking what happened between me and Angel last night. I never answered. This is something I just wanted forget about and nothing more. I never saw Angel again after that.


Thank you reading this. I hope this helped anyone get off as that was my goal. Even though I mostly want to forget this story, I thought someone else would find it hot. So you’re welcome. :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k9oc70/i_m22_hate_fucked_my_childhood_girlfriend_after


  1. The age jumps are fucking strange?
    19 when entering high school?
    Must have been the slowest student

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