[M]y first orgy/swinger party

Hey everyone, I’ve been lurking for a while and thought I’d finaly post something for you to enjoy.

I was around 19-20 (I just turned 27) when this took place. I had just graduated high school and had no clue what to do with my life. After some thought I decided to work for a while and then go to college. As time went on I worked damn near everywhere; for a construction company installing house wiring, HVAC with a family friend, retail at a HotTopic, as a waiter at Applebee’s, a gas station attendant, and a ranch hand. Finally, a friend of mine told me that the renaissance fair was looking for people. As a kid I always loved going to the fair the costumes, the food, everything. So I went to the auditions and tried out for the role of prince and a cabin boy for the pirate captain’s cabin boy. After my audition I hung out with the other people there, introduced myself and made small talk. Obviously most of them knew each other as they had been working the fair for years so seeing someone new at auditions was probably a big deal for them.

So about a week goes by and I got a call back saying that I had got the prince role and that they wanted me to come in the next day to get my costume and to learn the rules for my character as well as where I needed to be for day shows. It was an amazing experience, granted I was nervous the first weekend but after that I really leaned into it. For the most part all I did was walk around the fairgrounds escorted by two guards and interacted with people and other fair workers. Being flirtatious just kind of came naturally while being in character, a few innuendos here a seductive look there. It also didn’t help that most of the wemon that work the fair I found quite attractive. The faeries wore short tights that hugged every curve of their legs. The pirate captain and the ladies in her crew had under-bust corsets that accentuated the chest. The fire dancers/eaters were clad in what was practically a black leather bikini.

Anyway I had made friends with several people working the fair one of which was the massage shop owner (I’ll call her S). S was a 33yo redhead about 5’7″ piercing blue eyes and I’d guess a good sized C cup. I found myself drawn to her, it wasn’t because of her physical appearance (though admittedly she gave off a heavy milf aura). We’d talk about everything and of course we’d flirt with each other on and off. So the last weekend comes up and I was headed to the parking lot when S stops me and asks me to walk her to her car, I’m more than happy to oblige. As we walk arm in arm we talk about our day and plans for when we got home. Then she says that after the fair closes that following Sunday it was normal for the workers to lock the entrances and have a party drinks, food and drugs (just weed). I was more than willing to go, this made S extremely happy. She kissed me on the cheek and as she pulled away she whipered in my ear “You’re never going to forget what happens tomorrow night”. After that she got in her car and sped away leaving me to only speculate what she meant.

The next day came and all I could think about was the party. I tried to get more info from other people during my breaks but no one would spill it. After several more hours of mental gymnastics it was closing time, I got changed and met everyone at the jousting field where the owners thanked everyone for their work and handed out paychecks. While that was happening others were preparing food and drinks for everyone. Several people approached me and said that I did a good job for a new guy and suggested I work again the following year. As soon as the food was done we all gravitated to the tables and benches to eat drink and smoke, as well as tell stories or jokes. I of course sat next to S, we did our usual flirtatious banter which was intensified thanks to the alcohol and weed. As time went on I started to notice that people were also getting kinda handsy with each other. S must have noticed this and asked me if I was alright, I just said that I was a bit tipsy. She then got up and took my hand and said we were going for a walk to get some air. As we walked we had our arms around each other and flriting up a storm, soon I started to hear the tell-tale sounds of flesh against flesh and it seemed that we were walking toward it.

Soon we rounded a corner and thats when I saw the source of the sounds, which could only be described as a melody of sex. Everyone I was previously eat and drinking with was there, naked and ravishing each other. If it wasn’t for S I probably would still be standing in that spot to this day. She stood in front of me and lead me through the mountain of bodies. I saw just about everything you’d imagine, the pirate captain was getting DP’d by one of her female crew mates with a strap on and a guy who played as a musician. Two faeries were with one of the guys who ran a gaming booth, one eating his ass and the other blowing him. It was a lot to take in but S explained that all of this was normal and that I didn’t have to participate if I didn’t want to, but that she wanted to at least have some fun with me. I told her I was nervous but that I was OK with that, she smiled and took me to a more spacious area.

She lead me through everything and soon I grew more comfortable with what was happening. I ended up sharing her with a guy who ran one of the pubs, being apart of an “Eiffel Tower” with the guy and one of the faeries, getting a tit job from the queen, and giving the pirate captain an anal creampie. I ended up sleeping on the fairgrounds as did many of ther other workers. I awoke the next morning in the massage shop with a still naked S sucking on my morning wood. She stood up, straddled me and as she lowered her self onto me she leaned forward and whispered “I told you you’d never forget last night”.

TLDR: I join the renaissance fair and find out all the workers are into a lot of kinky stuff.

Thank you for reading my story I hope you enjoyed it. I’m sorry I didn’t go into all the sexy stuff but I didn’t want to make the story absurdly long. That and I’m writing this on mobile so my thumbs are killing me right now. But if you have any questions or comments just write them down and I’ll try to get back to you. I’ll also most likely post this story in another subreddit which I’ll tag later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k8w215/my_first_orgyswinger_party


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