[M]y business trip with a [F]lirty subordinate

The year was 2016 and it was my 33rd summer. I was one of a handful of managers at a software company and occasionally we’re being send abroad for conventions or in this particular case: training. Not so much training for myself, but for an aspiring and talented young employee who I invited along. She joined my team a year ago fresh out of school and was quickly proven to be an eager jack-of-all trade type of person. The training seminar we were enlisted for would certainly benefit her greatly in her career ahead. Joice, was her name, and not your typical office girl I can tell you.

Day 1: The Airport

The day of our travel we had our rendez-vous in one of the bars. Our flight would take us to Montreal and was due in 2-hours. She hailed me as soon as she spotted me entering the lounge, she wore her regular black slim-fit jeans with a wide sweater. We grabbed a beer and sought out a seat where we start talking about work related topic and the seminar ahead. Joice is the type of introverted girl that has tendencies to ramble on chaotically. A brilliant mind though and sometimes awkward on a social level. I could tell she was rather nervous for this trip as it was her first business trip ever and even more so since it was with her team lead.

I regularly sipped my beer as I let her speak her mind on various topics. I nodded, pitched in a few times and asked question to keep her train of thought going. Nothing too special was mentioned until I nearly choked on my beer by one particular question she bounced at me.

“Did you hire me because I’m a woman?” I gazed at her with wide eyes as simultaneously you feel your blood pressure rise up because you let yourself get blind sighted by a possible trick question.

“No.” I replied, “what makes you think that?”

“Just, you know,” she said, “these days.. people are more concerned it seems for hiring tokens.”

“Hmm,” I replied in a ponderous manner. It’s one of those times you really feel being put on the spot. “I get where you going at, but I can assure you this isn’t the case. I don’t work like that. You got hired for your skills.”

Joice gave a smile of relief but sighed “it’s just, you can’t believe how many times I’ve heard that.” and started on a rant about things in her past. I looked at her as she was talking, a twenty-five year young woman, not too bad looking actually. She had dark hair, cut short and grey eyes that stood together with a very pale skin. Thin lips were featured on her mouth, unadorned with lipstick. This is the type of natural girl that didn’t spend much time with cosmetics and wears her geek with pride.

“So what, I got big tits,” I heard her suddenly say with a hint of frustration. My mind tried to snap back to the conversation as I realize I had gotten lost in my own thoughts for a moment.

“It’s not like I can easily hide them. They are always there. I just fucking hate it when people go about that the size of my titties have anything to do with me getting favors” she added to it. Awkwardly I took a glance around me, seeing if anyone had caught wind of the rant the girl was having.

“Well..” I stammered for a moment, “I can’t really comment on that. But yeah, people can be shitty at times. It’s probably just jealousy.”

The terminal call for our flight came so I took the opportunity to short-cut the conversation and suggested we better move to our gate. She got up and tied her sweater around her waist. It suddenly struck me that indeed she was quite blessed around the chest, something I had not noticed before at the office. Surprisingly because she was actually a pretty thin girl as well.

What the hell was I doing? What the hell did she do to me? Was this one line a magic spell? I could not un-see it, those tits were very visibly there: when she was walking towards the gate, searching for her passport, wrestling her hand luggage in the cabinet above, squeezing past me to get to the rest room and back. Only when she had draped the blanket over her the spell was broken.. for a moment. Because right then, I felt an elbow poke in my side, I turned to look at Joice and immediately spot how she skillfully removes her bra from underneath her shirt.

“Aaahh… much better,” she commented and passed me on her bra, “please hold it while I take my luggage from the storage.”

I sat there, speechless to what was transpiring, I diverted my eyes and saw a chubby guy at the other side of the isle chuckle at the situation. He must have seen my reaction to how this scene unfolded.

Only in hindsight I realized that this was a precedent to other things this trip would have in store.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k9cmpx/my_business_trip_with_a_flirty_subordinate


  1. Just sincerely point out something that get out of place for an instant: the the bra moment. Seems too sudden to me, but a liked a lot in general.

    Looking forward the rest!

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