Step Sister Corruption Part 48 – Day 5 End Hotel (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Have you ever had plans that literally just blow up in your face?

Well that was me.

I didn’t know what to expect at Jessica’s birthday party/dinner with her family.

And I sure as fuck didn’t know their outright hatred of me.

If I knew that I would have found a way to bow out of the dinner.

I tried finding ways to bow out as the emotions started rising but couldn’t find a suitable out.  And once Jessica begged me to stay I was pretty much stuck to endure their hatred.

I think I should deserve an award for everything I went through.

But after they left we decided to stay at a hotel so we could just take the shuttle from the hotel to the airport.

We left the restaurant and went to pick up my bags.  Jessica stayed in the car.  I grabbed my bags and Kel came down to help.  Mainly she wanted the car because she knew I would be leaving tomorrow morning and she needed a vehicle.  My vehicle.

You may ask why she doesn’t have her own car.  

Simple she wrecked her car a couple of months ago.  She says it wasn’t her fault and the records showed that the person who hit her had faulty brakes.  So she got rear ended.  She didn’t get hurt too bad mind you.  Just whiplash, a bruised section from the seat belt that took about a week or so to heal, and what she says is constant migraines.

So Kel was car-less and waiting on insurance to come through to pay her outright for what her car was worth seeing how they already determined it was considered totaled and all her medical bills were paid by her insurance.  

I laugh at her medical bills because there wasn’t a bill because her insurance picked up the tab.  So until the insurance money came in and used whatever money she had saved to put a down payment on a new one.  Kel was for all intensive purposes carless.

She tried her feminine charm on her dad to get a new one but he told her she needed to wait until her insurance money came in to put a nice down payment on a new car.  It was pointless for him to go out and get a new one until that moment happens.

Mom agreed with dad when she tried mom.

So Kelly had been stuck for the last month or so bumming rides from me, Summer, and anyone she could to get around. Or the occasional stealing of my car.

You would think for a girl who was for the lack of better terms gorgeous there would be a line of guys willing to drive Kelly around.  But all the guys she knew she either had already slept with and wanted nothing to do with them.  Or weren’t worth her time in her mind.  So she was stuck with whatever female friends she had which was Summer.  And me of course.

So Kel hopped in the car and was surprised to see Jessica and I filled her in on what happened on the drive to Jessica’s to pick up her bags.

Kel looked back at Jessica to say how sorry she was.

Jessica didn’t notice but Kel gave me a look that told me volumes.  In Kel’s eyes, Jessica’s situation could be Kel’s living hell if not worse if Kel’s dad found out about OUR extra curricular activities.

Thankfully Kel didn’t put two and two together that Jessica and I were going on OUR trip together.

At least I hoped she didn’t put it together.

For all Kel knew was I had a trip planned the same time as Jessica and I was being nice putting Jessica up for the night in a hotel and was staying with her to help her feel better.

At least that was the reasoning I was using.

Once we picked up Jessica’s bags that were sitting on the sidewalk courtesy of her sister Alexis, we were off to the hotel.

Once I checked in, at first they gave me shit because I wasn’t over 25 but once they found my card was in my name I had to pay extra fees.  So after everything was said and done I was paying a whooping $148 for a one night stay plus $25 for the shuttle to the airport.  So instead of their fees supposedly being $79 a night.  I had to pay extra because of last minute, my age, a deposit for damages which supposedly I would get back in a couple of days, and some other stupid fees.

Kind of makes me wish I was 25 so I didn’t have to go through so much shit.  I was just happy they allowed it though the manager came out and I had to explain my story.

A good sob story of protecting Jessica from her abusive parents got the manager to agree.  The manager also wanted to call the police on behalf of Jessica but I assured the manager that the less police are involved the better.  We were just staying the night so we could get her parents to calm down.

Of course the Manager went back to check a few things.  I would imagine to make sure there were no reports on Jessica running away and maybe make sure there were no warrants on us.

But after a few moments the manager came out and charged me for a room.  The manager also gave me a card for the hotel, a card for the police, and a card for a women’s shelter.

I smiled and thanked her.

Once I got everything out of the car and we checked in did Kel leave with my car.


At least we had eaten and both of us were relatively tired.  So having my car leave me kind of put me at edge….kind of.

We took our belongings and by we I mean me.  We got to our room on the 3rd floor.

Jessica pretty much called the bed closest to the A/C and quickly turned on the heater cranking it up to 11.

As soon as I felt the heat I pretty much sighed knowing full well I was going to be sleeping in the nude and probably sleeping in a pool of my own sweat.  GRREEEAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica took off her clothes to reveal her bathing suit and eventually down to nothing.

She walked up to me on my own bed, “mind if I sleep with you tonight?”

Great, not only was I going to be sleeping in my own bed in my buff possibly in a pool of my own sweat but I was going to be covered.

I looked at her and gave her a soft smile before nodding.

She returned the smile and got in bed.

She nuzzled into me sniffing.  I couldn’t tell if she was sniffing ME or sniffling because of earlier events.

After a few moments, Jessica softly spoke, “Do you think I’m a bad person Gabe?”

I looked down at the frail girl and said, “No why?”

She held her head up and looked up at me, “Because my parents think you’re a bad influence on me turning me bad.”

I raised my eyebrows at her shocked and confirmed that yep her parents hated me.

Sad thing is I’ve never done anything to Jessica.  I hadn’t mistreated her.  I never once convinced her to do something she didn’t want to do.

And I sure as fuck didn’t convince her to get her nipples pierced.

That was all Jessica.

I wonder if Jessica blamed all her acts on me?  Could be the reason why they hated me so much.

Jessica continued to look at me, “Well?”

I smiled at her, “No I think you’re good girl.”

This time her eyebrow rose, “Good girl huh?”

I laughed and said, “Not a goodie two shoes girl.”

She poked at me, “So I’m a bad girl.”

I laughed again, “Not bad no.”

She smiled at me, “Then what am I?”

I smiled at her, “You’re the same Jessica I’ve always known.”

She smiled at me and kissed my side causing me to flinch.  

Jessica noticed the flinch and proceeded to kiss my side causing me to flinch more.

Eventually I pushed off my tickle monster trying to contain my laughter.

She pouted at me, “Is somebody ticklish?”

I growled at her, “I’ll show you ticklish.”

And I dove at her.

She in turn shrieked at my sudden action.  Then she squirmed in every direction trying to free herself from my grasp as I attacked each and every single ticklish spot I knew on the girl.

She screamed, “Stop or I’m going to pee!!”  In between bouts of laughter.

I stopped and Jessica flopped onto her stomach trying to catch her breath.

I quickly spanked her bare ass hard and in between my own breaths, “That’s what I thought.”

Jessica cooed when I spanked her ass and started to wiggle it in front of me.

Did this bitch just coo at me?

After what she just went through I’m surprised she was being playful.

If I were her I wouldn’t be playful, I’d probably be by myself and crying in the corner if my parents did what Jessica’s did on her birthday.

Should I do something about it?

There was only one way to find out.

I leaned down in between her legs and lowered myself.

I kissed each cheek.

Jessica cooed more.

I lowered myself down and put my head down so my nose was barely touching flesh.

Jessica readjusted herself and opened herself more revealing her special place.

I used my arm to dig under her legs and hips resting my hands on her cheeks.

I was greeted to a rose bud opening that was slightly glistened.

I kissed the lips.

The owner hummed and cooed.

How my hands were I was still able to lightly spank the right cheek causing a yelp from Jessica.

Looks like my night was just beginning as I stuck my tongue inside my prize.




  1. this is the best series ive ever read, so much so that i literally binge read from ep 1 to this ep in a single night. good job and keep it up, op!

  2. Great job I have to keep myself from reading for a week so I can get a couple of episodes at once. As always looking forward to reading more.

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