I guess I’ll (M) take the (F)riend…

A few years back I'd gone out to the bar with some friends, and an acquaintance who coached girls soccer at a local college brought his grad assistant, Cori, out to the bar with him. Cori was 23, blonde and pretty in that girl-next-door sort of way. She could roll out of the house without makeup and still catch your eye. And on top of that we was a pretty cool girl, so I was after her from the start. I was hitting on her all night and trying to fight my way in, but my acquaintance had warned her about his friends and she was heeding his advice. So I was absolutely elated when, finally at the end of the night, after dancing and making her laugh and doing everything I could think of, she gave in and gave me her number!!

After the requisite 3 days, I called her and we agreed to meet up Sunday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend. However, in the part of the story where I am a raging asshole, I may have lost track of time on that particular Sunday doing a fine bit of day drinking. I raced to get the bar we were supposed to me at, and was down right proud when I got there 15 min early….albeit wearing a tank top and board shorts and good deal past the legal limit (though I walked there to be clear).

Upon walking through the door, I ran nose-to-nose into a girl I'd been set up on a blind date with just two weeks earlier, Cat. Cat was a really nice girl, very petite, 5'6, auburn hair, sophisticated features and looked incredible in a bikini (I was just finding out!!!) despite a below average bust. Our date had gone really well, but I didn't feel like she was into me at all after getting no so much a kiss goodnight, so with no spark I decided not to call back. Cat on seeing me, and apparently hearing I didn't think she was into me, decided to prove it to me by making out with me right there. Before I could even process what was happening, she asked me if I wanted to go back to her place. What followed was two days in bed at Cat's place (though not the main story here), and in the dick move you were waiting for, I stood up Cori for our date. This Cori was very much not happy about. When I finally did respond to her 5 voicemails, I just told her the truth. Obviously, not the whole truth, but enough to make it clear that I was a dick and had stood her up for another girl.

The next weekend I decided to go to a different bar, best to avoid the chance of seeing Cori again. But upon walking into the new bar, what do I see but Cori at the bar with her friends with a tiara on. Yes, it was her birthday her frigging birthday and I was crashing it. I bailed to the other side of the bar and tried to convince my friends to leave, but it wasn't going as quickly as I'd like. Before I could blink she was headed towards me with a drink I was sure I was about to be wearing. When she came over, she was pissed, but in a strange turn wasn't furious because I had been honest with her….which while horrible, she appreciated. I told her I didn't expect to ever win back her trust, but asked if she'd let me buy her and her friends some drinks to at least make myself feel better.

The drinks obviously didn't completely fix things, but Cori invited me and my friends to hang out with her and her friends and soon we were all dancing on the cramped dance floor of this dive bar. Cori wasn't much of a dancer, but this dark haired friend of hers REALLY was and soon enough we found ourselves kind of dancing together. I say "kind of", because I was still a bit of a pariah to her friends, as they'd all heard the story by now, so I think girl code dictated they all kind of had to treat me like shit. But after a couple of songs, I could tell by the way the dark haired girl was backing into me when we were dancing and staring me down when we weren't, that there was something going on with her. Sure enough, as soon as Cori left for the bathroom, the girl came right up to me and said something along the lines of "this is so bad, but I'd like to see you again, give me your phone", and put her name, Kerrie and her number in my phone. Then the girls all left for another bar.

My crew decided to hit a late night bar once all the girls left, and followed out the door only 10 min later or so, only to find Cori and Kerrie and one of their VERY drunk friends right outside the bar. Seems like the drunk girl started puking on the way out of the bar and both girls had taken some collateral damage. They were trying to carry her to a cab but between heels and alcohol they were struggling so I ditched my friends and lended a hand. I got them to the cab, and convinced them to let me take the trip to their apartment and get their friend all the way back home safely.

When we got their Kerrie's place, I carried the drunk girl up an ungodly amount of stairs and through a maze of hallways, before I got her safely positioned in front of a toilet to commence worship. While Cori was grateful for my help, she was still adamant that she would never forgive me and had taken to calling me the "world nicest asshole" for the whole trip, between slurring other insults at me. While Cori went into the living room to pass out on her friends couch, I sat down to rest after my long journey only to notice I was now alone with Kerrie in her bedroom. Kerrie's face while pretty, looked a fair bit better in the dim light of the bar, but her body looked much better now that I could see all of it. She, also a former soccer player, was tall-ish at 5'8, with incredibly toned legs, a bubble but, thin waist and easy C cups.

We made small talk for a few minutes before she brought up giving me her number in a whisper tone, saying "maybe it wasn't a good idea". I told her I thought that was a shame, because I really felt a spark on the dance floor and definitely wanted to see her again. She kept trying to explain how Cori was one of her best friends and that she couldn't do that, but she was still looking at me with that intense look, waiting for me convince her otherwise. So I walked over to her and kissed her, and instantly all that resistance melted away. She started pulling at the buttons on my shirt and pulled me onto the bed on top of her, wrapping her legs around me as we kissed. She kept stopping to look at the open bedroom door, fearing Cori would wake up and walk by, but held tight on to me as to not let me stop even if I wanted to. When she finally let me go, I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, then pulling her dress up and off over her head, so she was laying there in just her best set of matching bra and panties. We continued making out for what seemed like forever, maybe 30 min, with her bra coming off then my belt; at each stage she was clearly torn….hesitant to betray her friend, but unable to control herself and desperately wanting more.

Those panties, however, really proved to be the metaphorical Battle of the Bulge — she just didn't want them to come off!! She didn't want me to stop, no begged me not to, but wanted those panties to stay on as a last line of defense. And I was making it brutal on her, going down on her despite that pesky panty barrier! Licking her inner thigh, pulling her panties aside with my teeth, and generally teasing the shit out of her until they were completely soaked. She exclaimed that I was "killing her" and threatened to do the same with me, to which I said I'd happily oblige. She rolled me over and sat on top of me unbuttoning my jeans, leaning forward to kiss me as she put her hand down my pants. She was kissing me deeply as she grabbed my cock and felt it up and down, then she just stopped and put her head on my chest. Then she looked at me, and said, "of course….you had to have a big dick!" and started making out with me furiously again. I asked her if this meant the panties could finally come off, and she just bit her lip and smiled. I rolled her over and pulled her panties off, pulling off my jeans at the same. I rubbed my dick back and forth across her lips and clit to get it nice and wet and then slowly put in the tip, sliding just a tiny bit deeper each tthrust, her eyes rolling full back in ecstasy and her moans getting louder and louder. But once I gotten all the way in, no more than 1 min in, she asked me to stop. Difficult as it was, I did; and then she said she needed to take me home.

It was a bit of a shock considering how far things had come, but I'm a good guy, so I got dressed and we headed to her car. I only lived a mile and a half away so it was a short ride, and we didn't really talk about that awkward end to things, but I was nonetheless surprised when she asked if she could come in at my place. We walked inside, and she went straight for the bedroom. As I followed her in there, I asked if she was sure this time as I didn't want to pressure her into anything, to which she explained that she can sometimes be loud and she was very afraid she was going to wake Cori based on how things were going. I told her it would have been nice to know that earlier, instead of feeling like I'd done something wrong….but her unbuttoning my pants quickly diffused that line of conversation. Before I knew it, she had my cock in her mouth and was getting me ready get started again. She only went until I was good and hard again, then asked if we could pick up where we left off…..to which I told her "no". She was a bit shocked to say the least, but soon got the picture as I pulled off her shorts and started to go down on her. While she liked it, she was begging for sex, and got a huge smile when I stood up and started rubbing my cock on her clit again like last time. Just when she leaned back ready to take it, I stopped again, and went down on her some more! And kept doing this tease routine 3-4 more times until she was pleading with me to just give it to her, and saying how profusely sorry she was for making me stop before.

With all the anticipation, I almost came as soon as I got inside of her and it certainly did not help that I finally understood what she meant about being "a little loud". With all that build up she came in no time at all, in what felt like a two minute long orgasm, letting out a series of impressive moans, with her eyes rolled back in her head as she writhed around, that I have no doubt woke my roommate up. Then she immediately broke into a smile and case of the giggles, blushing at her complete loss of control. Confidently, I asked her if the sex was worth potentially upsetting her best friend, and she said, "maybe, if you can make me do that again"! To which I set off, to do it again. And again. Then once more for good measure.

It wasn't until the break of dawn that we finally stopped, at which point she promptly left to scurry back into bed before Cori woke up.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/39cahk/i_guess_ill_m_take_the_friend


  1. wow that was amazing. Just curious, would you consider yourself generally attractive.?

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