Shy Wife Goes To Strip Club

My wife Sharon has from time to time spoken about being curious about strip clubs. This is not something that I could ever press her on. She would clam up and act like I was a pervert. However, I have always kept this in the back of my mind. 

I have a theory that all women, no matter how modest, have an exhibitionist streak in them to some degree. They like to show off, especially if they are attractive or have a nice body. My wife falls into both of these categories. At 42 she is a cute, thin brunette with perky A cup breasts. There are always guys hovering around her and she occasionally comes home with stories of being hit on. When it’s a young guy hitting on her, I’m assured of some action that night.

One night we were going out to dinner and the kids were with their grandparents. At dinner, as I plied her with wine, I tried to get her to admit to wanting to do something a little more sexually daring. She was being coy but I could see the wheels spinning in her head. Throughout dinner I would run my hand along her bare thigh under the table. At first she would brush my hand away and look around to see if anyone was looking but eventually she let me explore a little more. To make sure she stayed comfortable, I didn’t push her too far.

In the car after dinner I asked where she wanted to go. She gave a vague I don’t know type of answer so I decided to go for broke and asked her if she wanted to go to a strip club. She didn’t say no-I had passed the first obstacle. She expressed some hesitation. She was afraid she would be seen by someone we knew or would be harassed or stared at lewdly. 

If she was going to do it, she needed to be left alone and allowed to simply see what one of these clubs was like. She was curious. She wondered how the girls did what they did and how the guys reacted. She was concerned that the guys would get carried away and what that would mean for her.

I promised her that these places didn’t typically get too rowdy. The bouncers kept things in check. She agreed to give it a try if I promised we would leave if she got uncomfortable. I told her there was a place in the city that I passed on my way to work that was BYOB. We would pick up some drinks and head on over.

We arrived and paid the cover charge and went on in. As soon as we entered, she was surprised to see a naked girl on the stage. She didn’t think they were allowed to get completed nude. I let her know that since there was no alcohol being sold, the restrictions didn’t apply. It was a quirk in the law.

We made our way to an open area not too close to the stage but not all the way in the back either. We broke out our drinks and she started asking me questions about what the girls would do. She seemed to be enjoying herself. A topless girl made her way up to us but Sharon was a little uncomfortable so she moved on to the next group.

I fed her more drinks and let her know that there was a group of five or six guys standing behind us checking out her ass. It looked great in her tight jean skirt and was easily my favorite thing to look at. She casually glanced back at them and saw that they were in their early twenties. She told me there was no was a group of guys were interested in looking at the covered ass of a woman twenty years older than them with all the young naked girls wandering around.

I told her that they could indeed be interested. What you’re not allowed to see is always more interesting that what you are allowed to see. I said they were all picturing how her bare ass would look. She was blushing but I could tell she was also getting a little turned on.

Another nearly naked girl was making her way through the crowd as we were having this discussion and came up to us. I think the dancers are also intrigued by women in the crowd. I started to chat up the dancer and eventually told her that I thought the guys behind us wanted to see Sharon’s ass. The dancer looked back and said ‘maybe.’ Sharon insisted they couldn’t possibly be interested. The dancer said she would ask the guys. But if they wanted to see her ass, she would have to lift her skirt and show them.

Sharon stood silently. I had a smirk on my face knowing she would never go that far. I was stunned when I heard Sharon say OK. I think it was the alcohol talking. As the dancer moved away, I told Sharon I couldn’t believe she agreed to it. She said she hoped I wasn’t offended and anyway, they twenty something guys would never be interested. I told her I thought it was sexy that she had agreed to flash her ass and warned her she needed to be ready to pay up because the guys would surely be interested.

We saw the dancer talking to the group of guys and they all kept looking toward us. There were smiled on their faces. Sharon started to look nervous. The dancer was now moving back our way. She let us know that the guys did indeed want to see her ass. Sharon started to protest but knew that she had made a deal. Sharon looked back at them and they started a show us your ass chant. This was attracting the attention of a few more people.

Sharon, turning even redder, turned away from them and looked at me with questioning eyes. I told her she made the deal. She was concerned I would be upset but I told her to go for it. She was wearing a thong so the flash should be easy. She turned her back to her admirers and slowly pulled her skirt up until her ass was exposed. The guys loved it but complained about her underwear. They just wanted her to start removing clothing. Sharon took a deep breath a put her thumbs into the waistband and slid her thong down her legs. [read more](


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