[MF] Remote controlled by my boyfriend

I know there’s tons of stories on here like this and about this same thing but holy fuck. The stories are hot but like with most things doing it yourself is hotter.

So I got a remote controlled vibrator. You know the ones you insert and can control the intensity on through an app on your phone. We decided to test it out and I naively thought “I got this no big deal”. I put it in initially it feels weird but I figure I’ll get used to it, slip on my panties and a skirt high socks to keep me warm and I’m good to go.

We test it to make sure its working. Going from no vibration to suddenly vibration is the most shocking thing no matter the intensity. I acclimate to this new feeling and we continue to the car.

The drive lasted about half an hour. Everytime the vibrations increased had me moaning and squirming in my seat. I could no longer sit still, rocking my hips in my seat. I’m sure I was making questionable faces to any of the passing drivers.

When it suddenly gets turned of is the worst. He had me begging him to take me home and fuck me. My underwear was soaked. It felt like forever to get home all the while he was teasing me.

I’ve never fucked him that hard before. I came too many times to count and honestly felt like I went to a different dimension from all the pleasure. It sounds cliche yes but you never truly understand until it happens to you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k9gztv/mf_remote_controlled_by_my_boyfriend

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