I fucked a college volleyball player on the family beach trip [mf]

The summer after I graduated from college my Dad invited me to come down to the beach on the family vacation. It had been a few years since I’d gone due to various jobs in the summer, but I agreed to go if I could get off of work. I was able to work it out at my new job that I would put in extra time early in the week and take Friday off so I could be down there for a long weekend.

I left straight from work Thursday afternoon and made the 4 hour drive to the house we were renting. We spent most of Friday morning hanging out on the beach in front of the house, but around 11:00 I took a stroll down the beach to admire the “scenery”. Typically, it’s just families where we go, so I didn’t have the same type of girl-viewing expectations that I’d had as a middle/high schooler. My walk took me past a condo and was making my way toward the next one when I came up on a family that was getting started with a football game.

There were 9 of them getting ready: three men who were probably in their 40s-50s, then three guys and three girls who I’d guessed were all between 14-22. I could hear them discussing how to break the teams up, so looking for some action I walked up and asked if they could use one more to make the teams even. I was quickly welcomed to come play and teams were divided up.

We got started and I realized this was going to be more competitive than I originally realized. I’m 6’4” and am an overall decent athlete, so once I determined that this game had some family pride at stakes I upped my game. I was being guarded by one of the high school guys, who despite his efforts I was too much for, catching several jump balls over him.

I’m a competitive guy, but my focus was never fully on the game. All three of the blonde sisters were very easy on the eyes, and I found myself checking each of them out behind my sunglasses. I quickly determined that the youngest was still in high school, so despite her good looks I was obviously not going there. The other two were both knockouts. The older one was 5’8” or so and was curvier side of athletic, who was showing some tasty cleavage despite having on a family friendly one piece bathing suit. The younger was pushing 6’, and had long, dark tanned legs that ended in a fantastically tight ass. She moved with a captivating grace, and she was definitely showing off in a bright read bikini that managed to cover the important parts but not much else.

After an hour or so of football everyone was dripping sweat, so we all went and jumped in the ocean to cool off. The older girl was named Amy, and the younger Jordan. Turned out that Amy was here with her boyfriend Zach, who I had mistaken as a cousin, so she was unfortunately off the table. It did allow me to focus my attention on Jordan, who reveled a bit of her ditzy nature when she asked if I played football for Alabama (I was wearing an Alabama football cutoff). This brought a simultaneous laugh from both me and Zach, who could look at me and figure out that while I was capable of posterizing a 17 year old I was not close to playing SEC football.

I left them after chatting for a few minutes to go have lunch with my family, but was invited back for their afternoon volleyball game. This I was assured would be even more competitive than the football game had been. The entire family had played growing up, and Jordan was coming off of her freshman year playing volleyball at a small D1 school (thus explaining how she got an ass like that).

That afternoon was easily some of the best beach volleyball I’ve ever been part of. In addition to the level of play was very high, I took every opportunity I had to flirt with Jordan. She was a force, able to place her serves anywhere she wanted and she covered an unbelievable amount of ground. That red bikini continued to tantalize me and I savored the view of her rising out of the sand, her body glistening in the afternoon sun, long blonde hair tossing in the wind. Fortunately, despite my distraction I was able to hold my own, and was merciless in my good natured taunting anytime I did something well.

At one point I stuffed her spike attempt back into her face, then on the very next point went directly over her outstretched arms for a kill of my own. This caused her to kick sand on me in frustration. She put her hands on her knees, and I dropped my head close to hers on the other side of the next.

“If you’re going to be a baby about this you’re going to get a spanking.” I said lowly, trying my best to make sure that the others didn’t hear my most forward remark.

She brought her head up and I saw a spark in here eye and a smirk on her lips, but before she could reply the next point was on.

Our flirtation wasn’t all unnoticed of course. I was accused of being an agent of the other team when she drove home a point around my block attempt, and later her cousin told me to keep my eye on the ball and off the other teams players when I put what should have been an easy kill out of bounds.

I still wasn’t able to get any one on one time post-game with Jordan, because by the time we were done playing I had to go back to the house to clean up for dinner with the fam. But like any good millennial I did the next best thing, and on the ride to dinner found her on Instagram. I had a connection and a DM waiting for me by the time our food arrived.


What are yall up to tonight?

My mom and aunt are making shrimp and grits, should be done soon, then idk

Yeah we’re at dinner, should be back around 8 and the fam will probably watch a movie. Yall gonna do quality family time?

Don’ think so tonight, we played cards last night but haven’t heard anything tonight. I think Zach and Amy are going like out out, but I don’t want to use my fake and have my parents find out.

Well I can probably ditch later if you want to hang out?

Well only if you promise to be good and don’t make any more comments about spanking. *winky face emoji* BTW my sister heard that.

LOL, sorry, you were making me work too hard so my whispering game wasn’t on point.

No need to be sorry, I thought it was funny. She keeps asking if I’m going to go see you.

Well I’d hate for us to disappoint her. Also, she better only saying good things too since we won today.

Hey I want a rematch tomorrow when I don’t have my moron cousin holding me back.

You’re on. Why don’t you walk down the beach at like 9:30 and we’ll hang out then have some fun of our own. You want me to get us something to drink?

We’ve some OJ if you’ll grab vodka for screwdrivers


Screwdrivers aren’t my favorite, but I’m not one to quibble. I let my parents knew I was hanging out with my new friends later, and once we were back I slipped out of family movie night with 30 minutes left in Iron Man.

I grabbed by backpack and put in the vodka, cups, and two beach towels. Then made my way toward her condo. The moon was almost full, and when I was almost there when I saw her coming down the ramp. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and he had on a green sleeveless sundress that ended just above her knee. She looked radiant. I gave her a hug and inhaled the floral scents from her shampoo, and felt a twitch down below as my body responded to her warm embrace.

“It’s nice to hug someone who’s actually taller than me. Normally I’m lucky if guys are at my eye level.”

“I didn’t take you as one who didn’t like her height?”

“No, I like it, just limits my shoe collection, like if I want to stay shorter than my date and can’t wear the stripper heals that I’d like.” she said with a laugh.

The idea of her stripping was certainly appealing, even if that obviously wasn’t what she meant. I opened my backpack and grabbed the two cups plus the vodka and put a healthy pour into each. I looked around and there were a few families who’d come back out to do some crab hunting.

“Go ahead and make your drink and then let’s walk down a ways and go find some privacy where we aren’t drinking in front of the kids.”

She poured in the OJ, put the bottle in my backpack, and then raised her drink “Nothing like getting screwed on the beach!” then burst into giggles at her screwdriver pun.

“Ok missy,” I laughed, “let’s get you out of here before we have to explain the birds and the bees to a 6 year old.”

I offered her my arm and took it and we started walking. We strolled for maybe 10-15 minutes in the moonlight, which put us well clear of the condos and in a mostly deserted stretch of beach that was fairly narrow and undeveloped. We had kept up a steady stream of flirtatious comments as we walked, and by the time we found a spot to put our towels down my arm was around her shoulders and she had hers loosely on my hip.

I separated from her briefly to take my backpack off and then overlapped the two towels to make one larger area for us to sit. When I turned back to her I couldn’t help but pause briefly and admire her. The moonlight fell softly on her features and illuminated her natural beauty. Her dress flowed around her, and her long, effortless movements held me in rapture. She was gazing out at the ocean, and when she looked back at me in mock surprise.

“Well hi. You see something you like?” and gave half a twirl.

“Sure” I said, closing the distance between us, then looked beyond her. I pointed out at the water “I think I saw a fish or something…”

She laughed again and then playfully jumped up and down. “A fish, oh wow! Show me!” and she leaned up against me and eagerly looked down my arm toward the water.

I brought my arm down and wrapped it around her. “Actually, I think I’m just going to go ahead and make a move on you now before we even sit down. Don’t want to wait anymore.”

Then I bent my head and kissed her. I could feel her smiling into the kiss, and we stayed there for a moment, our lips making their initial greeting. Her smell bloomed in my nostrils and enveloped me, and I felt her body fit into mine as our kiss changed and we began to slowly, softly made out. I parted my lips slightly, inviting her in, and I felt her tongue venture forth and entangle with mine. They danced together briefly, then our mouths closed and she pulled back an inch.

She gazed up at me and grinned. “Well, I’d say you’ve made a successful move. How about we move this party to the towel?”

So I took her hand and sat down with my legs spread, then guided her to sit down in front of me facing away from me. She laid back against me, her body resting on mine and her head fell onto my shoulder. After the kiss I decided to draw things out a bit, so I began rubbing her shoulders. She briefly tensed against the unexpected touch, then she repositioned herself to give me better access.

I worked across her shoulders and then midway down her back, driving into any knots I felt with my thumbs.

“Oh man this feels good. I’d have made you wait longer for any make outs if I’d have known this was on the table too.”

She dropped her head down and my hands made their way up to her neck, and as I rubbed soft noises of contentment escaped her. She leaned forward slightly more and shifted back, which brought her ass directly into my crotch. I had already had some bloodflow moving around down there from our flirting and kissing, but direct contact gave him even more encouragement.

I knew she could feel my growing erection pressed into her, so when she didn’t back away at all so I took that as my final green light to really progress the evening. I worked back down to her shoulders, and while I continued to rub with my right hand I bent forward and placed a kiss on her exposed neck.

She gave a soft exhale and I felt her shiver against me despite the warmth of the night. I continued to gently kiss her neck, making a line from her jaw toward her shoulder. When my mouth reached the strap of her dress I switched sides, and while my left hand began to rubbing her shoulder again my right reached around her and cupped her breast. They were no larger than a B cup, so my head easily supported it, but still felt phenomenal to massage. And to my delight I realized she didn’t have a bra on.

When my lips left the slope of her neck and found her shoulder, I stopped my massage all together. I put both arms around her and took both her breasts in my hands, then re-traced my line of kisses with my tongue and sucked her earlobe into my mouth. This brought a giggle shortly followed by a gasp as I deftly tweaked a nipple with my fingers and then ran my tongue along the inner ridge of her ear.

Her hands had been in her lap, but now they each went to one of my knees and then pushed down my inner thigh. She hit the midway point where she was leaned up against, then ran her hands back up, down, then around to the back of my legs as she dug her fingernails into my skin. She leaned back and tilted her head toward me and we began to kiss again, this time with greater urgency as both of us could feel our desire mounting.

I slid a hand down to her legs, then back up her thigh and pushed her dress aside as I came back up. My fingers found nothing but skin as they reached her nether regions, and her back arched as my first glancing touches landed on her outer lips.

I ran two fingers lightly along her folds, then circled her opening back up to around her clit with my middle finger. I teased her like that for two agonizing minutes, coming closer and closer to the direct contact her body begged for. Her breath was coming in quick bursts and she squirmed in my lap, trying to speed me up. Finally, I pushed inside of her and she let out a moan and reached back and pulled my mouth back to hers. Our tongues met and then we hungrily devoured the face of the other as my finger went to work inside her.

She soaked my finger and I could feel her juice freely flowing inside her. She was on fire and the heat between us only continued to rise. I could feel her longing for more, so I brought my legs back together and lifted her up, bringing into my lap. Then I brought my knees up inside of hers and pushed her legs wide. This gave me a better angle for my fingers and the octave change in her gasp let me know I was on the right track.

Her head lolled back against my shoulder, and my teeth found her neck, nibbling the exposed tendons. I went to push a second finger into her, but as excited as she was it was still tight. I changed up my bites to licks and slowed my movements a degree, and she pushed her hips into my hand and my second finger began to work.

“Oh yeaaaaaaaaoooohh give it to me” she whispered in a slightly baby voice. I won’t lie, the baby voice is not really my thing. But with Jordan writhing beneath my touch I found it intoxicating. I dropped my second hand down from it’s nipple play and began to directly work her clit. By now her body was draped across my own and she was helpless as I drove her toward the promised land. The only sounds in the night were of her our raged breathing, her soft whimpers of pleasure, and the squish of my fingers working her sopping pussy.

I steadily picked up my speed with both hands to the desired effect, and after less than a minute her head came up briefly, then dropped back onto my shoulder, and I saw her abs flare then her legs lock onto my own as her orgasm crashed into her. Her hips bucked against my fingers and I could feel the muscles in her ass clench directly on my crotch as she rode out the waves of ecstasy.

“Ugh, wow. That was…*exhale*wow. “

I still had my fingers inside her as she took my ear in her mouth and sucked it, then drug her tongue down my neck in long, wet lines.

She took my hand and pulled it free and interlaced her fingers with mine. She turned and gave me a fierce, full lipped kiss, and then looked me in the eyes and put back on the baby voice, “Ok, now you lie down and let me take care of you.”

I laying back flat on the towel. Then she stood over me and let her dress puddle around her feet and kicked it to the side. I grabbed the condom from my pocket and quickly got my shorts off and the condom on. I then gazed up at the lithe body towering over me and could see hunger still in her eyes.

She straddled me and sat down on her knees, then took my throbbing erection in her hand. She lovingly stroked its full length, pulling it toward her, admiring it, caressing it, then let it snap back to attention against my pelvis. Her eyes closed as she lowered herself and ran her wet slit up the length of my cock in one long, luxurious motion. She then repeated it, then again, and again and again she slowly rocked the length of me back and forth, taunting me with her sex. Her lips gripped the sides of my dick and coated them with her nectar.

It was all I could do to whisper “Oh my…god Jordan.” She was being an actual cock tease. My hands ran from her knees up to her chest, then back down and around her where they latched on to her tight rear. I squeezed her ass as hard as I could as she ground her pussy down onto my cock, and we both let out a simultaneous moan as the head of my cock rubbed against her clit.

Finally I felt her lift off of me slightly, and I began my trip to heaven as she lowered herself back down and guided my dick to push inside her. She took it all, but took it slowly. The initial stroke seemed to take ages and she enveloped more on more of me. She was as tight as anyone I’d ever been with. I could feel her walls grasping my cock, surrounding it with moist pleasure.

We paused when she finally bottomed out. I opened my eyes to look at her, and her head was leaned back as she savored the fullness inside her. She was coated in a fine layer a sweat, and her chest glistened as it heaved.

Then she came forward some and put both hands on my shoulder, and we locked eyes as she slowly moved her hips an inch at a time left, right, back and forth. Her lips parted in a silent moan, then a small gasp, then a full body laugh of joy as I was stretching her to her limit.

I could feel her pussy quivering with delight and shots of pleasure ran the length of my body. Then she started actually going up and down on me and all rational thought ceased . My entire existence was locked into our coupling as she worked herself up and down my shaft. Each stroke lit a fire inside me, and despite the need to be quiet I found myself babbling a stream of grunts, moans, and expletives.

“Oh fuck oh yes oh fuck. Good fuck Jordan oh fuck yessss.”

“Oooooooh does daddy like it when I ride his big cock?”

My yearning for her borderline psychotic. The bliss she was driving me to was beyond measurement. Her pussy took me to places beyond understanding and she started to slam herself home over and over.

She dropped down lower to where she was down on her elbows, and her hips found another gear and began pounding herself down on my pole. I was no longer even trying to be quiet.

“Oh fuck oh yes oh fuck”

She was going faster than should have been possible. Our breathing was erratic as she drove herself onto me at a furious pace.

“Good…god Jordan…”

I was lost inside a cacophony of desire, pleasure, and lust all assaulting me at once. Our bodies crashed together every sense was overwhelmed. Her smell, her taste, her touch was all around me and I reveled in it.

I managed to open my eyes in the maelstrom, feasting on the sexual dynamo above me. It was in that moment the she looked down at me. She then bent down so her mouth was right next to my ear in between moans cooed:

“Oh yeaaaaah this dick is so *fucking* yummy.”

Every nerve ending in my body fired at once and my dick erupted inside her. Flashes of color spotted my vision and my head swirled. My fingers dug into her ass cheeks as my hips propelled themselves up, pushing as much of myself as I could into her. I launched 3, 4, 5 ropes of cum into her and I felt my muscles give way. Her body was jolted and then I felt her orgasm hit her as mine was ending, and she dug her nails into my shoulders and I held her as best I could as her body quaked.

She collapsed on fully on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around her and we panted into each other as the night returned to calm. I kissed her, and we lay like that for a few minutes, basking in the post coital glow.

“That was fucking insane.” I eventually told her.

I could feel her heart was still beating quickly as she was pressed against me. She giggled and said “Not so bad yourself. That was the best orgasm I’ve had all trip.”

I laughed and flipped her so I rolled on top, but our movements had brought the towels in closer than I realized and we were fully in the sand. She gave a shrieking laugh, and we quickly got up. I tossed the condom to the side then we ran naked into the ocean to rinse ourselves off (yes I know not ideal, but not many other good options). We ended up staying in the water for a while, neither of us wanting the evening to end. We were laughed and traded stories just enjoying the company of the other. We eventually got out, dried off and got dressed. Our walk back was made hand in hand, and the evening ended with a tender good night kiss.

We hung out for most of the next day, but other than a few gropes below the water we didn’t get a chance for a repeat performance. She did family stuff that night and then had to drive home early the next day. We stayed in touch for a two summers trying to find a time to reconnect, but were never able to make it work. But I’ll never forget my one night on the beach with Jordan.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k6v0p5/i_fucked_a_college_volleyball_player_on_the


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