I 46[F] encouraged my daughter 19[F] to go topless at the beach so I could live vicariously through her exhibitionism

Thanks, everyone for all the responses to my last post! A lot of people were messaging me asking me more about the beach event, so I thought I’d make another post to talk more about it…

So forgive me again, this is a long one. I guess I’m having more fun reliving this event than I thought I would.

I’m 46 (45 at the time of this story) and recently split from my husband (he was cheating) and have been sexually frustrated for a while now. I was raised in a small town with strict, conservative parents. I married my high school small-town boyfriend and he’s the only man I’ve ever been with. Now that I’m older and looking back, I really feel like I wasted my “hot body” years on one guy in a small town. I never explored my sexuality when I was at my peak attractiveness. I’m finding I have fantasies of public nudity and exhibitionism and I wish I had more confidence when I was younger to show off my body. I’m not unattractive now, but I see all these gorgeous young women on here immortalizing their bodies in pics and I kick myself for never taking any nudes or showing off my body more, so only one person knows how hot I looked and he’s an ass lol.

So anyway this was last summer when we could all still go outside and go to public places lol. My daughter and I were at the beach, a beautiful hot sunny day, and a fair amount of people there for what is usually a pretty quiet place, but the weather had people out. I was sitting in a beach chair reading a book and enjoying the sun, while my daughter was suntanning in a bikini, laying on a towel in the sand in front of me. 

Now, my daughter (19, but 18 at the time) looks the way I did back then, but even better. She has an incredible body, beautiful long dirty blonde hair and a gorgeous face. Like me, I don’t think she truly understands or appreciates how attractive she is. She knows she’s pretty, and obviously gets a lot of attention from guys, but I don’t think she knows she’s a knock out, and I don’t want her to feel like she wasted these hot years as I did…

So anyway as I was sitting there in my chair enjoying my shitty erotic thriller, I start letting my eyes wander to the eye candy of the beach. All these young beefcakes strutting around with their chests puffed out lol like no one walks like that dude but I’ll check you out. Anyway, as I’m checking out all these muscly young dudes as they walk by I notice they’re all turning their heads and slyly checking out my daughter!

At first I was thinking FUCK I should have come on my own, haha, then I at least could get some attention in my bikini here too. But then, watching all these guys check out my daughter, most moms would probably go into protection mode, but strangely, all the attention she was getting was kind of turning me on, giving me a rush. She’s laying there in the sun on her tummy, bubbly butt barely contained in a tiny thong bathing suit, soft strings tying up her top, lightly laying on top of her glowing skin. My daughter is a knockout, and I can’t help but feel pretty damn proud about that. Like, hey, look at that sexy body, I made that. So in a way they’re all kind of checking out an extension of me. 

lol this is what I tell myself anyway as I’m sitting all frumpy in my beach chair as my gorgeous daughter soaks up the sun and all the attention. And as I see all these hunky beach bros walking by and checking out my daughter’s semi-exposed ass, I start thinking about how exhilarating it must feel to her, laying half-naked outside with all these guys’ eyes exploring her. It’s an experience I’ve been craving, that I wish I had the opportunity to explore when I was younger. If that was me laying there in the sun getting oggled I’d be soaked.

I make a little joke to her about all the attention she’s getting and she laughs it off and I assume rolls her eyes behind her big dark sunglasses. I point out a young guy sitting nearby with his family who keeps looking over at her and she tells me to be quiet and stop embarrassing her. I don’t know what’s going through her head but my heart would be racing with all the attention I was getting, and I would have wished my mom wasn’t there so I could act on it.

I don’t want my daughter to miss out on the experiences I missed out on. So my mind starts trying to convince myself to be the cool mom, to let her have some fun, to do what I’ve always wanted to do, to take off her top in public and let everyone see her beautiful young breasts.

My heart is racing and my thighs are rubbing together as I’m thinking about the rush it would feel like to release myself to the open air like that. I want so bad to be the hot 18-year-old laying in front of me, with the power to just exude sexuality and make heads turn. I’m getting so turned on thinking about exposing my teenage body to all these horny young beachgoers. 

So perhaps against better judgement, and perhaps selfishly to live vicariously through my daughter, I kind of throw out that you know its legal to go topless here and I’m fine with it if she wants to do that. She lets out a laugh and groan like I’m teasing her, but I tell her I’m serious, she can if she wants. I say I wish I had done it when I was young and looked like that and I don’t want her to miss out on the same opportunities. She doesn’t say anything to that and just keeps laying on her tummy, looking ahead at the water.

We both go back to just relaxing in silence as the waves and beach chat ambiance play out around us. In my mind I’m 18 and just ripping my swimsuit off and running around baywatch style all over the beach.  But my daughter is laying a bit stiffer now and I worry that I’ve upset her. Then she quietly reaches back and slowly unties her bikini top strings. My heart jumps into my throat. She doesn’t say anything, just unties her top, lets her strings fall to the side and continues to lay on her stomach. 

I get goosebumps. Such a nothing difference between what strings cover on her back, but the strings are off now. And the visual of no strings, just bareback is so striking. I imagine what it would feel like to take that step. To take that first action in untying the strings, like the first couple of steps up the ladder of the high diving board. 

She lays with her arms to her sides for a while, long hair to the side so her back is out in the open. The looks she gets from passersby now come with a bit more of a wry smile. She’s no longer just a hot young girl at the beach, she’s a hot young girl with her top undone. I wonder if I wasn’t sitting here like an old guard dog would she be getting approached and talked to by all these guys.

She shifts and moves her arms up and crosses and rests her head on them, which means now there’s a significant showing of sideboob. Another big step up the ladder. I pretend to read my book by I can’t help but look around to see if people are checking her out. I see the teenage boy sitting with his family look back again, I hope he could notice the change from how far away he was. 

She lays like this for a while, bareback in the sun, sideboob on display. I fantasize about it being me and asking some dude walking by to rub some suntan lotion on my back, and hoping he explores a little… Then my daughter starts to move. Does some adjusting, brings her arms in and I realize she’s at the top of the metaphorical high diving board, about to jump off. I flip a page in my book pretending like everything is all fine and dandy and everything is cool, but inside my heart is pounding. My daughter is about to expose herself in public. 

She pushes herself up on her elbows and stays like that for a moment. Most of her cleavage must be seen from the front at this point but I can’t see. Toes at the edge of the diving board. A couple of guys walk by and she moves her arms a bit to cover up. They pass, but I see one of them look back. She stays like this for a while, kind of mermaid style arms out in front, leaning on elbows, looking around a bit. 

I can’t imagine the adrenaline she must be feeling at this point. It’s overwhelming to me and I’m not even doing anything. I’ve got shivers and the sun is blazing down on us. She shifts a bit on her arms, scrunched her toes, rubs her legs together. And then jumps off the diving board.

I can’t even begin to explain the rush of feelings. I’m simultaneously incredibly turned on by the situation and fantasy of being in her place, and also experiencing the panic and need to cover her up like a protective parent. My baby bird is jumping out of the nest and I have to just watch.

She rolls over and there they are, her beautiful young breasts in broad daylight, nipples at full attention. No more just bareback, no more just side boob, we’ve got full-on exposed tits jiggling around and pointing to the heavens as she rolls onto her back for all the beach to see.

My heart races and I can see hers is too as her chest heaves in and out. She raises one knee so one leg is stretched out and one is arched, she’s on display now and she knows it, she’s posing now, she doesn’t lay like this on the beach normally.

My thighs rub together and I’m realizing I’m soaking wet as I’m staring at this beautiful young creature showing off her sexuality to the world for the first time, and I feel like so am I. 

This is my fantasy come true, and I’m living it through my daughter. She’s going to remember this forever. She looks incredible and the whole beach can see. And I made that. And I imagine it’s me laying there, tits out, nipples hard as diamonds, feeling the warm beach air on my exposed skin, a sensation I’ve never felt on my breasts. 

Now the stares are more obvious, double-takes as people walk by. It’s legal here, but no one else on the beach is topless. It takes a lot of courage. I’ve seen my daughter’s tits plenty of times but never like this, never proudly displayed out in the sun, never when other strangers could see them too.

A young college-age couple walks by and the guy is steel face eyes straight ahead haha doesn’t want his girlfriend catching him looking. Pretends like he doesn’t even see her. Meanwhile, his girlfriend is the one that glances at my daughter, not sure out of jealousy from the attention, or jealousy that she wished she looked like that and had the courage to show off.

An older fat guy passes and gives a big old smile. It should gross me out but it doesn’t. I secretly want them all to sneak their phones out and take pictures. I wish I had pictures taken of my teenage tits. I wish I could have been this sexy goddess laying on display for people to walk by and ogle. 

She sits up on her elbows and says she’s ready to leave, but she wants to take a quick dip in the water first. I say sure, and she turns around and picks up her top and her towel. I assume she’s going to put on her bikini top before going swimming, but she just shakes her towel out a few times to get the sand out, which makes her tits bounce around with the force. She the folds it over and puts it on the empty beach chair beside me. And then drops her bikini top on top. And says back in a bit. 

I was so surprised and proud. She turned around and walked toward the water. laying down is one thing, but standing up on full display, waking past people, bare chested. I can’t even imagine how much of a boss bitch that feels like lol. I’m seeing heads turn on the beach. And finally the teen boy with his family notices whats going on, poor kid missed the whole thing when she was laying there. His dad notices too lol.

She wades into the water like a movie. Then dips under. I imagine what it would feel like to have the water all around my bare skin like that. If it were me those bottoms would be off too. 

I watch her head swim around a bit and she stays underwater. Some guys nearby throwing a football around in the water say something to her and she responds but I can’t hear any of it. She stand up in the water exposing herself to them and they whistle and cheer and I can see her smile from all the way back here on the shore.

She slowly walks back to shore and waves back at them without looking back as they goof around shouting. 

She walks back up to me and grabs her towel and throws it around herself, she has a big devilish smile. I ask her how was it and she says amazing lol. We pack up to go and she leaves the top off but has the towel draped over her. We gather our things and walk back to the car where I say you better get those things covered up now, we can’t drive around like that lol, she finally puts her top back on but not before tossing the towel off into the car and then reaching up to put her hair in a ponytail ha, one last hurrah of exposure. 

We talk all about it on the way home, I ask her how it all felt and she describes the rush and goosebumps and all the looks and attention she knew she was getting, said she saw someone pitching a tent in their swimtrunks lol. 

When we got home we both immediately went into our own rooms where I assume she, like me, immediately got herself off. And I have multiple times since then while thinking about that whole experience. 

I’m afraid I’m going to want to keep pushing her… I find myself fantasizing about her walking by in a tshirt and panties that don’t cover her ass while I’m on a zoom call with my boss, I fantasize about him seeing everything as she cheekily walks by…

I’m going to be a bad influence lol

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k8s4az/i_46f_encouraged_my_daughter_19f_to_go_topless_at


  1. I love this story. You are not alone either. I have met a few moms that enjoy watching men eye up the younger version of themselves.
    More stories please

  2. Aww you are beautiful you need to know that young man really any man will look you up and down have confidence in your self because you are worthy of anything u want in life and your 200 pounds lighter with out your ex

  3. Great story, and your daughter is learning to be a strong, confident woman because of you. And it’s never too late to shoot your shot – I’d definitely look if you dared to go topless too!

  4. You know, you can do it too. Maybe you’re not going to turn the heads of the young men (but hey, maybe some), but many will appreciate it. I know I would. Get out there and live it up!

  5. I know that there will be many people that will appreciate your body on /r/gonewild if you want to start there before going to the public

  6. I’d bet money you looked pretty good on the beach yourself. You should post up some pics!!

  7. You should have joined her by removing your top, too…many men would appreciate the comparison, and I’m sure you compare favourably…

  8. I’m 32 guy and I already am aware of a few missed opportunities I have had when I was younger. I see nothing wrong with you encouraging her to do all that your wrote about in your story.

    You fantasized about you being in her place and wondered what’s going on in her head. Well I believe there wasn’t really all that much. While you were getting aroused thinking about people looking at you at the beach, she is not because for her it’s a normal thing to lie on the sand in bikini. For you it wasn’t but she’s used to it. Getting the top off tho is something entirely new to her, I do believe she didn’t think about doing it, but ever since you gave her this idea she was surely unable to stop thinking about it!

    It’s good you’ve been there with her. Your presence gave her feeling of support and safety that allowed to 100% focus on the positives of the whole situation, without worrying about anything.

    I tried something similiar a couple years ago during a music festival. I was thinking about getting naked while in public showers already for some time at that point. I saw both guys and girls do that occasionally.

    I thought about the great feeling of air, water and eyes touching you everywhere. Besides, how else can you clean yourself perfectly if you are wearing anything? So I did that, I got naked. It drew some attention even tho I’m not the sexiest guy around! And I loved it.

    There was this small group of people that was looking at me and one of the only girl among them waved to me with a smile when she saw I noticed her looking at me. There was my female friend that went to showers with me just to see my standing there with my dick out after I suggested I shower naked because “it’s the only proper way to clean yourself”. There was this random girl that was standing next to me, not sure how attentively she was looking at me but apparently at some point she understood how easy it was for me to clean myself and she just said “Oh dang it!” and immidiately dropped her entire bikini what clearly allowed her to handle her showering faster (which was good as the water was arctic cold). To guys who yell “oh a naked butt” while themselves were 100% naked just like me, we all laughed each time.

    I’m becoming more and more about feeling free and having no “society rules” that someone else is trying to force on me.

    I will be happy to read other stories about you and you daughter.

  9. I bet your just as sexy today as ever. Just a different age. (A different wine per say ?)

    I’m in my 28 and I’m sure I’d find you hot ?

  10. I agree with the comments you should post on here. I recommend r/onmww over r/gonewild. I just got back from the beach and I looked past all the young girls and looked for their moms. I’m in my 40s now, but the same would have been true when I was 18. I’ve always enjoyed older women.

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