Before the Night Ends Part 2 (MF, MMF, Noncon, Dubcon, Impregnation, Erotic Horror)

As she finished talking, she undid the front clasp of her bra and shrugged it off, now entirely naked and struck a pose, squeezing her tits together lewdly. “Don’t you, like what you see,” she asked suggestively.

Henry tore his yes from the windows and focused again on Etta. How had he ever managed to take his eyes off her in the first place? Etta was the very definition of beauty: dark hair contrasting her pale skin, and ample breasts complimenting the flare of her hips without looking comical. She was a porn model, a wet dream come to life.

Only, that didn’t seem quite right.

Had she always looked this good? Henry flashed back to when he had first saw her across the room an hour ago – hadn’t her eyes drawn him to Etta then, and not her pouty, fuckable lips? Could her dark blouse really have concealed amazing tits this big? Surely he would have noticed those when they had met. He struggled to remember through the fog of lust. No, her tit’s must have always looked like that, he reasoned. Something like that couldn’t just change, could it? Still, doubt lingered in the back of his mind though as he continued to stare: if she had always looked this good, why was she with him? Why would she have showed up alone to the showing in the first place, and why would she have wandered into a broom closet with him?

“Don’t you think you’re a little you know,” Etta said leaning provocatively against the back of a couch, legs spread wide to tempt him, “overdressed.”

She was right of course, Harry shook his head, to clear out the cobwebs. The weirdness of wherever they had ended up, the inconsistencies with her voluptuous appearance, none of that mattered. All that mattered was his desire for Etta. Letting his clothes fall away as he went, Henry left a haphazard trail from closet to couch. He could smell her arousal from here. He could practically taste it, and that was all that mattered. Tasting her. She wasn’t just hot, she was hot for him and no one else. Not Rick or any of her other ex’s, and if Becky found them locked in the throes of ecstasy, well – it would just show her what she was missing out on.


If she had wanted to keep him then she should have saved some sex for him instead of fucking around with all the other guys in her life. Unbidden Henry’s mind started to flip through all of the men in his girlfriend’s life that he had worried about at some point. The locked phones, the dating apps, the ex’s that she was still friends with, and that yoga instructor she told him not to worry about – Jeff something. Even her boss who was flamboyantly gay was not spared by his jealously as Henry pictured Becky getting tag teamed by Steve and his gay partner on the desk in her office.

Henry paused, standing between Etta’s outstretched thighs, by the incongruity of what he was thinking about and where he was at. This wasn’t like him. He was actively cheating on his girlfriend right now, at this moment, and he was getting angry about the fact that she might be cheating on him?

In that moment, he knew he had to get back to Becky. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but he knew they could work through all of that, so long as he could get out of here.

“Etta, where are we.” It was a strange question to be asking someone when you dick was pointing at their pussy, Henry noted self-consciously.

She smiled looking up at him, and reached down to grab him by the dick, which was really a good description of their relationship since he had met her, and proceeded to rub it up and down her soaking slit. “Right where we need to be big boy, you asked for room – space to stretch me out and enjoy me, I think you said. Well, here you are.”

Henry wanted to break away, to go and put his clothes back on and do the right thing, which would be a first for the night if he had managed it, but he was powerless against those eye. Their barely constrained lust froze him in place while Etta continued to rub his cock head against her velvety pussy lips. The torture was exquisite – an invitation to ecstasy if ever he had felt one.

“Don’t tell me you’re all bark and no bite,” she said, finally breaking eye contact to look down. Henry followed her gaze, which was probably a mistake. He’d felt the pleasure of radiating from his dick, but looking down he could see it too, and more importantly, he could see how easy it would be to shove it all inside of Etta in one clean thrust made it that much harder to do the right thing.

But he couldn’t. Reluctantly Henry took a step back. “I really should be going.”

“If you have to,” Etta said pouting, “I just need to show you one thing first.”

“Oh yeah,” Henry said, bending over to pick up his shirt, “haven’t I already seen everything you have to offer?”

Etta laughed then, and the sound chilled him. “Honey, if I showed you everything I had, you wouldn’t be breathing.”

“I just want to introduce you to some of our other guests. Personally, I like a little fight,” she called out over her shoulder as he watched her hypnotic ass sway while she glided across the room. “That’s just what we need around here – a little fight. Unfortunately, so many men succumb without even putting up a struggle.”

Henry followed hesitantly. The closer that he got to what he’d taken for statues, the more he could see something was wrong.

“Don’t be rude Henry, there are a few people I want to introduce you to, Etta called out to him, and for a few more steps he did, automatically, but the scene in front him was so palpably creepy that he sopped almost immediately. when he saw that almost no one in her little party were wearing any clothes, he stopped abruptly. There were four of them there, two men were standing and facing away from him, one woman sitting on the floor, and another person too old to determine the sex of sitting in a chair.

“Alright Etta, what the hell is going on.” Henry said, finding his spine with a little help from fear. “Is this an orgy or something, did you drug these people?”

Her laugh was melodious, and would have been disarming if he wasn’t so keyed up. “No Henry. No Orgy, no drugs, although I think there’s some cocaine left on the table over there if you would like. You really don’t seem like the type,” she guessed, correctly.

“This is Gregory. He’s our master of ceremonies for this little get together.” The man she gestured to sat naked from the waist down on a large wing backed chair. His skin was grey, and his breathing labored. “He won’t be with us much longer unfortunately, but he was a lot of fun while he lasted.”

Not that Henry was going to get any closer, but from here it looked like someone had tied him down with thin black rope. “Perhaps if we untie him or get him to a doctor,” he suggested, “we might be able to help him.”

“No,” Etta said gazing down on him, “He’s lived a good life, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. He would hate to end up on one of those machines.”

“Now don’t interrupt while I introduce the rest of our guests,” she said, continuing to walk around the circle.

“This is Heinrich,” she said gesturing to one off the men standing naked but facing away from him, “and this is Enrique” she said gesturing to the other man. “They both came in from Europe to join our little party. Heinrich is from Austria, and Enrique hails from Portugal. The old country – isn’t that exciting?”

“Lastly we have little Henrietta here.” Etta put her hands on Heritta’s shoulders, though she didn’t react. “I’m not sure who would be cruel enough to name their daughter Henrietta, but she’s a real treat – do you like that outfit I wore to the Gallery opening? She loaned it to me. We’re the same size, well, were the same size.”

Henry looked from Etta to Henrietta and back again. The girl on the ground looked to be an attractive twentysomething. She was just as naked as Etta who loomed behind her, but compared to the standing woman, she was an anorexic waif. There wasn’t even a comparison.

“Etta – what the fuck is going on here.” Henry said looking up from Henrietta. “Why do you have all these people here, and why aren’t they moving, and another thing, why does everyone but that first guy have the same name? Our name.”

Etta beamed at him. “Well aren’t you the clever one. It’s sort of a themed party in my honor – and I did tell you my name was Henry. I wasn’t lying about that.”

“As to why they aren’t moving, she continued, “They are, you’re just too busy being a wallflower to see all the subtleties of the situation.” She reached out an arm and gestured for him to come over, making her tits jiggle a little.

Henry was surprised to find he was still turned on despite his slowly blooming fear and the unreality of the situation. Those tits were really incredible, but not incredible enough to make him get any closer to whatever was going on over there.

“Fine Henry, I’ll level with you.” Etta finally said flouncing prettily, breaking their standoff. “Gregory here summoned me from the pits of hell to take care of a little something for him.”

“I don’t believe in Hell,” Henry asserted. “Why don’t you start over.”

“From the pits of hell,” she started again “but he drew his summoning circle for shit, and I got free almost immediately and made some plans of my own.”

“You expect me to believe,” Henry started, but Etta chose that moment to reach up and smooth out her hair revealing a pair of sharp and slightly twisted devil’s horns. Each was only a couple of inches long, but they were exquisite looking props of twisting black bone. She must have paid good money for them.

“Neat trick,” was his only response.

“Are we on TV? Is this some weird reality show I’ve never heard of?” A lifetime of Hollywood had taught him that stuff that weird had to be a trick.

“You tell me,” Etta said, smiling. She chose that moment to unfurl a pair of wings. They were beautiful, vaguely purple but mostly transparent with black veins, and utterly inhuman.

“That the actual fuck,” Henry blurted out, intending to take a quick step back and bolt for the door. Instead he found that his legs didn’t move. They tried, he felt the muscles fire and flex, but ultimately it was like he was glued to the floor. Looking down, that proved to be an apt description. The black surface he’d been walking on wasn’t burn damage or paint. It was ink. Swarms of letters and symbols moving and skittering like little bugs. It wasn’t possible, except for maybe as an expensive special effect, but it was happening.

Henry watched in slowly dawning horror as lines of language and strange symbols crawled inexorably up his legs like a swarm of angry insects. He screamed then. It wasn’t manly, but it was a natural enough reaction given the circumstance. He screamed and pulled one of his legs up from the floor, trying to break free from whatever was happening. Instead he saw the lines tighten around that leg, their edges drawing blood like so much razor wire.

“It will only hurt if you fight it,” Etta said soothingly, walking away from her other friends to join him. “I mean, I appreciate the struggle more than anyone she said, offering him a wide smile that showed how sharp her teeth had become all of the sudden, “but I’m the spider, you’re the fly, and this is my web.”

When she reached him she grasped his hands with hers, and kissed him hard. Henry wanted to fight both actions, but like a hypothermic man finally succumbing to the cold he was having trouble fighting anything as the dark tendrils wound their way up his body and into his spine.

“Why are you doing this,” was the best he could manage, when she broke the kiss. “Why me.”

Gently Etta took his hand and started him walking toward the others again. This time he didn’t try to fight it, he couldn’t, it hurt too badly.

“I mentioned the circle earlier. The one that summoned me?” Etta’s tone had turned sweet and solicitous again now that he was cooperating. “Well, when a circle is flawed a demon can escape, and they all are, its just a matter of finding it. Sometimes it can take years.”

“This one though failed in minutes,” she said gesturing to the wide black ring around the glowing light, “and would have fallen apart entirely within the day, and when that happens, I have to go back to hell.”

“Hell is nice and everything, I don’t mind it at all” she said, caressing his back idlily while pointing to the light. “That’s it right there, but when a girl like me finally gets to earth she likes to have a good time, and I wasn’t ready to go back quite yet.”

“You’re sending me to hell?” Henry asked incredulously.

“You?” H Laughed. “No, no, no, quite the opposite. You’re just holding the door open until I’m ready to go back. I’m sure you’ve heard all about true names in fairy tales and all that. I just need a few Henry’s to hold open the door while I have a couple more night out on the town. I’n your case probably only one more night.”

“You might even survive the experience,” she said, a note of optimism creeping into her voice. “Gregory dies when the spell dies, which is fine, he’s suffered enough.”

“Enique and Heinrich? It’s not looking too good for either of them – they’ve been in my circle for almost a week now.” From where he stood now Henry could see their faces, rapt and dehydrated while their hips jerked and cocks spasmed occasionally, dead to the world.

“Henrietta – I brought her over the night before last. I’d say she’s got a fifty-fifty shot at getting through this.” Of all the people trapped in her circle, only Henrietta was still responsive, her eyes tracking them as they walked, and her body occasionally shuddering in some sort of palsy. “and you should be pulling for her too – the girl has a gifted tongue and it would be a shame for society if that was lost. Make sure you tell the paramedics that when they find you.”

“Holding the door open, to hell?” Henry labored to create the simple sentence. His every thought at this point was of sex and gratification.

“Okay, since I don’t actually want the door to open just yet, that might not be the best metaphor.” Etta said, looking thoughtful as she tried to think of another way to explain it. “How about this, you know the Dutch story about the kid and the dyke? Well, the circle is the dyke, and you’re the little Dutch boy, and you’re going to plug the hole, just not with your finger.”

She smiled then at her own cleverness, and while Henry was distracted by trying to understand what she had said and formulate a follow up, she grabbed his hard cock and suggestively slid her hand up and down it a couple times causing it to start oozing precum almost immediately.

“So what do you say Henry, one last fuck for the road? I’ve got to go soon – places to be, souls to ruin and all that. I can think of at least a couple more things I want to do before the night ends.”

He wanted to say no. He wanted to say he needed to go back to the party. He wanted to tell Becky he was sorry, but when he opened his mouth the only thing he managed was “Please fuck me,” as a breathy plea.

“With pleasure,” Etta responded, pushing him hard toward the circle.

That’s it, Henry thought as he fell flailing toward the pit of fire. I’m going to hell. But he stopped suddenly the edge, his hands pushing against an invisible wall.

“You can’t fall in,” Etta said behind him. “your name can no more easily violate the boundary than mine.”

Henry breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at it up close like this, it didn’t seem like the sort of place that anyone would want to visit. At last the poses of the other people around the circle made sense. Each one was stuck in the chain – a circuit of eldritch powered by human lust.

He began to relax, but then felt something brush his ass. Something that felt like the tip of a dick.

‘She wouldn’t’ he thought helplessly, ‘she couldn’t. As he felt the pressure intensify.

If she had a dick instead of a pussy he would have seen it. She’d been prancing around naked for the last twenty minutes. Unless she was hiding it however she had hidden her wings and horns. The thought chilled him to the bone.

“Etta, what are you doing?” Henry protested weakly, “you need to stop.”

“What’s a matter big boy?” Etta said bemused as she rubbed whatever she was packing against his virgin ass, spreading heat before she started to force whatever equipment she was packing past his sphincter, and slowly inside of him. “You told me I could fuck you, you can’t just change your mind, a girl has needs.”

Etta moaned in pleasure. And not just for the pure physical component of the tight mortal flesh wrapped around her dick. He really was a virgin – and nothing felt better to a demon than the corruption of innocence.

“Nooooo,” Henry yelled, tightening up and trying to stop her as she thrust into him. He tightened his sphincter as much as he could, but that only made the pain worse as the tip pressed inside him and passed the muscle. Not, not like this,” Henry stammered, thinking back to their earlier conversation. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t consent. You have to stop.”

“Ohh, that’s adorable” Etta said, pausing the relentless advance of her member for a moment, her voice dripping with mockery “You think it’s like I’m a vampire and I need your permission. I got bad news for you,” she said sliding another couple inches painfully inside, “That’s not how it works honey.”

“I. Take. What. I. Want.” Etta said, punctuating each word with a sharp shallow thrust that felt like it was re arranging his insides.

Aside from a girl in college Henry had dated that liked to try to stick a finger up his butt during sex because she had read somewhere that it made guys cum harder, Henry had never had anything up his ass. Certainly not a cock, and certainly not a cock that was bigger than his. He did the only thing he could do in this situation – he screamed in pain as Etta’s dick probed ever deeper inside him.

“You still owe me seven minutes,” she whispered, “and two orgasms, by my count lover boy, and fair’s fair.”

“Please, Christ stop,” Henry could feel something inside him tearing. “It hurts, oh god it hurts.”

“Poor baby” Etta said, her own obvious pleasure wiping out any hint of the intended mockery in her voice as she finally bottomed out. “You know what they say about rape, right” she said in his ear as she began the long slow slide out. “Once it starts, the only thing you can do is lie back and enjoy it.”

Henry felt the feeling of violation and fullness reverse as she pulled out, and was left with a feeling of emptiness and a vague burning before Etta reversed course and started to thrust inside him once more. Each one off these cycles was accompanied by his own screams and cries along with her moans as she exalted in the feeling of his tight asshole.

He tried to struggle or pull away, but by the point the runic lines had crawled along all of his limbs and held him in place as tightly as any barbwire. Struggling only spread the pain from his ass to his limbs. Worst of all was how hard it made his cock. Despite being tortured, he was embarrassingly, painfully erect. While he contemplated that, Etta’s tail – an impossible statement in itself – reached around and coiled itself around his dick, jerking him off ass she pounded his ass.

When each thrust, timed to her demonic reach around started to feel good, Henry didn’t know whether he was more surprised or ashamed. After the pleasure continued to build inside him and a moan escaped his lips, the balance had definitely tipped in favor of ashamed.

“No need to be embarrassed Henry,” Etta whispered triumphantly, “There’s nothing wrong getting fucked in the ass by a demon. I’m a generous lover.”

She pumped her tail up and down his prick then, stroking him in a sinuous inhuman sort of way. Human orifices, didn’t ripple and pulse this way, not even the most talented mouth. And despite himself Henry’s hips shuddered and jerked in pleasure. It was in this moment that his anus started to loosen up, and a switch flipped inside his brain as all of the pain, amplified by the helplessness and fear of this moment turned to pleasure. The tail jerking him off felt incredible, but the 9 inch demon cock felt even better.

Gradually, moment by moment his reflexive plea’s of “Please!” “Don’t!” and “Stop!” turned into “Please don’t stop.” And harder, as she pressed him against the invisible wall he was pinned against and fucked him like her life depended on it.

And in that moment, he lost himself and all sense of time to the waves of pleasure that consumed him. In the closet, he had cum in less than a minute fucking Etta’s asshole, but this felt a thousand times better, but he just couldn’t quite get there. The pleasure danced across his skin in the same pattern as the runes and pulsed from his cock in time with the thrusts. Each pulse was practically its own orgasm, but he was held back from that final joy.

“Please,” he pleaded, “Please let me cum.. Please!”

But Etta only chuckled through gritted teeth as she focused on her partner and the amount of sexual energy she was devouring from him.

“When we were in the closet you were fine with only one of us cumming. Why shouldn’t I leave you high and dry now?” She taunted, bluffing. She couldn’t hold back much longer, and when she finally came.. well, there wouldn’t be any resisting what came next.

“Please!” he begged. “Pleasepleaseplease. Whatever you want! I’ll do anything.”

Etta’s mouth curved in a smile then, appreciating the irony of the statement in the same moment her balls began to tighten. As a general rule, that was exactly the sort of offer you should never make to a demon. “Anything, huh?” She said teasingly, “Anything at all? Your life? Your soul? Anything if I orgasm Henry?”

“Yes! Please god yes – anything you want,” he answered, on the edge of hysteria, without hesitation.

“What a terribly foolish thing for an insect like you to offer a woman like me,” Etta growled into Henry’s ear as she tried to hold back the explosion building inside her for just a couple more strokes. “I’ll let you off easy this time though. I’ll trade you for Becky.” She emphasized that vicious little sentence with a short sharp thrust, and she repeated that action with all the other jagged sentences that followed. “You give me everything. Your love for her. Your future together. Your happiness. You do that, and I’ll let you cum.”

Some tortured part of Henry’s mind tried to refuse. It tried to say that he would never do that to someone that he loved… but all that came out was “Take her!”

With a roar of pleasure so loud it echoed she buried her unholy prick deep into his bowls and unleashed jet after jet of demon cum that looked like nothing more than hot tar. Each spurt triggered an orgasm in her partner, Henry, and he jerked like a marionette with tangled strings as the waves of cataclysmic pleasure ruined him for all time. With each wave his own dick spurted and dribbled semen onto the runic circles, and in every place where his cum landed, they were set alight, burning momentarily with a dark red hue, like embers that had been fanned, before darkening once more. After about the eighth orgasm, his sanity fraying under the cataclysmic tides of ecstasy, Henry mercifully blacked out.

Etta recovered before Henry regained consciousness and pulled her dick out of him unceremoniously. She’d cum 36 times over the last couple days on this short trip back to the mortal realm, but that might have been the best so far.

‘Nothing beat’s tight virgin ass pussy,’ She thought as she walked past the door. With every step her body began to change. First her demonic attributes faded away, her wings folding up and disappearing, her tits and ass, shrink from their pornographic size, to a more modest one, and finally disappearing entirely. By the time she reached Henry’s trail of clothing, she was in fact a perfect counterfeit of the man. At least she would be when she put his clothes on, she was identical to Henry in all ways save the size of her cock. She wouldn’t be caught dead using a dick so small.

As she put on his clothes, a piece at a time, Etta looked back at the gateway and its latest guest. He was entirely consumed by the pleasure now, and entirely dead to the world. A load of demon cum would usually do that all on its own, but the circle amplified the effect. He wouldn’t have any idea how long he’d been out when it was finally over, but he would probably make it – these things couldn’t be pushed off much longer. No, she thought, putting on his shirt and stepping into the janitor’s closet, she would only have time for one more adventure, and she would have to make it as twisted as possible.

Etta closed the door, and then a moment reopened it and the surreal hellscape of the New York penthouse she had been in was replaced by the second floor of the Philadelphia art gallery. Now fully invested in her new role, Henry went downstairs nonchalantly, and rejoined Becky and Rick. Time passed differently on the other side of the door, so only a couple minutes had gone by, but when Henry met Becky’s eyes on the stairs, he could see the anger and the worry from here. It was as palpable to him now as him attraction to the other men in her life usually was to her actual boyfriend.

But Henry didn’t care. He just smiled smoothly and rejoined the conversation like nothing was amiss. Becky tried to act disinterested when she asked him who his friend was, but Henry just brushed her off, changing the topic the first time it was brought up, and referring to Etta dismissively as an old flame the second time. The real Henry was incapable of this sort of indifference, and it was a shame too, because it certainly raised the temperature on Becky’s lust.

A succubus could read the currents of lust like a raptor could read the currents of the wind, and there were all sorts of heady updrafts among the three people in this conversation. All these verbal ripostes and feints were set against the background of meaningless small talk with Rick. And even though none of the words mattered, they painted a vibrant picture of the love triangle that was so obvious that even the real Henry could see it. Rick wanted Becky. Becky wanted both of them but was conflicted. And Henry… well when you were only on earth for one more night until someone made the mistake of summoning you again, Henry wanted to get on with it.

“The prices on the bar here are insane,” Henry finally blurted out, “and that wouldn’t be so bad if the booze was worth a damn, but it isn’t. Why don’t you come back to our place Rick and we can catch up with a decent drink or six?” Henry pulled out his phone to summon an uber then, but he knew they were both giving him strange looks. They both knew how jealous he could be, but that didn’t matter, Becky wasn’t going to say no to spending more time with Rick, and though Rick made his excuses, those were easily brushed away by a quick mental nudge to the man’s libido. You turn that thermostat up high enough, and pretty soon all doubts were pushed away in favor of the chance at getting laid.

And so, it was settled, and twenty minutes they were sharing a ride back to their loft. Rick took the front passenger seat, which left Henry and Becky in the rear. Henry wasted no time in reasserting the fact that she was his woman. First putting his arm around her, and once the car started driving, groping her smallish tits and leaving his hand to linger near her pussy that was so wet even a human could have smelled her musk. She tried to push Henry off, but the assertiveness combined with the jealousy was too potent a cocktail, and she didn’t dare cause a scene just now… So instead she tried to hold up her part of the conversation while her tormentor toyed with her nipples and teased her cunt through sodden panties. And Becky made a valiant effort of doing everything she could to resist, but by the time they reached their destination, no one in the front seat knew that he had two fingers buried inside her.

By the time everyone got out of the car Henry was back to his best behavior and chatted with Rick in a friendly enough way while Becky rushed ahead of them upstairs claiming that she needed to use the bathroom. In reality it gave the succubus posing as Henry a few minutes alone with Rick to chat while he slipped behind the wet bar to mix some drinks… which was a minute or two more than he really needed to push things along. Time was growing short, and dawn was only a few hours away.

Henry studied the other man while he pulled the gin and vermouth out of the liquor cabinet.

“If you still want to fuck her so badly, then why did you let her go?” Henry asked casually, not even looking to see what Rick’s response would be.

“Excuse me?” Rick answered, feigning indignation to cover the nervousness in his tone, “Henry – don’t get the wrong idea here, Becky is a beautiful woman, but that was a long time ago and…”

Henry listened to the false denials as he pulled out the bottle and started to mix everyone an extra strong martini. The lust with undercurrents of fear radiating off of Rick was unmistakable and far more intoxicating to him than any drink. But this drink would do a number on the two of them, he thought as he glazed the rim of both their glasses with the sticky girlcum from Becky he’d gathered from their playtime in the back seat as he spoke a word of power under his breath that made the crystal glasses and their contents glitter darkly before fading back to clear.

“Hey man – no need to lay it on this thick, I’m not mad – I know how it is.” Henry said, reaching out with the glass “And this is a special occasion. You know Becky has been wanting a threesome for a long time – maybe if you play your cards right, tonight’s going to be the night.”

Rick took the glass and considered him. He opened his mouth to respond but didn’t have a chance to answer beyond the gleam in his eye before Becky entered the room. That was the only answer he needed to give though.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said, gliding back into the room, “I decided to change into something more comfortable.” She’d ditched the skirt and tight top for an airy patterned cream dress with that hid many of her curves but couldn’t hide the fact that she’d ditched her bra panties while changing outfits. She too, took the proffered glass and sat down at an almost appropriate distance from Rick and started to sip her drink, flushing almost immediately as it took hold.

Henry ignored them and started up the stereo, selecting carefully before he picked out a record he hadn’t heard in decades, letting the smooth sounds of Ella Fitzgerald wash through the room, and then spent a few minutes cleaning up the bar and making another round of drinks while he watched the woman who thought she was his girlfriend try not to make a move on her ex. They were both fidgeting while trying and failing to keep a lid on their flirting; if he weren’t here, Henry mused, they’d already be all over each other. As it was though, they were already looking for an excuse to be alone in another room as Becky offered to show him some work they’d had recently done in the master bath; no doubt she’d find some reason for him to lay some new pipe…

But just as she got up, before Rick could get to his feet, Henry strode across the living room, grabbing her by the wrist and whirling her around in a quick twirl that ended in a dip. “Mind if I cut in,” he asked sardonically before kissing her hard to cut of the complaint she had queued.

He smiled as he brought her back to her feet and started a slow dance in the living room not particularly in time to Ella’s crooning as she sang “I Got it Bad” in the background.

“What are you doing Henry,” Becca asked trying to keep the annoyance from her voice, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight.”

“What am I doing?” Henry asked rhetorically, as he leaned in to whisper into his girlfriend’s ear, “Well just then, I was taking you for a little spin… but mostly I ended up showing your ex there that you’d opted not to wear any panties tonight.”

Becca blushed scarlet for a moment, realizing that’s exactly what that dance move had done.

“As to what’s gotten into me tonight, it’s more about what you’d like to get into you, isn’t it?” Henry asked, his partner, nodding his head at her ex as he turned them slowly around the room.

“Henry,” Becca started, preparing to back peddle and deny reflexively, no matter how true the accusation was.

“It’s fine,” Henry said, dismissing her before she could start, “You’ve been hinting about wanting a threesome for the longest time – well, here’s your chance. I’m going to go in the other room to change, and you’re going to go suck his dick until it’s nice and hard, and then you’re going to straddle and mount him right there on the couch, and then, I’m going to come back and fuck you from behind and we’ll finally be able to see who’s dick you like more.

“Henry,” she said, unsure, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” but her body certainly though it was. Her pussy started drooling as soon as he started going over the plan.

“I wasn’t asking, slut,” he said, kissing her on the neck continuing. “I was telling you how this was going to happen.” And then Henry let her go and started to walk toward the bedroom. “See you in a few Rick – I want to get out of these clothes.”

But Henry only made it as far as the stairs and sat down a few steps out of sight to listen. It wasn’t 30 seconds before he heard the desperate sounds of kissing and clothes starting to come undone. He gave them a few minutes to progress from foreplay to full on fucking before he started to disrobe. Henry – the real one currently holding back the tides of hell with his dick would hate this more than anything. As far as betrayals, this would be enough to break the man, but it was just the first course in the banquet of consequences than his doppelganger had planned tonight.

When he came back into the room completely naked, Becca was groaning in pleasure as she road her Ex’s dick like a champ. Rick’s eyes, glazed though they were followed him as he walked up to their rutting, and he pulled up her dress to get a better look at the action, watching her Rick’s dick piston in and out of her pussy. At 7 inches it was more than enough to shame Henry normally, but today he was bringing something a little under 9 inches to the party. Becca couldn’t see that though as he grabbed her hips to steady herself, and she steeled herself for what she expected to be a moderate dick to shove itself inside her ass.

She was more than a little surprised when Henry started to feed his monster cock inside her dripping cunt, and to stretch it out even further as it slid in against Rick’s dick. “Umm, honey, what are you doing?” she asked, breaking off the kiss from her ex, as she tried to look back to see what was going on. “I think you’re using the wrong hole.”

“Don’t mind me,” He said, grunting as he started to work the second prick inside her packed pussy, “You two love birds just keep doing what you were doing. I just want to make sure you get a fair comparison between the cock that used to fuck you and the one that’s doing it now, and the only way were going to get that is if they’re both fucking the same hole at the same time.”

When Henry’s dick was halfway in, he allowed Becca’s hips to start rising and falling again. The motion was slower now as she was stretched painfully full and struggled to adjust. That hesitancy wouldn’t last long though, as he worked his magic on her. Within a minute the motion felt almost natural, allowing two different dicks to rise and fall inside her, bottoming out at two different times, in a motion that was alien to her as it was intoxicating. She came the first time less ten strokes after both pricks were fully inside her, gasping and moaning as she shuddered uncontrollably.

But one orgasm wouldn’t be enough for her, or Rick either, who came soon after her. The spell he’d slipped into their drinks might as well have been demonic Viagra, and neither one of them would be satisfied by anything less than complete exhaustion, which suited Henry just fine. Soon enough the sun would rise on that penthouse apartment and weaken the failing circle enough to send her back, so one more night to gorge her fill of pleasure and pain was pretty much perfect. But with time the strokes, the moments, and the orgasms blended together into a long erotic blur.

After more than half an hour straight of hard fast fucking, Rick was basically out and his cock had long ago gone flaccid and shrank out of her pussy. Becky would have been too, if Henry would just stop sliding his cock inside her and let her rest. “You ready, baby,” Henry growled into her ear. “Are you ready to admit that after pining for his dick all this time, it doesn’t hold a candle to mine? Are you ready to give up and be my pretty little cum dump from now on?” Becky tried to speak, but she was lost to words at this point, and let out a ragged moan that sounded vaguely more like a yes than a no. As Henry buried his obscene shaft inside her and erupted thick black demon seed over her stretched out pussy. It had much the same effect it had on her husband and sent her into a multiorgasmic spasm that made her pass out almost immediately, leaving her dripping and jerking as she slowly slid off Ricks lap and onto the floor where she curled up in a fetal position.

This game Hzenritta a chance to shake off her pathetic Henry disguise and return to the terrible beauty of her pure demonic self, as her cock shrank away, and her wings and tail sprung into being from nothing. Through the living room window, she could see false dawn on the horizon, and She prepared herself for the journey back to her home; it was painful enough as it was, and she had learned long ago not to fight it. Instead she stood there in all her glory, trying to decide if she wanted to bring along a snack for the road. In the end she decided that the consequences would be more delicious without Rick in the picture, and so Hzenritta straddled Rick in the same spot that Becca had so recently vacated and wrapped her arms and wings around him.

She could feel that the circle had failed, and the pull had started, as she kissed him on the forehead, “Wake up sleepy head – I’m not done with you yet.” She said in a seductive tone that hid the irresistible compulsion of her voice. Rick had time to open his eyes and see his lover as she started to catch fire – her dark wings, her fanged smile, and even her obscene tits as he woke up… but he didn’t have time to scream before he and his lover disappeared in a burst of sulfur and flame. He wouldn’t have to stay there forever as a human, but with proper care he could be kept alive for weeks or months, and that was more than enough time to make sure his soul was stained enough to stay their for eternity.


Henry woke up in the hospital later that day and was released after treatment for dehydration. He would never be able to explain what happened to him, or how he got to New York that night. After he spoke with his wife they decided that he probably went on a bender after the ill considered 3 way that they never should have done. That three way would lead to a child though, and that child led to a marriage between them. It seemed that every dark cloud really did have a silver lining.

But that child would be born looking an awful lot like Rick, who was never seen again, and no matter how many times Henry sent off another secret paternity test the result always came back the same… he was the father, not Rick. The knowledge never helped to salved that would though. A maternity test might have revealed very different results, but whoever suspects that the mother might not be the mother after all.
