Getting Intimate With My Beautiful Cousin (Living My Fantasy) [M] [MF]

Hey everyone,

I just spent some crazy time with my cousin this week, and I’d love to share my experience on Reddit.

***A Little Background:*** I just turned 18 this July (senior at high school) and my cousin is a little over 3 months younger to me. She’s my mom’s niece, and we live in the same city, go to the same school and we’re in the same grade essentially, so it’s needless to say we’re pretty close. We’ve been friends all along, I’d say best friends even, we had never really openly expressed sexual attractions for each other (up until last weekend of course) but I was almost always somewhat attracted to her but I had never imagined us to actually have sex at some point of time.

***Describing Ourselves:*** I’m *almost* **6’3** *(a moderately tanned Caucasian)* and a track-and-field athlete. I had a skinny-athletic physique but I started lifting weights right after my 15th birthday and have made some decent progress I’d say, I’m not super buffed-up yet but I have a very defined 6 pack and a V-taper ( and a ***6.7 inch*** ***dick***)

My cousin a bit short, at 5’5, she’s pale as ice and a gymnast, she’s got a pair of perfect big bouncy breasts, a virtually not existent waist and a great bouncy ass, while not as good as her breasts imo.

Neither of us were virgins, both of us had been into a few relationships, and while she’s single as of now, I’m still into a committed relationship. My cousin and I already love each other, it was only the sexual lust we had, which is now fulfilled, and we have no intent whatsoever of being into a relationship together (our parents would kill us if they come out to know what we did)

***The Incident:*** My aunt and mom had to visit our grandpa this weekend to check on him (he lives alone on the outskirts of the city), and usually, my cousin and I also join them, but this time, we had a Science test we had to study for, so I came over to my cousin’s place with my mom and I stayed with her while my aunt and mom left. (It was around 2:40-ish in the afternoon, and they stay at my grandpa’s for the night and come back the next day around 12:30 or so) , everything was normal for me and my cousin, we’d stayed back together for hundreds of times before, and this was not new. We studied for the test, had a snack-break, ate some PB&J sandwiches, chit-chatted a lot (like always), studied more, when it was time for dinner, we ordered 2 pepperoni pizzas, watched Big Mouth on Netflix (which had just dropped that day), we were sitting on the bed (with our legs stretched out and backs against the headboard of the bed) in front of the MacBook watching Netflix, the laptop was on my lap, she was sitting just beside me, almost leaning on me (her long hair were caressing my left cheek and I could feel her breath tickling the my face, and the sweet aroma from her body, I don’t know what just happened, but it only feels natural that I got a pretty solid boner, and I know with certainty that she definitely noticed it, she glanced at it, then quickly looked away, tried to keep a straight a face for like 20 seconds then swivelled her eyes to the right (towards me), smiled at me, her moist pink lips almost parted to give a glance of her perfect pearly-white teeth, and that was the breaking point for me, I made the first move….

***——————————————————-END OF PART-1——————————————————————-***

Please comment if you want me to write a part 2 to this incident, and this is the first time I’m posting anything on reddit, so I need your support. Thanks!



  1. Yes, by all means – think also about where to break your story. This is a point where people are turned on, and it might be better to select a better stopping place (after an initial make out sesh concludes)

  2. It’s called gone wild stories, not almost gone wild stories.

    What is it with posting incomplete stories recently? Is it karma farming? Because a good, complete story is going to earn far more karma than splitting it into 5+ posts.

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