The Rabbit Hole Part 7 [FF] [Mind Control] [Blank] [Doll] [Free Use] [BDSM]

**Chapter 7: Dolly**


Nadia stood in front of the door, waiting for Bucky the Butler to let her in. She bounced on the balls of her feet, trying to shake out all the nervous energy.

She couldn’t believe it when Penny finally called and asked to see her immediately. She didn’t waste any time calling out of work and claiming to be sick. She was ready to do it for as many days as was necessary if things went the right way.

“What way?” mumbled Nadia to herself. “There was no way for things to go.”

For the past two hours, Nadia had flipped back and forth from wild and inappropriate hope to crushing despair and cynicism. She told herself this was probably a business call, a checkup, nothing more. She told herself that Penny missed her and wanted to see her desperately. She told herself this would be another awkward failed hypnosis session. She wore some skimpy lingerie underneath her royal blue jumper just in case.

Nadia wasn’t sure what “just in case” meant. She knew Penny was gay, but that didn’t mean she was. The last time a girl made a move on her, she freaked out afterwards. She’d spent weeks feeling guilty and ashamed and strange after Joanna, but she couldn’t ignore that she it felt nice. She couldn’t ignore that she came. She couldn’t ignore anything anymore. All she had was time, and time meant hours obsessing and over-analyzing and fantasizing and touching and … yeah.

Needless to say, it was an answer to prayer when Penny called. Time with Penny would at least bring answers, even if those answers were disappointing. Maybe Penny can’t trance Nadia. Maybe that little tug, that tiny moment, that happened last time was a coincidence. It was both wishful thinking and a placebo effect. Either way, answers were way better than sitting in your apartment with nothing but an overactive imagination.

The door swung open to reveal Bucky. “Miss MacQuarrie,” he said in his dry voice.

“I was expected?” said Nadia.

“Indeed. May I take your coat?”

“Sure thing.” Nadia stepped past Bucky and shrugged off her coat before handing it to him. She walked past him and into the main part of the penthouse, the living room/kitchen/dining combination room. The open floor plan was huge. Nadia never got used to the excess of this place.

She heard the door close and turned around. Bucky had stepped out of the penthouse and closed the door behind him.

“Uh … what?” asked Nadia to no one.

“I asked Harold to give us some privacy,” said Penny as she walked out of her office and into the kitchen. Nadia turned back around. Her breath caught.

Penny looked incredible. Better than incredible. She wore a white pantsuit with a light blue blouse beneath her blazer. She had light blue heels to match. Her hair was up in a loose bun, with tiny strategic hairs dangling over her ears.

But it wasn’t in her clothing or face. It was in her posture. She stood up straight, as Penny normally did, but it wasn’t forced. It didn’t look like she had a stick up her butt. She was relaxed but confident. She was composed and totally in control. There wasn’t a desperation or anger to her.

“Penny!” shouted Nadia. She ran to give the hypnotist a hug, then stopped herself. Penny still didn’t want anyone touching her without her permission, and she stiffened as Nadia approached with arms spread wide.

“Hello, Nadia,” said Penny. The discomfort faded from her face. “It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you,” sighed Nadia. “Where have you been?”

“I’ve been conducting research trying to develop a new technique for hypnosis.” Penny smirked.

“You think you can trance me?” Nadia’s heart beat faster. “Did you find something? You think it will work?”

“I did,” said Penny. “I do.”

“Is that why you called me?”

“Precisely. Do you have time to spend on an extended session?”

“Should I call out of work tomorrow? I can. I prepared sub plans and -”

“It shouldn’t take that long,” interrupted Penny with a wave of her hand. Her voice was calm, pleasant. She was amused by Nadia’s eagerness, not annoyed. “A few hours I suspect.”

“Right now?”


It took everything in Nadia not to jump up and down, spin, and clap her hands all at once.

Penny’s smile widened “Ready?” she asked.

“More than anything in the entire world,” said Nadia.

“Then sit,” said Penny. The air around them seemed to shake. It was like a bass note, something deep that shuddered the air entirely.

Nadia felt her body move before her mind could. Her mind felt sluggish. It knew what Penny said, but it didn’t seem to understand as well as the body did. The mind was still trying to figure out what Penny meant by ‘sit’ as though it were wading through molasses. Penny’s body didn’t hesitate. It sat immediately on the floor, cross legged, like a kindergartener.

Penny clapped her hands and laughed. Her laugh was light and pure, like a child seeing their first magic trick or waking up on Christmas morning. She twirled around, planted her feet, and fist pumped in victory.

Nadia saw all that–at least her eyes did–but her mind was still working on the question about the sit command. It was behind everything. Penny calmed herself, got still, cleared her throat, and smoothed out her pants.

“Now, silly, there’s no reason to sit on the ground. Go sit in the living room.”

Nadia’s body moved as Nadia was beginning to wonder why Penny was so excited. Nadia wasn’t in trance. This still wasn’t trance. Nadia’s body obeyed, but her mind was trying to sort things out. It was numb. It was slow, but it wasn’t off.

Nadia sat down in the nearest chair in the living room. Penny clicked her tongue in disapproval.

“Not that one. Move to another seat.”

Nadia did. Penny had her move again. Nadia’s body obeyed. Nadia’s body moved seats seventeen more times while her body was still trying to figure out why Penny was so happy. Why was she clapping? What was she celebrating?

“Now, stand,” commanded Penny.

Nadia’s body obeyed. A part of her mind that would start to think on this in about ten minutes would wonder why this doesn’t bother her. She should be so bothered by her body moving without her permission, but her mind couldn’t keep up with it. It couldn’t worry while it could barely move.

“Clap your hands,” obeyed Penny.

Nadia obeyed.

“Let’s push a little,” said Penny to herself. “Take off your top.”

Nadia’s body shrugged her arms through the sleeves of her jumpsuit and peeled the top down, exposing her lingerie. She was wearing a corset with a black lace fringe that barely covered Nadia’s tiny tits.

Penny smirked to herself. “Oh, Nadia has been a bad girl,” she said. “Have you enjoyed your time with Joanna?”

“Yes,” said Nadia’s body. Her mind would have blushed. Her mind would burn with shame, but her mind was miles behind her body. Her mind was still by the door, wondering why she was sitting on the floor.

“Why are you wearing that?” asked Penny.

“For you.”

“Why me? Are you a lesbian?”


“Good,” said Penny. Her smile widened. “It wouldn’t be any fun if there wasn’t something to change.”

“What do you want?” asked Penny. She circled around Nadia, admiring the young woman’s body. Nadia was always thin–too thin–for the sensual curves in lingerie ads. She was cute. She was perky. She was girlish. She was waifish. Nonetheless, Penny admired her body. Penny inspected each speck of Nadia, looking for something, something Nadia couldn’t understand.

“To be blank,” said Nadia. “To be in trance.”

“This isn’t good enough?” asked Penny. She was genuinely intrigued.

“Not blank,” said Nadia. Her voice was vacant and empty. She was far away from this moment. She was far away from her body. Her consciousness was sitting and standing seventeen times while her subconscious was speaking her deepest desires and her body obeyed.

“Go blank,” commanded Penny.

The lights went out in Nadia’s mind. She could still see. Her senses were aware and working to help her process the world. She could feel the floor supporting her. She could feel the cool air moving over her skin. She could feel, but she could not regard it with interest or apathy. She was incapable of either. Her mind processed her senses, but her senses led. She could watch them float by like floating down a river. She was not caught up in them like normal. Her mind was indifferent to the sensations.

Traditionally, Nadia’s mind was a noisy place. She was excitable, eager, passionate, nervous, scared, insecure, panicky, curious, and self-conscious. Never before in her life had she been able to feel a thing without immediately analyzing it. She would ask if she should feel it or why she feels it or if she wants to keep feeling it. She would ask if others could tell and what would they think, and did they make her feel this way intentionally. She would ask ten thousand questions and none of them helped. No amount of answers calmed her mind.

In the end, it was Penny that calmed the storm. Nadia’s mind had walked out of a hurricane and into a silent and snowy morning. Everything was clear and bright. Everything was simple and sharp.

Nadia’s body smiled.

“Follow,” commanded Penny.

Nadia’s body followed Penny. They rounded the corner and instead of turning right into Penny’s office, they turned left. They walked past one door and came to a door at the right, at the end of the hallway. There, Penny opened the door and walked into her bedroom. Nadia’s body followed.

Penny’s bedroom was clean. It had grey walls and a white ceiling. Her bed had light grey sheets with black pillows. The color palate was muted and simple. There was nothing bright or festive. It was sterile. Nadia would have disapproved. Nadia’s body didn’t care. Nadia’s body only saw the bed and stirred Nadia’s groin.

Nadia, were she there, would want to thank Penny. She would want to fall on her knees and worship Penny for giving her the one thing she’d wanted in life. She would kiss Penny’s feet. She would do whatever Penny wanted. Penny didn’t need these powers. Nadia would helplessly follow her. She was devoted. She called Penny every day for months. She dreamt of Penny. She wrote about Penny in her journals. She masturbated thinking of Penny. She wanted to kiss her, hold her, and adore her.

But what Nadia wanted didn’t matter anymore. Nadia would speak when Penny told her to. Nadia would say what Penny told her to say. She would do whatever Penny wanted, no more.

“Hmmm,” said Penny as she walked into the bedroom. Penny walked around the bed, pacing, almost as if teasing the bed. Or perhaps Nadia, But Nadia’s couldn’t be teased. Only Nadia’s body could be teased, and it was. It kept its eyes on the bed. It felt the air move over its exposed skin. It felt the lace and corset hug its body.

“What should I do with you?” asked Penny. “I’m forced to admit that I wasn’t entirely convinced this would work. I didn’t dare plan about what I would do if I could bring you under. Now you’re there. Your mind is a playground for me. I could do anything I wanted with you. For example,” Penny sat on the edge of the bed and cross her legs, “take off your jumpsuit.”

Nadia’s body obeyed. She peeled down her top and the pants, exposing the black garter belt, stockings, and no panties. She kicked off her flats. Nadia would have covered herself. She would have hidden behind her arms. Nadia was gone. Nadia’s body stood relaxed, bare, and thoughtless.

“Such a slut,” said Penny. “I have to be careful now, you know. A comment like that could make you a slut. A simple confirmation of a belief can make it reality. Hyperbole can be reached. For example, if I teasingly say that ‘you never wear panties,’ now you won’t. Ever. An observation becomes an irreversible reality.”

The new thought floated down the river of Nadia’s mind and lodged itself on the shore. It became the shore. Nadia doesn’t wear panties. Not ever. She did in the past, but that was strange. That was out of character. It’s best if she never does that ever again. She won’t. It can’t happen.

“I wonder if I’m the most powerful woman in the world, now,” mused Penny. “I sincerely wonder if anyone can stop me. Would Reyna obey my commands? You know, I had the pleasure of watching her cast her spell over someone once. It’s slow. It’s careful. It’s so much more a seduction than what I can do. The same is true for Camille. They compel people to obey, to change. I force them. My power is instant and overwhelming. You feel it, don’t you? You feel that there is no choice. It is automatic. Once you were Nadia, and now you are my plaything. It’s as simple as that.”

Penny seemed bothered by Nadia’s lack of response. Nadia’s body wouldn’t speak without a command to do so.

“Oh, come here and get on your knees before a goddess,” commanded Penny.

Nadia’s body obeyed. It felt the tug of strings that were Penny’s words. The words lifted Nadia’s feet, raised her thigh to bend, tilted her weight forward, and Nadia’s body walked. It walked, but it was the string of Penny’s words that moved her. Without the words, Nadia was empty, a husk. Nadia’s body stood before Penny, and then lowered itself to its knees. It knelt before Penny, and she seemed to approve.

“I could do worse to you than you could imagine,” said Penny. “I’ve found that my effects are permanent unless I reverse them. Sure, you living without panties sounds hot, but then imagine how cold it gets? Imagine being on your period? Imagine a boyfriend asking why you don’t own any? And that was a simple one. That was nothing. It was almost by accident. Imagine what I could do with purpose. With intentionality.”

Penny’s smile widened. “Speaking of boyfriend, did you ever find out what happened to little old Joe? That long lost boyfriend of yours?”

“No,” said Nadia’s body.

“You know Joanna, don’t you?”


“Well, there you go. That’s young Joseph. He’s trapped, deep inside that bimbo’s body is little Joe. He watches everything she does, but he can’t stop her. Just as you’re trapped in your body right now, so is he. But I’ve set his body on a self-destructive path of debauchery and whoredom. I know she’s told you she’s a lesbian, and she is, but I’ve helped Joe learn his way around a cock. Many cocks. The most he can do at once is three, but we’re working on it. There’s room to grow.”

Nadia’s body sat placid, listening to Penny but not reacting. Nadia’s body didn’t care, though Nadia herself would certainly have been repulsed. Nadia would almost vomit knowing that Penny changed Joe’s body, mind, and sexuality permanently over some slight resistance at a hypnotist show. Joe did almost nothing wrong, and Penny gave him embarrassingly huge tits. Joanna has severe back pain from those tits, and that was Penny’s punishment.

“Awful, isn’t it?” said Penny.

Nadia’s body said nothing.

“People shouldn’t cross me,” sighed Penny. “Furthermore, he was a bully. I know he was. He told me everything. He hit you, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” said Nadia’s body.

“And you had only been on a few dates. You would cringe to hear what he’d done to other women. I imagine I could have pressed charges for that party in college, but that wouldn’t be enough. He’d get a slap on the wrist, but then he’d go back out in the world and do it again. He’d never learned, so I had to take away his ability to hurt people. He’ll never do it again. Joanna is only capable of helping people. She helps, and she serves. That is her purpose.”

Nadia’s body said nothing.

A wicked smile crossed Penny’s face. “But you like it,” she commanded, and it was true. “You’ve been obsessed with hypnosis. You find it so hot that I turned him into what he hates. I made him what he hurts. You like his punishment. You think it’s fitting. It turns you on.”

Nadia’s body warmed. Her pussy flooded with lust. Yes, it turned her on. Men getting what they deserved, becoming eager bimbo sluts, that’s exactly what she liked. She loved to see Penny corrupt and twist them. She loved knowing her boyfriend is now everything he hated, everything he took advantage of. Goddess, that was so hot.

Nadia’s body let out a quiet moan.

Penny giggled and stood. She went to the nightstand next to her bed, opened the drawer, and took out a scrapbook. She sat down in front of Nadia’s body and tilted it up, showing it to her while she turned the page, as if reading a book to a child.

“Here,” she said as she turned the page, “are all my conquests.” Each page was dedicated to a man. It was filled with before pictures and after pictures. The before pictures were all men that looked like assholes like Joe. They were indignant, tough, rude, heavy, bald, or tattooed. They were awful. The after pictures were all wonderful bimbo sluts. Not all of them were pretty. Some looked like overweight drag queens. But all of them were transformed. All of them had pictures of them in lingerie, t dressed in formal wear, on their knees sucking cock, being fucked up the ass, and living out a life of debauchery.

Nadia’s body warmed everywhere. Her skin went flush from her thighs, to her face, to her arms. She was hungry with desire. This was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. This is what Penny did? It was beautiful. It was powerful. It was erotic. It was just. Yes, more than anything, it was just. The world needed Penny.

“You like,” commanded Penny, and Nadia’s body loved what she saw. “But all of this was before I found these new powers. Imagine what I could do now. I could turn them with a word. I won’t need months of reprogramming. I could get a doctor to perform the surgery for free, with a word. I can push as hard as I want, and no one would stop me.”

“I’m not limited to body behaviors. Personality? Preference? There is so much to play with in a human mind. For example, you hate Joe.”

Nadia’s body clenched her fist. She remembered the first time he hit her. She remembered each time he apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again. He didn’t get the second chance. That piece of shit was taken by Penny. Penny saved Nadia from him. She saved Nadia and gave Joe what he deserved, that motherfucker.

“Good girl,” cooed Penny. “Very good girl. Are you comfortable on your knees?”

“No,” said Nadia’s body.

“Good. Stay there. I’m going to ask you a few questions.”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Oh none of that. People repeat me enough during my day job. I won’t have it from you.” Penny uncrossed her legs and moved closer to the edge of the bed. Nadia’s head was between Penny’s knees, but not close enough to lick Penny’s crotch. Not yet.

“I have some questions for you. Look me in the eyes while I’m talking,” snapped Penny.

Nadia’s body obeyed, tilting the neck up to watch Penny’s eyes closely.

“Why can’t you be tranced?” asked Penny.

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, sure you do. What is it about you that I couldn’t get through?”

“I don’t know. If I knew, I would tell you. I want to be tranced.”

“What do your parents do?” asked Nadia.

“My father is a pastor. My mother is his wife.”

Penny smiled. “Do they know about your hobbies?”


“Should I make you tell them?”

“Please, no,” whined Nadia.

Penny’s smile faded. “Go blank.”

Nadia was gone. There was only Nadia’s body.

“What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?” asked Penny. Her voice was sharp, angry.

“I convinced a girl that her crush would like her if she gained weight because he liked curvy girls. She gained thirty pounds. He told her she was fat.”

“What is your deepest fear?”

“Failing my family,” said Nadia’s body. The tone was gone from her voice. Nadia’s body knew the fear well. It made her panic when she thought she would be exposed, when she thought she wouldn’t measure up. It did everything it could to keep her focused and on track.

“You will fail them,” said Penny.

For a moment, a brief moment, Nadia returned to her body. She wanted to protest. She wanted to panic, but the airwaves around them seemed to ripple and vibrate again. It was a command. Nadia would fail them. She would not live up to the expectations or hopes of her parents.

As the new part of her identity, being a failure to her parents, settled in, Nadia relaxed. She had spent so long being afraid of that, but it was over now. She was a hypno slut. She was a doll. She fucked Joanna. She spent most of her free time trying to be in trance or masturbating. She was a failure. She didn’t have to worry anymore.

Nadia relaxed and fell silent. She went back into the background, went back to being blank. Nadia’s body took over. The silence and nothingness took over.

“What is your deepest, darkest, erotic fantasy?” asked Penny.

“To be a mindless doll, a fucktoy to be used and played with,” said Nadia’s body quickly.

Penny laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh, it’s perfect!” Penny swung one leg over Nadia’s head, and stood up, heading over to her nightstand. “The girl who can’t go into trance wants to be mindless more than anything?”

“Yes,” said Nadia’s body.

“But you can be mindless now,” said Penny. “In fact, with a simple command, I could remove a mind from you forever. It wouldn’t be a trance. You would be braindead, controlled only by me, by my words.” As Penny spoke, her breath became heavier, huskier. “You would be like a trophy,” she whispered.

Penny turned around and came back to Nadia’s body.

“You will be my toy,” she said. “You are my toy.” Nadia’s body accepted the command. It warmed at the idea, heating up with lust and desire.

“Your name is Dolly. Whenever I call you Dolly, you will go blank and be my toy. Otherwise, you will be Nadia. Commands given to Dolly do not apply to Nadia. Is that clear?”

“Yes.” Nadia’s mind split in two seamlessly. Nadia went to sleep, and for her, Dolly was like a dream person. Dolly was Nadia’s body without Nadia. Dolly was blank. She needed the strings of Penny’s words to move. Dolly was for Penny to play with. She needed no preference except arousal, and whatever Penny did aroused her. Whatever Penny wanted aroused her.

“Mmm, yes,” said Penny. She bit her lip and sat on the edge of the bed. “I like. This, I like.”

Dolly did not smile. It would not smile without the strings moving her.

“Strip Dolly.”

Dolly obeyed. She immediately started to strip, though doing so without standing was difficult. She could not stand. She did not have permission to stand. The strings had lifted her to her feet.

Penny rolled her eyes and sighed. “Stand.”

Dolly stood.

“You can’t do it without me saying so?”


“If you are stuck like that, you have permission to ask. You can ask to make it more convenient,” said Penny.

“What is convenient?” asked Dolly.

“Mmmm,” purred Penny. “Yum.” Penny took off her jacket, folded it, and put it on the bed. “You like being a doll.”

Dolly became more aroused. Dolly needed no help. Nadia had already been there. She was aroused to see Penny. She was aroused to be controlled. She was aroused to be made blank. She was aroused to become Dolly. Penny would not know how turned on Dolly was already because she did not ask.

Penny stepped out of her heels and put them in the closet. Dolly did not watch closely; she had not been told to watch. Penny peeled down her pants and carefully placed them on the bed. She took off her panties and put them in the hamper. They were damp.

Penny sat back on the edge of the bed and spread her legs.

“You love licking pussy,” said Penny.

Dolly did.

“Lick my pussy. Serve me.”

Dolly knelt down in front of Penny and obeyed. She put one hand on each of Penny’s thighs and pressed her face against Penny’s pussy. She did not hesitate. She was not afraid. Later, as Nadia recounted this, she would shiver with shame and lust. Nadia wasn’t a lesbian, but Dolly had no gender. Dolly had no preference. Dolly was a toy. She was Penny’s vibrator if Penny wanted it. She was Penny’s fleshlight if Penny wanted it. She was a hole, a mouth, a tongue. She was arms and a pussy. She was an ass and tits. She was skin and blood. She was nails and bone. She was hair and nipples.

But she wasn’t a person. Not anymore.

“Oh yes,” said Penny as Dolly took her first licks. Dolly wasn’t gentle. She wasn’t reserved. There was nothing to be afraid of, no social custom to bend to. Dolly wasn’t turned on to do it. She wasn’t turned off to do it. For Dolly, the arousal was in being controlled. Penny could tell her to wash the dishes, and she would get wet. She could tell her to break her own hand, and it would turn her on.

To be owned was to be loved. To be controlled was to be aroused.

“Oh fuck,” sighed Penny. She tilted her torso back and her hips forward, pressing her soaked pussy further against Dolly’s face and mouth.

“More,” moaned Penny. “Give me more.”

The strings pulled Dolly’s tongue as deep as she could go. She ignored the clit and tried to get her tongue as deep as she could into Penny’s pussy. Penny started grinding her hips against Dolly’s mouth, and Dolly kept her tongue out, rigid, and deep. Penny rode Dolly’s tongue like a dildo, and Dolly was a dildo.

“Fuck,” said Penny. “Holy shit.”

Penny reached behind her head and undid her bun. Her hair cascaded over shoulders in tiny waves. She shook it out and pressed her hips deeper against Dolly’s mouth. She leaned back on her arms and used them to push herself harder and harder against Dolly’s mouth. She lifted one hand and undid the buttons on her blouse. She was wearing a white lace bra. With the free hand, she reached around and unclasped her bra.

“Take it off,” she commanded. “Take off my fucking bra.”

Dolly kept her tongue deep in Penny’s mouth. She reached up and helped slide Penny’s bra off her body.

“Play with my nipples,” she commanded.

Dolly obeyed, using her hands to tease and flick Penny’s nipples.

“Fucking twist them,” commanded Penny.

Dolly obeyed. She gripped them tightly and twisted. As she did, Penny’s hips raised high, her whole body spasmed with pleasure.

“Get me off, bitch. Make me cum.”

Dolly obeyed. She twisted the nipples hard. She obeyed perfectly. She gave Penny exactly what she wanted. She pressed her tongue hard against Penny’s clit and flicked the tip. Nadia didn’t know this maneuver, but Dolly did. Dolly could do anything commanded of her.

Dolly brought one hand off of Penny’s nipple and used it to pump in and out of Penny’s pussy with two fingers. At this, Penny started moaning loudly. She grunted with each pump of Dolly’s fingers. Her stomach and back spasmed, but Dolly didn’t stop. She wasn’t commanded to make her feel good. She was commanded to make her cum. Penny would cum.

Penny’s body went rigid. She held tight and smacked Dolly’s hand away from her nipple.

“Stop,” she commanded, and Dolly obeyed.

Penny lay there on the bed, half naked and breathing hard for several minutes. Dolly waited on her knees, waiting for another command, but Penny kept breathing. Eventually, she got up, rolled off the bed, and grabbed her pants and jacket. She hung them up in her closet and then went into the bathroom.

Dolly heard crying from the bathroom, but she didn’t move. Nadia would have moved had she been there. She would have asked what was wrong. She would have worried, but Dolly had no worries. Dolly would wait for Penny to come back. Either Penny would give her more commands, or Penny would send Dolly away and bring Nadia back. All of it was up to Penny.

The shower came on, and Dolly waited. Time passed. Dolly didn’t mind. She couldn’t mind. An hour later, Penny came out of the shower in a bathrobe. She was surprised to see Dolly still there, on her knees, waiting for the strings to pull her.

“You’re still here?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Dolly.

“I guess I … forgot …” Penny rocked back and forth on her heels nervously. “Sorry.”

Dolly didn’t reply. She was not asked to.

“Do you need to go?” asked Penny.

“No,” said Dolly.

“Can you … um … stay with me a bit?”

“Yes,” said Dolly.

“Get on the bed,” said Penny.

Dolly obeyed. She climbed up on the bed. Her legs were stiff. The knees were sore, bruised, and the skin was cracked in some places. She sat with her feet to one side and crossed. She looked back at Penny eagerly, waiting for another command. She was still wet. Even waiting by the bed was being controlled by Penny. As long as she was under Penny’s control, she would be wet.

“Lay down,” said Penny.

Dolly obeyed.

“Get comfortable.”

Dolly relaxed and found a more natural position. Penny crawled on top of the bed and laid down next to Dolly.

“Hold me,” said Penny.

Dolly obeyed. She wrapped her arms around Penny. Penny turned to one side, becoming the little spoon, and Dolly became the big spoon. She kept both arms wrapped around Penny and pressed her legs up against the back of Penny’s own.

Penny lay there in silence for a long time, and Dolly held her. There were no commands but the one, and Dolly obeyed. Dolly was wet when Dolly obeyed.

“Did you like that?” asked Penny.


“Was it good?”


“Good. Good,” said Penny. “Stay the night, okay?”

“Okay,” said Dolly.

They laid like that for hours. Occasionally, Penny would cry. Sometimes it was a soft shudder or shaking, and other times it picked up to more violent sobs. Dolly never let her go. She was told to hold Penny, and she did.

She didn’t stop even when Penny fell asleep and her power left Nadia’s body. Nadia returned, and Dolly went to sleep, and still she didn’t let Penny go.

Nadia didn’t let go.

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