Taming the Blue-Haired Punk (A ‘Life is Strange’ Short Story) PART 1 (M/F, Stepdaughter, spanking, fingering)

After being asked by [u/jokerchaos66](https://www.reddit.com/user/jokerchaos66), I present to you my first foray into erotica writing. Let me know what you think, all feedback helps.

And just in case, the characters are over 18. Now, please enjoy!


David turned off the computer and rubbed his temple. None of the ‘How to Get Along with Your Teenage Daughter’ articles he’d read had worked. He’d tried talking about her music, worked with her to fix her truck, and a myriad other things, but the girl kept arguing and insulting and trying to start a fight.

Joyce said Chloe was going through some stuff. David said Chloe was a cunt.

And now he heard her upstairs, music as loud as it could get to hide whatever she and that girl were up to – smoking, drinking, drugs, whatever it was, he needed to put a stop to it.

*But what else can I try?* David asked himself. He’d tried talking to her about it – shouted, even – but she refused to budge. He tried telling her the dangers of substance abuse, to reprimand her, even ground her, but nothing worked. With a heavy sigh he made his way upstairs. Joyce was at work, so it was his duty to keep the girl from waking up the neighbors.

He knocked on the door, and was not surprised to get no answer. The second time was as successful, and he held in the itch to simply kick the door open. He tried the doorknob, and found it wasn’t locked.

“Chloe, I need to talk to…” he trailed off.

There were Chloe and her friend, making out on the bed in their underwear. With the music so loud, it took them a few moments to notice him – moments he spent seeing their hands explore each others’ bodies as they kissed hungrily, only pulling apart to catch a the barest of breaths.

Despite himself, he felt his pants grow tighter.

“Jesus!” Chloe cried out when she finally saw him. Her friend screamed, and the two scrambled to cover themselves with the bed sheets.

“You,” he told the girl – Rachel, he finally remembered her name. “Out.”

“H-hi, Mr. Madsen,” the blonde put on a friendly smile. “Can you please give us some privacy to change?”

“Out,” he repeated, his voice firmer and with the promise he wouldn’t say it a third time.

The girl looked at Chloe and, holding to the sheets, gathered her clothes before walking out of the room. Without looking at the girl, he closed the door behind her. Lastly, he walked to the radio and turned it off.

“What the fuck, asshole?” Chloe glared at him. Without bed sheets she tried to cover herself with her arms, but most of her body was visible. Long, skinny legs and perky breasts greeted him, and he felt the tightness grow. “Do you not know how to fucking knock?”

“You would have heard me if you kept the music down.”

“What the fuck do you want?”

He bit his tongue to keep himself from yelling. That had never worked. “We need to talk.”

“No we don’t,” the girl barked. “You need to fucking leave, you pervert!”

“You have nothing I haven’t seen before,” he replied. “I see your mother naked every night, you know.”

The look of shock and disgust on the girl made his lips twitch, but he held back the smile.

“What the fuck, man…” Chloe said, her anger gone for a moment.

“We need to talk about your behavior.”

“Great, this shit again,” the anger returned, channeled in the glare she gave him.

“I’ll keep telling you until you actually listen,” he said. “You need to stop this behavior, Chloe.”

“And you need to stop acting like you’re my fucking father.”

“I am your father now.”

“Bullshit, you’re just the dude who’s fucking my mom.”

His hand twitched, but he kept the anger down. “I am your father,” he rose his voice to the volume he used when disciplining dumb students at the school. “You may not like me, but you need to obey me.”

“I don’t need to do shit for you!” Chloe jumped out of the bed and rushed toward him. “You’re the one who needs to fuck off and leave us alone!”

The girl took a swing at him. David caught her arm with ease – what could a high school dropout do against a veteran? – and raised his free hand, clenched into a fist. Time slowed down. He watched his step-daughter’s face go from anger to shock to fear.

He could beat her – beat her until she learned to fear him and behaved. It was the only he thing he hadn’t tried with the cunt yet.

Or was it?

David turned the girl and pinned the offending arm on her back. She yelped in surprise, then yelped again when he pushed her on the bed.

“What the fuck are you – ow!” Chloe cried when he pressed his knee against his back. “H-hey, David,” she saw him raise his free hand, and when she spoke again there was fear in her voice. “Let’s calm down, okay? I’m sorry I tried to hit -”


He spanked her.

David paused a moment to admire his work, his hand neatly marked on her pale ass, then spanked her again and again. She wanted to act like a little kid, she would be treated like one.

“Hey – ow! St – ow! Stop it – ow!” Chloe cried, her face red with embarrassment. “You fuck – ow! Fucking perv – ouch!”

“Are you going to behave now?”

“Go… fuck… your… self…” she growled between each spank, and David couldn’t help but admire her guts. If she applied that grit to something productive…

He sped up, and spanked her harder than before. She cried out again.

“I’m not going to stop until you drop that attitude,” he warned her, and couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

“You…! are a….! piece of…! piece of… ! *Oh fuck.*”

David stopped, his widened eyes locking with his matching his step-daughter’s. Chloe had *moaned*. She quickly turned away, burying her face on the bed.

He replayed the sound in his mind while staring at her ass, and the tightness in his pants threatened to burst through them.

“What was that?” he teased.

“Nothing, you piece of shit.”


“What did you call me?”

“Nothing,” she replied. “Stop it already.”

“You want me to stop?” he rested his hand on her ass, and felt her shiver under him. He slowly moved his hand, feeling her curves and her smoothness. “Ask nicely.”

“Please stop it… *daddy*…” she moaned again, and her legs pressed together tightly. When they parted David saw the wet spot on her panties, and the purpose of the spanking was forgotten.

“Are you sure you want me to stop?” his thumb rubbed her wet spot, and the girl’s shivers sent waves of pleasure between his legs. “You might feel better than when you’re with Rachel.”

He felt her tense up. “I doubt it,” her voice was weak.

“How do you know?” he kept rubbing her spot. “Have you ever been with a man?”


A pang of jealousy hit him and he pressed the thumb harder, making her gasp. He calmed himself – it wasn’t surprising that she’d fucked someone, considering how she behaved.

“One of my classmates,” she panted. “It sucked ass.”

“See, that was your mistake. You fucked a *boy*.” David presses harder again, making her moan. “You haven’t fucked a *man* yet.”

His hand moved slowly, his breath hitching, and slid his thumb under he panties. He rested his thumb just over her folds – her heat and wetness making him shiver – and waited for her answer.

Chloe shuddered at this touch, and the motion pushed his thumb inside her. She gasped loudly, then mumbled something he couldn’t hear.

“What’s that?” he prompted.

She turned, and between blue strands of hair he saw her blushing and her pleading eyes. “Do it,” she said in a breathy voice.

He let go of her arm and braced himself for an attack. But it never came.

Instead, he watched intently as she moved her arm slowly toward him. She stopped near his pants, hesitating. Though his eyes are glued to her hand, he noticed her turn away from him, trying to salvage her pride.

Her hand moved again, and rested on his cock. “Fuck me, daddy.”

He took but a moment to take her panties off, another to admire her young, shaved pussy glistening with juices, and a third one to slide two fingers inside her.

She gasped, and his cock throbbed in response. “They’re bigger than your girlfriend’s, aren’t they?”

She nodded, making him smile. “And I’ll show you they feel better too.”

He started slow, sliding his fingers in and out of her then twisting them a little. Her pants and moans grew louder, and he kept down a chuckle. Not only were his fingers longer and thicker than what she was probably used to, the girl and Joyce shared the same pleasure spots.

He sped up, attacking her spots without mercy. Her warmth almost cooked his fingers, and when she tensed up the tightness was almost too much.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! FUUUUCK!”

Chloe pressed her legs together, and twisted as she came. Her juices flooded his hand, and left a large stain on the sheets.

“Fuck…” she panted, turning at him. “You’re good at this, asshole.”

“I know,” David smirked. He got on his feet, his cock uncomfortably tight in his pants, and finally let it out.

“Jesus…” she said again, her eyes glued to his throbbing cock as her mouth hung open. “You’re hella big.”

“You know what to do,” he moved so her face was an inch from his member.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k51jtw/taming_the_bluehaired_punk_a_life_is_strange


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